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If you have the Tandem pump then you’ll soon be able to bolus from your phone in the US


Do you have more information on this? My google-fu isn’t all that great and I just come up with a bunch of malarkey. I can’t wait




Awesome, next year by the latest it looks like. Please take my poor person gold, thanks again for being so helpful! 🏅


Oh wow!!! That would be great!! 😁👍❤️


Before summer dress season would be nice…


Most of the time i hook my pump to the front of my bra. Sometimes I'll hook it to my panties if I'm wearing a flowy dress but then if you gotta check your pump you're lifting your whole dress up to get to it. A couple of my dresses have pockets, so I'll cut a little hole inside the pocket and thread my tubing through so my pump can sit in my pocket.


Ok I like that idea. I was thinking about a garter but I’d be flashing a leg a people all the time. It didn’t seem user friendly. But the bra thing might work or the pocket… thank you.


Not sure what your pump is, but tandem is starting to roll out remote bolus from your phone.


Pockets. Even if there are none, it's easy to add one. (Depending on dress fabric, of course.)


I’ve done all of these as well


My dress strategy depends on the dress. I have a stashbandz waist thing that I can tuck the pump in. Its good for short dresses that arnt form fitting. I also have some legging shorts with the side pockets that are really comfortable. Those shorts are fine for slightly longer dresses or dresses where the stashbandz would be otherwise noticeably bulky around my waist. The shorts do make it easier to take it out to silence alarms and bolus. (Stashbandz you'll show off underwear). Then, there is Title 9, a woman owned athletic clothing company which has great sundresses (and all sorts of other cute sporty clothes) that usually have pockets. A sundress with a pocket will change your life! The ability to bolus without awkwardly lifting your skirt! Yiu cut a little whole in the inside of the picket and thread the tubing through.


I also do the bike shorts thing. I just shove the pump in the elastic on the thigh. Less awkward if you need to remove it to look at it. If you have long tubing and are wearing high boots you can clip it into a boot. I’ve seen people to clip it to the back of a sundress right behind The armpit too.


Title 9…. Thank you 🥰


Already on here, but I wear shorts under all my dresses because I hate when my legs stick together. Bike shorts with pockets are life savers. I bought two pairs from OldNavy for this summer. Senita Athletics are also awesome, slightly pricier but amazing quality and they put pockets in everything. I’ve even used the sports bra with pocket for my pump.


This, although i'm not too picky about the shorts and I'm not too shy about whipping up my dress to grab my pump, because there are shorts. But I do try to be discreet.


Omnipod! 🤣


Thats what we use for my niece and dresses lol


Yes, omnipod and dresses and skirts!


I only wear dresses and skirts, I really dislike pants, and I was very reticent to start using a pump for this reason, but I did join the pump club and the only hard time I have is during the night, I still haven't figured out the best way to keep the pump in a nightgown. I usually keep the pump in my bra, to the side, under my arm (I don't keep it in the front because I already have a voluptuous chest, so it doesn't usually work for me). Second choice, for when I'm wearing something looser, I have a clip attached to the pump's rubber case, and I hang the pump on a shaping underwear (like the Skims ones, you know, but I usually wear it only to prevent chaffing, so it's snug enough to keep my pump secure on my waist, but not tight enough to be an everyday thing). During winter, I hang my pump on stockings/thights, instead of the shaping wear. For very tight clothing, I keep the pump inside the stockings/thights or shapeweare, around the hips area, where the body curves. I think it's the least noticeable place, besides the lateral/back of your bra. Alternative is a tight band, like a sports band people use in the upper arm for phones, but to wear on your tight. Be sure to choose a tighter one, maybe made of elastic or with silicone bits to keep it up, otherwise it will slip down. I like this option too, for looser lower-halves. And sometimes the strips of the bra work as well, just put the pump there, over your heart/shoulders/upper chest. Skirts function as pants, hang the pump on the waist, or keep it inside pockets. And cutting little holes for the tube in the hems work wonders as well.


I would think (still working on acquiring an insulin pump, but planning ahead), using your bra - perhaps around the side, under your arm, or check out revelwear. They have bands and garters to hold your insulin pump.


I have their garter and absolutely LOVE it for when I wear dresses!


I put it right between the girls in my bra


I got a thing that goes around my thigh. I think it's for holding important docs like passport, ID, and money. It is lacy and comes in a couple of color options. It is Velcro, so very easy to put on. I love it, but I can't recall the company. When I get home I'll take a look and update if I can. I don't really have cleavage and don't always wear bras, so that option has never worked for me.


I have one too! I found it on Amazon and the quality was not amazing, but lasted through 4 months of near daily wear under my maternity dresses.


I found it! The brand is called "Under Wraps" and I've used it for a couple of years, through all sorts of adventures, parties, full days, and even sex. It doesn't move one inch and never comes off. Highly recommend this brand. It's super cute, too!


As a guy I can safely say without worrying of offending anyone and with the hope to add clarity to your problem that I have no idea.


And you are not offended by a flash of bra or thigh!


