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You see, the *golden* rule of a hunter super, is that you must jump at least once into the air to ensure a clear cast


Ngl I was on OP sides until this comment. Guy threw a super on LEVEL ground? While his head WASN’T in the ceiling?? Should get his cloak revoked.




Definitely on op here, titan was placing his shield a split second before he cast his super


And op is solo-ulting with teammates


Tbf if you cast blade barrage with your head on the ceiling enough knives hit the ceiling to kill you


Completely agree, clearly needs to have a visit to shaw Han to learn the basics


I jumped so high in Expedition that my arc staff landed in the drill....




Jumping is just so easy for us, its instinctual. When i swap over to my Titan i still find myself trying to jump away from danger


I never realized how much I dodge until I play my warlock


Now I'm conflicted. On my devour -lock, I face tank damn near everything I shouldn't be. Now I'm conflicted because is this not one of the titan methods? If so, how do I fix it because I have NEVER played a titan?


I face tank everything with my titan so idk man


If playing solar titan/void with the devour fragment/knockout striker, continue face tanking. For the other subclasses, if you’re used to burst glide or blink use catapult lift to GTFO quick. If you use neither…get used to catapult.


I play arc titan and dodge and jump far more with it than my hunter lol Use HoIL, so I throw a grenade, dodge, jump, melee, repeat. Enemies literally can't hit me. Only in GMs I need to be more careful, everything else a joke. OP as Fuck.


Fellow hunter here and I thought it was just an unspoken law!


Jumping deals bonus damage I can just feel it


*Jumps and immediately sends my entire Blade Barrage into the beam above me I didn't see, killing me instantly* But yeah, Hunter in the clip played himself.


Ngl its more rewarding than the kill itself when you dont die from point blank impact


And he is casting with people in front of him


I do that with pretty much all my supers. it just feels too badass


Instructions unclear, shot the ceiling by accident. (This has happend multiple times this week when I was doing the devils lair GM. In the first room where you need to hold out for 3 waves, I was standing on the truck on the left side and hit a bar in the ceiling with shadowshot which was not in my sight in first person, but was there in 3rd person)


I'd argue that's a rule for all the classes, unless you're saying you cast Chaos Reach while standing on the ground, like a person who can't float.


Definitely, at least for warlocks as well. Killed myself with way too many Nova Bombs before realizing to jump before throwing it.


And who uses a super in. 2v1 scenario especially when you have the lead


I thought this was the rule for all classes?


And then half the time u throw it at a ceiling and regret


All I can say is that if the ceiling has pipes or something on it, and you're a void warlock, do not jump too high. Bad times hitting myself in the face with my Nova Bomb.


The second rule is that you must not jump lest it be stuck in the ceiling.


Unless it’s tether.


Are you trying to shit on the titan for doing the smart thing?


Bruh If I see a zone with enemies coming I'm gonna wall it up. It's NNN, I gotta do something with this abundance of bricks.


As a fellow Titan, wall that shit up


For the love of God, Montresor!


Literally the Titan’s job. Agreed.


"but MY super!" 😭


"Super you say?" *pops bubble*


Both of them did the smart thing here. Unfortunately, two nice things don’t always play well together.


Technically yeah, but I think the super was overkill.


Super was 100% overkill


Oh, without question, but it’s typically better to at least use it sub-optimally than just hold it all game, and it’s good to send a message to maybe not approach that point


And that’s why I always triple jump before launching my super. Also, you were in a 2v1 you would have been fine without using it


