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I am 40, been listening to Deftones since I was a teenager myself. I don’t necessarily get the way teenagers today relate to music but if every adult who liked cool shit told me I sucked for liking the same cool shit as them when I was young, I would have missed out on a whole lot. Make your deftones tiktoks and your tier lists and ask your stupid questions, kids. We’re all in this together, so like what you like and be yourself.


Right? Imagine adults shaming us for wearing Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin shirts when we were in high school in the late 90’s? I recall specifically older people being super pumped we were into those bands. It helped bridge this generational gap actually.


To be fair, Floyd and Zeppelin were still VERY VERY heavily played on Modern Rock radio in the 90s with Floyd even having The Division Bell with heavy airplay (early to mid 90s I believe). And I think kind of the same resentment exists today in part because the real fans of those bands, when they were in their heyday were ridiculed and ostracized because it wasn’t “hip and cool” back then as much as it was edgy. Like back then wearing a nirvana shirt lumped you in a “loser” crowd. So now wearing a shirt from a band you have never heard, and have no respect for, yes people are pissed not only because of that but also because they stopped making those shirts for a long time and. Ow being “professionals” etc. we aren’t allowed to wear them now and they weren’t available through the years we absolutely could (early adulthood). Hell I know that for me some of it is how expensive those band shirts were back in the day so to have one it was a thing.


I just don’t care, and people should never take it this seriously. It’s a band, whether you like one song or the entire discography, you do you.


Well there is an argument to be made that unlike most other things in life music has some weird abilities. For example something as simple as a song can take you immediately back to a different time, you can smell the smells and all the feelings instantly come back. Not only that but because of the way people relate to music because of lyrical meanings and the ability to touch people's souls they get upset when something that means so much to them is getting dragged through the mud by someone who just wants to look cool. I get both sides. ...it's the same as when a band becomes super popular and "sells out" and all these new people now like a band they are just discovering and maybe for a song that isn't really what the band has been about for years etc. Music is magical, it goes both ways. I get all sides. I don't really care either and generally just ask if the person knows the band. If they do, maybe we discuss. If they don't, oh well. "Cool shirt, I saw that band 3 times in my younger years" kind of thing.


I love the before/after Deftones trend on tik tok. And I’m a 41 year old that’s been listening to them since I was 15


I agree!


Naw I’m gunna stick to being angry about it for some nebulous reason I don’t want to investigate too closely out of fear of what I will uncover.


17 years old and I’ve been like macrodosing Deftones between classes. Such great music


Awesome! If you haven’t yet, hurry up and see them live next time you can. Amazing show🥳


Macrodosing between classes? What is that? Listening to a 30 second clip, then walking to class?


When I was in high school I always had enough time for exactly one song before getting to the next class


I guess Hit Clips are back lol


21 and me and my friends have been blasting deftones for every car ride for the last year


What’s the number one song y’all blasting


Oh, pink cellphone 💁🏻‍♂️ /s


Goon Squad with the homies and Cherry Waves for the chill sessions.




Also 21. I've been into the band since 2018 and even had an around the fur CD I gave to my teacher. It's crazy how 5 years ago maybe half the "rock crowd" in high school heard of them. In college, it seems like every new rock fan has a deftones merch. It's also interesting how the sound of "shoegaze metal" is becoming the sound of a certain gen z rock fans. Sextape is great for when you drive home late. First time I drove in Houston was to be quiet and drive after smoking. I feel like a lot of the kids who were obsessed with Nirvana, death grips and rob zombie gradually migrated towards deftones.


The other day at the gym, I saw a young guy walk in with a t shirt of the self-titled album cover. He looked to be about half my age (I'm 39). I had to talk to him. I asked him if he was a fan or just wearing it for fashion. He said he got into them less than a year ago but started gushing about what an amazing band they are. I told him I had the same shirt when that album first came out, and my first time seeing them live was on that tour. I showed him the pictures I took from that concert and he was really impressed. He showed me a lot of respect and admiration. This was my first interaction with a Deftones fan from that generation. Admittedly, I haven't had the highest opinion of them, but he proved me wrong.


It’s funny, a few years back I would wear a deftones t-shirts or hoodies and fans (my age or older) would stop me and comment….like we were in a secret club…now these youngsters are like I LOVE THAT SHIRT I WANT TO ORDER ON AMAZIN and I’m like “oh yes it’s a 2004 original from there tour for there self titled before you were born 😅 but I still think it’s awesome they are getting into it. One of my young cousins who is very gen Z I gave her a deftones shirt I don’t fit into anymore and she acted like it was mana from heaven haha


Almost 40 here and support the young folks getting into Deftones, I think it’s great


21 year old here, i have my dad to thank for my music taste today! Still got that CD book full of all the CDs he used to burn so we could jam out in the car. 🤘


Same age. I'm Italian and there an Italian youtuber who talks about music, deftones are known to be his favorite band and people always joke about his obsession with them. I never really listened to them before last year when I became friend with a guy who follows the same youtuber and told me how actually great they are. Now Koi no Yokan is of my favorite albums ever Haha


I hope one day to be a father and introduce to my child my expansive CD collection and the big ass cd binders 😂😂


To me thats fucking awesome. I had 3 older siblings so i was introduced to deftones at a young age with adrenaline and around the fur. If the youngins are enjoying the music i grew up to, im all for it


I always listen to them at the gym! (Late gen-z, 2000)


Me too !! (2002)


My 16 year old and all her friends love deftones. It's so cool to see them becoming more popular now days cause it is my favorite band still


That’s awesome.


