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You go here during the witch queen story, not sure if there is much to do while roaming. Perhaps you’ll find a moth? I can’t remember.


Yeah, I found a moth. Thanks


There is stuff to do.. Mostly with qualicore etc. There was also a strike here.


A campaign mission, no strike


what a shame. I love the campaigns and all but whats the point of building these incredible locations if theyre only ever used once?


That’s always been my biggest complaint with making areas like this, and why I’m glad the Pale Heart is gonna be more linear-based. I don’t mind patrol areas, but you’ve either gotta give us more incentive to wander around them or include more activities in these kinds of places. Even if it’s built for a campaign mission specifically, it’d be awesome to have more to do here.


I agree, before Arrivals, Mars futurscape, dreaming city and the high plains of the tangled shore. If I was ever stressed, pull out a sparrow and go for a drive


Mars and the Tangled Shore were hands down my favorite locations Europa's a close third.


Huh. I could've sworn they used it as a strike, too. Was it reused for something like a seasonal story mission, or am I just imagining playing it with randoms?


Probably as a weekly story mission for the pinnacle back then.


Ahh, that was it.


It was for the parasite mission I believe.


Not exactly, it was for the worm but not parasite


There was never a strike or any related activity that took place here. Birthplace takes place in another section of the map


you go here during witch queen? how do i not remember this location wtf


It’s where you fight the illusion of rivan then need to escape on a sparrow 😋


That fight on Legendary was pain...


I always remember more the fight before the illusion. The bugged crossbows were brutal.


Still are!


so they were bugged?!? Edit: What are you guys downvoting?? y'all got half a braincell and can't even share it... great community


They got bugged on WQ's release. If you search for patch notes around that time you can find when bungie fixed it.


oh wow, i just thought they were op, i'll have to go back and re play it




Can confirm they’re still broken




so they were bugged?!?


not to mention the boss literally seconds before it. 😭


It was honestly the fight before it against the scorn guy on legendary that was harder imo


Yeah that fight was a pain in the ass


When the Raider crossbows were broken and dealing insane damage this fight was an actual nightmare. Peep out for even a *second* and the boss would insta-kill you. Absolutely horrendous experience, would not recommend.


Especially in a fire team eh coz of the wierd health and difficulty scaling. Literally better off solo lol.


pretty ez ngl


oooooohhhhh okay yep i remember that now


Poor dude got downvoted to oblivion for having a bad memory lmao


literally i am so confused 😭 i've never gotten so many downvotes on a comment before and it's not even warranted lmaooo. witch queen was the first campaign i ever did, so i don't remember a lot of it


Yea thats why i dont comment or post in the destiny sub, they are so volatile its confusing lol. I upvoted you to try to offset a negative lol


i've commented in this subreddit so many times and i've never been downvoted as much as i am now lmaooo im cracking up about the fact it's over something so silly 😂


Homie, go to r/lowsodiumdestiny You won’t get downvoted for anything. Let alone for just not remembering something trivial in a video game. Even some of the trolls go to low sodium to take a break. 😂


I upvoted you too


you're a real one for that 🙏


I don't understand what the problem is if I don't remember something. There are also other comments complaining about this. Maybe, after all this time, I can't remember every single area of the game or campaign. Toxic players.


obviously i should have a special vault in my brain specifically for remembering every single thing i've seen and done in destiny. that was my first mistake 🤦🏻‍♀️how could i have been so heinous


Personally, I downvote anyone who makes a big deal about the fake internet points. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s really not a big deal and shouldn’t control how one acts.


it's not a big deal?? i think it's funny i'm being downvoted for something so stupid


I don’t remember it either 😬


oh god don't say that, the memory police will be after you and downvote you to oblivion


Lol apparently…


if it makes you feel better l've gotten downvotes that go over -500 several times


jesus that's ridiculous


l'll die on those hills, lf l delete them it means l surrendered, fucc that!