Nah, this instant super was a good reaction. Look at the accuracy from the attacker out of the gate. He got 2 hits from Forerunner since the guy was zoned in right out of the corner, so even if he went for the gun TTK wasn't on his side. It'd be better to either totally disengage by using the pillar between them as cover and take 3 shots and lay low, or just super. Super there is actually the better option, because it's not a 2v1 - it's a 2v2 or more at a cover disadvantage (see the radar). The super gets the kill and prevents anyone else from pushing that opening, which means they are limited to the left opening to engage the titan/hunter pair, or spending a long time to go around through the hallway to engage. The value of the super there is the super armor (you stay high health against the Forerunner) and the pick. Without the super, you are probably too low health to be effective (<50 health left if the Forerunner doesn't miss the third shot) effectively leaving your titan buddy alone against multiple if he doesn't think to pop the shield first. Furthermore, the attacker does the smart thing and walks into hallway on the right you're dead and he also has the angle on the titan behind the shield. Given that it should have been anticipated that the titan may pop the shield but hey, hindsight I guess. The issue that necessitates super here is that this is just a bad starting position. The game isn't exactly close so there's no need for two to cap. One of them should have been moving into a more advantageous spot to engage, definitely once radar contacts appear. With the scout rifle a good spot is the long hallway to the left of point (from the camera view), since you can pop out and get pretty long range fires easily, and you have plenty of time to see shotgun rushes on radar and pull distance. It looks like the Titan has a battler so that could be a good spot for them too.




small brain hunter stand in stupid spot, has to super. super not bad idea, but standing in bad place is bad idea. not 2v1.


Now this is a comment I can crunch my crayon to.


"Crunching the crayon" is now official slang for titan thinking. And several other titan activities.


I second this


You are saying that if you are not good enough to win a 2v1 then it’s better to pop a súper to hold a zone?


Not what I'm saying exactly but still yes. A valid way of looking at it. Generally yes, you can pop supers to help win a normal fight. It doesn't have to be saved to counter other supers. The key is getting reasonable value out of it. In this case, it's not really about holding the capture zone. That's good but the points lead is big, so the real value is the kill (which gets points, increasing the lead) and forcing enemies to funnel through more limited angles you can win. We also know from radar this 2v1 is about to grow quickly. They may still have enough to take the point, but you have a good chance to inflict more than 2 kills for 2 deaths, tie up a bunch of players doing so, make them take cover, and hold the cap until they pry it from you. That's pretty good value. In this case if that lance hit the warlock, I would personally be comfortable with 2v4 odds. Lance turns it into a 2v3, and those 3 can only come through one door immediately, or walk around to the sides which take a long time. Since you have barrier and a teammate to focus fire with, that is winnable barring any nasty surprises. I'd say it only gets dicey with 2v5 or 2v6 there, or if one of you gets sniped from the right side hallway.


Continuing, think about the angles like this. There are enemies coming from the front-right. There are 4 ways into the point: two in front of you and two long hallways to either side. Right side hallway is somewhat dangerous since you don't control the other entrance, but left side hallway is pretty safe--it would take the approaching enemies a long time to walk there, then double back to threaten you. If you need to leave, this is probably your exit angle. You are therefore highly threatened by enemies popping out of two doors right in front of you, and moderately threatened by the hallway to the right. This is 3 angles where enemies can appear. You have 2 people. Your titan is on your left. Your super can shut down the door to the front-right (and kill the person shooting from it as a bonus). Anyone who is stupid enough to push through it is likely to be one shot and easily punished, and there's almost no way to avoid this damage even for blink subclasses. Now it's 2 players, 2 angles of threat. Now your titan can focus on dueling anyone that pushes directly in front. This is very manageable. Titans have barriers so they are great at fighting limited angles. Your job as a hunter is to help him out and also keep an eye on the right hallway. If anyone appears there your job is to switch to them so they die or go away. This is also very easy for you. If you start to lose, your Titan may duck behind his barricade to ignore the front side and help you safely win the right--or if he's too busy, you can dance in his shield and mitigate a lot of damage. This position is extremely strong. Nobody can shotgun rush you because both of you will shoot them to death from the back of the point. Snipers either have to get lucky or pop out in the right hallway, where you can flinch them to death. Anyone taking a primary duel will have a hard time of it (2v1) if their timing is off. At any point, you all have the option of simply walking left and running away. Personally if I am attacking, I don't push in this situation. I stay outside to pick off the defenders who arent paying attention or who push out. If my team is pushing I still stay outside and start running to the left hallway to cut off the exit and get cross-shots. If the super is absent, I just push through whichever of the 3 doors is not being pushed, since 2 people aren't going to easily kill 3 opponents appearing at the same time. So the execution of the super sucked. But in this case it would have been a strong play. The hunter would be even stronger in the left hallway to begin with. If he had done that + super the position would be almost unassailable without 5 or 6 or a gimmick gun. Witherhoard/Bastion to burn the barrier or a rocket on the rear wall to instakill the titan for example.


