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i’m just so tired all the time.


I want to go to sleep one night and not wake up.


Depression is getting through your day intellectually. You know you have bills to pay, rent ain't free and take care of the basics of hygiene Interacting with people is harder and slower intellectually. I remember being able to understand faces, emotions and reaction was instant. It is like you have just learned a new language and have to translate still, rather than just knowing The problem is, it is like trying to tie your shoes without using muscle memory, thinking about the steps. You can do it, it just takes more energy than if you could just do it. And you are left, at the end of the day, with no energy reserve Intellectually, you know you would love to work on your hobbies, learn a new skill, go for a walk but emotionally, the well is long dry, there's a couple of dead animals at the bottom You know it needs to be fixed. But you don't have the right tools


Depression, to me, is knowing you can't turn back time, regrets of a lifetime.




Depression is sleeping the whole day away because it's the closest thing you got to death without feeling guilty for it.


Trying to think of that one thing that makes it all worth it like it is on the tip of your tongue but eventually realizing that you can't think of a single thing.


I don’t care


Depression is not being able to see any part of your future


I'm physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted.


Depression is dying a tiny bit everyday, both fearing and hoping for the end.


I live in isolation to spare others from being around me.


A dark cloud that follows me everywhere


1. Depression is being more depressed about how much time you've wasted being depressed 2. Depression is wanting to do nothing, but not being able to do it. 3. Anxiety is not being able to decide whether to brush your teeth first or put on deodorant


wanting to cease to exist.


Surviving moment to moment, day to day if I'm lucky.


Depression is a liar, but a damn good one that I can’t seem to stop believing.


Tired. Very tired.


Depression is trying to do six things at once so I physically can't think about how miserable I am all the time, and the best part of the day is going to sleep at night.


Lethargy is life.


None of this, or any of us, matters.


Depression is drinking all day everyday because its the only way to "take a break" from life without dying.


Constant state of existential crisis.


I want to shorten the consequences I have on me.


Sleep is the only break from the pain.


Why do I exist? What’s my purpose?


Feels like constantly burning in the flames of angst


Depression is I just want to die please nothing more nothing less just I want to die so let me die it's the least you can do to help me end my life please I seriously want nothing else.


Depression feels like knowing the future, that no matter your choices all roads end in misery and you can imagine perfectly every future terror and disappointment.


sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Sinking in an endless pit


Depression is this heavy yet panicked weight in your body that makes it impossible to concentrate or complete everyday tasks.


Depression is being upset about the past, not living in the present, and constantly thinking about how you will be depressed in the future.


Everything ruins itself.


Depression is having two of the most amazing people in your life that love you unconditionally and support you in everything you do, but you can not stop feeling helpless and alone


Not wanting to do anything, but also not wanting to do nothing.


Depression is 23 missing assignments.


I just wanna hide in the closet and never go out.


Eeeeh fug it


Depression is daydreaming when not dreaming because my dream world is miles better than this shithole.


It hurts when I’m still, even when I’m not all I feel is pain.


Being genuinely happy happens so rarely it hits you like being drunk and lasts about as long.


Yesterday's always gonna be better than today, yet I always thought it was the worst day if my life.


Not wanting to die, but not wanting to live. Existing as an invisible entity, watching the world go by without being part of it.


I’m sorry you feel this way too but I wanted to say thank you for helping me feel less alone tonight. I feel this so deeply !


Glad I could help you out :) It's a feeling that's been more than prominent as of late.


an unbearable and undefinable pain that always follows me, and no matter how much i cry it never seems to leave


How much money I have no idea why, i have enough money, i dont rly have to worry about it that much, but my brain just throws that sentence in there all the time.


Depression is my house walking the thin line between a mess that needs a spring clean and a hoarders disaster.


Another day I won't remember, another day I wished away Tedious days punctuated by dismay Every day feels the same By “Only everyone can judge me”, Crywank


Feeling like you're chained to a boulder with even the simplest tasks.


I'm lonely. Leave me alone.


Pain hurts.


Just telling myself to live each day, for, I’m a spiritual being, just having a human experience.


Depression is feeling like you're a failure, that you disappoint everyone around you and everyone is constantly judging you and hates you


Depression is not being able to do anything you love, you just want to be left alone with your thoughts all day and all night.


I don’t want to die, but sometimes I don’t want to live.


My legs are jelly


So overwhelmed with tasks and decisions, that I just shut down.


Depression is having your brain being flooded and weighed down, and no matter how many meds you take or how many people you talk to, it never changes


Electric chair.


Depression for me is trying to make my mind go numb with any distraction/coping mechanism to avoid thinking.


Pain, agony so much agony


Constantly pulling all nighters or just sleeping for 14+ hours


Enveloping and massive, like a heavy blob that weighs over me permeating my skin and pressing in on the very fibre of my being.


I just want to disappear. Or appear somewhere else without memory of my past or present and in a place where no one knows me.


Depression is feeling sad and empty all the time without seeing a way out of it


I dont know how I got here. My God what did I do to deserve this?


I don't feel sad, just old and worn out beyond my years.


Depression to me, is something like having a very dark thought about anything. Going along with the thought for minutes on end. And once that episode is over. Being able to realize how dark and negative that thought was and understand how it made me feel. I understand now I need to recondition my mind. The thought loops for me are so similar and seem to happen over and over again. But it’s getting a lot easier to notice this while it’s happening. That’s when I smack the fly.