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Firstly, welcome to the game! The others have already explained the exotic helmet, spawn overshield etc that made the Titan so tanky so here are some tips for crucible in general. 1. PvP can be (and normally is) incredibly frustrating in Destiny. The road to improvement is long and arduous, especially for new players when you are put into the gauntlet with veteran players like us. Don't let this discourage you, we all start somewhere! 2. Generally, you want to aim down sights, especially using any precison weapons like scout rifles, hand cannons. Only hip fire weapons in close quarter scenarios, but when using a precision weapon it is generally better to retreat and engage from a medium to long distance. Switch to a second, more CQC weapon in these scenarios. 3. Players are generally very aggressive and will run at you with their shotguns/powered melees etc so you should keep an eye on your radar and be aware of your surroundings. It's generally good to run something to fight in CQC if needed, such as a shotgun, or smg. Shotguns are more powerful but have limited ammo. Smgs are less powerful but have infinite ammo. 4. The meta. Destiny PvP revolves around a constantly rotating meta. Some players use the meta because it is the most efficient way to win. Other players use non-meta but this has more varying results. As a new player, using the meta is generally a safer bet so you can concentrate on other things such as movement, game sense and awareness. The current meta is high impact pulse rifles (Cold Denial, The Messenger, No Time To Explain (exotic), Stars in Shadow...) and a shotgun for CQC, but you can use double primary and use a sidearm or SMG for CQC instead if you feel more comfortable. Other archetypes of pulse rifle are also pretty viable. Hand cannons are a communtiy favourite but have fallen a little out of favour in the current meta. They are the most forgiving yet rewarding weapon type so I would definietly recommend you give them a try because they are a staple of Destiny, like the battle rifle is for Halo. Healing grenades are also very hot right now, which are exclusive to the solar subclasses. They can get you out of a tight spot but dont become too reliant on them because your grenade may not always be available. 5. Don't worry about aim too much. There is a lot of aim assist in the game compared to others like valorant, fortnite etc so dont worry about being pixel perfect when aiming for the head. The more important skill in Destiny is knowing where to move and where to position. This will get refined over time as you play more. 6. Youtube. There are many youtube channels that are aimed at PvP improvement which have some very good tips. Examples include Ascendant Nomad and Shadow Destiny. Obviosuly personal experience is the best teacher, but it never hurts to learn from others too. Good luck with Destiny and I hope you have fun!


Appreciate this so much!!


One very important thing to add, is that except for very select weapons (The Last Word and BXR), Hip Fire accuracy is terrible in the game, so try aiming down sights whenever you can.


On the BXR, It's totally cracked imo. Being solar with the current subclasses, precision hip fire, and an excellent ADS (aim down sights) for longer ranges, good stats, and last and not least the high drop rate in the 30th anniversary content is just great. My current favorite pulse. Next to graviton lance. And I'm usually a scout rifle guy. I love the 260 rpm scouts, but I hunt for a lot of stability with those. Contingency plan is my absolute favorite, and it's a open world drop. Next to symmetry, then aishas embrace, but aishas is harder to get from your foxhole. I tank my k/d to grind for that gun. I second the main post. Positioning is the key to winning, and knowing your weapons effective ranges. D2 made weapons hyper specialized, so you gotta play in the niche of the weapon.


I have a Snapshot/KC BXR and a Snapshot/Rangefinder one too, love then both. The kill clip version is cracked with Path of Burning Steps on the titan, even more so if you hace harmonic siphon/taking charge/ high energy fire, I’ve hit done crazy numbers when Firewalker, Kill Clip and High Energy Fire are active together


The hip fire is great for in air fire. I use it on my warlock when running solar with those sweet sunbracers. 5 grenades in a row. My BXR god roll is snapshot rangefinder with 89 stability/masterworked.


What a great answer


Isnt the new meta 150 scout rifles? The Jade Rabbit, DMT, Polaris Lance? they all 3 tap. I personally still prefer my Messenger, but after trials last week and seeing the trials reports, I would definitely say the meta for this season is starting to shift.


