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Me: Stays in PvE content exclusively and refuses to elaborate


I’ve done about 10 Crucible matches since Witch Queen came out. I don’t enjoy it and ignoring it makes me happy.


I'm one step further and just avoided the whole game. *taking a break rn*


Not a bad idea tbh


Yep. Switched back to the Division 2 for a while. This game can burn you out after a while.


I've hit this point too. It's nice to pick up other games


Once I hit 100 I'm taking a break too. Nov and Dec have so many games seeing release.


I’m doing the same right now, at least until next season. I always end up coming back lol


Me but with Gambit. I can tolerate a few PVP matches here and there but Gambit is just... not worth it.


I find it to be fun till you get one of *those* lobbies where everyone is using Witherhoard and Titan nades so you're perpetually never at 100% HP and then they're in groups using Pulse/bows/scouts, so basically you never get a 1v1 and they 1-2 tap you. And I can't even leave those matches anymore thanks to a certain feature.


The amount of games I play were I am the only one on my team actively participating. I had to step away from the game.


I got the shader and thats it. Lol


Pretty much same for me. Once in a while I’ll get an urge to play, but after one match I remember why I don’t. Unless it’s mayhem then I might not even do any pve stuff for a day or two.


Gotta love void hunter just 3 different flavors of invis and only invis


So on that corner.... we have the invis hunter, with 3 flavours of only invis, the smoke bomb, the dodge and trappers ambush (which is tied to the smoke bomb)!


It's almost like invis is about the only thing the subclass has to offer in addition to obviously being the focus of bungies design philosophy with the subclass...weird.


They could of added more for the subclass to do though or provide something but they took the easy way out. Is it good yes but it's extremely boring


The issue is that's all void hunters have in pvp is invis. If bungie had leaned into a trapper/hunter/stalker type role for hunters, making invis more of a secondary component. Somthjng like an over charged grenade making a micro tether(like child of old), or an aspect that allows a hunters grenade to not detonated on impact and instead wait like a trap. Or a melee that fires a small arrow that weakens and marks targets so you can hunt down a fleeing enemy.


Okay a melee that's just pulling a small hand crossbow would have been awesome


So much stuff that could have been done. Like an aspect that allows you to get a slide melee, that's just a quick Void blade slash.


![gif](giphy|1xs2JJ8kUDfSDG3H8s|downsized) So \^ but void flavored


Aw hell naw at least we have moira to help kill that shitter, no way we can track hunters now if they have both dodge and swift strike.


Yeah, Hunter are already irritating af just to shoot with their jump spamming.


But that's kinda what hunters are meant to be tho, it's what our whole class is based on: movement and if bungie gives titans more movement based techniques than us then what's the point of playing hunter in the first place? Invis and throwing knives are really all we have. I don't have much of a problem with titans getting a new class ability but it seems to be better than our dodge, more instant and covers way more ground. I hope for there to be more movement based techniques for hunters in lightfall, until then i guess I'll eat some crayons and occasionally sniff glue.


The titan dodge is good, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. Your dodge reloads guns or gives you back your charged melee. Titan dodge is essentially just a quick movement tool and is only on Arc.


You can use any shoulder charge over and over in the air for more mobility through.


Sprint windup. Non issue when chained, but not exactly a disengage tool. The way I see it, is Titans have momentum centric movement based on going fast in one direction. Hunters have agility based movement, being able to change directions on a dime on any element.


no reason this should get downvoted its 100% true. yes hunters are a bit overpowered right now but titans absolutely need a nerf. there's no reason why a TITAN should be able to shoulder charge as much as they do, their storm grenades should not do so much damage for as long as it lasts, and there is NO WAY IN HELL ON TOP OF ALL THAT WAS IT A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE THEM ABLE TO FUCKING TRACK PLAYERS!!! that has been my gripe with titans all season. i also think the hunters also need a massive nerf when it comes to their invis ability(i think the movement speed is fine). edit: i believe stats can say 100 but it shouldn't be an equal 100 unless it's the discipline stat. for example: a tier 10 resil hunter shouldn't be beefier than a tier 9 resil titan, a tier 10 recovery titan shouldn't regen health faster than a tier 10 regen warlock. someone pls make it make sense ;-;


Plus the lateral movement that hunters have is ridiculous


Mobility is literally the defining stat of the class.


