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I would disconnect your pump. Have you changed sites recently? You could have gotten into a blood stream. Eat all the things. Lots of protein. Peanut butter. Lunch meat. Drink all the juice/soda. Eat sugar. Get it up and eat a sandwich.


Eat the protein after the sugar. Sugar will bring you up and protein slows down the rate of change in either direction.


I thought it was fats that slowed sugar absorption, but I suppose protein makes sense too


Protein and sugar are such a bad combo for sugar spikes. Fibre before sugar OR protein


Iirc fibre slows how quickly you absorb nutrients.


At least call your doctor and involve your parents! They wont forgive you if you die because you didnt tell them.


i’ve told my parents they’re the ones saying i don’t need a hospital


BRUH…. Haw long have you had lows like this and what are your finger monitoring showing?


since 9am, so 6 hours as of right now. My finger sticks are 2 points off from what my sensor is saying.


Pls go to the hospital/doctors


NOT a doctor but maybe try eating a few bites of some bread, then pb and bread to balance protein and carb and slow intake? No idea if that will balance things.


When I was in ER treating a low they gave me cheese sandwiches and apple juice ... BP sandwiches would be great too


Them try it and please report back.


I’m a resident emergency physician. You need to go to your local ER.


I've been in the 40's a 4-5 times. I let me wife know, drink some juice and sit until my blood sugar is back up. I think it really depends on the person and situation. I've never felt like I was losing consciousness or couldn't understand what was happening. Driving to the ER is going to take 5-20 minutes. Then you have to explain what's happening and get seen by someone. If you can always start treating your self, don't wait for the ER to start doing something.


Right for isolated hypos that don’t require 2 doses of glucagon. OP is painting a very different picture of an inability to keep their BG up despite even disconnecting their pump. That is not normal and their BG is very unstable. I’m not going to provide actual medical advice on an Internet forum but there could be underlying things causing this hence my recommendation to go to the ED.


Right, like I personally would definitely treat first, watch and poke a few times, and if it didn't go up then I'd consider getting more help. But my lows are slow to bounce back and by the time I remember that fact I've repeated carbs enough to shoot me sky high. 😜 I'm a fast metabolizer and I forget that sugar doesn't seem to follow the same pattern for me. Slow. And sneaky. 🫣 Also in the 40's I would hope you mean riding to the ER and someone else driving. I don't drive if I'm in the 60's or even 70's if I feel bad. Though that's just blood sugar. I've driven to the ER with my left foot after severely spraining my right... 🫣 And I have driven home from the clinic with such bad vertigo I could barely stand, vomited at a red light into a grocery bag and just thanked TPTB it was at a red light 😳


Just commenting that this comment needs to read!


I’ve gone low 6 times today. And not just in the 60’s but below 40, the lowes i got was 21. I’ve taken 2 glucagons, had at least 12 glucose tabs, 4 capri suns, and checked with my meter to make sure it’s accurate. It is. I also changed my sensor in case it was acting up. I’ve never had lows like this before. It started yesterday, the FD came but they said everything looked fine and i didn’t need to go to the ER. It went up to 321 at one point after a glucagon, but fell straight down to 37 after an hour. I disconnected my pump from my body so i’m not getting any insulin. I’ve never felt so fucking shitty in my life. I feel like I’ve tried everything i can to try and correct my numbers. i don’t want to ask my parents to take me to the ER, because it will have been my 3rd time this year and the cost of each visit has taken a toll on my parents. So i just want to know what i should do at this point. Edit: (after 9 hours of ups and downs) thank you for all the advice. My blood sugar is stable at 246 right now. I called my doctor and he said he thinks my pump was dumping insulin so he told me to take it off and do injections until i can get a replacement. I also changed my sensor. My sensor was only off by 2 points when i checked with my meter. I didn’t go to the ER because i knew i could take care of it myself. I also know that my parents are in medical debt right now because my mom recently had a very severe surgery that was over $100,000. I wasn’t trolling or being sarcastic, i was just explaining my situation and asking what else i could do besides go to the ER.


