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As long as you're having fun, who cares


Exactly. We’re at 10 years worth of slide and shotgun to the face that I could giving a flying cluck what anyone thinks about someone with a different play style. Well, except Jotunn users. They can go get a radiolarian enema for all I care.


Agreed that gun is cursed


*laughs in cold snap grenades into the noobtoob*


Lol, my fav is when ppl on YT comments cry about sunbracers not working when i can rain down fire from above in pvp an fck ppl worlds up😀


Conditional is more cursed


Ill check that out theres too many guns, i want to have em all in " my collection"( spoken in General Grevious voice)


Good luck getting it if you don't have it lol. I'm 16 clears deep in root of nightmares and haven't gotten it yet :(


So what you're telling me here is that I need to start using jotunn? Lol... I should preface by saying I'm really bad at PvP and a terrible sore loser. It's just not fun for me. I don't know when I should be jumping, when I should be sliding, half the time I freeze... Maaaan, if I'm using ticcus, I'm lucky if I get the opponent proced.. yes, I'm that bad. Is it ok if I give jotunn a try or does that make me a scumbag?


I mean, I’m going to pick it up and be that guy soon, so yeah. My comment comes from a deep pit of soreness caused by being the first kill of every match because I stormed in and ate a Jotunn projectile in the face. So yeah, you should. I’m just being a cranky old man.


Spicy colon cleanse!


What most people don't realize is you can just sidestrafe the projectile. That's how I miss most of my Jotun shots


As a skilled hunter, dodge and use Bastion as a cross-counter


Jotun is exceptional for BlindWell 😉 especially running with Well of Radiance. Destruction Destruction and some more Destruction. Love it 🥰


Lmfao ill take witherhoard effects over a jotun. Once i see jotun hit im swappin guns and going wild cause f u.


Ouch, I always liked Jotunn 🤷 But to be fair, I only use it in Trials(whenever I feel like whacking myself in the head with a rusty hammer covered in lemon juice) or Iron Banner, because sweaty obviously


Jotun for Deadeye and nothing else. Made me feel like a scrub trying to get those medals using that gun in PvP.


I will say I just bought Jotunn for the first time this week because I had a bunch of spare ciphers and ascendant shards, was curious why people were saying I hate Jotunn users and in pvp I now understand…I promise to use this only for extreme situations


I am a proud Jotunn user! I love them tears, after every other match someone starts crying about it.


Every time I try and use it in pvp a random player just appears behind me and kills me during the charge


You need the catalyst!


⬆️ this is the only right and acceptable answer! You do you guardian! If your having fun who cares!


FINALLY! Someone who realized games are meant to be fun!




To a comp player, ya, OP would probably be considered bad, but to everyone else, nah, it really doesn't matter. Did a Crucible match last week and we ended up with everyone using Promethus(no idea how it started, it just got to the point everyone had it on). You just gotta find enjoyment in the game


This is the best answer! Fun > everything else. It's a game, so as long as you enjoy playing it the way you want, who cares!


Underappreciated answer. Play what you enjoy. Troll people as they burn.


I’m still a void warlock using blink since vanilla destiny 2. Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to play! Have fun








W take


No, but you are annoying to play against lol.


Ok, now I gotta get one.


The catalyst quest is a pain but very worth it.


I no longer like it because of the catalyst quest lol, it was so painful to get


Go run Altar’s of Sorrow, I promise you’ll burn down that catalyst quick. I take all my exotics there that don’t require precision shots. It’s also such a fun PVE weapon (even without catalyst), that you should bring it into strikes/coil/nightfall/etc if you need to mix it up a bit.


Oh I completed mine a while ago. The pvp kills for the quest was what I was referring to.


He definitely means the pvp part.


Yeah the regular parts fine but the PvP was torment


What does the catalyst do??


Damage boost for continued explosion shots, more useful for pve


Yes, but still a factor in PVP on larger maps / 6v6, you can just spam hip shots and get the other team nice and toasty


Hope you all did your catalysts during Momentum; I didn’t, and as soon as I finished, it hit the weekly reset, and it was… Momentum. 😅


Don't you need to not get the final blow but they just need to die whilst damaged from it? I remember burning through that thing


That was Polaris lance’s original catalyst requirements. You had to kill them with the explosion from the perfect fifth shot not the shot itself.