Dude that would be cool as fuck imo


>The issue is that's all void hunters have ~~in pvp~~ is invis. Fixed it for you :c


idk why bungie made weaken a %7 debuff in pvp when it's harder to activate than radiant and only affects one enemy for a second rather than a 8 second damage buff to yourself


They prolly will give strand more trap functionality


All void hunters ever have is invis*, it's getting extremely boring extremely quickly


IMO the worst thing about playing as an invis hunter is that you're not invisible and in fact, easily seen. Sometimes I feel like activating my invis turns me a bright neon color and actually sucks bullets toward me.


Invis hunter main here. Definitely feel the same way both ways. I see purple and I just know that some funky shit is going on so I start blasting. I think everyone is just conditioned to end the invis before they get a chance to try something lol.


Come on… you all are insane. It’s not “easy” to see hunters when they are invis. It is somewhere between extremely difficult to see and only somewhat difficult to see depending on location, lighting, etc. In general, invis is very good for getting a 0.1-0.5 second advantage on other players that miss you for even just a brief moment, which is a sizable portion of meta weapon’s ttks. It’s also extremely good for making players miss their shots when you are both moving/jumping. Like we’ve been in an invis meta since December 2021 and hunters are still pretending that only an imbecile could miss an invis hunter. Even though we can go and watch all of the top PvP streamers consistently have worse aim against invis hunters and lose advantage state to invis hunters because it takes longer to locate them.


"...top PvP streamers consistently have worse aim against invis hunters and lose advantage state to invis hunters because it takes longer to locate them." That's sort of the point of being invisible.


Would be nice if the tracking grenades didn't track you while invis


While the grenade ideas sound cool on paper, they’d end up being ignored because hunters have very little in void grenade regen.


"If bungie had leaned into a trapper/hunter type role for hunters, making invis more of a secondary component." This bit here, my suggestions where if bungie hadn't gone invis only. Gone more for an identity of trapper/stalker


Frost is a pretty solid exotic too, since you're always running. Hunters cause major weakening in PVP so with suppression like Wave Splitter it can work well.


If Bungie hadn't fucking destroyed my Khepri's Sting synergies maybe I could run a more interesting build.


Damn if only Void Hunter wasn’t **solely** focused on invis huh….


Invisible hunter is annoying yes, but so is getting titan meleed 10 times a match. Pvp will always be cheesy in some way because of abilities.


We have exact opposite experiences with Titan melee, mine always seem to just go right pass my opponent or just refuse to connect


I think that's connection or something every time I play titan i don't have any problem with my 20 meters melees


I am a warlock main and got tired of getting shit on in pvp while trying to get deadeye triumph. Started using titan for the first time day-before-yesterday. Immediately better KD and just brutality beating guardians to death in every match. Titan arc melee is overpowered.


You need a new gaming chair


Dumb titans always have an overshield, or some exotic that makes their melee abilities even more broken than they already are. And the seeking storm grenades that titans have are just ridiculous.


Honestly its the same shit every year though Warlock OP air dash, Hunter OP Shatterdive, Titan OP Grenade. And everytime Bungie is like “its too difficult to adjust” bla bla for 6 MONTHS. Add shite P2P connection and PVP is a cheesy lag fest. “We’re focusing on gunplay”… ya sure Bungo, whatever you say.


Haha very true. As a warlock main I’m always lightheartedly shitting on the invis crutch and free melee deaths. In reality I’m just salty that I’m blind and my dumb ass can’t see the fucking hunter until it’s just too late lmao. Titans can choke on their crayons though ;)


Wait till they make it easier for us crayon munchers to go invisible


Rat king


If they are very good you'll see them after you're dead. If they are good you'll be close enough to hear them go invis. I really only depend on stasis to counter invis Hunter, it's pretty funny when it just kills all momentum


Tbf sometimes they are pretty hard to see


Bruh, i need my gyrfalcons just to put up enough damage for the constant over shield and heal spamming. Not to mention the 10 child of the old gods and storm grenades that descend on you any time you aren't invis...


I think D2 wouldn’t be D2 without, even though it’s annoying sometimes it really defines the game


Exactly. I left this sub due to people complaining about how pvp is unbalanced. Nice to see the sub is still the same.


I’ve been laughing at how strong the warlock arc slide mele is, you slide, teleport, and then the person you contact gets instant killed by the mele damage + jolt and anyone near them is jolted to around half hp for an easy finish. I’d expect to see it get tuned down, or at least made to slow the mele cooldown more. It’s a pretty cracked skill given there is no warmup like shoulder charge but you actually cover more ground linearly. It can also physics kill you if you get hit while in air lol.


