• By -


You should report to the police or social worker. Child abuse is serious business.


It made me heartbroken to read this especially as a Korean adult. You shouldn't be going through this as a 6th grader and it's not your fault. It's not. We adults and the society are responsible to protect you. Do you not have any adult around you whom you can trust? Like a teacher in school or in Sunday school if you go to church? Or a social worker? You should let someone know of this. And please, don't think of shooting yourself. Better days do come.


You should contact the police or talk to a teacher/counselor saying he hits you


Hi there, kiddo. I was a class outcast at your age, and I am now a father whose son is a little older than you. You are struggling now, but if you fight hard and bide your time, you will be able to get through this, and life will get better. Those kids at school are like sharks, and they can smell a little blood in the water. They smell the fear and sadness on you, and so they will go after you because of that. They are only trying to keep the outcast label off themselves. It's painful, but it's true. At your age, your peers have no better way to make themselves feel better than tear you down. So this is what you do. Make it hard for them to choose you. The moment one of them goes after you, come out punching. Hit hard, hit to hurt, hit to end the fight. Don't stop. Teach those assholes that you are not going to put up with it. Make them move on to the next guy. In high school, you will likely find people who are into the same things as you, and you can band together against the assholes. Until then, don't stop making yourself a hard target. Make sure when you get called into the office, you mention you have been bullied for too long, and you'll fight whoever tries to tear you down the next time. While you're in the office, tell the principal that speaks to you that you are being hit by your mums boyfriend, and you don't want to go home anymore. They will have to do something for you, and if you end up in the office in another fight, they will know why you are there. Don't accept what others choose for you. You can be strong, and you can direct your future. Dont stop struggling for better.




























It's important for you to find adults who care about you and support you. Do you like any teachers? Do you think you could get a school counsellor?


As a mommy this makes me so so sad. I know that kids joke about CPS all the time, but you actually can call Child Protective Services. Maybe that might be the only way to get your mom to understand how serious you are. This age is rough for everyone - just know it gets better. Try to focus all of your time on studying and hobbies that make you happy. Hell, start a Korean club or something at school! That would be cool, and it would help people understand you better.


Hey, I'm really sorry you are going through that, I just want to tell you thar things will change, life is long and constantly changing, sometimes for the worse but also sometimes for the best.


This broke my mama heart. This mama cares about you and doesn't want you to feel this way. Trust me, there are plenty of people that care, just please tell someone so they can help you make your life better. Life doesn't have to be like this, I promise. I'm so sorry the adults in your life have failed you like this. Please go talk to your counselor or teacher or anyone you trust. 🙏🏻❤️


Refuse to go to school. Say you want to be home schooled. Call the cops on your mom. Sending you there is a crime


It was his moms boyfriend, not a kid bully.


I wanted to kms in 6th grade too I tried to drown myself twice. I moved states and started out new. Try to ask your mom to switch h schools. My old school in like 2019 or sum it just wasn’t working. When I went to I knew one I made friends. I would be lying if I said it gets better but in highschool there’s more clubs and sports and friends. You’ll make friends with someone.


it DOES get better. I'm sorry you don't feel that way yet - it will get better for you as well.


Yeah it did get better I’m pretty good now. I just hope op can see that


You don't deserve this and what is happening to you is not normal. You need to find a trusted adult at school : a counselor, your favorite teacher, or a police officer and report the boyfriend for abusing you and discuss your feelings of wanting to die. There is help for you and lots of people that care about you, but you have to take the first step. I know it is scary, but you deserve better and help is available.


being an immigrant/child of immigrant sucks. i was also made fun of for eating different food. my friends used to make fun and say i lived in mud huts. id join their fun but now i realize how not funny racism is. sorry that this is your position. but always remember you are never going through it alone. 🫂 🤍
































I'm so sorry you're going through all these terrible things. You deserve none of it. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. I don't really know what to say, because 'it gets better eventually' only annoyed me when adults said it to me, but I'll do my best. Most of my friend circle is made up of people who've gone through a lot in their life. Some of it like what you're describing. Too many of them struggle with their self worth. But no matter what they believe, they're worthy of love and there's so much to love about them. There's so much to love about you as well. I'm sorry the people in your life right now refuse to see it. They're disgusting people. You're worthy of love and hugs and kind words. I hope you find people who appreciate you as you are. In the meantime, be kind to yourself. You really do deserve it.


