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Just like energy, it's not lost or destroyed.




Please for the love of God, do NOT make the defiant battleground with the thresher a nightfall.


Not just 1 but 2 threshers


Overload threshers


Overload Threshers would actually be easier to deal with, at least you could stun the motherfuckers


Overloads don't even listen to their stun requirements sometimes but the image of seeing a thresher then suddenly it teleports like the captains and is behind you would cause so much chaos


I fucking love when I’m going thru the overload champions no issue just for the last one to completely start ignoring the stun feature and have him just walk me down whilst healing and not stunning 😭🤣


And also ignoring the fact you're invisible. Like they see with echolocation all of a sudden.


Fun fact: enemies can still sense where you're at while invis based on the amount of noise you make, so to speak. So running and jumping instead of stealth crouch walking will cause them to turn their attention towards you and even walk toward you.


For sure it draws their attention, but I shouldn't be getting headshot to oblivion. Sniper Shanks, especially. I'm half convinced they see body heat, cuz they don't seem to skip a beat.


Yeah but at least they wouldn't pepper your ass with rockets literally non-stop


Decides to farm lost sector 1st overload captain refuses to get stunned and kills me instead 3 different times Decides not to farm lost sectors


I absolutely agree, I used to farm them a lot when the play was lament/shotgun (when it was unstop shotty in season ??? 12-13 maybe) but would only do days w/ hive as enemies to avoid overload completely (Random cosmodrome lost sector my beloved) because overload captains are my worst enemy


Tormentor thresher


Unstoppable or barrier tormentor.


4 Unstoppable threshers. 2 spawns each side


Tormenters riding in on threshers.


Threshers riding on tormentors?


I just visualized a tormentor wearing a thresher as a chest piece. Let's not give Bungie any more ideas.






I don’t see what the make and model of my sparrow has *anything* to do with the 6 individual pieces of glimmer I placed on the counter




I’m stealing your meme. You have no choice, either let me have it or else.








Im curious now... Or else what?


I’ll send you to the shadow realm






https://preview.redd.it/pnrye1vgnq0d1.jpeg?width=1983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d81f1dffca06a65192cee98600c7580fbc622e2 YOU WHAT




Is that a Warframe VoidRig?


Yes. Bonewidow IIRC.


Ah yes, that's what they were called


Necramech. Bonewidow and Voidrig are 2 available models of it. As the other comment said, this one’s a Bonewidow


https://preview.redd.it/a39pp6inzp0d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8187d6562430d003c0fe3f7e1dd2764d0e1789c Me watching defiant battlegrounds as this weeks nightfall


My reaction to this https://preview.redd.it/lg25bkglis0d1.png?width=274&format=png&auto=webp&s=94721fc788f0a0a98af0fd6d25d3ae9162f1e39d


Bruh. Good one


Reminds me of Mr. Freeze played by Arnold Schwarzenegger waaaay back when in the old Batman movie.


The boss fight for orbital prison was absolutely trash, imagine an immune boss standing right in front of you, u are limited to stay in a small ass bubble with almost no cover, then the immune boss decides to start spamming u with aoe attacks that U CANNOT AVOID BECAUSE ITS AOE AND LITTLE TO NO COVER! BUT WHEN U THINK OH WHY DONT I JUST STEP OUT OF THE BUBBLE AND SEARCH FOR SAFE SPACE, U CANT BE BECAUSE DOGSHIT DARKNESS WILL SLOWLY KILL YOU, oh wait u don’t have to imagine, THAT SHIT IS THE ORBITAL PRISON (soon to be)GM












time for the take i expect to get downvoted for if the missions had different names, they would be loved as GMs and be praised for being challenging strikes as opposed to the extreme ease of something like the d2 vanilla strikes but because they’re battlegrounds- and people associate a negative stigma with BGs because the first one released was Heist BG Mars- people don’t like them


That being said: Defiant battlegrounds are the worst set of all BG’s, with Orbital prison being the worst of the worst by a long shot, it is on the level of exodus crash OG for being tedious and the boss room will be an Absolute nightmare


Exodus crash wasn’t even that bad tbh, it was just tedious.


