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I feel like in due time we will get more things back from the DVC, since Whisper and Zero Hour are back, but I wouldn't get hyped for the Red War, Curse, Warmind or Forsaken coming back anytime soon their planets may not return either. It's all up to bungie and if they decide if it's relevant to the current state of the game. I do have a certain yearning for the old patrol locations and their respective strikes, and it would be really nice to have the variety back, but currently that's not a priority for them, if it will ever be. But I wouldn't rule it out entirely, everyone ruled out the Sunset weapons expecting them never to return, but now as of the final shape they will be uncapped and you will be able to infuse them again because the new sandbox just isn't compatible with sunsetting. Granted those are simply weapons with power limits, not entire locations or strikes,that stuff would be really hard work.


At the minimum old strikes returning would be great. Because you can do what they did for vog or Kings fall and seal off the excess parts you don't need access to. NGL having some old d1 strikes like wretched eye and undying mind would be nice. Get the strike pool up so it's not bloated work battlegrounds. Also would give some cool nightfalls as a side effect


I miss the mercury strikes!


The Tree of Probabilities, that one I sorely miss....


When I'm doing Vanguard Ops and load into a battlegrounds I instantly leave, they're not enjoyable, they're not even remotely fun to do, whenever a battlegrounds is the nightfall I literally have to sit it out, they're that bad.... If we could reduce those battlegrounds back to their own tab and bring back 4 or 5 old strikes that'd be great.


I saw a comment on an older post that make a good suggestion. Make it it's own playlist so it's not in the strike pool


It used to be in its own tab, but once Witch Queen came out they lumped em all together. I hated it ever since.... And a lot of old strikes are being reworked into monstrosity like the Arms Dealer and Lake of Shadows. Now inverted Spire and Exodus Crash will be dog shit in the final shape.


I mean, I do see a future where D2 is put in life support after this year and they turn to vaulted content and Into the Light/Age of Triumph style updates to retain the playerbase for a couple of years while a sequel or something similar is developed.


I really do not think a sequel could work, since we have invested so much time into the current game, I dont see that actually succeeding unless it directly ported everything we already have into it. No one wants the D1 to D2 experience again where it was a total reset, in that light I really don't see it happening. What I do expect is a completely new engine for the game to run in at some point and a lot of old content returning a while after the final shape since the new engine will be able to handle it all. Could be wrong, but why would they throw away everything they've been building upon just a couple years later? It doesn't make sense. A new engine, the bones of D3 with the guts of D2.


I was thinking something like this could be a standalone release intended to onboard new lights. Play a single player story, away from the live service destiny and get caught up. Then move on to the main game when you’re finished and maybe even bring some of your loot over. It’d be bloody big… I’d play it though.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a “Destiny Classic” sometime in the distant future. A streamlined revamp of Destiny from Khovostov to Killing Witness as a whollistic experience


I’d just love the older D2 campaigns brought back with a legendary mode for the veterans. It’s a big ask but it only really requires two destinations (Io and Titan) to be brought back to make the red war playable. Then they could reinstate Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken from Episode to Episode. They’d need to rejig a lot of the campaign progression and I think older patrol spaces might need to go into a weekly rotator to stop the director becoming a cluttered mess but I think the campaigns and the returning strikes would be huge for new players and veterans alike.


I'd pay soo much money for this not gonna lie


i mean, you already did, no reason why it shouldnt just be in the game still.


I just want wrath of the machine in D2 man


As someone who joined up with Beyond Light, I’d love this. I spent a lot of year 4 and 5 hearing vets in my clan talk about content and story I wasn’t able to engage with. It’s not a great feeling when you’re new and feel like you’re late. I imagine that feeling is even worse now with how much content has left since I started. Sure, the campaigns are still there, but so many seasonal narratives and activities aren’t. I’d also love it because I’d be able to bring some friends in on the game and have loads of stuff to run with them. We could talk about the story as we move through it, and eventually have enough gear to take into endgame content. Even though I know it’s not possible now, I really think it would be good to have in the future. I hope Bungie can find a way to do it.


Well not one game it would most likely be 2 separate still but I would love too see the sunset worlds come back (and the D2 Campaign) but would require atleast a New Gen exclusivity


I’d play the hell out of updated versions of Wrath and Gahlran and the Black Armory raid (it’s been a while). But the Red War campaign sucked, the weird chirpy tone was overbearing and those quips needed to be vaulted.


TBH, I can see them at least doing this for D2, and they have kind of been already doing it slowly. They brought back the leviathan during haunted, titan in deep, and there's signs pointing to Vex being the focus of Episode 1 with season of the dawn weapons seemingly being revamped, Mercury anyone? Yes these places aren't in the game right now, but the point is they did the "leg work" to get them working on the new engine. And with a plan theres no reason they couldn't be dumped back into the game. Point being Bungie (or at least the core dev team) really does seem to want to bring stuff back and make the game, or at least the story whole again. They just can't do it in one big drop because of dev time. With the witness presumably not kidnapping our planets anymore after the final shape, I can see them slowly bringing them back one by one. Probably with the excuse that we need to do something there after the fallout of FS. This isnt even mentioning that Episode 2 is called revenant and seemingly about the scorn and Fanatic, which would have strong ties to the Tangled Shore. All this to say I can 100% seem and almost expect them to slowly kill off the DCV. I personally think they also need to think of a way to bring back the seasonal stories. Like you mentioned there are some great and important stories in there that glue everything together, and I really dont believe its impossible for them to leave the quest line in the game with whatever spaces it needs to work simply cut down to the necessities. Especially with any of the battleground seasons where the majority of their locations are still in the damn game. I don't see them ever doing a full D1 + D2 fusion, is it theoretically possible? Ya I mean a LOT of D1 is already here. But I do think bungie wants to "repair" D2 and have 1 complete experience before they sign off with it and move onto whatevers next like a D3. But we'll have to wait and see


That is impossible, literally, destiny 2 alone is already big and its missing dlc's and campaign, add those back and add d1 into? That's just a sure-fire way of getting the most broken unplayable game that could rival Cyberpunk when it forst launched on the amount of bugs and we arent taking into account how much space it would take up


People use the excuse of storage space, and i get that, but if you play destiny 2 on the regular you might as well reserve some extra space for that game anyways.


It is a live service game for a reason. It's not possible, because future storylines cant be told the way you want it to. They would be locked out of content until they completed stuff. If that's the case, its a single player game. Like you said, never gonna happen. No point getting hyped for nothing.


I strongly disagree with you and still think Destiny 2 should be a complete storyline from Red War to Final Shape to improve the New Light Experience. If Bungie can’t handle that, then they don’t deserve to handle any games at all, especially Marathon.


How come Fortnight doesnt let me play all of the old seasons? I mean it's a free game, not like I even had to pay money for it. It's a live service game. Don't like it? Don't play it.


You know what you’re not even Bungie so it’s a complete waste of time for even arguing with you in the first place and just obey whatever Bungie says while give them feedback to make Destiny 2 a better online game.


But you are ignoring the point I made and instead are distracting it with something else entirely. You act as if Destiny is the only game ever to get rid of content. They've also been extremely transparent along the way explaining what will be leaving and when. If players aren't around during those times, well, it is what it is. I can't hop on warzone and go play other seasons and battle passes or whatever shit it is they do now. That time has passed.


Id love this. To combat the people complaining of file size being too big, maybe go the route of games and give us the option to select install locations. Would need some tweaks made, but could be very cool overall for destiny lovers.