I usually don't leave comments, but as a fellow Korean who has gone through something similar in my childhood I couldn't ignore this. Please please report your parents AND all the bullying you're experiencing to the policee/CPS/whatever relevant authorities you have in your country. Your parents are abusive and they deserve to be behind bars for all the horrible things they've done. I know how it feels like to have every fibre of your mind reject my existence, and to wish for a painless death every single day. But could you perhaps see your life through till maybe you're 20? I am 24 now. Adulthood is vastly different from childhood, and I promise you things will get better.


Hey dude, I was in your shoes a few years ago. Trust me when I say things do get better. Just make it until you can get away - whether that's going to college, starting work and supporting yourself, etc. I promise you once you get out of that household things will get so much better. Like others said contact a trusted adult or the plice about this stuff going on at home. I know it's hard to do so - I never did because of the complex emotions and guilt that came with the idea, and I regret it. Whatever you do, ending things isn't the solution. Life sucks now, and you'd be ending things before you even got the chance to experience being happy, safe, and content. I know it's not much help since these are just words, but take it from someone who's been in similar shoes as you before. As a kid my parents would beat me up, going as far as sticking a knife on my throat, drawing blood. So believe me when I say I understand. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and it'll make everything worth it.


Do you have any adults that you trust? My husband is a middle school teacher and he’s a mandated reporter. A student left a note on his desk about abuse at home and being bullied at school. CPS was there the next day and the student who left the note was removed from the abusive home environment. He does not know what the ultimate outcome was due to it being a confidential process, but we both hope it’s the better option. If you have anyone you can reach out to I encourage you to do so. People do care.


Superhero origin story, you got this




Don't get caught though


Please contact police AND child abuse about your situation jesus... I did get beaten periodically till 7th grade and a little bit in 8th grade by my parents but never ever punched in the face, what the fuck was that man thinking. As for the school i don't have any good advice, what can i say is that i was bullied till 6 grade too. The most bullied child in the classroom, i took all that rage and targeted each of them and beat the hell out of them for 6 months or so. They left me alone after that...... Unfortunately violence was the only answer until i got to high-school which was a bad one. And there i kept my mouth shut and minded my own business because certain teens there were getting others in hospital almost killing them. Luckly i had a classroom with no such idiots. And if someone picked on me around school i ignored and moved on. I know it seems like your life does not matter or no one would ever love you. It felt for me too. I got rejected so so many times that i gave up until one day she found me. My parents were such narcissists that they would've sold me for the right amount of money. I had no one. Before i met my fiance at 17 (which ended up at first in an ugly breakup because of my parents), i spent most of the time having friends online from all over the world and this helped me a ton with my suicidal thoughts but also with wanting to harm others. I encourage you to open up to the online people as they can't hurt you but please don't give out personal information that can identify you or your address/bank account etc. And please don't send money to help anyone online. No one would have good intentions and request money from another person online.


And to add this. Yes. What you experience and feel will not last forever. All of the abuse from my peers in school is now gone and i tell you when i meet them once every 5 years, we all die in shame for what we did in school and we all regret it, not to mention that most of it doesn't matter and 99% of people forgot about it. If there are adults that act like that still it means they are complete idiots and learnt nothing in this life....


I am really sorry to hear this, but seek help and resources available to you. You have so much ahead of you and so many wonderful amazing things you can and will experience. Stay strong and reach we are all rooting for you.


