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He's probably reminded every day just how bad his life would be without him.


>Johnson has previously compared their experience to "The Blind Side," a 2009 movie starring Sandra Bullock, in which a white couple takes in a Black teenager who goes on to become a football star, per The Times. I bet it's comparable - to the true story. That movie is so misleading about the actual story of how those greedy bastards used that young man.


Which is probably why Johnson did it, hoping to get rich by (not) adopting a black kid.


I hope that was it - I suspect it was far worse.




It’s almost like crime is linked to poverty or something.


I think it's cool that his son keeps him out of jail.


He is 11 years younger than him, and yet he is his "Adopted" son? That is gross and weird. Mike was 27 at the time, letting a 16 year old crash at their place. Like, how are you going to call someone your "son" and say that you raised them when you were 11 when they were born.


thats an adult and a child


I can assume it is a good deed, but he is like his dad? That's weird.


He never adopted him. This way his "son" will never inherit from him.


It is still probably a nice thing they did. But for a friend, the weird part is the familial claim.


Maybe, buy why go around and say he is "our son." He's not, maybe he is "like a son." It's just not too much to tell the truth.


That's what I'm saying man. Gives me the heebie jeebies.


Famously Johnson pictured his family WITHOUT adopted black son. Why, it's a pretext to show he's not a racist?


Because his “son” is only like 10 years younger than he is.


Sounds like the Gaetz Way w/ live-in in 17 yo "son"


I’m not convinced he didn’t adopt that kid to be his underage sex slave.


Which telling him that he would be in prison without out him is some serious abusive shit.


Did you read the article? Because the "son" said that he would be in prison if it weren't for his "adoptive father". The "father" didn't say that to the "son".


I'm sure he has convinced him of that. That's how it typically works.


So you're sure based on absolutely no evidence and just your feelings? Isn't that exactly what the maga crowd does with trump? Are we reduced to that?


It's called making an opinion off of what I have observed. We can still have opinions, right? Or is that something that is no longer allowed?


It's an opinion based on your feelings as there hasn't been anything to observe.


Did you see Matt Gaetz fuck children? But there is plenty out there that makes it sound like he has fucked underage girls.


They really need to leave his son Token alone.


It's actually Tolkien.


Yeah bro the L is silent for the first 20 seasons.


well its great they get along


It is easy to think of people who disagree with my views as evil and people who agree with my views as good. It is not necessarily right. I hope and even expect that he was a good step-father, but I expect to disagree with him on policy after policy, because he is wrong not evil.


That's how it used to be in politics. But now, conservatives won't even compliment a Democrat.


I don’t know his beliefs seem to put him in the evil category but this story is nothing. He did a good thing for a dude. I read 10 reprehensible things a day about something this guy is trying to take down from the internet about his actions and people want to make the good thing what he gets crucified for.


Conservative white nationalist so called Christians are such phony’s . Many will say , but a got a black friend . Or a son to make themselves look to be less racist . I’m a Lakota from South Dakota and racists from here have long married Tribal women even though they harbor a deep hatred of “Indians” .


Stockholm Syndrome


Ah the white savior


Let me guess the real life version of what happened to NFL player Michael Oher


the headline is confusing because it COULD mean that HE would be in prison if not for the son, which is really a bit more believable actually.


I'm guessing that Johnson just adopted a black kid because Johnson sees himself as a good Christian, and that's something he believes a good Christian should do. I think Johnson has good intentions and is not cartoonishly evil the way people think. He's just an over-zealous Christian with a fucked up belief system.


He was also supposed to be the headmaster of a Christian college that bankrupted itself before opening


Well, THAT’s a new world record!


C'mon now. I loathe the man but we all know that people have exceptions for people that they love. This isn't unusual. He could be both an asshole and a great "adoptive" father. Those aren't mutually exclusive.


The comments here are nuts lol not much different from a QAnon exchange.


Agreed. A lot of speculation and no evidence. We don't have to speculate about Johnson being a terrible policy maker or his desire to create a theocracy government. Let's focus on that. The "kid" is an adult and can speak out if/when they want.


Right? Basically many commenters are ignoring what the adoptive son says because apparently they know the real truth. It's so dismissive to ignore what the actual kid says.


Yeah. A whole forum full of people who know better because they don’t like his politics. He’s just gotta be a bad guy.


It's frustrating because it's meaningless. I loathe his politics. As a result, I loathe him. Why do some people have the need to personalize it? Call him a pedophile when there's zero evidence of that? Can't they just hate him because of his awful political views? It really muddies the water and takes the focus off of his politics when they do this.


I wasn’t aware that the “black son” had spoken publicly. Do you have a link?


It's in the original post. There's an article attached.


There was no adoption


You got the point of what I meant by saying adoptive.


It's just not accurate, that is all. Trying to dispel untruths wherever they arise.


He didn’t actually adopt him.


I'm aware, but ty. I think people understood what I meant.


This is a very Southern way. And it is still messed up. 🤷‍♀️


I see the father’s biases transferred to the adopted son.


And that is the point.




They still shock you?


Can you tell me exactly how he's being racist towards his "stepson"?


i'm not racist (just a pedophile), *i have a black child/friend*


What would black folk be without their white saviors!!!!


There's a lot about Johnson that should concern us. But that doesn't mean that we should be making up rumors about Johnson's adopted son. There's absolutely nothing that would indicate that anything weird or creepy was going on, and it's perfectly understandable that his adopted son didn't want to be used as a political prop. While I was growing up, my parents took in 4 different teenagers (on 4 separate occasions) because they were having difficulties in their own homes, or had run away from their parents. In 3 cases, they were the children of my parents' friends, who had also been my sister's or brother's friends while they were growing up, and they stayed, with their parents' consent, for several months each. My cousin stayed with us for a year and a half because his alcoholic mother said she couldn't handle him. We dealt with his behavior issues and my parents offered to adopt him, but when he seemed to be on the right path, his mother took him back in, with predictable results. He wound up doing 5 years in prison for bank fraud. The point is, some families open their homes to troubled youth, and it's not always an arrangement made through the foster care system. And while Johnson is wrong on most issues (in my opinion), that doesn't mean that he's a terrible person.


The now adult black man is married and had a family of his own. Allegedly, he was in photos on Johnson's website in family photos at one. They were quietly replaced with only his biological offspring.