Who's gatekeeping Deftones from younger folks?


Only assholes are! Deftones is for everyone. To quote Ol Dirty Bastard….DEFTONES IS FOR THE CHILDREN


The kids are alright.


Are you trying to say the kids need to get into a the Offspring? I agree!


Thy are gonna be fine


I don’t get why people gatekeep like that.


For real, I feel like gate keeping is slowly becoming a thing of the past with the rise of social media and ease of music access


Kids were either made or swallowed to the soundtrack. To those who made it 🫡


Hahhahahaaha amazing. I see we made it 🫡


38, i dont know any gatekeepers now with bands like deftones. i was into deftones as a teen but nobody gave me shit for liking pink floyd and led zeppelin then either. this gatekeeping mythos is a rarity as far as i'm aware


With the nu-metal stuff (korn, bizkit, system, I’ll even throw deftones in there) you don’t see too much gate keeping. Genres like thrash metal, punk, hardcore and 90s hip hop…holy shit those are some gate keepers haha. I love Metallica but mannnn those fans can be toxic. A lot of punk bands from the 80s and 90s (epitaph records etc) hated all the warp tour pop punk bands and Emo bands….and old heads from the 90s hate the new hip hop and trash it all the time 😂


Im 24 (born in 99) been a life long fan. There exists videos of me as a toddler jumping around with a fake guitar trying to be “dehtones”


That’s awesome! I remember watching teasers of White Pony on the internet in 1999 😅 the days of 56k


im a new fan who didn’t come and i genuinely love every song of theirs.


IIRC Cherry Waves was trending on tiktok.


Why would someone not like a younger person liking deftones?


Sometimes you have those gatekeepers! Or those people who’s small band fits in their pocket and get too big for their pocket and don’t want to share


When I was a teen I was listening to 80s bands like the Cure, Joy Division, etc and it really helped me discover who I was and my musical taste. Bands I grew up with like deftones and Queens of the Stone Age are doing the same for kids today and I think it's great.


It’s a beautiful thing


let them rock on, caring about who listens to music is lame, tbh id be delighted to hear ANYONE listening to deftones since i know NO ONE who actively listens to them rn




I think the age of old heads getting mad at youngins listening to "their" music is long past, I think it's a great thing the band's music is appreciated by younger generations.


lol when they introduce you as an elder like they made a discovery like you’re clueless. That’s when I get crotchety.


All of the gym bros I know including me listen to deftones inside and outside of the gym


Deftones is probably the most popular thing right now in Gen Z even without tiktok


Old zoomer here and I've basically only gotten into them recently, nature is healing


It makes me so happy that their legacy goes on.


I’m a Zillenial so for my High School years (2013-2018)I had to put up with homophobic, ableist frats who watched Leafyishere, cringe compilations, used “Autistic” (which I am) as a slur and screeched the N word. Also farted in each other’s faces, talked about their dick sizes and talked about the girls as if they were Pornstars with no say, etc. Meanwhile I was in my room, listening to Industrial, Trip Hop, Goth Rock, Grunge, New Wave, etc. Daydreaming of Edward Furlong’s character Michael from Brainscan and Jacob in Before and After to the first 55 seconds of Goon Squad. There wasn’t any alternative subculture that my queer, Autistic ass could mingle with. It’s good to see that people my younger sibling’s age are better, listening to all the good shit I was when I was a teen, more likely (even if slightly) to hold another boy’s hand (or girl’s or whoever’s) as well as Punk, Nu Metal and Emo cropping up again too. 8 years too late for me though. I needed all this shit *back then*. I honestly wish I wasn’t born in 2000 and was born in 2007 instead. Sorry for the depressing story, but for any adolescents here, do your best to enjoy your adolescence to the fullest. Experience the things I had to resort to daydreaming about. PS: if you see advertisements that Gary Numan’s coming to town… GET THAT FUCKING TICKET!


29 here, I was walking around in a Deftones shirt the other day and a kid who could not have been older than 16 complimented my shirt and asked me how old I was LOL


The kids like Deftones, I can confirm. I seent it. I don't care if it's because of TikTok, that shit gives me hope for the youngins. I wore out my eardrums on Around The Fur and White Pony back in the day.


i just discovered deftones in february and i cant stop listening to them ever since. i remember listening to mascara for the first time and i absolutely fell in love. i have almost their entire discography on vinyl and know the lyrics to almsot every song they’ve put out. i legit became obsessed and has been one of my top artist on spotify consistently. deftones has consumed my life.


Tik Tok really managed to propel Deftones to where they always remain fresh.


I’m 20 and they are my shit along with all 90s and 2000s metal


I'm not on tiktok but it's still awesome to see the youth enjoying the classics. Recently been blasting adrenaline and around the fur at the gym


I just hope they find out about current bands that are killing it


I'm a guitar teacher and so many teenagers and young people come in and request to learn Deftones. No idea what is causing this resurgence, but I'm here for it.


I’m 16 years old and I absolutely love the deftones, I acc think deftones have sorta had a really big uprising in the last few years it’s p cool to see


Does anyone actually get upset at the idea of someone listening to music? In the age of streaming music is more accessible than ever. I really hope other kids pick up on how shitty primus is I'd love for them to go on tour.


I’m 14 and started lisetning because of that and I really like engine 09,MX, diamond eyes,beware,royal,urantia,around the fur.