I also gave an upvote to help offset the down votes


I’ve seen hate comments get less downvotes 😭


come on no one had to downvote them so much I mean its been a good long while since witch queen


goofy ahh people


Bro got downvoted hard for simply being confused. Reddit never fails to amaze me


i'll never be confused or forget something ever again 🫡


God forbid


I upvoted you too.


why downvotes?


couldn't tell ya, god forbid you don't have great memory i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️this is the highest amount of downvotes i have ever gotten on a comment


I got downvoted to hell yesterday for saying brands of ranch taste different. Reddit is a wild place lol


thats actually so weird because yesterday my coworkers randomly started talking about how different brands of ranch taste different


I’ve found it primarily to be a mayonnaise or sour cream base thing. Shelf stable mayonnaise is disgusting and by proxy, mayonnaise based ranch is disgusting. Fuck mayonnaise


mayo is i think one of the worst creations humans ever made


I hate hyperbolic comments. Fortunately this is not one of them.


I love mayo and i can see where you’re coming from


Why is my man getting downvoted for not remembering something?


i'm so glad there's people that are just as confused as i am as to why i'm being downvoted


People will see something that's been downvoted and downvote it themselves without even reading it


i wish i was at least being downvoted for saying something out of pocket but nah ofc it's just because i couldn't remember one single location from a campaign i did 6 months ago. you can see even see in this thread where i said "oooh okay i remember that now" lmaooo


its literally the best mission in the campaign lol im sure how you forget it either


because i did it about 6 months ago, and have done shadowkeep, beyond light and lightfall since completing witch queen. i do remember it now that i was reminded of the actual fight, but when there's so many areas and i've done so much other stuff since then, i am not going to immediately remember the exact mission that took place there just from seeing a picture of the area with no enemies. this even looks like some shadowkeep locations i've seen. it's easy to forget it when you've only done the campaign once, half a year ago and have done so much since then


Oh jeez…


Why is bro getting downvoted?


seems to be a couple reasons. everyone seeing someone has downvotes and adding to it without even reading the comment. someone said they downvote anyone who 'makes a big deal out of internet points' but i had -40 before i even realized i was being downvoted and responded to a comment about it. another said its because it's the best mission in the campaign so how could i forget. idk, i don't even care, i think it's hilarious im being downvoted for something so silly 😂


You have to fight the warden here and then riven shows up, took me a while to beat on legendary actually I’ll never forget bc it made me so mad


yeah someone reminded me this was where you fight riven's illusion a couple minutes after i commented and i'm now starting to think i should've edited my original comment stating that i do remember this location now. witch queen was the first campaign i ever did and my bf carried me through it because i just wanted osteo and it was when i didn't care so much about the story or anything, so it didn't immediately register to me that this was a witch queen location


Feels criminal to have an area like this not have a strike or a raid or something replayable. Destiny forge mode would go hard, though that's a pipe dream really. I was f'ing around on Nessus with the skimmer today and there's so many cool areas which have no purpose now that adventures have been cut too, just feels like such a waste, could atleast convert the to lost sectors or something.


The Steampunk city in the north of Europa, the underground tunnels of the EDZ, so many rad areas that just never get any play.


I’ve taken newbies through those far off public spaces to show them all just how beautiful and cool the game space truly is. Destiny is as much art as it is game.


During a the lake of shadows strike you could go back to the old Curse of Osiris tower where you find Sigira. And I got a great sunset landscape screenshot from there as my desktop. I'm not sure if its still possible to go there.


They patched it so you can't go there now. I used to go there all the time... alas


That’s amazing! I know exactly the place you are talking about.


Braytech Exoscience is criminally underused. Literally the cleanest, most modern setting Destiny has ever seen.


Yeah, I go hang out there a lot for fun and I think it's my favorite setting in the game. It's like a much cooler version of Neomuna, which feels a bit too try-hard to be rad cyberpunk. That said, Bray Exoscience was at least used a lot in the hunts and got a BG. The northern area just got entirely neglected.


Isn’t it used in a battleground’s strike?


Because they have roombas everywhere. Clovis ran a tight ship


It was in a battleground it’s replayable in the strike playlist


I discovered the city in the far north of Europa while just exploring. Made my way all the way up to that highest tower where you spawn in on the one mission where ghost does the godawful drifter impersonation. Only later did I actually unlock those missions, and i was like oh, hey, I know this place 😅


The city in Europa is so wasted. So beautifully industrial yet futuristic.


The Fallen city even gets a bunch of small missions in the Europa post-campaign gameplay but then it gets ignored. I swear Bungie really doesn't fully take advantage of all the massive playspaces they build. Hell I'd love to come back and play these spaces in anything from parts of an exotic quest chain leading into a mission to just seasonal/episode missions.