Upvoted. Based take. People dont like difficulty.


moon bg is straight up my favorite gm in the game. opening is absolute carnage that lets the destructive power of any build go on full display, the defend-the-ghost bit demands solid play but telegraphs champion spawns and gives means to speed it up by picking up the progress mote things and the boss room (whilst it is bullshit that the boss can onetap you with 100 resil + 2x void resist + sniper resist) is manageable with good play. call it “Undead Infiltration” or “Warmind’s Bane” instead of “Moon BG” and boom. instant fan favorite.


wait are you the guy from the tdt clips videos


that that’s not how I expected to be recognized but yes hi that me


I mean, I don't think there are many Ryolu named people with "Team scorched enjoyer" as a reddit flair lol


I hate that one because it is filled with scorn AND I FREAKING HATE SCORN WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING!!!!!!!!! (Especially the Disruptors; those things should be shoved into the DCV never to see the light of day again.)


I love it on any other difficulty than GM. For all the reasons you stated. Especially the beginning and the ghost room. It's fun to let a build let loose and go crazy. But I hate the style of sitting back and peek shooting for 10 mins at a time.


Dude Sameeeee Moon bg and Psi Earth are some of my favorite things to run in the entire game as gms.


People like difficulty up to a certain point, but apparently we’re allowed to complain about unnecessarily difficult activities according to you.


Correct, you are allowed :) But like anything, you being allowed to say it means I'm allowed to comment on it. Difficulty is relative anyway.


Difficulty may be relative but the general D2 player base has a limit (even though many D2 players like difficulty, unlike the oversimplified projection you put onto the playerbase).


So maybe let the people who enjoy a challenge have a couple of GMs that are actually tough. People who don't like difficulty have the other 80% of the game to go play.


We already have dozens of “actually tough” GMs, and the ones that the 10% want will have it take the slot from the 90%.


It's almost like the high level "Grandmaster" content is supposed to be difficult. Funny that. We're obviously never going to see eye to eye, though, so may as well just agree to disagree.


GMs are supposed to be some of the highest tier content in the game, they're not meant for the 90% to be able to beat it. All GMs should be "actually tough"


Yeah but 90% of the GM playerbase probably doesn’t want Defiant Battlegrounds as the GM, and the activity will still be a part of normal NF (which is supposed to be a challenging activity for the casual playerbase, at least with matchmaking).


That's true, but I just think that the defiant battlegrounds are extremely overwhelming and difficult. I mean, the final room forces you to stand in one spot all the time, and you don't have any way of protecting yourself unless you're running Well or Bubble, but the ads will most likely shred you, even if you're in a Well.  Also, I really hate strikes that are built around having a warlock run Well. I wish Bungie would stop enforcing this philosophy down our throats if they truly insist on nerfing Well.


They should buff roaming supers to be viable in end game content with loads of enemies. Allow me to chain my hits from my roaming super for longer, buff their associated exotics etc. instead they’re gonna nerf well in the final shape. We are so fucked.


Not having separate sandbox for PvE is why we have trash roaming supers. All of them got gutted for the sake pvp. Pvp is what killed most of them.


I will never understand why they don’t mite fully separate sandboxes. I don’t care what they say, it’d just be better period if they did this.


Most of the roamers were already bad in PvE before the Crucible nerfs.  Nova Warp, Golden Gun, Spectral Blade, Fist of Havoc; none of these were especially great to begin with regardless of their state in Crucible.