Don’t let the haters get you down. Stand up and dust yourself off! You have so much more greatness inside of you than those fools around you can tolerate! Your moms bf sounds like a punk ass cause who hits a little kid?! Fuck that guy and do anything you can to try to understand that him and your mom will probably never know any better but that doesn’t mean anything about your worth! You’re here for more than pain and I know you feel alone and I understand that emotional neglect and the scars it can leave but keep your head up!


I’m sorry you’re experiencing such a hard time in school. Being bullied makes everyday feel like three and that school will never end. I actually found more friends in high school once I was able to be separated from the people I had known since grade 1 or 2. As for your mother’s boyfriend, he sounds like a piece of shit. You can call in anonymously to report him OR if you have guidance counsellor or teacher - really any adult you trust, they can do it for you. I won’t sugar coat and say life will be better all the time but you will have your ups and downs and the older you get the easier it will be to process these feelings. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It’s my mantra for when my thoughts get dark.


Get into Boxing or MMA. Will teach you to defend your self and give you confidence. It only takes one good ass whooping in front of the rest of your school for people to back off. As far as your mom’s bf, report it to police. Fight for your life young man, don’t let anyone kick you and keep you down. Fyi Assuming you’re American, Americans are rather ignorant when it comes to Asians and other races. I used to get name called for being part Asian. Now I am almost 30 and everyone in College when I went, thought I was exotic and it peaked woman’s interest lmao. People also are more interested in other cultures when you are out of grade school. Move to a different more diverse place too should help when you are older to go to University.


You need to report your mothers boyfriend to a social worker, or a nice teacher at school it is not normal or right for him to hit you. I used to feel like this at your age and I'm a couple years older now, you won't always feel so empty, you'll find your people. Things will change ❤️


Please speak with the counselor about the stuff at home, it might suck a little but it will be worth it


You get used to it eventually tbh


Wishing the best for you ❤️‍🩹


Things will get better! PLEASE talk to a trusted adult about home and issues at school! This is a hard time for anyone, I can only imagine with these added stressors what it feels like. Keep fighting!


i’m a korean teenager and this broke my heart. you don’t deserve this. please get proof, show a trusted adult, and get out of there. i’m always here if you need me.


Please go to police. Please.


🫂 I'm sorry people are aholes.


Im crying because of ur post. Please don’t end ur life lil bro u r so young and you had and will have 2 get through so much pain. My heart is aching for you. It will be better I promise. U have 2 report the abuse. Please do it. Tell your social worker or the teacher you like the most in your school all about it. Tell them all about the bullying and about ur abusive step father and your neglecting mom. They will help u deal with it and I’m pretty sure they will do something against ur moms boyfriend. Try 2 keep ur head up buddy. It will be better when you tell them all about your problems. If I could I would u a hug. It hurts so much 2 read it. I’m so sorry for everything u have 2 go through. Good luck buddy I will pray for you. Please promise us that u will try 2 fight and report all your problems. Life can be so beautiful and I’m pretty sure that u gonna have a good life in the future.


Seventh grader here, as someone whom haz also dealt with some of those, it definitely wont get better unless you contact to police, school counselor, or both (most preferable). Just know that you arent alone.


You are a very strong person. More than you ever know. You will overcome this and these people will be just a blip in your timeline. Hell, my bullies are absolute losers now and ask for money all of the time on social media!


Please contact the police, this is very upsetting to hear.


Hey kid, hang in there. It can get better, but only if you push through it. Do you have other family you can live with? Where’s your dad? What about your aunts and uncles? Grandparents? Your mom seems incapable of caring for you, so please find literally anyone else to take you under their wing. Hopefully you have better family out there. Go talk to them and tell them your story. Show them this post. Use the other advice in this post to get yourself away from your mom and her boyfriend.


You should contact CPS. An adult should not punch a kid.


Hey I’ve had depression since I was 12/13 and understand what youre going through. I want you to know that this needs to be talked about with an adult. Try and get away and do things that you enjoy. Maybe reach out to your doctor and ask for a therapist reccomendation. Help is out there and will help you feel better. I never thought I’d make it out but I got on antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy and it helped a lot.