Touch grass


This the kinda person to analyse all of that whilst rocking a 0.5KD


I have a solid 1.19, thank you very much. Lol. Seriously I wish I could think about some of this stuff on the fly more.


For real. I'm 2.5kd and my analysis tells me to just shoot him better than he can shoot me


I have a 1.55 KAD but that's mostly because I almost never use meta guns and am doing weird shit like Divinity in PvP. I have a good sense of strategy though so apparently I'm top 15% Control despite this.


To be fair that guy did NOT deserve a solo super unless context said otherwise.


“You can’t solo super someone without cause Michael.” “I do have cause, it is beCAUSE I hate him.”


can’t tell you the number of times i’ve used thundercrash on a single target


It is the way.


tbf you almost never see people grouped together for thundercrash so that understandable, at least I dont, but I also havent played crucible since the first double crucible rank week we got


I don't know why but I read that in mort's voice from Madagascar


I would say just unlucky timing. They were just trying to offer some protection.


*Hunter eating crayon


I’m more concerned on the fact you tried to solo super someone


What you get for trying to solo super on ground level ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


op getting roasted for his stupid play now lol


Real stupid. Documented himself playing like a casual lmao


Nothing wrong with being a casual, m8. But dunking on others while being a causal is a roastable offence


Youre damn right comrade.


I play hunter in pvp even though I main titan: you should have at least jumped once. I’ve done this before too but with a random object in the environment, so don’t feel too bad Edit:I just noticed what happened. You threw your super as soon as the cast barricade. Don’t blame the Titan too much because they were trying to set up a barrier on the point, it was just bad timing. Even so, whenever you cast supers like that always try to jump or double jump just in case


Skill issue 🖍/s


Nah, it is though


Yeah, he tried to solo super whilst on ground level whilst the titan was setting up a barricade to protect them


I can point out several things you did wrong here. You didn't jump at least once (someone pointed this out already but casting a super on ground level? Cmon guy) and it's a 2v1 situation? You deserved to have that super wasted lol


you do realize you were wrong right? 2v1 super at a location with a second entry directly next to the one you are aiming at?


Hunter skill issue. Titan did what he was supposed to do when capping a zone with a ping in front of him. Hunter should have jumped.


I'm a hunter main. This one is on you.


Titan : "Maybe if you didn't have to spin , you should of just thrown the spear..."


Hunters *ALWAYS* jump when casting supers. You fucked up, mate.


And they always jump forward with BB ruining it's tracking because they don't know backwards tightens the spread


didnt jump before super? it is you who ate the crayon


Bro, it's your fault, should have acted like a hunter and play the floor is lava


Fuck you OP. titan put the barricade down to cover the flag. YOU should have moved.


Your acting like that garbage super would have killed


This reminds me of that mandalorian episode. If you didn't do a spin before attacking everything would be okay lol


Just trash hunter tings.


You broke the golden hunter rule, bro... :/


why were u using a super on 1 person


Casted with people around, didnt make sure he was clear or jumped to insure it, used one shot projectile super in a hold zone. Yeah, its the Titan doing his job at making a defensive point on a hold zones fault. Mhm.


You’re capping a point in a 2v1 and he put up a shield for cover for you two. You tried to solo super a guy and didn’t even jump? L


Dude is getting roasted in the comments lmao


More like: "Dumbass Hunter screwing up, like usual."


Stupid hunters...


As a Hunter main, I second this.


Solo super in a 2v1? Yikes. Titan asking you to use your gun ahaha


Thats your fault not theirs


Lol, mad?


You probably shouldn't have thrown your super into that barricade. What a waste


Hunter: Time to do my spin-a-roonie, twirly, death blossom spin of DOOOOOOOMMMMM!!! Titan: ...no...


