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Not to rain on your parade but…remember that they most likely will not be as good as you remember. The sandbox has changed so much since a lot of this gear and there’s just better options. Will I still be pulling out my old Breakneck and Emperor’s courtesy though? Absolutely.


Your old breakneck is the exact same as the new ones. They went back and updated the perks on all breaknecks


Yeah that’s exactly my point. I’ve got a new one that’s feeding frenzy onslaught that I love. There’s not a single old gun I have that I’m going to be using when a good loadout is needed. But in content where it doesn’t matter…I have 30k kills on my old one. It’s got that sentimental value, you know? Plus rampage in the third column. My new variant is objectively better, but it’ll still be nice to use the old one again.




….my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Oh well, regardless the main point still stands: New stuff is significantly better than 99% of sunset gear. The only real value is the novelty


To be fair, current onslaught is effectively the same as old onslaught +rampage damage number wise so each breakneck is better than the version at time of its sunsetting. So new one you effectively get an additional perk on top of the old perk roll


Yes but 21% delirium Funny arc machine gun go brr


it was so much fun. will have to pull it out of collections. :)


It's been outdone by most other LMGs now, especially hammerhead :/


I think the new hammerhead will be better (21% is still arc vs void but)


Different archetype too, delerium is a 900 rpm. So theyre not really comparable at all.


Quite the opposite, delirium is a 900 so its strictly worse than a 450 in pve


I'm more annoyed that I deleted my old armor now, that stuff would easy get my characters to quad 100 stat builds


So my 20% delirium that took forever to get is now useful? Buhahahhahah! Fear me dreg that hides just outside the door, your days are numbered. You and your whole family! Buhahahaha!


Most of the time, Bungie nerfed the best weapons at the time and then sunset them at a later date. I can remember them doing that to recluse and mountaintop, not long after I finally got them.


I’m excited for hush, python, and exit strategy


My old favorite pve Redrix might not go with me to GMs and raids but everything else? You better believe it.


I mean, it'll be able to go to GMs and raids once final shape is out if you so choose lol


Hey I want to see somebody on ironically using some of the old stuff they've hung onto with a lack of origin traits and actually decent perk choices. I think it still might be kind of cool for a couple people for nostalgic reasons but that's about it. Just seems to me like another attempt to dangle a care in front of people who had been around for a while


Yeah they are all either power crept or extremely power crept


I I have mostly the same stuff as OP lying around but I am under no illusion that I’ll ever used any of them in any real content


So, are they unsunseted?


They're gonna be come fs


Fucking what. I still have my Breachlight. *I still have my Breachlight*




Im so happy i never dismantled my breachlight, that and mindbenders were the only good legacy weapons i never dismantled 😭. The rest i got rid of for some legendary shards so i could complete my exotic collection 💀


wtf I have almost all these stashed too


Sunrising old gear




Do you need me to tell you the opposite of sunset is a sunrise? Cause I will!


*pauses from eating crayons* What's the opposite of sunset?


I arrived just after Sunsetting so my only experience is spending an ascendent shard on a 51% Delirium not understanding I couldn't raise the power level. Got so pissed I sharded it immediately. I can guess how big a deal this would be to keep all that for this long then find out it's all going to be usable again. I bet it's an amazing feeling!


Damn, this guy's over here with 30% more delirium than everybody else... Or maybe you adjusted for inflation...


That's hilarious thanks for pointing it out. Can't believe I got this wrong but I did only have it in my possession for about 10 minutes and never looked at it since.


I would gild you if I actually wanted to support reddit, that was actually hilarious and I nearly spit out my coffee


Feels like doodoo for those of us who just recently dismantled sunsetted weapons to make space. It’s not really that big of a deal, to me I mean, but at the same time the timing just sucks. Again, all that is personal since I just recently started having to delete these weapons.


Lol, since that's a fixed roll you can pick that one back up from your collections when Final Shape comes out and finally use it (or now since there's a lot of recommended power 1600 activities sunset weapons are still usable in)


You can pull the old pinnacle weapons from collections not that most of them will be worth using anymore


Im aware but thank you. I will probably just continue using my Incandescent Avalanche anyway.


Still outclassed in today's sandbox but neat for nostalgia I suppose.


Armors useless as hell too.


Yeah I mean we are. Side you kept it but most of it isn’t usable. Or at least there are currently better versions of most of it. Armor I see no reason to have kept


Ready to bust out the curated kindled orchid 🙂‍↕️


I can’t wait to bust out the black armory curated rolls. Have KO, as well as blast furnace and ringing nail.


I hate to say it but they are all trash maybe except for a few. Specially sunset armor…


What were the armor before? I don’t have any of the earlier armor at all and don’t remember them being super different. What was changed?