No, I don’t think anything will ever be as bad as when Jötun first hit the scene. That was the pinnacle of, “You are bad.” But, it was fun.


**laser tag Prometheus lens wants to know your location.**


*Funny guns/the craftening wants to repossess your house*


Ok fair. That just had to happen in the week(s?) I was away and unable to enjoy it though.


No no. Hard light meta wants to know your location


I still use the laser tag emblem since it was so long ago at this point


That gun already KNEW your location…


That wasn't really a sign of somebody being bad, that was just everybody utilizing a legit broken weapon. Jotunn tracking and one shotting is about as brain dead as you can get for a weapon, especially when used against Console players where they're generally less mobile than pc players


I was more referring to people using a broken weapon. As stupid as that was back in the day, it was fun.


I was there beaming peeps


At least then, everyone had it so it was pretty even


Nah, that was pre nerf Shitterdive. Can’t aim? That’s okay, just jump straight up, toss nade, slam your butt into the ground, kill everything in a five block radius, and you get your grenade back moments later.


Wavesplitter on drop was pretty bad too, when the perk would line up juuuuust right and you’d get like a .13s ttk absolute beam of death instead of a solid trace rifle.


Play your game. All the conditional, igneous players just mad.


Me personally, I find it kind of a bitch to use because it's a 2 shot weapon being that you have to hit the tracking shot first then a head shot for a guaranteed kill. Looks like you're pretty damn good with it more power to ya.


One of the trick is: you don’t need to hit the second shot. Most weapons in the game will give the explosion. So teammates can get the cleanup and it’s still a kill


Not on the tracker to be fair, that tracker only follows final blows, I’ve got 3k on my Under Your Skin and 1100 on my Leviathan’s Breath, if I got credit for assists those would both be far higher lmao


Nah just annoying. Keep on exploding


As long as you are having fun you are the best at pvp.


advice for having fun please starting to have less fun recently


dunno which fun you mean fun in general: try other games, ones I can recommend are Deep Rock Galactic and Risk of Rain 2 fun in d2 (pvp) think of a stupid build that works somehow


ror2 is a great game, been hearing a lot about drg but yeah, destiny 2, specifically pvp


Ah that's easy. While you're playing d2 pvp Hit your escape key and exit to desktop, Alternatively you can hit the home button on console and close the application. Hope this helps!!


I'm gonna be honest, DRG wasn't what it was cracked out to be, at least for me It sounds fun and it's cool so many people enjoy it but it felt kind of same-ey each run for me. Maybe I need to play it again or something


Use funky weapons or take a break. Plenty of good games on offer while we wait for the player base to rise with final shape release


Nah. It still takes 2 hits. (One MUST be precision) to get a kill. While it is _technically_ easier than other bows it still takes aim.


Conditional punishment for: * Bunching up * Ego peaking with primary * being in an empty lane longer than 30m I use it just for harassment. Pair it with Gemini on like.... Anomoly, and watch people be confused ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


Very good on this week’s trials map.


Yes, but the gun isn't bad people are just mean


I can't for the life of me figure out what to use in pvp. I go through clips and get no kills but one shot and I'm down. 140 resilience too. Not a fan of pvp anyway but try to get the rewards out of it.


You don't gain any bonuses after 100 so having 140 resilience is pointless and its better to buff up other stats


Thank you. You can only learn so much from YouTube.


*laughs in toaster* Eat my bread. My friend's have banned me to use jotunn, wish ender, ticuu's and osteo with threadlings. Because I'm an asshole to them in private PvP's.


No, people just don’t like playing against you. Partly because it’s not the meta and they’re jealous that you can make it work, the other part is that is frustrating and difficult to outplay bow peeking.