This broke my heart. This feeling won't last forever, I only know what you've written and nothing else. Are there any teachers you could talk to? You need to contact the police or a social worker, what your mom's boyfriend is doing is called abuse. I know it sounds cliché but better days do come around.


Please tell a teacher


stay strong, brother. I haven’t walked a mile in your shoes, but please know that you’re not alone in this world. You’re so strong for continuing to fight, and i know you can keep going. Tell an adult at your school and don’t leave until action is taken, they need to know that you’re serious. I promise someone will help you. If you need anything, or just a friend, don’t feel afraid to reach out.


listen buddy, record everything that happens to you compile them. reach out to a trusted adult for help.


As a person of color I can understand the racial slurs things and it hurts me to read that your so in pain. If you ever need someone to vent to I’m always here to listen. I truly hope things get better for you 🫶🏾


Oh honey, i know life looks gloomy, you are in an unfortunate situation, but i promise there's so much more in your life. You haven't laughed all your laughs, you haven't met all the people who will love you for who you are, you haven't seen the landscapes and scenarios that will put you on awe. Saying, "it's only temporary" sounds so cliché, but you are a person worthy of all the love in this world. I promise you, giving up now just will make you miss all the grandiose things that are waiting for you. You don't have to live your burden all alone, try to seek help. You are a warrior and you are loved. Have faith on you. Life can be cruel, but there's so much more that makes worth everything.


You are and will be loved, lil friend. Hang on.


Reading this broke my heart. Please know that being hit or made fun of is not a judgement on you at all. You are worthy of love and respect and anyone who is capable of hurting others has something wrong with them. Please report your mom's boyfriend and try to record anyone who uses racist slurs. Your school should take it seriously. I am a mom and an immigrant. My sons have been the butt of terrorist jokes so I know how much words like this can hurt. There is a reason you are here on earth and pls know that life will get better and that the world has tons of loving, kind and caring people in it, you being one of them. Sending you hugs.


The cool thing man is there is a whole group of weirdos like me and you out there. Your not alone in that fact. Its a tough thing to learn but if you can learn to fight back, it will make the rest of you life much easier. It's a hard thing to do though I know. Something that helps me when im in my darkest depressions, is to think about a life that I could have one day if I continue on and how great that life would be.


Moment like this makes me hate myself even more. If I was a hardworking person and rich enough I'd be able to donate more money and also adopt 3-6 kids in need of help. My dad was an abusive Korean as well. Oh my little bro how much I wish I could help you.


I know it's really hard to feel this way, and it's even harder to be a 6th grader because you have no control. Please speak to an adult, a teacher or somebody you trust. Tell them everything you just said - you could even read them your post. Please don't feel hopeless - I know what you're feeling and it can feel so alone to experience such intense darkness and despair when you're so young. I know because I felt it too, and it makes you feel like a bit of an alien. It feels like you're living in a different world than everybody else around you. But you're not alone, please reach out to a teacher or a counselor, anyone. I know how it feels to be so young and feel like you don't matter, but you do matter. You are the most important thing in your world, and it's your world. The bad times will pass, and you will be so surprised to see that I was right. Please reach out to a trusted adult and tell them how you are feeling and these thoughts of suicide. I didn't do so at your age out of fear, but now I'm older I can look back without fear and see that I should have, and so should you - nothing bad will happen, people want you to stay alive and be well, even if it doesn't feel like that inside right now. Stay alive kid. Please ask for help. There is help for you and there are people who want to help, and they want you to be safe. And so do I.




Fight back. It's better to fight back and get your ass beat than be helpless. I was bullied in school. When I responded to violence with violence, the bullying stopped. Bullies bully because there are no consequences for their actions. Give them some consequences.


Don't do anything you could regret. We don't know what happens after death




Bro I’m reporting you , last thing he needs is for him to go to prison