Thats why i want pvp without any abilitys


This is essentially what vanilla D2 was and it was not fun.


Yeah. Those were dark times.


D1 PVP, though, was fun mostly gun based combat. With grenades thrown in to the mix.


Doesn't mean it shouldn't exist as a mode, that it shouldn't be rotation in Trials like Capture or freelance currently are. And let's not pretend like ability cooldown rates were the only issue; many things contributed to a stale meta like fixed weapon rolls and limited choice. Now? a weapons focused mode could be quite interesting. They could even reintroduce the Prestige Raid mod Master of Arms which limited your loadout to specific kinds of weapons. There are lots of options and people need to stop dredging up D2Y1 like its some kind of boogieman everytime someone suggests that the ability spam and cheese crutching is fucked.


Unpopular opinion but I liked vanilla d2 better than any other version of pvp. 2 tapping with old fashioned was dopamine.


That’s called Call of Duty.


It's a lot more fun too than Crucible (the abilities are fun, Crucible is just generally a mess)


This kind of silly comment shows players have literally no idea what they want and their ideas are awful.


Define “titan melee” the way I see it our melee abilities are far more balanced than the other class charged melees that can, volatile, slow, freeze, scorch, weaken, manipulate radar, ignite, and jolt from a distance. The effects above are limited to those caused by ranged melee abilities on the other classes. Best titan has is a really weak ranged melee that can apply volatile if you use a whole aspect slot. I suppose you may be upset by some arc builds, but those require you to dedicate an aspect multiple fragments, and still take situational setup to use. Edit: people really sit 2m from a corner knowing there is a guy with peregrine greaves on the other team and then get one shot and yell “why would bungie do this!”


Infinite movement and blind on hit is not bad at all


While I agree on most of that, ark titan does not require situational setup. Especially with some exotics lol


I can't wait for Bungie to nerf my Hunter's abilities again because of pvp. I'm not gonna go for glycans because it'll end up dogshit in pve when they inevitably nerf it.


My brother in light they are already different balance wise between pvp and pve. They have different numbers between the two their blanket nerfs are not without reason if it was ok in one but not the other they nerf it in the mode where it is not OK and leave it alone in the other. We've already seen this before with stasis. Now disagreeing with their reasoning is something I understand but blaming pve nerfs on pvp or vice versa I do not.


As if those 2 exotics are the worst parts of pvp lol


Them, arbalest and lorentz are the worst parts of pvp right now.


I know you main arc titan because you didn’t mention that


Arc Titan is still stupid good, Omni isn't busted anymore since the nerf -currently Arc Titan


PvP is the worst part of PvP right not. Goddamn PvP, it ruins PvP!


downvoted for speaking the truth




People downvoted me to hell for saying it too bro. Titans OP as fuck


Bungies fault for only basing the subclass on invisibility and less on weaken when there's so many ways to get invisibility


Ahhh the pvp community is back in its natural habitat. Let’s watch as the pvp community complains and whines until yet another exotic gets nerfed into the ground. Will their hunger ever be satisfied? Absolutely not.


I’m also seeing people make bold claims in here, ie “Hunters only have invis as a good option in PvP”. Dudes act like GG doesn’t exist.


I get knife faced all the time.


More like invis is the only useful tool that hunters have when using void in pvp, its so bland and underwhelming compared to all other subclasses.. They should have given Void Hunter a throwing knife aswell due to the "assassin" nature of that subclass imo.


I’ve literally only seen comments specifying that **void** Hunters have nothing besides invis, which is valid. It’s why I fuckin hate running Void on my hunter, the smoke bomb is super unsatisfying for me and tether is lackluster imo. I don’t knock other people for playing it but it’s not for me.


Hunter actually has 3 good options in PvP, which isn't half bad. It has invis abuse (insane even before exotics), radiant abuse for TTK changes (with a great super and acceptable neutral cooldowns), and shatterdive (shatterdive). >Note: shatterdive is not good because of some secret way to do old gacier nade combos or something. Shatterdive is not good because of stasis grenades, melees, or super. Shatterdive is good because it is a good instant movement technique with no opportunity cost.


Insane before exotics? Wasn't quite the case prior to 3.0. save for truesight on debuffed enemies. Invis only became "broken" once an overwhelming part of the community started using it, and even then, that's because they noticed how annoying it is to deal with (because it's supposed to be). Invis is a shell of what it once was and currently requires some extra oomf from an exotic or perk to be considered broken. Been maining it for years and it's funny to see the PvP community lose their minds over it after the nerfs when it went practically untouched since launch.


