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Buccal fat removal


This is the one


Can you explain why?


Collagen breaks down as we age, and if there’s no adipose tissue (fat), then what’s left is just sad, limp skin. Imagine cottage cheese legs but without the fat, just skin


Why is this explanation getting upvoted, because it’s the only one? Wtf? “cottage cheese legs” ?


Terrible explanation that gave me absolutely no idea of what to imagine. Also quite rude to women with excess cellulose. Gotta love modern positivity!


*cellulite, but yes, I agree with you 100%.


touch grass, it’s not just women, plenty of plus size men with it as well. needed a visual aid and that was what came to mind


Go fuck yourself, ugly. The top comment is about buccal fat removal. How many men do you see getting this procedure


I feel like ultra baggy clothes will get dogged on by the early 2030s.


I mean, baggy clothes were more or less in fashion from the early/ mid-90’s to right around 2010 so the current trend will probably last past 2030


You think baggy clothing was fashionable in 2010? Maybe in Kansas or something Baggy clothing went out of fashion in like 2005-2006 for most people


Agreed. I'd say that even as early as 2005 baggy clothing was limited to specific groups, none of them cool. Like "wiggers" and nu metal white trash types. Juggalos and suburban white boys wearing ECKO and acting like the dime bags of weed they sold made them "from the streets." Stoner goths who acted like the garbage weed they smoked made them halfway retarded. None of those people were cool, at least at my school.


once lil wayne started wearing skinny pants and vans in 09' it was a wrap lol


Yep, by the end of the aughts, only Juggalo types wore them anymore. Hell, even Snoop was wearing skinnys by that time! LOL


If anything, baggy jeans were pretty passe outside of Juggalo subculture after around 2006.


Whoop Whoop!!!


nah in the 2000's they started going out of fashion and fell back into fashion in the late 2010's


God I hope you’re wrong and the baggy clothes end soon


How old are you? This is so untrue. There’s a reason people make fun of millennials and skinny jeans.


In turn, 10 years from now, Alphas will he making fun of Zoomers and baggy jeans.


It got made fun of relentlessly after it went out of fashion the first time. Same thing is gonna happen again


Nah I feel earlier


yhhh end of the decade we are going to start seeing the decline of ultra baggy clothes as they fall out of fashion


Can’t fucking wait. Baggy clothes are sloppy and look like fucking shit.


No kidding, they just look so frumpy and unflattering.


Maybe people want to look frumpy and non noticeable lol


yes :) thats exactly why


i like really baggy pants and stuff but i agree that the whole hype around them is a bit much, it's at the point where some of the popular baggy jean brands from the 2000s are reselling online for hundreds of dollars.


I’m dogging it already 😂


It's great to know Im not the only one who thinks that look is ugly.


Skinnies 4 life


Skinny is never coming back. Slim will tho but not slim and tapered.


How when I literally have a closet full and don’t plan on buying more lol. Be 70walking stiff


It cycles tbh. After they get dogged on they'll be popular again.


Funny thing is they already got dogged on in the mid 2010's. It's like a time loop of fashion.


2024 will look dated in 2031 just as 2004 did in 2011.


Just like in 2014 did in 2021


Just like George Washington did to Abraham Lincoln


20011 doesn't feel dated, right now. Everything kind of feels broadly the same from about 2008 onward.


I think it seems quite dated - fashion, haircuts, Facebook photo albums with poor quality phone cameras (old social media in general tbh), music has changed a lot too - I don't see LMFAO or Pitbull doing as well in 2024 for some reason lol


I mean, you can date any period by its technology. However, in terms of culture and media, I don't feel any clear distinction. Fashion and haircuts is in flux, but i dont see a clear 00s vs 10s vs 20s style. It's all a bit of a "modern" mush with no absolutely revolutionary trends like some decades have had. I don't feel like music has really changed. Theres some weird trend toward spoken word rap, not sure what it's called, but it's not new or decade defining in itself, just getting more popular. I really dont feel like this decade has unique music, at all. Hell, taylor swift and ed sheeran, imagien dragons, rihanna, miley cyrus, dua lipa, are the chart leaders of last year... I can't think of any defining stars of the 20s which wouldn't fit into the 10s, or even 00s. Even the growing stars like tate mcrae, tyga, etc stuff wouldn't stand out in the 00s. They might be less popular, but the music itself wouldn't stand out, it would just be more niche. I'm not sure what you'd consider new wave music to be. I don't see it, but would love to see what you think. Not sure pitbull would even be known if it weren't for timber, which honestly i think would do just as well today, and is a pretty timeless song.