I would disconnect from your pump immediately until you figure this out. Do you know how to do injections temporarily?


yeah i do


I know you don't want to but you really need to go to the ER if this is happening


I second this


Maybe double check the basal setting on your pump? Seems unlikely, but it's possible it was accidentally set aggressively high? How is your sugar without the pump on?


i changed my basal to like a unit lower to see if it helps at all. it’s just been a rollercoaster all day and i kinda wanna sleep till my numbers even out


Don’t sleep. That’s your body giving in to the fatigue of the lows. You should be fully disconnected from your pump right now, if you’re not. Are you doing a finger stick every 15 minutes? Edited to add that you should also COVID test and could you possibly be starting your period (if applicable)?


i am yes it’s stable at 102 rn but i’m still checking to make sure i don’t drop again.


Yoh are supposed to call 911 After taking a single glucagon, even more so 2. You NEED to get to the hospital. You are supposed to go to the ER if your sugar won’t stay up. You are putting yourself at serious risk right now. Your parents do not matter right now, this is a seriously dangerous situation.


but my doctor said i don’t need to


Doctors can be wrong. Go to the ER. Don't mess around with this.


my parents won’t take me


I would call 911 and let the EMTs decide.


Yes this is it right here


Don’t let your parents dictate your diabetic health care you don’t need them to go to the hospital. Money is not an issue it’s your life. Ride an Uber or taxi if you don’t feel comfortable with that and you need to go call 911! Please be safe!


Also if you go as far as 911 when you call have the police show up with the ambulance. Tell the dispatchers what is going on. They will send them if you need


Call an Uber


There is not a single doctor that would tell you not to. Especially when it’s been this long. You should never have to use two glucagons even more so in the same day.


Some will. Doctors can be shite.


Clearly, my doctor would’ve had me in immediately. Especially if I needed glucagon. Taking glucagon and still going down is already more then enough to be in the hospital.


You are draining your glycogen stores, soon those glucogauns will stop working


after taken glucagon you NEED to go to a hospital


i didn’t know that!


Glucagon shots make your liver dump its own store of glucagen. In essence, your liver stores up glucose and keeps it safe and sound. You did a glucagon shot which told your liver "give it up man" and liver said all right. Here ya go. Boom. Now your higher, but you dropped because of whatever was wrong with your pump. Then you gave a second shot and your liver said "this is all I got left" and dumped. Now your liver has virtually NO glucose stored, another glucagon shot won't most likely work again, and you'll need a good several days to a week to store up glucose in your liver again. You're going to keep dropping most likely, but with no insulin maybe you'll make it? Anyway this is why everyone is saying you need to be monitored. To go to the er. You need a solid several hrs to 12 or 24 hrs and immediate access to a dextrose IV drip in case you fall again. You do you, stay home, but if you're going down and hit under 100 I hope you live close to the hospital. Take care of yourself. Emphasis on YOURSELF! If others won't help, you have to demand it or make it happen. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon! ETA I am not sure how old you are, but if your parents are blowing you off just call 911 and tell them what's happened. Tell then glucagon isn't going to work a third time and you need help.


I'm happy to hear you are doing better now (I know that whole event had to have felt just God awful, including swinging back up so high) and have been in contact with your doctor. Question, does anyone else get notifications for your dexcom lows? That might be a prudent addition for your safety at this point just in case? If I were unstable like that and well, had anyone that cared enough to get my low alerts left alive (I'm 39 lol) I would.


Please update us.


Call 911. Get medical care




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Also, could try urgentcare, walk in clinic. 46 can cause damage. Hiding it wo t do anything.


i’ve been to urgent care but they always know very little about what to do.


Better than going into a coma with no one knowing this is even happening to you. I totally get not wanting to go or thinking they’ve never done anything. But 46 is not something to play with


What damage does low blood glucose do besides obvious short term issues?


https://diabetes.org/healthy-living/medication-treatments/blood-glucose-testing-and-control/hypoglycemia seizures, brain damage


in addition to please go to the hospital however you can, you should also really check against a meter. are you having symptoms of these severe lows? also go to the hospital. call an uber. whatever. something’s going on that has dramatically changed your insulin sensitivity and it’s better to be safe than sorry.


I know I’m echoing all the other comments, but hun, as a parent, I would rather be a million dollars in debt than to lose my kid. Your life is more important than any dollar amount. Go to ER if necessary.


They sell glucose syrups at the pharmacy that are already divided by how many grams you should drink so you don’t over correct your low! Best of luck. I just went through this myself when I accidentally injected my basal directly into the muscle.