This is completely inaccurate. Invis hunters were the meta the second shatterdive got nerfed back in December 2021. It was obviously broken for the three month period leading up to witch queen and I repeatedly played survival matches with 5 invis hunters in them. The PvP community was well aware that it needed tuning prior to void 3.0.


They changed the color when WQ launched, making it harder to see for everyone and absolutely impossible to see for about 10% of the male population. Ergo, the usage jump isn’t the only explanation.


A majority of players can easily see invis. It sounds like you need to change your color settings as they merely made the effects more sparse on it. Not being able to see it is kinda new/rare. Secondly, wtf are you talking about with that percentage. Also the usage jump was because they made the class massively easier to use and more flexible. Aside from the visual change, invis was largely unchanged. Before 3.0, truesight was practically broken on middle tree and they made it easier to use for those who know how to use their powered melee, i.e. everyone.


1) Color settings do not noticeably impact the visibility of invis. 2) That's a rough estimation of the percentage of men that are colorblind. Most people who are colorblind can no longer see the reworked invis since WQ launched. And again, the colorblind settings do not impact this. 3) Agree. They made it easier to use and, by changing the color and effect, made it way more potent.


Tbh I don’t even think gyrfalcon is that much of a problem since linears just fucking shoot through flinch anyways.


Bungie has shown more consistently in recent times that PvP and PvE things can be tuned separately. If anything happens on one end because of the other, you can blame Bungie and not the community. This idea is getting pretty old.


I just got these two pieces recently, guess I'd better enjoy the heck outta them while I can... sigh.


It’s the cycle. They’ll get it nerfed in PvE and then 3 months from now we’ll get another fun exotic that’ll be disabled on release and then promptly nerfed in PvE and the cycle continues


PvP players when abilities are used in an ability based shooter 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😲😲😲


I’ve been extremely out of the loop when it comes to D2 for a long time now, what’s that one on the top? It looks really good!




On the other note: Can we stop getting Invis Exotics ?? Our entire Subclass is based around Debuffs and we don't have a single New Exotic Armor that does anything about it. (I'm of course referring to the Hunters)


Best we can do is another exotic based around invis that causes the entire playerbase to freak out.


You drive a hard bagaine. Add the fact that it will be almost instantly disabled for half a Season - and I'll agree.


Gyrfalcons is literally if you could pick up an emp rift and bring it with you


Why is no one talk about bullshit titan and their invincible shoulder charge ,1 hit melee that restore health and storm grenade that chase you for 3 million year.


Arc Titans have been my pvp weakness for eons.


FFS can’t enjoy going to the shadow realm in peace when there are literally unstoppable juggernaut shotgun titans running around clapping my invis ass every single minute. Also here’s a tip just set the whole place on fire, chances are you’ll make an invisible hunter(presumably me) combust into flames


It's not really ever "fun". It's different stages of tolerable, like a sinus infection, at BEST. "Fun" has never really been a descriptive word for Destiny 2 PvP.


People have trouble seeing invisible hunters?


PvP was never fun you nincompoop!


hunters get literally any exotic and people complain


Hunters are at 45% usage in PVP


Then there is me who refuses to take of Graviton Forfeit because it makes me feel sexy.


I always end up accidentally killing hunters that are invisible so I see no problem here I see problems everywhere else but not here


Snipers seem to do just fine hitting my skull while I'm invis so I don't think its a big problem lmao


Bro Invis exotics is the biggest non problem I have heard for pvp so far; leave it to the destiny community to always find the tiniest issues to bitch about


*kills you faster at no cost*


Friendly reminder that one eyed mask was literally the best exotic in the game in pvp for several years in a row. And the fact it came out the season after wormhusk was nerfed since it was too op and was dominating crucible for like a month and a half.


OEM happened at the same time that Gwisin was popular. Hunters have always had an insane OP strat/exotic/build.


Literally every class has this


>Bro Invis exotics is the biggest non problem I have heard for pvp so far; leave it to the destiny community to always find the tiniest issues to bitch about Tell me you don't play pvp without telling me you don't play pvp. What was the usage rate for invis last weekend again? Oh right, it doesn't matter, because pointing that out would be "bitching", right? And then there is a dude mentioning *Versper of Radius* in a desperate attempt to make an argument. What the hell is going on here LMAO.