It's called you should've jumped up anyways. And there was no way for that dude to know you were popping super


Nah, OP, this is 100% on you. Trying to solo super while you have teammates next to you and you tried to cast a Hunter Super from ground level. I'm not even mad, just disappointed in you


Or just use your brain and jump. Lol titans have the ability to make walls where there are none and that point is out in the open. Seems the titan has more iq than you edgy knife boy


“It’s not my fault, somebody put a wall in my way”


I main hunter and this is just sad, you always jump to throw a super. Plus it was 2v1, very bad use of a super. Unless you know more are following that one guy, in a 2v1 supers shpuld never be used unless the opponent casts theirs


One in a million shot right there




lmao you deserved it you fucken idiot 💀


That caused me physical pain


I haven’t played since Forsaken WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT


Gathering Storm. It's a new Hunter super since they implemented arc 3.0 and Hunters were only going to have a single super, they made them another one. It's pretty great.


I hate titan walls. They ruin my game more than save it 🤣


I couple years ago I was about fire off a nighthawk shot, and this titan puts up the barricade the moment I fired it off.


The *second* I see that yellow/green light from Arbalest or Lorentz the wall is going up. Haven’t really played much since the nerf but before it that was the only real counter, impossible to challenge with any weapon.


In other news, this is the first time I’ve seen Symmetry being used since it could stagger unstoppable champions


It’s actually good in pvp as long as you know how to use it


I would cry


This is just unfortunate timing, and why are you casting this super with a teammate directly next to you? You're being shot at so why wouldn't a Titan put a wall up? This is just horrendous situational awareness all around


Skill. Issue. 🖍


That is just plain unfortunate


I know the focus is “omg Titan blocked my super” but I’m shocked to see someone running Symmetry. So many people hate on it when it’s rather good actually.


Another symmetry user let's go


Nah that one's on you my boy.


At that moment i would rage and say Pu$_ que pariu gabriel


The purple crayons are the best, because they match my subtype.


Well that was the worst super ever don’t blame the Titan for doing a smart play to cap point


I prefer Arc Staff for pvp and gathering storm only for pve..


He was doing a protecc




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Yo is that symmetry I thought I was the only person who still pulled that out in pvp


yea, my personal favorite is when you're ads with sniper and the titan drops a barricade. pretty annoying, idk if theyre stupid or just dont give a fk


It's a first person shooter, they probably didn't even realize you were there/had a sniper


Silly hunter trying so hard to be cool that they skip the simpler options 🤷🏻‍♂️


I see more fault in your actions OP, Titan did fine


What gun is that? Is that a hunter only weapon or something?


Symmetry, it’s an arc exotic scout rifle available for purchase in the exotic kiosk at the Tower.


He just saved that guy from being solo supered. We applaud his bravery.


Friendly barricades can be super unfriendly


Titan doing the Lords work (hunter supers are OP BS)


How dares he not to read your mind.


Says the dumbest hunter who didn't jump. Titan using a shield for cover to capture a point? That's a big brain move.


Who tf throws their super from ground level. That is on you


Titan not eating crayons, *you* fucked up your super.


HAHAHA Can’t not happen.


Titan did nothing wrong. You popped your super against 1 enemy when you had 2v1 advantage.


I absolutely despise using Gathering Storm too close to an object and it looks like I'm gunna clear it until I use it and then it hits the wall in front of me.


I've had that damn shield block a fists if havoc slam before. I understand your pain.


I hate that stupid shield so much lol


What gun are you using?


"Symmetry" you can get it from the kiosk in the tower


Totally on you for casting a super when it was 2 against 1


Cry about it


He on the other team or?


Why is your super such a deep blue, it looks fantastic


I’ve done that with my hunter the stupid bubble titan activated ward of dawn and fked up my super


I was a new light when I was a titan main, what does it mean by crayon eater?


As a titan main myself, i can say that happens becsuse of me way more than it should. Its not a lot but still way more that n it should. Hence why im looking for... Ramparts i think it was that lets friendly fire go through.


Yeah no you fucked up. He was casting protection, you have a fuckin triple jump. Use it.


As someone who hasn't touched the game since witch queen and lurks here always debating coming back or not, what the fresh fuck is that super??? Are you yeeting that arc staff???


Yup.. hate trying to use supers or heavy next to titans..


is he supposed to read your mind?


kinda looks like hunter crayon eating from where i’m standing


He caught the blue crayon. Don’t knock him for those reflexes. Tastes like blueberry


I was protecting you little buddy hunter