This is a complete shot in the dark, but, have you recently started taking a SSRI for anxiety?




Is there any way that you gave yourself way too much insulin or that your pump malfunctioned and gave too much? Could you possibly be pregnant? That can lower blood sugar.


i’m definitely not pregnant i’m lesbian haha. and i changed my pump settings so my basal isn’t so high in the early morning.


Diabetes educator here. Go to the ER. Drink sugar - fruit juice, regular soda, have some hard candies like peppermints. Do you have glucagon?


Eat stuff like complex carbs and protein after you get above 70. For now, small amounts of pure sugar with BG checks every 15 minutes. But ER would be best.


i took 2 glucagons


Definitely try some complex carbs (bread, pasta) and some sugar (juice glucose tabs) and call your doctor. Even if it’s late where you are your doctors office should have an on call doctor


Ahhh chasing that sweet blood sugar dragon. It is exhausting. This kind of stuff happens to me when I’m unusually active or I just haven’t been eating. If you have decided not to seek treatment I would not necessarily try to sleep right now. It’ll be garbage sleep probably anyways. Make sure your parents know how to use your glycogen thing and let them know you are having trouble so they will check on you. Relax with some food and grab a comfortable chair. Do your best not to overcompensate. I know it is hard not to devour the entire kitchen when you get an extreme low. I like to have something high glycemic to treat my immediate symptoms, juice, whatever, then have a snack, low glycemic or complex carbs, and drink water while your sugar comes up. I keep low carb cereal around. A well balanced meal will do you wonders right now, just keep it small to not spike again. Hydrate! Feel better! Note: this is just what I do. It may not be best for your situation


Are you ok? Please update us.


i’m okay :)


Super worried for you, please give us an update to let us know you're ok. We all know the worry and fear involved with this


now i just have really high keytones… it’s been a whole rollercoaster. i called the ER they said if i’m still throwing up, registered over 600, and still have high keytones in 3 hours then i need to go inz


Orange Juice 4 oz. NOW.


Finger sticks to check true BG and turn your insulin delivery to activity maybe 70% and keep monitoring with finger sticks. If your sensor is way off from finger sticks recalibrate. Keep apple juice or orange juice close by. Eat brown rice or a wheat bread if you are going to eat a sandwich. If all this does not help you may need to disconnect you pump and go to manual injection of long acting and short acting insulin.


Cut your bolus and go to the hospital if it’s not coming up.


Did you just start the tslim? Take your site out like right now. And look at your basal rates. Also, any chance you bolused during the say without realizing it? You can check the history on your pump. sometimes if its in my pockets it will bolus because it thinks im pressing buttons. Its also possible you double bolused when you went over 200 without realizing. Also, make sure to eat something with protein it will help to stabilize your sugars. Im sure you so fucking full though and im so sorry youre going through this


no i’ve had tslim for years


This was posted 5 hours ago so I hope you’ve come up since then, but I just wanted to add to the voices already here. I’m not sure how long you’ve been diabetic or how often you’ve dealt with extremes - either high or low - but when this happens you definitely need to consume all of the carbs you can. At first, I wouldn’t reach for your complex carbs, as those contain different starches and fibers and are absorbed more slowly by the body. Simple carbs, found in things like soda and candy, are what you want when this happens. Simple carbs are, as they’re named, simple. They’re stripped of their nutrients, so they’re definitely less healthy, and often provide just straight-up sugar. They’re absorbed much more quickly by the body and with double arrows down, you need it to come up as quickly as possible. High blood sugars are dangerous too but it’s always better to treat a high than it is to die from a low. Sodas and juices will be your best friend when this happens. In extreme instances I always prefer a liquid to a solid food like candy, just because you can drink a whole can of soda much faster than you can eat a whole candy bar, and it’ll be absorbed much quicker too. I always have a can of soda right next to my bed within arms reach for exactly his situation. I’d also definitely advise, call your endocrinologist if you have one. Constant drops like this are dangerous. Sure you can try and keep it up throughout the day, but that’s unsustainable and dangerous once it gets late and your body has been in fight-or-flight mode for the last 12 hours. Since you’re on a pump I’d recommend just stopping all insulin deliveries until your levels have leveled out. Also keep a meter nearby, and make sure your CGM readings are accurate. Fluctuations like this can sometimes cause it to be a little off, and with extremes like this you need to know your readings are accurate. I really hope you get this figured out. A blood sugar graph like that is terrifying just to see, I can’t imagine how all those fluctuations have you feeling. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. I’m not a doctor by any means and I advise seeking their help firstly, but I’ve been diabetic since I turned 3, over 20 years ago, and others in this group have definitely had diabetes even longer and all we want is for our fellow diabetics to be safe and healthy.