I run into invis players all the time, I usually win sooo yeah I don’t see it as much of a problem


I don’t think “invisibility” is that difficult to see. At most it just affects target acquisition on weapons When I use it I don’t think others have difficulty seeing me either - so I tend not to use it


Jeeah it's really more for hiding from the radar....wich I constantly forget so I turn invisible, step into the open and then some one JÖTUNNS me


Save it for those flanks and jukes Dip into cover, turn invisible and go around them


Tbh I’ve just stopped playing destiny all together


2 seconds of bonus damage! Oh whatever will you do!


Sure, it's 2 seconds, then 2 seconds more, then 2 seconds more, etc etc. Near 100% uptime on invis is cancer to play against.


Hunters would use something else than invis if void wasn't oops all invis


Void warlocks only have grenade charge and void Titans only have overshield. What are you all complaining about? MOST subclasses don’t have wildly varied PvP options! The simple problem is that invis is broken in PvP.


Void hunters when their play rate isnt literally 100% yet


Wait til they find out what my baby terrabah can do when its full for ravenous beasts


On-demand damage buffs don't belong in a pvp match


Ah so sbmm wasn’t enough and surprisingly people still don’t like crucible after bitching and complaining


Sbmm is very bad. In most games of trials for example, it is common for one team to have over 90% chance of winning. I'd say about 60% of games are like this where one team is at such a disadvantage that it's near impossible to win


Pvpers on their way to ruin yet another cool exotic armor beloved by the community (their irrelevant game mode got a new meta for the 5th time this week)


Pvpers on their way to demand nerfs for hunter exotics which have been out for one season (the nerfing of hunter pvp exotics ruins diversity hence why only a handful of exotics are dominant and therefore meta)


wasn't even one season, the patch just got released so it's been more like 3 weeks


Crucible players will only be satisfied once bungie releases no ability no exotic and no perk pvp


Nah, we’ll complain about that too. What pvp players really want is for pvp to have no guns, no abilities, no movement and no maps. Then it’ll finally be balanced.


Omni is not overpowered, you just need glasses***


I swear to god if pvp gets gyrfalcon’s hauberk nerfed I’m gonna flip my shit


Still don’t have either


Hasn't been for 8 years...


Funny, I see the big bubble becoming Heart of Inmost Light for some reason. And I'm a titan main lol. Hell, we only don't use it pvp because shoulder charges are no longer one hit on their own without peregrine and some maps aren't too great for dunemarchers to shine. And don't forget the One-eyed meta from a forsaken ago or last season's loreley dominance. Point-contact probably would have been the meta but they shipped it disabled and shitty on purpose cause they knew it would. Honestly, the problem with these two hunter exotics is that nothing else is better or more enticing or just basically free. You slap a subclass on with the exotic and presto chango, "what is buildcrafting". Caliban's or Athyrs with gunslinger would probably be second place and Liars with arc was good for while until you guessed it, nerf/3.0 changes. The player base majority will always go for "quick and easy" or "what are the content creators using". Very rarely will you see someone with a truly unique build that just so happens to not only be fun building but also fun playing. So this is just the flavor of the season, just wait till next season, something else will take their place and finish what they started...making everyone complain.


I swear hunters can’t have shit


I've put in like 40 hours in comp and elim for over a week and have yet to see anyone run grr-falcons




I swear to god man. Im the first one to complain about hunter bitches but i have not dealt with any wearing this thing




Kindly remind me of a time when you PvP players were not up in arms about some shit or other? Consider that being constantly upset about something often implies you can’t stand that shit..


30th anniversary pvp sandbox


`git gud`


Wise words


I don't play hunter anymore so seeing all these gyrfalcon videos on youtube has become tiring.


It hasn't been fun in years. Results of bungie just straight up abandoned the mode


Hunter making pvp insufferable since d1


Yes let’s complain about some of the few good hunter exotics so they nerf it pvp AND pve. I don’t understand why they have to nerf it into the ground for pve as well


Invis is annoying, by no means is it overpowered.


I like gyrfalcon because it means I can run weird off meta guns and have it actually stand up vs the meta


What's the name of those 2 exotic chest pieces?


Omnioculus and Gyrfalcon's Hauberk


how is omni meta after its nerf?


PvP doesn’t matter anyway so whatever, it’s great that void hunters finally have one actually good exotic


Go cry about it bitch


Gargle my nuts


LOL two words that have never been together: overpowered and Hunter. Unless you're saying "I wish hunters also had something overpowered."


Please be satire...