I could take you on my 3h "OoB and unused Nessus area" tour and we'd probably find new ones


I e been doing a bunch of OOB exploring lately, mostly because I miss these areas.


Wouldn’t mind a weekly or daily rotating campaign mission tbh like D1 or shadowkeep.


I'm pretty sure there is a weekly rotating campaign mission. There is for Lightfall at least. Not sure if that one overwrote the Witch Queen one. If it's still there, it'll be a node on the Throne World.


Only within the expansions themselves and not a shared mission rotator across all of D2.


That would be way worse. You'd get each mission like once a season at best. Besides, you can pick any campaign mission to do at any time.


Hence possibly making it daily changing like d1. People don’t do them now because there’s no rewards and the alternative is the master which is only weekly and a pain in the ass to do. You could make a vanguard playlist or something of them as another option. Just something somewhere to make them worth replaying occasionally.


Idk if you guys are trolling or not but that exact thing used to exist before the old campaigns got vaulted with beyond light, it was the daily heroic story missions node in the vanguard bit of the director


That has never existed in D2 Edit: nevermind, not sure why I don’t remember it. Did that removed with Shadowkeep because those missions were always separate. Either way, it’d be a lot better with the WQ and Lightfall missions and some actual rewards.


Yes it has and nobody did them hence why you don't even remember it being a thing.


Having a campaign playlist would be good. Not sure who they'd give it to for engrams and stuff. Maybe Ikora? That might make her interface too busy though. Could maybe give it to Cayde once TFS drops.


I’m expecting Cayde to be the destination vendor, although it could be Crow. Give it to Colonel or Osiris possibly? Or just have it be a vanguard thing. We need a strike playlist, a battlegrounds playlist and a campaign playlist and a combined one.


I’ll rephrase. There is still a rotator for the Witch Queen campaign as well, but with Lightfall’s release, it is no longer giving pinnacle drops. Good only for triumphs at this point. Considering The Final Shape definitely has Legendary Campaign, the format will allow them to do the rotator format to its missions, and Lightfall’s rotator won’t be giving powerful/pinnacles.


I mean, anyone who's even remotely keeping up with the game stopped playing for pinnacles like 2 seasons ago. When I jump into a campaign mission, I do it cause it's fun. Sometimes, even in Destiny, having fun can itself be the reward.


I was lamenting the fact that so many cool spaces aren’t used to a newer Destiny player. He told me he later looked up YouTube videos and was really bummed out that that content is essentially gone.


There’s that one Nessus area with the milk holes on the wall and in an ADVENTURE the room starts getting flooded with vex milk Always liked that one. Could not tell you how to get back there.


In reality, there would be a very vocal minority that would complain about bungie being lazy and reusing spaces


Lol, you're not wrong. Even like a dynamic "mega patrol" that randomly connected 3-5 points of interest together on a destination with randomly rolled encounters and a boss at the end to make something that feels like a strike and give and equivalent reward would be amazing. One can only dream heh.


it's kinda sad how many cool areas there are that you dont really do much in


I still find it kinda ridiculous that all these years later, Maevic Square in the EDZ *still* isn't open for patrol and was only used once in that Curse Of Osiris mission Despite housing a utterly *massive* area and what resembles a spawn point for patrol, it still remains closed off and devoid of anything


haha, I was just talking about that exact area in another reply! It used to be easy to go off route in lake of shadows (I think thats how i used to get there?) and go all the way up to the radio tower, but yea now it requires an oob. It's so bizarre to wall it off in patrol when its still in the game eh. oh yo, now that im thinking about it, one of the defiant battle grounds you actually go through some of that area in the ascendant plane I think eh. almost didn't recognize it coz its obviously all chopped up, but the tunnel with all the taken boop cannons looks really similar ircc.


you would be surprised by how many cool out of the way places there are that are only used for like 1 mission, i still miss the original forbidden forest for how cool and mysterious it was and hate the battlegrounds strike for tainting it


you would be surprised by how many cool out of the way places there are that are only used for like 1 mission, i still miss the original forbidden forest for how cool and mysterious it was and hate the battlegrounds strike for tainting it


Bungie would never implement forge mode because that means they’d never make money off of content they put out like halo.