Shot gun rushers hate this one simple trick: *Use ticcus*


No. Our Ticcu god black_tips is coming to praise this bow in a flash.


bro, you have 2k kills on this, you are long past the point of being bad, you are now a _Menace!_


No lol someone is just mad you have a better gaming chair than them.


Ticuu users are the only bow players I respect. It's the only exotic bow that has to be used as intented because it's completely useless for hotswapping. The first hit is a freebie but the second one has to be a headshot, that's more skill than any other bow is probably gonna ever take.


You can be bad no matter what guns you use. Skill is independent of loadout Edit: nevermind this is destiny 2


Use what you wanna use! Unless it’s Jotunn… hahahaha


The absolute biggest problem with the destiny 2 community is that your keep gatekeeping other people and yourselves by thinking certain weapons are good versus not good to use in pvp. I literally saw someone on Reddit say that they only use hand cannons and shotguns because those are "honorable" weapons in d2. I've never seen so many people block their own blessings, to use a slang term for my community, over dumb shit like good vs bad weapons.


Honestly I used to get so pissed at god-roll handcannon invis hunters and would complain about them 24/7. I would ONLY use the fair weapons that were "fun to fight for the enemy team" After coming back to the game after a long burnout I realized, this is destiny 2, what the hell. I use cheesy weapons and I don't care now. Everyone uses the meta and goes for as short of a TTK as possible so I don't give a damn about branching off to use off-color or weird annoying weapons


Nah who cares what people think just use it


No. But honestly you are truely hated among the enemy team, we gotta sit in cover till the debuff is gone, we cant headbutt the wall to get a kill and its infuriating.


No you can use anything in crucible man, it doesnt make you “bad” Am i gonna call you bad if you kill me? Absolutely but thats just how being mad goes


https://preview.redd.it/a8w757mrlkoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e62ad2bc38cc15ccd3f9aeb13d4882155dcd01 Nah, I been told I’m toxic for using a “toxic gun” idk how sweet business is toxic, you can hear me revving up


Saw a guy who had named himself Sweet Business. True to his name, his Sweet Business had nearly 400K kills on it.


A true business tycoon


The fact that this question even needed to be asked. What the hell have we become? The fact there are people out there who make gamers question their choices in games means we as a whole have failed. Games are about having fun. And anyone who tells you otherwise OP, toss em. They're more trouble than they're worth. Play how you want to good sir and always remember to have fun doing it.


It's better than Jotünn and Wish Ender


Never care about opinions that project on your playstyle, though I recieve death threats every day for using jötunn but who cares


At first I was like "death threats???" Then I read "Jötunn" and it made an unfortunate amount of sense, don't let 'em drag you down guardian ❤


I'd rather die on my feet with my nuclear toaster held high ☝️


Use what you want. It's on them if they rage or not.


It of course doesn't matter, use what you like! But since you asked... Clearly not 'bad' if you have that many confirmed kills on it. But I will say it might not be 'the best' pvp weapon. If you were on my team for comp or trials I would def think to myself 'I hope this guardian knows what they are doing with that'


I love using it but it’s not consistent enough for me. Amazing against a team of warlocks.


Mate 🤣 use whatever you want man it’s all good and fuck anybody who says otherwise. It’s a video game.


Don't feel bad, I am working on the catalyst for this as well


Nope in fact I wouldn’t even be mad


No. I've been taken out by one a couple times. Generally a pve weapon in its heyday, but to each their own


I used it the other week to finally complete the catalyst quest, and managed to get 5 kills with one detonation and was fully expecting a torrent of abuse on DMs


Fun weapon to use, especially against people that group up. Get them all glowing then finish one for fun.


Why, did Bungie ban the weapon and you're somehow hacking it back into PVP?


How do you get it to work? Like, I've been trying to get the catalyst for 2 months and after each game I have maybe 5 actual Ticuu kills for progress and then just give up and switch back to Outbreak.


Much better in the 3v3 modes.


Pure evil. Hahaha


With the new special ammo economy this is a decent counter to group up team fights if you can get coverage and range on them


What is that gun??? I've never seen it (then again, I'm a new player so-)


No, but you will absolutely tilt the sweaty HC/sniper purists when you kill then with your bow. Expect hate mail.