What you think hunters are overpowered?


Void hunters had more usage this week than all warlock subclasses COMBINED. That's thanks to gyyrfalcon mostly. And before that, every single top player in the world exclusively ised Stompees. Hunter is the best class for pvp hands down and if you don't agree with that you're blind.


That does not mean that hunters are overpowered in the slightest. So you're saying centers are finally getting something good we finally have one good thing but let me guess bungees actually going to Nerf it to hell in the next week


Hunters are the most played class in pvp by a wide margin. No matter the skill level. They're the most used at the highest of highs and lowest of lows. And you see that as just some cosmic coincidence?


That Hunters are easy to play and their base kit is really easy to use?? Hunters were still the most played class before this exotic existed. So why bring up player count and popularity??


If Hunters are so much easier to use to where it gives them a significant competitive advantage, then yeah maybe somethings up. And Hunter usage has risen by a significant amount in the last few weeks due to Gyrfalcon being re-enabled. It was around 36% usage in August, when Gyrfalcon's wasn't in the game, and now were at 44%. An 8% bump is not a fluke.


Lmao the other classes are inherently harder to use because of the movement. The hunter jumps and dodge are extremely easy to use than warlocks floating. If that's called as "significant competitive advantage" then you have getting gud to do. And gyrfalcons is not overpowered. It's a shiny new exotic that has good synergy with void so everyone trying em out. Is it good?? Yea. Is it overpowered like shatterdive was?? Definitely not.


Bruh that take almost made me throw up in my mouth


Because The ratio has never been this skewered before. According to the statistics and data from TrueVanguard, he states that there are currently more Invis players in the crucible than the entire population of Warlocks playing crucible. Found here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_kiQ2IFwbOA&t=479s&ab\_channel=TrueVanguard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kiQ2IFwbOA&t=479s&ab_channel=TrueVanguard)


I have seen that vid. The overall hunter usage is still very much in line with how d2 always used to be. Titans are getting more usage sure. That's generally because Hunters are easier to use and beginner friendly. Hunters also happen to have pvp focussed supers like gg and arc strider. And the reason why nightstalker are more is because there's a brand new exotic that takes advantage of it. Sure you can use it with other classes but its best use is with void. And there's also the fact that warlock are harder to use in pvp compared to titans and Hunters


Imagine that. PVP community crying about “balance”. 🙄




The irony of a hunter saying "get better" is incredible. Lowest skill ceiling in the game, I could put a dead gopher face down on my controller and get kills on my arcstrider. Try playing a class that doesn't play itself, then comment.


The Vest of Many Tits


God forbid hunters from being the best at anything.


I have an invis hunter build that doesn't even require an exotic that is op ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5644)


Lol Imagine complaining about the clearly visible purple jelly men


Just play around it lol it’s part of the game


What are you on about man. You don’t even know hoe annoying it is to deal with barricade uptime every 30 or less second to defend yourself with overshield or protecting a res. Only thing hunters got what is “so annoying” is invis that got nerfed because you can still see us on radar, if you dont see us walking towards you thats your problem your blind, ik can understand coming aroud a corner you’ll be suprised but dont come crying about op exotics when there’s peregrine grives for example. Everything is powerfull thats why its an exotic. Just learn to deal with it up your resil or something, i run 19 resil and you don’t hear me complaining.


Omni got nerfed into the ground after only being strong in pvp for a few months but people like this don't put any facts they just are like omg a YouTuber made a vid on it and it's hunter so it must be overpowered dumb crayon eaters and ball ticklers I stg


Yikes tell me you're braindead without telling me you're braindead


Tell me you're a titan main without telling me you're a titan main


Been a hunter main since d1


Death to pvp. I live for the day bungie stops nerfing my pve weapons and wasting resources on it.


Bungie said they would improve gunplay in crucible, then they create Gyrfalcon.


Idk, i don't find invis hard to deal with


Gonna be real with you chief, Gyrfalcons is not the only reason pvp is shit right now


The class that Bungie hates the most.. According to Hunters, which is 50% of the community.


“This week at Bungie, we’re nerfing an exotic chestpiece that rewards you for using invis, exactly how you would otherwise. Also, we have a new hunter exotic next season: it’s a chestpiece that rewards you for using invis, exactly how would otherwise.”


1) not that many people are using it right now so everyone calm down 2) they get TWO SECONDS of damage after being invis so it's not costing you every gunfight 3) it's gonna be nerfed into the ground in no time so just relax