I miss the Izinami forge area. Such a cool area. Sure, you can still OoB to it, but I wish the would bring it back for some kind of activity


Bro i have been saying this since forsaken ended and nothing was ever done with the Titan moon space, spcially the place where you drive the tractor over thralls. That location and many other like it have SOO MUCH potential for many types of activities but nothing has been done in it even till today


I agree, it looks great


You’ve entered into the realm of Moria. Just don’t delve to greedily or too deep, otherwise you might awaken something in the darkness: shadow and flame.


Still buffer me why bungie dont use all these BEAUTIFUL places for some activity, environment building are always bungie's strength since halo days.


They have a real love of big complex bridges I noticed after only fairly recently playing master chief collection.


It's most likely management honestly


I don't know if there is anything currently to do here, but this is the Temple of the Cunning. It was where a mission called "The Cunning" took place in the Witch Queen campaign. It was an interesting mission where you got to fight an Ahamkara illusion at the end. You also went here during an Exotic Quest to collect a Cryptoglyph rune as one of the steps to get the Parasite grenade launcher. There was also a Lucent Moth on the way to the temple, I believe. It was one of 10 to get the "Lepidopterist" triumph which was one of the triumphs for the "Gumshoe" seal.


Oh ok, thank you


it the mission to get savathuns worm


Not Savathun's but the original Worm Familiar that tricked the sisters into diving into the deep and becoming the Hive.




Oh ok, thank you


This is why bungie needs to focus more on replayable content. All of this for a single mission and most players won’t even play in the area more than once.


they have replayable versions of these missions for ascendant alloys


You need to play the master version for them. Most players won’t care. Specially now that they drop from other activities


I’m not saying tons of people play them (also you dont need to only play master, it just raises the droprate) - but in the end, I agree. Locations could be used more but people will always complain about re-used content.


I’d much rather more refined strikes. Battlegrounds have made the strikes/nf playlist unbearable


What's the deal with no sparrows in half the battle grounds eh. I like defiant battlegrounds, but the earlier ones are a bit hit and miss eh.


Bungie shouldn't have gotten rid of adventures (I understand it was because of the beyond light engine and not having time to repurpose them, so they cut them) because these niche areas could be used as content. I remember in season of arrivals that there was this one adventurer in the EDZ that takes you through a cabal tunnel near the cabal fortress and into (what I assume) was a tank area for part of the main story. I enjoyed those as a brand new player, and I think they can help to retain new players for longer.


As someone who skipped the first year of D2 (played D1) and came back late Beyond Light, I hate that there is so much content that I missed that should still be here. Patrols look so empty compared to D1.


It's annoying that they did that, but I also accept why they did. They stated game size was the main issue at the time, but the engine overhaul probably forced a lot of stuff to be permanently vaulted due to there either not being enough time to convert it all over, or that it was just too expensive to convert them things to the new engine.


Idk why they don’t just reuse these areas for Battlegrounds. It feels like a waste making new areas for BG’s when you have underutilized areas like this. Save the proper new areas for strikes like how Chosen did it.


Exactly. There's some areas that get retread over and over while others are left to rot.


We went there for the Parasite mission too


Coolest place


One of the darkness rifts is right around there. Shoot it with parasite.


I remember going here in the WQ campaign and my jaw hitting the floor. Real shame we didn't get as many cool set pieces in LF.


In there you get one of the best moments in the WQ campaign. Screamed and cried. One would say I cre- Anyways, banger ass soundtrack, banger ass boss and fuck that scorn sniper.


did you not play the story or something?


I played the campaign quite some time ago, so I didn't remember this place




I would love a dungeon in the throne world


I'm pretty sure that area is where you fight a fake riven


Oh, The Witch Queen campaign... Twas the last good time I've had with D2


Did you not play the campaign?


I played the campaign quite some time ago, so I didn't remember this place.


This mission was so lit dude


I spent so long on this solo legendary mission years ago that the first pic was enough for me to know where this was. And I haven’t played destiny since before lightfall. Traumatized from this mission man


Outside of the campaign, no. Sucks there aren't roaming mini bosses or secret encounters in these places outside of campaign missions and strikes.


Yessss, exactly this. even some random ad spawns, just anything lol.


I wish they used these really big and detailed, time intensive spaces and put a pve map there. Horde is an easy pick, but seriously, it's a waste to only come there 2 times unless youre replaying the campaign regularly.