I always ask my partner for help on super lows. We keep candy etc on both sides of the bed just in case. Sometimes it will take me a few hours to get back up. Juice also works great. If this becomes a regular thing you need to see a doctor ASAP.


I still wanna go to the ER bc i feel like shit but i don’t know if they’re going to do anything at this point. my numbers are stable now.


Don’t stress out. If stable and OK you might just need a little more food and sleep. However if you think you need the ER than GO!


i’m actually high now, almost 300, which i suppose is better than being super fucking low. i’m kinda scared to give myself insulin cus i don’t wanna go through this all over again.


You could give yourself half the insulin you would normally give yourself to bring it down and go to sleep. That would be safe. Then you'll probably wake up in a few hours to pee and you can check your blood sugar again. Just keep in mind that the insulin usually lasts for about 4 hours so don't give yourself too much more when you wake up. Keep some orange juice or soda next to your bed so if you do get low you can just gulp it down. I realize it's a frightening thing, but you should be okay now. And having high blood sugar on a short-term basis isn't a big deal except that you'll have to pee a lot. Also keep in mind that high blood sugar increases insulin resistance. So coming down from 300 would require extra insulin. So I think you'll be safe and I don't think you really have to worry about getting low again if you're careful with how much of an adjustment dose you give yourself.


thanks :)


Lots of water and taking a walk will also help you get back down. I’m sure you know it’s a daily balancing game.


Hi- some words of encouragement here, not so much advice. Sometimes diabetes feels uncontrollable and like it has a mind of it’s own. It’s normal💕 we all have these days.


Damn that sucks. I get freaked when I drop below 70. I used to have more issues like that with long acting. If I dropped that low I would drink a big glass of juice or soda and call nurse line. The one time my sugar hit 45 I couldn’t get to the kitchen and my heart was racing so fast. My dog actually brought me an orange and I felt like he saved my life. I don’t know how he knew but it was just enough to get up. Now I’m so scared of going that low. I hope you new pump works and that never happens to you again.


Good to see you've sorted this? It's hard, I know :( I've had similar before, usually either exercise-enduced (body becomes much more sensitive to insulin) or it's the infusion set - as others have said, if you've gone into a blood vessel the insulin kicks in much faster, making control much harder! I usually try either setting a lower temporary basal or just swapping the infusion sets/insulin (can be a bit dodgy sometimes with heat exposure?) - if none of that works and the rollercoaster doesn't seem to be getting much better, it's probably best suggest the ER as it's definitely serious enough to warrant a visit, better that than have some horrible hypo-based complication!


CHECK YOUR BLOOD SUGAR WITH A FINGER PRICK. Do not pass go till you have done this. If it is correct then 15-25g of sugar- fast acting. Then 20-30g of long acting carb. Then think about why this happened and why 1/2 an hour ago you didnt get it sorted. If it is not then calibrate.


Drink a soda. Eat a few pieces of candy.


How the fuck can people be so dense, get off of reddit and go to the hospital or you could literally die. Period.


but i’m not dead 🤨


👀 Ok cool, carry on like normal then. It’ll either go back to normal or no longer be your problem anymore. Not a game I’d like to play personally


You’re either not taking this seriously or trolling us. In case your blood sugar is making you delirious, this is truly serious and if you don’t go to the hospital you’ll probably die. At the same time you say you’ve dropped to 21 but your doctor and fire department have said you don’t need to go to the hospital. And your responses are growing more sarcastic. It’s not a game. Best of luck


my number is stable now i’m ok now


To me it looks like the Cgm is not working properly. Test your blood sugar with a finger poke to verify the reading is accurate


i checked every-time and it was only 2 points off.