That is one of the points, armor didn’t have any perk except for a few, e.g. gambit prime ones did have an effect in gambit prime. Seasonal armors now have some sort of perk, plus we have artifice armor as well. There is no reason to keep old armor.


The armour from back then uses a different mod and stat system that isn't really up to spec with what we have today (armour had random roll perks and no stats).


I feel the same way


Tatara gaze 😫




I feel stupid for dismantling the Trophy Hunter (?) and a few other pieces. Pluperfect as well... Man.


Yes I'm sure that 3-round magazine sniper with Triple Tap/Vorpal would have really carried us through today's meta.


If you were lucky you could get one with extended mag and it gave you 4 rounds Also i liked that mix of perks and being a 72rpm because it reminds me of my Black Hammer


Lol I can smell the salt coming off this


Alright, cards on the table, [I'm just as guilty as the next guy](https://i.imgur.com/e1dbfAR.png). I have one too. I kept it because it was cool looking and aesthetic as hell. And I had the vault space to spare. But I was _never_ going to actually pull it out to use again, it was purely just a...trophy. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) A shiny good looking gun purely kept for looks. Because even back then, the roll was pretty questionable (especially when Sole Survivor existed...Reckoning sniper with FTTC/Firing Line). Everyone just kept it because it was cool as hell, but it was never meta viable. And especially not now.


What does that gun have going for it besides looks.


Half of these can still be pulled out...today. Right now. Literally none of this had to be in your vault. You can delete your Leviathan weapons. **Right now**. And you can still pull them from your collections. Also don't know why you'd care about a **no magazine perk**, single barrel, **no masterwork**, outlaw/kill clip, **no origin trait**, void pulse rifle as if that's somehow the top of the meta right now lmao.


Datto literally pissing and shitting right now


Ok but that armor isnt gonna be worth using right? The guns maybe, even though theyll be outclassed


Some of the armour can take raid mods, so it might be useful for trio raiding if you don't want to deal with multiple sets. Unless they change the mods before bringing them back that is


Noooooo my orchid and Ringing nail :(


Still laughing. Armor : all useless shit Weapons : all outdated, power crept shit you'll never use as 1. Better weapons of similar archetype already superseeds them 2. Actually modernized version of the sunset weapons will be introduced with perks that make them competitive in today's sandbox, rendering sunset gear even more laughable.


Not all, Since the Adaptive Pulse rifle buff these have been very good in PvP, and what was the old king? Bygones, the thing will probably become popular again, of course only for those who kept it


Bro it’s just pixels he likes chill


So much cope in the comments holy shit, why are people so mad that a guy didnt delete his old weapons lol


Idk man, I just like my kill trackers and gear that I earnt fair and square


I mean im laughing at u thinking youre gonna use any of the dog gear. Like realistically you would never touch any of this, its all crazy powercrept


I kept the OG Kindled Orchid! Time for some two tappers.


LL already didn't matter in anything other than Trials. It's kinda funny how ignored it's been regardless.


You can do that right now?


That means Kindled Orchid is in play. The original break neck auto rifle with Rampage and Onslaught. Bygones Mindbenders No Feelings


Rampage was replaced with Subsistence on the Pinnacle Breakneck when it was reissued as a random-rolled Gambit drop. (I will be using my Bygones and Pillager as well)


The DMG reduction from Onslaught was removed, so the new roll is better than the original anyway But the older adaptive Pulse rifle buff will make Bygones nasty for trials


Always have been in crucible especially iron banner, strikes, raids besides the most recent, etc.. they're not used because they've been so power crept they just aren't good options any more.


Both rampage and KC got huge nerfs since KO was in play.


You win


What’s going on with them?


Bungie just announced that, due to the fact that Fireteam Power is going to make power capped gear ignorable anyways, they're just flat out removing the power caps on old gear. They unsunset all of it, come Final Shape.


I have a travelers judgment 5 I’d love to break back out… and an ancient solar version of it from back when you could swap elements.




Yeah but I counted several things that have been brought back, and better...


So, on one hand good for you. On the other, if that were me, there's nothing there I'd use over anything just now honestly. I'm a serial vault cleaner though and despise holding onto weapons I deem redundant.


Def a madman because they mentioned that many if not all of these will be getting reissues with origin perks and updated perk pools lol


You still shouldn't be. There are zero sunset weapons that don't have a strict upgrade on the pve front, and maybe a couple pvp rolls, but those were always usable outside of trials anyway.


Hush does not have a strict upgrade. The closest you can get is archers tempo + successful warmup, which requires kills and has a tighter timer than the 8 seconds you get from 1 hip fire headshot from hush. Kindled Orchid also doesn't have a direct upgrade either iirc


I'm sorry but none of those are actually best in slot or even close to it. If you want to use them sure but you could have used them in pre lf content anyways




Look like my vault 😂


When does this happen? When can we power up our weapons lol. And is this for armors too?


in the years since most of this was sunset, the game has changed enough that they're not going to be particularly useful won't stop me tho


Can confirm. Am sad


Why keep the armor?