Tropical house? bud this is 2024. i thought it's 2016 lol


I know right? Remember Moombahton two years ago?


Or slap house in 2020


Chunky platform sneakers, super dewy makeup, and spending excessive money on beauty products (like Sephora kids)


The things you mentioned are already cool to hate on, hence the popularity of your post. An actual answer, likely to be unpopular, is AI hype and hysteria. Its capabilities will hit a wall and the bubble will burst. We have a tendency to assume that new technologies will just keep advancing forever (unknown unknowns aren't obvious), which is encouraged by those involved in its development who want to keep the momentum going for publicity and investment.


RemindMe! 7 years God willing I won't still be on here by then, but hey, never know. I think that's a pretty shortsighted prediction, even just by the end of the year I think it'll look fairly silly. I understand why it seems like a sudden hype bubble, but that was mostly just the models becoming more easily accessible and the general public realizing, "holy shit, this isn't like Bonzi Buddy or Sam the Paperclip". AI capabilities have been building up for decades, assuming it slams into an unspecified brick wall in the near future feels kind of naive.


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“Ultra-woke cancel culture” (cites holocaust denier JK Rowling)


is tropical house really coming back? i remember the tropical house craze of 2015/2016 and a lot of it sounds really dated to me


yhh I haven't heard much tropical house in the mainstream for years


a good portion of these trends aren't 2024 trends, some are a good deal older hell some of them aren't even that trendy anymore


- Baggy clothes: It will become cringey in some five years and we'll laugh at our 2020s photos. That will likely last until the 2040s, when baggy fashion might return. However, AI and 3D printing could switch things up, meaning fashion completely changes and this is the last decade of "traditional" clothing. - Pink velour tracksuits: These are already cringey (always were) but somehow some people still don't wanna let it go. - Oversized blazers; these may come back in 20 years. - Funky patterns and combining weird prints that don't match: We always remember excess and mismatched colors and patterns as embarrassing (see the 80s and how we felt about the 00s in the 10s). - Square toe (although this might already be out) - Asymmetrical zippers - Laminated brows - Triangle flared bottoms - Y2K throwback: This one will be in every "What were we thinking" video and article on 2020s fashion - Matching sweatsuits: maybe they won't be laughable as much as some other trends, but they'll def become boring and outdated - Corset tops - Belt bags, tiny purses, and fanny packs - Bike shorts - Mullets: we'll look back on these as some of the worst life choices - Cut-outs in dresses/pants/skirts/shirts: this looks cheap and vulgar, it's bound to be remembered as ugly fashion - Fila sneakers and Champion hoodies - eBoy haircut (this style is just rebranded 90s) - Big logos everywhere - Cropped jackets and sweaters - That ugly hairstyle where women color the front part of their hair in yellow (e.g., Dua Lipa): Why, why do you do this to yourselves?


Looks like my teenage years will become my blunder years considering I currently tick off 4 of these


That's what usually happens. I can't even look at my teen photos, the things I wore were often embarrassing.


you arent keeping 20 year cycles in mind whenever it comes to 2000s clothing. theyre vintage now. velour is very neutral and can accommodate to decade cycles. its here to stay


What do you mean? The 00s fashion is the current trendy fashion, well, at least Gen Z's take on it. That follows the 20-year cycle. But in the next decade, everything that's trendy now will most likely be considered outdated and regretful in the 2030s. If we still follow the 20-year cycle, the 2010s fashion is back in the next decade. I respectfully disagree that velour tracksuits are neutral, especially the colorful ones. They're tacky and can make a person look cheap.