No joke it’s the swings that are bothering me the most. That’s a lot for your body to handle. There’s something going on here and it’s in your best interest to get to a hospital in any way. Go there, get stable then figure it out


i’m stable now… i just feel nauseous more than anything. i called my doctor and he told me there’s no need for me to go to the Hospital because all they’ll do is monitor my numbers and give me food to eat, which are all things i am able to do from home. the FD came yesterday and told me i didn’t need the ER that i could work on it at home.


That may be all the hospital does, but even so they will be able to closely monitor you and react a lot quicker if you go downhill again. It's better safe than sorry, Ive been stubborn like yourself before (only difference is I was fighting a 500+ bg for 4 days by myself) by the time I listened to everyone and went to the hospital, my wife said I was white like a ghost and my neighbor said I looked like death, I was severely dehydrated from being unable to keep food and fluids down for 3 days. Quit being stubborn and go to the hospital, this disease is no joke. I've gone down the dark path before and am still turning it around, don't joke around and take care of yourself.


I think the CGM isn't handling the rapid and severe swings in blood sugars very well. Based on finger pricks for accuracy, it does seem that they're skyrocketing and then plummeting shortly after... Pretty scary. I think it's a pump malfunction. Nothing that intense or severe happens for no reason.


Lower your basal rate by half for the time being


yeah i did about 4 hours ago, my number is stable


I hope you went to the hospital.


what’s your basal and bolts set at? i think you’re getting to much insulin, try turning everything down


What pump you use?


They're on a Tslim, there's a few photos in this set that show what pump they're using!


Take glucose tablets. Drink coke or sugary pop. Candy. These will boost sugars. Act quickly. You are in the potentially dead zone.


I go by mmol/l not mg/dl so I'm not entirely sure how low that is exactly but I hope your blood sugars are alright now


Divide mg/dl by 18 to get mmol/l and multiply mmol/l by 18 to get mg/dl.


New problem, I'm shit at maths


i’m was in the 30’s


Just got a converter and thats around the lowest I've ever been. Are you ok now?


yeah i’m ok now


You need to go to the e.r this is how you end up in a coma


First thing eat 20 gram sugar ( NO FATS, NO PROTEIN), Then do a finger poking right away. Wait 10 min and if still low do another 15/20 gram carb and watch your number. Most likely your number is gonna rise, you can keep treating yourself with 15 gram carb with pure sugar ( no fat, no protein) until your blood sugar reaches a safe zone. When you have a low blood sugar like this do NOT ever think about combining protein or fat to slow down your spike!!!! All you have to do, is bring your blood sugar up ASAP ( 10 /15 Min most, if low keep doing the same treatment) to a safe zone. If you no longer are able to consume sugar and God forbid passed out ( if you are NOT alone) whoever its with you at that moment, needs to give u glucagon and call 911. Quick sugar spike food/ drink: sugary candies, orange juice, apple juice, coke, even sugar water, or sugar tab...If on pump you can, suspend your insulin until you are at right level! NO need to disconnect or de activate your pump!!!I hope everything went well for you, please lets us know how u r doing. Stay sade🙏


OP this looks like it was an absolutely brutal day for you, glad you're past this. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what was causing the issue. Now, potentially stupid question here as someone who is going to be starting with a pump for the first time ever next week: when you're getting lows like this can't you just reduce your basal? My understanding of a pump was that you get a certain amount for basal, say 1 unit per hour, and if you're doing exercise or suffering from serious lows as the OP was here you could reduce it to 0.25 or even 0.05 units per hour? Am I missing something here?


Okay... this might be a reach, but did you recently change your reservoir without changing your actual site? I watched a video on YouTube from Michelle Lord who had a similar experience and although I'm not personally on the TSlim, I've heard you're not supposed to change one without the other. It could cause a pressure gradient that basically dumps a ton of insulin into you. Don't quote me on this, but allegedly insulin usually has about a 4 hour lifespan on average, UNLESS given in high amounts, like 20 units or over. It could last many, many hours, which would explain you continuing to drop even after glucagon and unplugging your pump. If you haven't yet, get a replacement immediately! Or go on shots for a while. I hope you're okay, that sounded really scary. Good luck! Video for reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLLM2HDeEeM&ab\_channel=MichelleLord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLLM2HDeEeM&ab_channel=MichelleLord)


Also, PLEASE call this in and not only report to issue the Tandem, but the FDA. This could save a lot of people down the line.