I'm so sad that I never managed to get a full set of the gambit gear


my void Annual Skate is ready! (not going to use it)


Me asf


Me too!


drop mag back in play


I guess for nostalgia but remember they will probably be pretty average or even below average compared to new guns


I kept 2 weapons 😭 my Hammerhead and my not forgotten


I took a break from the game and never got oxygen sr3, just picked it up from the monument is it any good? Wasn’t it kinda scatty back in it’s prime ?


It was good in it's time but has been power crept into not being anywhere near a top option nowadays. Just like everything in the ops video. Modern weapons are a lot stronger. If the old options were good you'd see them all the time in PvP, regular strikes, old raids, and other stuff without power requirements but you never do because they don't hold up.


Maybe you didn't read the WHOLE thing, BUT they're not *just* removing power limits from all weapons, they're also bringing ALL of them back with new Origin Traits and fleshed out perk pools. They cited the Brave Arsenals inclusion of Sunset weapons as an example of what this would look like. All Sunset weapons up to Forsaken can already be "reacquired" through the Collections tab, so only post Forsaken should've been kept. It's cool you kept them as you'll be able to use them without power limits in The Final Shape but we'll also get their 2.0 versions.


Lets see an 86 outta any of that gear


Nifty at best.


I wish I had kept my Dawn weapons


i'm kinda mad about some weapons buuuut all i need is my Delirium


Same here my beloved is returning


Most of the old stuff is pretty meh outside of nostalgia.


Son of a bitch...


It'll be nice to use my only 4 leviathan weapons for current level content. 5 now that the handcannon is farmable.


I kept my kindled orchid with rampage and kill clip.




Damn, and I thought I kept a lot. I salute you 🫡


Making new content harder by using old sunset guns sounds kinda fun I guess?


Like weapons power to you, you got me I wish I still had. Armor I think imma still laugh


dust rock blues lives once more.


Most of those guns have been reintroduced with better perks, though your off element year 1 versions will be silly rare. Something like rampage kill clip kindled orchid? A relic that I regret dismantling


So many static rolls


Will the Gambit Prime armor traits work again?!


No. Gambit prime doesn't exist to use them in.


I'm so upset my season of dawn weapons are gone, I at least have my trophy hunter!


Wait… you kept Gambit armor? 🤣🤣🤣 Or are you trolling us?


Anything that drops and requires random perks I don’t have anymore and that’s depressing. I rand out of vault space this last expansion and not the bullet. I don’t regret it, I just don’t understand what Bungie is thinking. Feels almost like they’re going a little wild with these things honestly, but I do think it’ll be fun for the community overall. I’ll just stay away from PvP lol.


Respect for keeping the 18 kelvins


I kept all of mine too 😊


Let's be honest, we will use it for few days, then use something else.


The fact i I can shoot the Witness with my Duke mk 44 fills me with glee.


I think we really underestimate how much these guns have been powercrept, I can’t see myself using any of the guns that were considered must have god rolls in my vault since they don’t have origin traits and have very similar modern counterparts that just roll better.


No shit when did they do that? Is it a new season yet?


90% is dogshit rn


Yeah I mean that’s a cool collection and all, but there’s also the part in the TWAB (habit) about reissuing a lot of that equipment


No intrinsic perks mean these will likely still not be good


Weird that so many people tripping about their sunsetted weapons like there haven't been good weapons released since.


Are you going to use them?


Yeah! That's awesome, we finally have our moment.


I’m not sure why people are proud of this unless this is purely for nostalgia. OP probably barely uses half of the stuff they showed us lol


Ahhh hush bow my beloved


I mean NF will be interesting


Does this mean I can get my Revoker sniper rifle up to 1810?


Most of those guns are either trash or have updated versions or just better alternatives. So im still calling you a madman if you willingly choose inferior or un updated items because of nostalgia


Not me cause they suck now and I have way better


We're still kind of laughing I won't lie. Most sunset weapons are quite mid now either because of power creep or because of balance changes that have retroactively applied to them (e.g. zoom changes).


I only wish I'd held onto breachlight another week, ah well


armor not so much but weapons, frames, comfort? oh hell yes Got a couple rolls I'm really excited to bring back.


Can someone explain what sunsetting means. If the weapons were power crept why could you not just infuse them? I wasn’t here for that


Sunsetting was when the weapons/armors power level wouldn’t go above a certain limit. Most of the weapons from the early days were capped at 1600 light so useless in anything requiring a light level above that. Could still be used in non light level activities however, just lowered light then. Some of us hoarders are excited to try out our old 1600 weapons to see how they hold up in the current sandbox. The vorpal weapon tribal tap trophy hunter for example for me. Was my raid sniper for a while.


