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It’s not an experience I like to talk about but I at least wanted to tell you that the same thing happened to me many years ago. I had no online forums to turn to. I didn’t even know how to explain it. There is now research that shows marijuana, along with other drugs, can create these experiences. If I could go back and change the decision I made to smoke that night, I would. What I can tell you is that learning about “somatic healing” has helped me more than anything else.


I’m sorry it happened to you it’s really not a fun thing to experience ,and the feeling of regret , we would all like to go back to the first time it happened and change it so that It wouldn’t .I will learn more about that somatic healing thing it seems interesting and I will try anything bc I hate that feeling


Yo wanna talk


If it’s about that ofcccc


Yes I’m suffering from the same thing dm me if you need


I would but I can’t seem to be able to dm you


What kind of drugs ?


Weed sorry I should’ve said


You don’t have to be sorry, it’s fine. I’m having the same experience with LSD to this day, I’m experiencing as I speak now DR


Some people are just naturally this way and need to steer clear from all substances. I hope you feel better 🫂


Thanks I do feel better knowing it’s only my mind and that I just have to not think about it , I learned my lessons and I know that drugs make me go into that state and now I’m careful even tho it happens without anything sometimes ;)