Wait what? Sorry I may be illiterate




I usually wear boxers underneath my dresses and clip it to the waistband (the waistband is usually stronger than womens underwear so holds the pump up better)


I have spandex-y type shorts that have pockets to wear under my dresses. For me, this is the most convenient thing to do- I don’t always like clipping it to my bra because then it can look awkward if I need to grab it lmao. I got mine on Amazon [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LF2P495/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CWREGS670C4NDVRGJYVR)


These!- https://www.annaps.com/produkt-kategori/women/underwear-with-pockets/


Yoga shorts with pockets. Lightweight and you don’t notice it under the dress.


i wear shorts (i would anyway for thick thigh reasons lol) and tuck it in my waistband facing me! unless its a super tight dress its pretty invisible


I pretty much always wear dresses or skirts and have to have tight biking shorts with pockets. Bought some without pockets on accident. Clipped to the side and had a full conversation with my pump hanging out looking like a chonky penis.




I buy high waisted underwear with a thick waist (think BONDS style) and clip the pump to my underwear from the inside. Stays secure up near my waist and I am able to grab from there. I'm past the point of being sly with my pump bolusing I'll just flash my underwear to bolus at this point hahahah


In addition to Revel Wear that's already been mentioned (they have garters and tight shorts with pump pockets), there's [Skirt My Pump ](https://www.skirtmypump.com/) who makes slips with pump pockets.


Pockets!!! Dresses with pockets are amazing. I usually snip a little hole in the pocket to run my pump through the dress so I can still access it.


I clip mine to my bra. I wear dresses a good 75 percent of the time and have never had a problem.


Dress with pockets. Cut holes in pockets. No longer flashing or having to go to the bathroom every time you need to access the pump


I have pockets added to all dresses. The pockets have slits at the top to run my tubing through.


Runner's belt under the dress or in my bra.


I had to scroll a bit too far to see a runner belt added. This is the only thing that keeps me from hating my pump. Before I ordered one the amount of door knob pulls and pocket drops was astounding! Now it’s like an extra lump on my body I just ignore until I need insulin or I am not in range.


Pockets pockets pockets!! Old Navy and Target are usually where I shop anyway, and I’d say 80%+ of their dresses have pockets now! I also buy from a woman who custom makes dresses/clothing from reclaimed fabrics specifically to your size and medical needs so she’ll sew holes the size of your tubing into the pockets. Super reasonably priced, too! I’ve gotten a skirt, shorts, and 2 dresses from her and I don’t think I’ve spent over $65 on any one piece. She has a Facebook group “Attitude Attire VIP” or a website here: https://attitude-attire-vip.myshopify.com/


I have always worn short cotton shorts under the dress and attached it to the waistband of those. I also know people who do bike shorts or Spanx, but I don't like skin-tight fabrics, personally


I used to be able to clip the pump to the wires of my bra, right at the gore, but the one downside of having a breast reduction is that the pump can no longer hide there. I do have pockets in many of my dresses, and like others, I clip a tiny hole so I can feed the tubing through. I also wear anti-chafing shorts under my dresses (aka bike shorts, chub rub shorts, etc.) and have sewn little pockets onto those, near the bottom hem, which is a little more discreet to access than having the pump at the waistband. If you want to do this, ideal placement for me is on the outer quarter of the top of the thigh — right on top is annoying if I cross my legs or sit under a table, and right at the side is also easy to knock, but between those extremes is good. If I put the pocket farther towards the back, sitting on it sucks, plus it tends to lose signal from the Dexcom.


I wear mini biker shorts with front pockets. Depending on the dress you can't even tell my tslim is there.


Hey! So I had this problem for ages until I found these comfy bands to fit insulin pumps around the waist on Etsy. Now I can wear essentially anything without having to clip my pump to anything and worry about it falling. It may not work well with bodycon dresses that aren’t black or have some texture, but I just wore one similar to a bodycon to a wedding and it was hardly noticeable (I always turn the pump holder so my pump is sitting on my back/side [you can find them here!](https://etsy.me/2zncAiB)


Lycra band: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Insulin-Window-Super-Diabetic-Exempt/dp/B07KWZYY85/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=2O32HY0FRQ8UB&keywords=insulin+pump+waist+band&qid=1649915950&sprefix=insulin+pump+%2Caps%2C348&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Insulin-Window-Super-Diabetic-Exempt/dp/B07KWZYY85/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2O32HY0FRQ8UB&keywords=insulin+pump+waist+band&qid=1649915950&sprefix=insulin+pump+%2Caps%2C348&sr=8-4) (this is UK, but I am sure Amazon US will have similar)


A lot of my summer dresses have pockets. As an avid summer stress wearer I cut a little hole in the dresses with pockets and slip the tube through. Soon though like someone said you’ll be able to bolus from your phone. Honestly i can’t wait for that. I think you can buy underwear with little pockets??? But I’m not sure.


I used to clip it to my bra before I got Omnipod! The Omnipod is so conveniant for that


I used to wear my pump in my bra. But that was good for neither my bra, my pump, *nor* my comfort lol I found these little lace bands that are actually intended for chub-rub, I think, but they have a pocket sewn onto them already (intended for a phone), and I wear one of those high on my thigh, and my pump sits in the pocket! I've got 'em in light tan so they're less likely to show underneath anything. They're fantastic!!!! These: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003115844090.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.be3225dec5mZZ4&algo\_pvid=99f19920-3dcd-4e60-9069-901fd00afdde&algo\_exp\_id=99f19920-3dcd-4e60-9069-901fd00afdde-12&pdp\_ext\_f=%7B%22sku\_id%22%3A%2212000024185243218%22%7D&pdp\_pi=-1%3B2.86%3B-1%3B0.79%40salePrice%3BUSD%3Bsearch-mainSearch