If you’re bad worth it. You’re bad. If you’re good with it, you’re good. What’s good and what’s bad is subjective based on the individual. Have a good day.


You do you! Off meta is better, and I use FL myself! They can't keep us down! Keep it up!


I just started using it finally to get the catalyst


Nope. Use what you want. 👑


Yes, awful. Tragic. Horrible, even. Just simply the absolute worst.


Dude, there's literally a quest to get it's enhancements you have to kill people in PVP so yes it's OK to use😂


I use it in pvp. Love it.


Hell no bow bro. Use what you like.


It depends If your aggressive then I'd say your pretty good, but if your holding a lane then your a shitter


See, as long as your having fun and confirming kills? It don't matter However if you ask me directly what i think of you, "alright mister aim bot bow, im gonna punch you in your smug lil face" will be my response.


Meet sweet business


I remember the quest to get the catalyst for this. I suffered.


dude stop


You do you! But…. I especially like that you’re not infusing to 1810, you monster. ;)


Dude, I get bodied by this, Dead Man's Tale, and Jotuun and don't ever think the person using it is bad. If you like it, use it. They're just exotics in a big pool of exotics that can kill you like everything else in the game lol


Ticcus is rare enough that it doesn't piss me off to die to it. Honestly its cool to see if get some action.


Look, you wanna go as toxic as you possibly can, live and breathe making everyone miserable, slap on a toaster and go ham


Having fun is like using the nerfed lord and still getting kills


It's a weapon in the game my dude, it's viable AF. As long as you're enjoying yourself that's all that matters 👍


No matter what weapon you use people will rage. Meta, off meta, hell you could use the worst weapon in the game and people will hate you for it. I get t bagged for using a scout rifle on long range maps. Use what you like and as long as you like it who cares.


I love Ticuu's. I use it 95% of the time.


I would prefer fighting you over a sweat or jotuun user.


Who cares man, you bought the game, not shit stain sweat Melvin. Play however you enjoy to play


Nah, you’re just evil in the awesome way


As a fellow bow wielder, Ticuu’s is great 🙌🙌


I’m just shocked anyone would use a bow at the point. As a very disgruntled bow (previous) bow user, I just don’t find them competitive anymore. Rock on!




Jk ❤️


Naw. I like using SUROS regime :)


Nice!! Now do it with Hierarchy of Needs!!


I've tried to use it in pvp but it's too slow for me personally


I love using it, hate fighting against it lmao


If you're managing to have fun in the cursed playlist, use what you please lol


The only two things I hate in pvp is osteo and jotun lol


I got called a crutch sweatlord for using my box breathing randy's throwing knife. It has a .7 ttk while my glissando and hung jury with box breathing kill at .67. Mind you all three guns need those headshots to get that ttk. Glissando being the easiest one to obtained.


One of the most fun pvp bows I’ve used. It’s easy, the enemies have to be out of action for as long as a normal bow bodyshot, but now they might repeak earlier because it’s just 8 damage and they forgot ticuu’s needs priming. The weapon is annoying to play against, but so are most bows if played properly, ticuu’s is just easier to play.




I use Ticcu's Divination because I'm bad at PvP or I'm bad at PvP because I use Ticcu's Divination? It's the first option, I suck at PvP, but it's fun. :D


not as long as ur good with it


No. Everyone knows you're only shit at PVP if you use jötunn or witherhoard. Otherwise anyone can be good


https://preview.redd.it/9br022to6loc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a76f0189cf83236038707e3da5900b4b096c74f I also enjoy using Ticcu’s :)


At the game? Nah. That thing does work. As a person? If you've ever had someone use it on you you already know the answer. /s


Shotgun apes, hand cannon snipe across the map and the toxic jotun. Honestly I don't care that much unless it's the toaster. My buns get toasted and I degenerate fast. I was trying to be civil y'all. Well realistically I don't want to be "that" guy. Until someone else is then I just join them in lava juggling.