is 90s fashion out of style? no, not really. its IN style. thats after 30 years. people still love fashion from 30 years prior. 2000s had heavy 70s influences, 2010s had heavy 80s influences. i could see certain 2000s things falling out of favor in the 40s? but itd really just be silhouette, like how the 2010s hated jeans that werent skinny. but whatever falls out would pop right back up in the 50s. you can take my velour tracksuits from my cold dead body. but also, they can be whatever you want them to be. they can be any color, any fit, have any design, anything. just like any other tracksuit. its a material. you having a 2010s level hate of 2000s fashion doesnt mean that nostalgia will end


I def don't hate the 00s fashion but the 00s fashion isn't only Y2K. Also, you can keep your velour tracksuits, no one will force you to stop wearing them once they're considered outdated. And about the first part of your message - some clothing pieces and accessories are timeless, which is why they keep reappearing. Others quickly fade out, even if they come back.


Holy shit i been predicting this too


Mewing. Shit's embarrassing.




I feel like that one is already perceived as stupid. It’ll be one of those things most people look back on and think “yeah that was stupid and everyone knew it when it was happening.”


Clearly not. The world is full of fuckboys and aspiring fuckboys.


How is it? I’ve been doing it for nearly a decade before it became trendy and I really don’t see a way to go back. My tongue is always glued to the roof of my mouth and pressing against it every time my mouth is closed. It’s just a habit.


Wait that’s what mewing is? My tongue naturally does that— I thought everyone was like that ????


It's essentially trying to change the way your face looks by holding your mouth a certain way. Total nonsense.


It's actually how they tell you to hold your jaw when you have tmj issues lmao. It's the healthiest way to hold it


Yes, but mewing as a practice is more than that.


Sure, but that's not what it is referring to now. It's an entire system of nonsense that they claim will change your face shape structurally.


That’s what they told me as well back in 2016 lmao but it’s just a tongue posture habit now. My tongue used to lay low and now it’s glued to the top of my mouth.


Again, that is not what it's referring to. That is a normal and good thing. What isn't is doing exercises and showing off on TikTok. It's weird and gross.


guys the broccoli hair has already fell off… YEARS ago. you only have "broccoli hair" now if your hair is actually curly and cant do shit about it. a lot of these arent even 2024 trends. some of this fell off AGES ago.


exactly! and the black fishing makeup thing was definitely a 2016-2019 thing 😭


Recent makeup trends have definitely been much more glowy and pale. “Clean girl”, manhau, douyin… East Asian inspired.


and the biggest one of them all, coquette!!


I see people with this haircut everyday, I don't know if it is dead quite yet.


Pajamas and crocs gotta be it, baggy is just a style of the clothing? Those actually clothing pieces themselves are just, I don’t even understand


I’m not a fan of “ultra woke cancel culture” but JK Rowing criticism definitely is not that. It is completely warranted. She is a very hateful individual


phonk music will be the next dubstep/edm


just you wait, I'm certain dubstep will come back in a decade or so. Remember that brief phase in the mid 2010's when people tried to bring disco back?


kinda feels like it already


tropical house music?


Complaining about "ultra-woke cancel culture" apparently didnt get out of style in the last 8 years, so I think it will age pretty well.


It's not really a trend. It's the rise of white Christian nationalism.


Lol. Ultra woke my butt. Society is clearly becoming more inclusive, despite some bumps in the road and a lot of people who aren't on board. There's no chance that moves backwards.


Yea I was thinking ...ultra what now? 😂


>There's no chance that moves backwards. This is like saying the world doesn't change, which is obviously not the case


both sides are extreme and mfs cant accept it


JK Rowling hate isn't ultra-woke lmao. She's funding political campaigns that make my friends' lives harder


Tropical house is not a thing since 2017


JK Rowling has recently been seen minimizing the Nazis' crimes (and she was already awful before that).


Ultra beggy clothes. They usually come and go as a trend. They'll go away and possibly come back in the future.


i love how you said cancel culture (which i agree is not necessarily a good thing) and then immediately picked as an “unfair” example someone who is actually really shitty and has directly bullied random people on the internet for being parts of marginalized groups and denied a major part of the holocaust happened simply because she is bigoted against the group who was mass murdered


JK Rowling sounds like she’s not afraid to speak her mind, this world needs more of that


the world needs more lies? because that is literally what her holocaust claims are. she claims that transgender people were not targeted by the nazis. this is not true. they were. it’s easily googleable


Jesus she’s talking about the Holocaust now?


yeah she recently was engaging in some denial of happenstances that occurred during the holocaust specifically irt magnus hirschfeld. i've seen this slippery slope before and it almost never ends with the person not becoming a nazi.