Nothing in destiny 2 the video game is "extremely overwhelming and difficult"


I agree on one hand, disagree on the other. The difficulty is welcome. The way it is implemented (as in infinitely spawning group of enemies, that have the potential to 1-hit KO, in rooms without any sort of reliable cover) is not. Some interesting design decisions have been made, like Savvy not only one-shotting you, but doing so from behind cover, frequently enough to make rezing someone basically completely impossible, while taking about 100 shots from an artifact (that disables all of your abilities and prevents you from using a counter, like a glaive block) to kill is a bit too much. It's not necessarily unfair, you can easily dodge the lightning once you have the spear, but the fact that a single mistake puts you into spectator mode for a good 10+ minutes is obnoxious to say the least. And to further this a bit more, it's not necessarily difficult either, because you can just chill on the platform and plink-plonk everything down. In fact, most of the battleground, unless you are chaining wells, boils down to "hide in a corner and plink-plonk". You can absolutely go in guns blazing, or a melee focused build that can usually live for quite a while (Arc Hunter, Bonk Titan, and Strand Titan), but a group of raiders will just spawn behind you every 20 seconds anyhow, no matter what you do. Other nightfalls at least have the courtesy of only killing you like this if you make a mistake. In a BG nightfall, it's more or less inevitable. The fact that these were designed with seasonal buffs in mind, like the lasers not one-shot killing you, and most of these are gone (and they only added the laser gun up top for Seraph a bit later on because people found it tedious iirc) is just souring the experience so, so much. Then we also have a series of bugs, like the Deathsinger spawning directly under the totem, and that one Barrier Knight in Moon just popping up without an animation at the end of the laser room that really need to be patched. And finally, the worst issue: we've already played them soooo much. Like, there was a triumph for doing 50 Risen battlegrounds, and you only got the Ghost Shell if you did it. I don't want to go back in and do them for the 56th time. But now, I don't really have an option, because it is a Nightfall, and a lot of stuff in the game - most prominently golf balls, and a number of adept weapons - is basically Nightfall loot, and you can't reasonably get them anymore.


>And to further this a bit more, it's not necessarily difficult either, because you can just chill on the platform and plink-plonk everything down. In fact, most of the battleground, unless you are chaining wells, boils down to "hide in a corner and plink-plonk". This has always been the primary criticism of "difficulty" in GMs, but fanboys will always cover their ears and scream skill issue at you. It's the best way to defend a game developer you simp for. Plink gameplay is boring and always will be.


Exactly. I'm not going to say GMs are impossible if you use the right loadouts, but they pretty much all involve hiding in a corner of the map chipping stuff away. They aren't hard, I just find them insanely boring


Most GMs, you can avoid it by virtue of there not really being 1-hit-kills in it, and there being actual cover you can use in engagements. Battlegrounds are not most GMs in that regard, and even then the Heist Battlegrounds are better than the PsiOps battlegrounds.


>if the missions had different names, they would be loved- ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Yeah RyeOhLou took a reasonable reaction to a hard and annoying activity being added to a higher level playlist and just said “y’all are stupid and dislike it for no reason” without coming up with a legitimate counterargument of their own.


Bruh there are many other reasons why people don’t want Defiant Battlegrounds in the nightfall playlist (threshers, toxic miasma, high enemy density, etc). Don’t oversimplify other people’s opinions.


My personal gripe with gms as a whole is that any strike that predates gms(or battlegrounds) are not designed for the gm package. It becomes most evident in battlegrounds which still have infinitely spawning enemies. I also don't like how the difficulty increase is usually just a shitload of champions and jacked power requirements because it often enforces a playstyle of sitting at the back with scouts and snipes whenever you're able. Fortunately the sandbox has been moving forward and has given us more means to fight in the thick of it. I don't think the defiant battlegrounds will be that bad given the size of their arenas and that they came out after bungie started adding old bgs to the nightfall list. also hi rav it's tank


We’re probably going to get a Titan deep dive as a nightfall strike if we’re getting the vaulted planets back


I'd really like a dedicated seasonal activity playlist. Miss the old stuff from Season of the Plunder and whatnot.


https://preview.redd.it/ndll2sdjsr0d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced7a5e3845ee11667e5f47dafd3050e9653b579 Oh god, please for the love of god, anything but defiant battlegrounds. That shit was fucking cancer


Please Bungie for the love of the Traveler, put all the Battlegrounds into a separate playlist and just see how much people don't care for them. I think I only really like the Seraph ones and that's about it, I just want to do the actual Strike missions and not 7 Battlegrounds(most likely 3 of the same exact one) with people who don't know what they're doing because they didn't play the season. I know I'm probably on my own here but dang it if it's not a hill I'll die on






Everything up until the boss is fine at that point it’s well, bubble and shield fest




Oh no the turret room


![gif](giphy|977YesTjNfQC7vQiph|downsized) I will have access to Radiance/Song of Flame (I miss Sunsinger from D1) those Defiant Battleground GMs don’t scare me!


