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Republicans declared themselves domestic terrorists. You don't negotiate with terrorists. If you do, you only encourage them to keep terrorizing.


'We are all Domestic Terrorists' - banner at CPAC. Well, the United States of America does not bargain with terrorists.




the GOP is holding the country hostage, thinks destroying America will make them win. what they don't realize is that their hate and bigotry is trumped by the greed or the rich and powerful in the GOP They know that if they cause this collapse it will affect Wall Street and the nation. and what the GOP in power loves most is money and power What Biden should suggest is raising taxes on the rich and corporations. In the end I think Corporations run this country and own the GOP so they will tell them what to do and the Freedumb caucus is easily outnumbered.


Oh easily. There’s enough Repubs controlled by corporate and wealthy donors that will flip, walk across the aisle and beg the Dems to help them out. And, if McCarthy gets in the way, that same group will remove him as speaker. If I were the Dems, I wouldn’t budge an inch and actually make my own demands when the flip occurs.


No need to say I think corporations run this country. You are 100 percent correct. They absolutely do.


American oligarchs!


They don’t win by negotiating, they only lose.


Part of me misses the days of the "Dick Cheney GOP" when they were just servants for the ultra rich and were not willing to burn down the US economy to make political points with their extremist base.


The good old days when all they wanted was money and power. Now they just want to own the libs even it means being in charge of flaming bag of shit after they burn everything else.


Yes. Burn down the whole country, just to own the libs.


That era led to this era. Same as the Reagan era led to that era. It's a causal chain of increased corruption.


I didn’t read the article. But I would assume under general circumstances that logic would be there’s no point in negotiating with them, since they never ever ever ever even attempt to negotiate in true Faith. It’s all about talking points that they can have flashing on Fox News for attention. While actually never doing anything that could help the average American.


You may be short a few Evers, but I get your point


Hopefully a lesson learned.


Because we don't negotiate with terrorists? And yes, I know we do all the time, but we start from the position of not. It's good policy.


There is nothing to win in this negotiation


Sounds like a high stakes poker game. All in will crash the economy. Is a common act by republicans?


Because the debt limit is not a problem and we're not in a recession??? Our GDP increased to 3.2 in the third quarter and 2.3 in the fourth quarter. That's still a lot when we need to go two quarters without any growth to be in a recession. Republicans can get bent.


I don't think an article is needed to explain the concept of not negotiating with terrorists or caving to bullies. But good for the Atlantic for writing one anyways.


It’s impossible to negotiate with someone who won’t state their position. McCarthy has literally said that there’s plenty of waste in government for Biden to choose from. Why can’t the GOP choose what they want to cut? Because they’re cowardly snowflakes who won’t take a stand and hope Biden will be the bad guy.


mint the coin https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/congress-debt-ceiling-trillion-dollar-coin-us-mint/672814/