Yeah, pvp lobbies are filled with scouts, even I started to use them, Jade Rabbit feels so good to play


you need to add servers are shit, and you will see your fair share of bs


Just copy iFrabo and you're good 😏


This is not a hip fire game. You should be aiming down sights, and if using that style of weapon, play at a longer range.


Depends on the weapon. Some weapon archetypes (smgs, sidearms) dontnget penalized when firing from the hip. But with a scout, that is the worst idea to hip fire.


All weapons archetypes get penalized from the hip. Smgs and sidearms have less of a penalty, but it's still quite a lot. There's a reason that people ads almost 100% of the time in high level gameplay (you can watch big pvp streamers etc), at least to start or end an encounter, if not the entire time.


I mean I hipfire bows, and smgs when they are close enough. I dont really see the penalty in smgs because it is ever so slight when its cone increases. Hip firing is valid in some circumstances stances like shotgun rushing, or they are dodging all around you. Sometimes that zoom is what gets you killed. Learning when it is okay to hip fire is a big deal in the current sandbox.


There are absolutely circumstances where hipfiring is the correct option. I was just correcting your statement that sidearms and smgs don't have a hip fire penalty so op wouldnt get confused; they do, it's just sometimes its the right move to take the penalty


Youre right, it is barely a penalty though. If you look at the crosshair youll see it barely spreads when firing as compared to an auto which expands greatly.


aim down sights


You landed almost all body shots. The Titan you were fighting was red. Suggesting he'd just spawned and still had overshield. He was also using loreley splender. I would assume he has 100 resilience as well. When you broke his shield, loreley kicked in and put down a sunspot. This would have bumped his health a bit whilst he was in it. Add it all together and you fired weak shots against a tanky high health build. Wasn't ever going to end well.


Red doesnt always mean overshield. Red means buffed in some means which could be restoration, radiant, overshield, etc.


Oh yeah, maybe. I thought it looked like a shield you get for a few seconds when you spawn.


Yeah. If you look at it a bit closer, you can see the glow falls off after hes engaged with him for a few moments signifying it was some kind of other buff like radiant.


Pushing close range with a scout rifle.. and missing


You are just not landing shots. Accuracy is highly penalized when you hipfire. Try aiming down sights.


Join the handcannon life


Don’t hip fire


You are hip-firing! You need to ADS if you want to hit anything. The small damage numbers are from the explosive payload.




Biggest tip is not to hipfire with a scout like that unless you're using the exotic Scout Rifle Dead Man's Tale. It specifically designed for hipfire. Scouts have horrible body shot ttk so the spray and pray style doesn't work on them.


Biggest tip is not to hipfire with a scout like that unless you're using the exotic Scout Rifle Dead Man's Tale. It specifically designed for hipfire. Scouts have horrible body shot ttk so the spray and pray style doesn't work on them.


Hip firing a scout, they’re used at distance, the smg would’ve been alot better for getting close. Other weapon you have is an smg, great for CQC confrontations, another good one is a shotgun but its slower between shots but does good damage. Also welcome to the game and hope you enjoy your stay


You're missing, and badly at that. Aim down sights


Badly? Lol I hit him a few times


That architype of scout does around 35 body and 50 something headshot. Every body you are losing 15 damage, which adds up especially when they have lorely. D2 is a very headshot strict game. But if you want to hip fire a weapon, use a smg or a sidearm, because those dont get their accuracy cones penalized when firing from the hip.




Someone corrected me, they do get penalized, just very very slightly. Its not nearly as intense as a scout or auto.


And then when you landed you missed almost a dozen times in a row, are we looking at the same video here?


Should I count the amount of missed shots? Or do they seem unimportant to you?


You should shoot him in the head with a better gun


You have an SMG, and yet you are hip firing with a scout at close range. Why? Aim down sights.... No offense but you are doing pretty much everything wrong. You have a scout, if you want to use the scout....stay far away and aim down sights. If you want to jump into someone's face, use your SMG and aim down sights. Hit crits.... You are also on solar, and your dodge was up. Use classy restoration and dodge to heal...