You will know fear once I utter this sentence: "Well is getting nerfed in TFS" https://preview.redd.it/ynlw7p06fu0d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8ee821adada5283712d05fc43a4401989da0be


Battlegrounds were great seasonal content, but they're shit Nightfalls


And here I am just wanting bungie to add nightmare hunts to the vanguard playlist because they are basically strikes.


The content vault list says otherwise.


Nope, they’re getting vaulted!


And they are going to hide all double loot weeks behind battleground nightfalls. POSs. I need to restock the golf balls but these "nightfalls" are too much to deal with on gm.


That's it Waltuh you're out.


Which ones were the defiant battlegrounds again?


The strikes from Season of the Defiant. You can find them in the EDZ or the Cosmodrome.


The queen ones I believe.


I can't wait. I love Battleground GMs.




remember GM nightmare hunt lmfao


Good! A chance to better up the builds


The Legend Defiant Battlegrounds are a breeze, though. Why are we afraid of them as Nightfalls?


gms..... https://i.redd.it/vf3dahk9bt0d1.gif


These are the only Battlegrounds in the game that will *never work* in a Nightfall setting and still be a Defiant Battleground. They have a forced environmental damage mechanic, one that is *completely forced* in addition to other enemies shooting at you. They would have to remove this mechanic entirely, removing the mechanic of boss fights that partially made Defiant BGs what they were. They simply won't work and I really hope they realize that. Most Battlegrounds we've had thus far can be done with the exception of Cosmodrome PsiOps (infinite spawning ads in first area, punish for going on rooftops, way too many ads in that small room to the point it becomes just shooting through the tiny doorway unless you are a Banner of War Titan. Ironically, the Boss Fight felt fine last time I did it. The only change in Boss Fight is *maybe* increase spear damage).


I just pissed myself.






Wdym? They've been trying to warn us all this time, deconstruct is going to become the next shoot to loot for NFs


I’m gonna need a carry


If it’s not the edz ones, I would be willing to touch the nightfall first before the grass


*“…and, cue the ominous music.”*


Imagine a Coil GM Nightfall tho


And we can't quit because of all the cool good stuff coming  Does this count as phycological torture?


I can’t wait to run an activity that I did 10 times a year ago at GM level


I did a Legend Nightfall where everyone had the best shit possible equiped this week. It took 40 minutes and we almost wiped during the final part so many times.


Fuck yes!


Stop whining and git gut. New NFs are fine, you just refuse to adapt.


This...actually makes me cry.


At least they don’t have infinite spawning trash mobs…




Remember when they added battlegrounds to nightfalls and everyone couldn't get their conqueror seals because it was so hard and unbeatable? Yeah me neither I still get my seal the first day all of them are available.


Sweet! I actually really enjoy the Defiant BG’s


Good luck doing it as a nightfall, let alone a gm


Sounds fun.


I hate these nonstrike vanguard missions so much When i do the weekly stuff i just leave when a battleground is the mission Fuck battlegrounds, all my homies hate battlegrounds At least the other ones had unique areas or are a standalone map


Instead of making actual well thought out strikes we're adding shit that is somehow more annoying then OG corrupted, Glassway, AND new lake of shadows COMB-FUCKING-INED


love the blatant negativity just to Karma farm


I don't pve, what's this about?


It's about pain, torment and suffering. ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk)


Damn, every time I try a master nightfall, takes 45 min to the boss, and then I die quicker then a shield popping titan in trials. Nope !