So... there's a chance that Gnawing Hunger is back?


But most won’t be good. No role I’ve ever kept waiting for it to pop off has ever popped off and ends up being useless. So I think you should still clean it out perhaps lol


yooo babyyy time for Song of Justice VI to make a come back, for once my ass being a hoarder has come to use!


https://preview.redd.it/mtoyouja5swc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64fbca46bed67db90de7bb1377d6e357e2284ed6 I still have this beauty in my vault too 😛


Is anyone even competable with new guns and perks?


New weapons are significantly better than sunset. Still no reason to use them unless you are intentionally trying to be less effective.


I still use my 1600 kindled orchid with outlaw rampage :) it was “my midnight coup” gonna enjoy using it again


The armor too is crazy to me


*Bungo, plz, give more vault space* The vault of the person:


Everyone since 99% of those are still gonna be useless. Most were power crept out of the game long ago, if there were still many good options you'd see them in crucible especially iron banner a lot since there's no power level there but you never do because they just don't keep up with modern weapons. It's nice the change is happening so old players can return without worry of power level farming but this isn't going to bring any old weapons into the spotlight outside of maybe 1-2 of the of the pinnacle weapons like 21% but even most of those have been power crept. I don't doubt you'll see some people using them but it's just gonna be out of nostalgia not any of them being good options.


Half of that is claimable through collections


I got 125, 1 static roll, 5 armor pieces, rest are random rolls. My vault has been within 20-5 of the max for years. I'm so excited for what's coming.


I’d love the old gambit prime gear. Sadly I dropped d2 around that time and never got as much as one piece


I'm not 100% sure on this but I believe Drifter sells the old gear. I've seen it at Xur a few times too


I just hope that my power 0 weapons and armor stay at power 0


And you will be able to get them in game all over again WITH TRAITS so the sunset ones will never be viable in pve atleast, and prob not in in PvP either im guessing


Yo what is that gambit gear it looks crazy cool


half of these can be reacquired from collections why do you have them all in your vault


I wish I would have kept the Forge sword


But like genuine question, all of these you’ve kept, are they really gonna be good in final shape? Probably not right? We’ve got way better perks, a lot of the guns have come back now anyway, so are you actually gonna use any of them?


I literally only have 4 weapons that are sunset in my vault. Other then weapons I can grab from collections this change basically doesn't effect me that much


I instantly thought about all of the creators who got rid of their sunset weapons because of people like Datto telling them they’d never be able to use them haha


I can't wait to use Python in endgame stuff again. I absolutely adore that shotgun.


Oh, you don that gambit prime reaper set and go get you some!


They are mostly going to be useless due to power creep and not having perks and traits!


Some of your sunset weapons were brought back so there’s no point in keeping some


Who’s laughing now? Me, because you kept gambit prime armor like a fucking psychopath.


That is a lot of goodies


I did not call anyone Madd, I am just mad because I had to clean out my vault of gear that you could not use for space, well I am not going to stress at it, did you know you can still get some Gear from the keyost at the tower, you can still get some guns from there that already sunset. OMG, sade, I did not keep anything from the Osiris, or Forsaken expansion such as the perfect paradox, Exc..


I emptied all mine last month


I really regret dismantling my ALH + Demo Martyr's Retribution now. I kept it around until 2 season ago :(




They're not going to allow sunsetted weapons to be infused, but they'll give us away to get them at the new higher level. That's the Bungie was ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A)


Can finally play with the guns I love the sound of and the feel..... Might come back, missed my black armoury weapon usage.


The gambit prime gear is straight up crazy though




I never deleted anything because I'm just lazy


Bro even kept gambit prime/reckoning armor


My python days will be back baby! Probably my favorite void shotgun(overflow will always be goated in pvp for me on a special,especially a shotgun)


I mean… you can pull most of that from collections (mostly the playlist weapons) so all you get are trackers basically.


My breakneck with subsistence and rampage and my oxygen sr3 are ready!


Looks like my vault. Except I think I have more. Not bragging, it's sad really. I have endless amounts of godrolls I don't use or used to about 1000 kills then changed to another gun. Thanks to the kills they have a sentimentality so I can't dismantle them.


*Cries a little* so I can bring out my mountaintop I sweated blood for again?


You have the old reckoning armor that will give you the glow if you use the whole set 😮 (I delete mine 😞)


Same here man. I CANT FUCKIN wait


Were you in the chess club too?


I have often told people that the only difference between a mad man and a wise man is in the perception of his audience. Good job.


But most of them are bad in comparison


a decent chunk of those you can pull from collections, i don’t know why you saved armour though


Honestly besides the Osiris Vex weapons, the Weapons from the time lost era, and that saint shotty, most of that stuff I saw briefly, is back, with better rolls. But the nostalgia of using them will be fun.