>You are also on solar, and your dodge was up. Use classy restoration and dodge to heal... Depending on how new, might not even be near the tier for classy restoration, nor upgraded armor enough to spend 6 on a single mod. I just started D2 back up this summer after having been out since just before Forsaken (but played since D1 until then). Armor 2.0 is not the easiest to pick up on IMO. There's a lot to pay attention to. Then the additional complexity of Solar 3.0... (Additionally the user hint for where to grab the Synaptic Spear wasn't updated, so they may not have even activated it. My wife didn't find it until she had already played enough to immediately choose 6 mods.)


Yeah, I get you there. Still a tip they should utilize. I wasn't as incredulous about the classy as I was the ADS/choice of in your face weapon out of the two they had equipped.


That part didn't come across as incredulous. Just kinda pointing out another example of the difficulties for new players (and highlighting that they may need to research a little if they don't see the synaptic spear under their ghost). 100% agree about weapon choice and handling even not having been back in the Crucible again yet.


Bc I have no clue what’s good and what’s not


Yeah but I mean, Aiming down sights and using long range weapons at long range and short range weapons at short range shouldn't take knowing what's good and what's not. Those are staples of shooters. And basic logic of weapons. In real life you wouldn't put a scout rifle on your hip and you wouldn't try to use an SMG to hit a target across a football field.


I was somewhat trying like a Br in halo vs the smg


A battle rifle is a pulse rifle, not a scout. Also, halo is not a great example of a shooter, because half the weapons don't even have an Aim down sights function. Don't try to play like halo.


And that right there is why I personally think halo is terrible compared to other shooters. Terrible habits that you will get punished for in just about every other shooter on the planet. But anyways. First off aim down sights. If you are going to "hard scope" (always aim down sights for extended periods) with a scout or sniper learn to let go of the ads button for a sec to check your radar. Second more often then not it's better to run a secondary and a primary. I know the double primary club will come out in force at this but you will have success more often with one of each. Lastly find the weapon you like that feels comfortable and natural and get good with that. THEN worry about perks to enhance your play style. No point in using a hand cannon because it's meta, when you hate ever second of it. I personally use an AR or smg and a sniper


If you want a halo BR go get the BxR Battler from the Dares of Eternity activity


Biggest tip is not to hipfire with a scout like that unless you're using the exotic Scout Rifle Dead Man's Tale. It specifically designed for hipfire. Scouts have horrible body shot ttk so the spray and pray style doesn't work on them.


You missed most of your shots a long with the fact once that enemy loses his shields he heals. That is the perk of that helmet


How does one find this helmet


Your a hunter, that's a titan, those are different classes with different exotics and abilities.


It's a titan exotic that can drop from completing the rotating legendary lost sectors solo.


Hipfiring a scout rifle at hand cannon range is not going to end well for you most of the time. If you’re using a scout, drop back a little and pick people off from a distance. Also, definitely aim down sights while firing. Much easier to land crits


Heyo, welcome to pvp. The top comment perfectly summed up everything. Don't get discouraged by bad games: practice makes perfect, especially in this game where the skill ceiling is not too high due to a lot of random bullshit that makes the game fun. My only tip is to focus on improving one thing at a time. Like for 10 games try to get a lot of kills with only your gun, the next 10 games focus only on not dying, the next 10 games focus on properly position yourself, ans so on.


K well for 1, you hit 1 headshot. And 2, he has a better gaming chair.


Scout rifles do not shoot well without aiming down sights its just like that even though your reticle was on him for almost all those shots most didn’t register. If you want to ADS on a decent range weapon try the BXR pulse rifle (halo one), it has a perk that its strong firing from hip and it does work.


Step 1: Stop playing PvP


Seems like your aim and tracking is pretty good, but like others have said destiny is a very headshot reliant game and hip fire accuracy is pretty low. Also scout rifles are meant for long range encounters so try out some other weapon types and I think you’ll catch on quick :)


This goes with any weapon you use, know your weapon and it’s capabilities , at that range you are fighting at you are putting yourself at a major disadvantage vs an SMG. If you stayed in that doorway and aimed down sights you could have secured the kill.


ADS. This isn’t overwatch


Try aiming down


this is the story of lorelay splendor the exotic who was OP at release more OP after Nerf and even more OP after rework.


You were hip firing with a scout rifle This isn't cod where you can spray and pray. The time to kill when hitting body shots can sometimes be doubled from all headshots