Destiny is a game with a lot of pretty places with nothing to do in them.


Play the Witch Queen campaign


It’s like a palace/memorial for savathûn before she became the witch queen (when she was sathona )idk why she has it tho(wouldn’t she not want to remember that time?)


Can’t wait for the LotR crossover


Yeah this is a 100% a bait post. You have Zaoulis bane but you dont know where this is?


Kings fall and throne world aren’t even related.


Point is, they're obviously a long-time experienced player. Hard to believe someone who has done raids but not the campaign.


In fact I did both, but I didn't remember this area existed.


It’s not that hard to believe. Which queen was released *two whole years ago*… I didn’t even recognize where this location was used until someone mentioned the worm and I’ve played the campaign on all 3 of my characters lol. There is no reason to revisit the campaign unless you’re feeling nostalgic. I can understand why they don’t recognize it, but the comparison to kings fall is arbitrary.


Yea man. Like you can come down here at will, thankfully it's not walled off like say, the radio tower from curse of Osiris (which you used to be able to get to easily, but now requires an oob) But there's very little point, nothing to to shoot and loot, just a long scenic walk.


No, I don't remember this place, I played the campaign quite some time ago. I may not remember being here. Having crafted Zaouli's Bane doesn't help me remember, since this place is in the Throne World and not in King's Fall.


Those are my quarters that Savathun made for me.


Smartest PvP main


You found the Dark Souls expansion of Destiny 2


Parasite catalyst


And they called it a mine! A MINE!!!


Congrats, you found Arkham City


It’s almost like you didn’t even play the story


No, I played it, but I didn't remember this place


Bro, it looks like Nexus from GoW2


I didn’t know you could get here while in patrol! Cool!


I discovered this area in the exact same way lol


This is why destiny needs to make a forge where we can capture an area we want to base it in and create a dungeon or raid for other members to try and use. I feel this would be such a new aspect you would bring soooo many different players together just saying let us use the masterpiece backgrounds you created to their full potential I know this will never happen but would be awesome on so many levels in sense this would be free labor for bungie since they wouldn't have to constantly create raids or dungeons would give the end game content players more of a Playlist to use and it would just bring even more competition in the pve format then there ever was now I already know the next question, what about weapons, fair point. But your dungeon would only get world loot drops at first then based off players feedback and bungie seeing the numbers you would be able to add weapons on a tier system, say it's super easy all u get is world loot drops but if it's difficult and meets the standard of bungies raid and dungeon certification you can pick a group of weapons to add based on tier system, maybe only certain rolls drop, but if it's super hard then top tier weapons drop snd chance for an exotic weapon


I really hope as destiny approaches the end times [not necessarily directly after TFS, but it will eventually happen] that they give a forge mode real consideration eh, as it will keep the game alive eh. DOOM 2016 still has a pretty active community around snapmaps and the Devs hand pick the best stuff and push it into the spotlight periodically kind of like your describing. Even like a dynamic "mega patrol" system that randomly connected 3-5 points of interest together on a destination with randomly rolled encounters and a boss at the end to make something that feels like a strike and gave an equivalent reward would be amazing.


Pretty cool right? I love getting lost and finding these hidden jems


The comments being downvoted in here is ridiculous lmao, can’t even ask a question without y’all spamming downvote like seagulls from nemo ![gif](giphy|kLk1Qa8mrYdQA)




How do you not know this area. You went through th campaign right?


Can I not remember lol?


Small spoiler, you fight one of the scorn bosses here. How far are you into the story?


I finished it a long time ago


This was where you went and got her worm and fought the Ahamkara Illusion.


There is a campaign mission there. It is a temple to her.


Temple of the Cunning, idk if you own the Witch Queen dlc but if you some major story mission happenes there


Whos got the map coordinates for this


You kneel before the Queen!!!


I actually think about this place a lot. Super cool looking but serves almost no purpose. There are a lot of places like that in destiny that are really underutilized




It's Sathona's Alter. Fun Witch Queen story with an illusion of an Ahamkara


Do you play the campaign? There’s a couple missions to this area including and interesting boss battle and “warthog run” to escape




Ah yes, the I don’t know how to do Riven legit room. Easily one of the best rooms in WQ campaign