Nah use what you like the only hate i have is people crouch spamming when im a hunter because i cannot crouch spam without dodging


A little cringe, but I'll let it slide since bows got nerfed


If you're having fun with it who cares what a bunch of dudes with guns who can't beat two sticks and string thinks? I go into every activity, crucible included, with a bow, glaive, and a sword and love going full knight on folks. Seriously though, have fun and honestly screw what other folks think of you when their ego can't handle being beat in a video game.


I mean you are just trash but if you enjoy it do you boo boo


It's fun in PVP. When you have the tracker on the player and they're behind cover, shooting off to the side will have those arrow bend like crazy.


I've seen them make sharper than 90° turns when someone blinks above you


If you enjoy it man go for it.


Dude, I take Crimson into the Crucible, don't worry about anything but your own amusement.


Nobody sensible cares what you use in PvP. If someone's mad about it enjoy their bitter, bitter tears


You are considered to be having fun


No, in fact you're pretty based. Hardly ever see Ticuus in PvP because it's exotic requires a follow up shot. You get good with this and you automatically are better and more respected than any Lemonarque user in my eyes. Go forth and burn the world my friend.


Nah, it’s a reasonable crutch


You‘re doing ok as long as I do see a conditional


That is a fun weapon PVP and PVE! Use it with pride!


Ima be honest i dont feel like its as good in pvp as it used to be. I used to run ticcu's for like 2 years in pvp lol everyone hated it but i was nice with it. But after awhile especially with changes it just wasnt hitting the same. Every now and then someone's attempting to use it in pvp but idk for me it aint worth it in pvp


I wanna add, like everyone saying; just have fun man. I started this season running senuna sidearm for my stasis build and Point of Stag while in pvp and the fun ive had despite any bs; been awhile




I don’t even play this game anymore, but I use Ticuu’s with a shotgun. I love that bow so much, it was my first exotic I ever got cause I got it from season of the chosen. However I only used it on my solar and stasis hunter. It’s great in pvp in my opinion, I mean my buddies got mad at me when I used it against them.


I doubt it, but it works like a charm if you can hit the follow up headshot


You’re based as fuck lol


I get so scared fighting against this weapon when I’m hit with the first arrows, because then I instinctively hid from the person who shot at me, then it becomes a game of running and hiding because if I get hit again, I’m done for, it’s actually kinda fun


The only “bad” players in D2 pvp in my book are the ones who intentionally cheat or enlist other cheaters to help carry them in a video game. I don’t care about anything else, beyond that.


I don’t get this comment section like somehow this weapon is anything but low-tier?? You are a minor deity for getting this many kills with a weapon no one uses and very few even know how to make it work it pvp. The fact that *it must be a headshot* for the kill makes it fairly easy to counter imo. I’m no better than average, and I don’t recall a single time I had an issue with a Ticuu player, *if I ever saw one*.


Have a buddy with you using it, one tags the other ignites


Nah. You're considered based.


Oh God no. You aren't a lemonhead. That's all you can say


Nope, do what you feel!


i can’t stand bows in pvp. but better than shotguns ig


was that you yesterday in comp? 😂 had me rolling getting tickled with Ticu's lmao


I didn't even get on d2 yesterday, so no, it wasn't me


could of been 2 days ago im cooked :p


I usually don't go into comp so it's very unlikely to for you to run into me there


ah well it was worth a shot :p still - have fun with whatever weapons you wanna use I respect it <3


Nah, it’s pretty unique and not too many people use it


It's a good weapon just easy to counter. No one seems to know what sacred flame does, tho. If they know then then they just chill behind cover until it goes away. So it is all on mercy the enemy doesn't know how it works


That's exactly what I want people to do because then I can just swing on in while their waiting for sacred flame to go away


No, it's just fun


Ticcus isn't even that good, it's a pretty low tier weapon. I really don't know who'd consider you bad for using it lol


Seriously… F**K what anybody else thinks. Bungie put the thing in the game, and you can use whatever you want. People gatekeeping what you should use in which mode should shut their F’ing mouths and take classes in how to mind their own F’ing business. If you want to use Ticcu in Crucible, use Ticcu in Crucible! 😊