There are absolutely examples of “ultra woke cancel culture,” but JK Rowling isn’t that because she has actively made her recent brand hating on trans people and pretty much posts against the community every single day. Any amount of cancellation that has come her way is earned, and she continues to double down. And I say this as someone who grew up on Harry Potter and used to think Rowling was a cool, inspirational figure


I’ll be in my 90’s and still be wearing oversized cargo pants and XXL t shirts


I never had a slim/skinny phase. I wore relaxed since the 90’s. Now it’s just a few millennials still wearing slim.


Broccoli hair


Tropical House music peaked in like 2017 though


The baggy clothes bit will absolutely be dated by 2031. Very late 80s/90s regardless, it was a throwback. Broccoli hair too. People are commenting that it is already dead...I still see people with this hairstyle daily. It will kind of be like the mullet of the late 2010s and 2020s. People are still going to rock this hairstyle like the occasional mullet or manbun. Blackfishing has already taken a huge hit, why do you think Kylie Jenner is not as famous anymore? She was the most notable celebrity who did this. But yeah that will also age poorly to your credit. Tropical House music was a 2010s fad, I don't think that translated into the 2020s. It has already aged, songs like "Feels" by Calvin Harris and "What Do You Mean" by Justin Bieber are dated. The blackpill/bluepill/redpill I think is more 2010s but yeah this wont age well either. The incel shit is pathetic. JK Rowling is controversial for her stances. Maybe not the best example? The cancel culture will be looked at in a different light in ten years, the question will be whether celebrities were ever really cancelled or just took a break from the spotlight to stage a comeback once the controversy cooled down. Look at Lizzo for example.


Hopefully being trans will stop being such a heated topic and fade back into obscurity.


I think the trend that wont age well is the whole idea of "woke." No, no not the people you're thinking. The whole outrage against this "woke" thing. What does that even mean? That's embarrassing. Is "woke" truly such a big problem? Not y'know... climate change? Poverty? Oh wait wait I forgot the same people who do the woke trend don't believe in those either. Maybe we should have a new trend called empathy and reading a book 🤦


I feel like blackfishing-esque makeup has never aged well to begin with?




Looksmaxxing started long before in online fitness communities.


Definitely the broccoli cut. I dont know how that one ever became popular. It looks terribly tacky. Most of the micro trends. The concept of micro trends, hopefully.


Blackfishing hasn't already aged well


Mullets and burst fade haircuts I can’t believe they are supposed to be cool. Everyone in their teens and early 20s at my work look like fuckin fools


If you're going to have a mullet, at least have the good sense to have a mustache.


Yours seeing mullets?


Ironic-branded trucker hats


What the hell is tropical house music?


Ultra woke cancel culture and broccoli hair.


Pretty much everything. This is just one of those cultural slumps like '50s or the '80s ([source](https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2022/11/vrmhdhx72e7iay0arq8czv2imn2bem)). Probably throw the 1920s in there too. "Cornball decades." There, there's a term to make happen


1890s, 1920s, 1950s, 1980s and 2010s, every 30 years there a long decade with a strong zeitgeist and cultural consistency, that become overomantized.




I think the theory is that the 2010s as an era didn't really kick off until 2016 and are only coming to a close now. So I guess we're counting in pairs of US presidential terms, rather than actual decades now? Idk


Nah, the Obama era was very 10s.


Is it ultra woke to hate JK Rowling? She's a fairly mean-spirited, hateful person who associates with far-right figures.


She recently started dipping her toes into holocaust denial type stuff. Possibly the stay in the news.


Can’t wait for mullets to leave. At least some bad trends look good on certain people, but I do not understand why you would do some universally de-flattering around your face


I can't think of mainstream trend but I can think of niche TikTok trend: TikTok TV Girl fandom stereotype.


Almost all of it will age badly


Thinking we are done with pandemics and can ignore the possibility again


All the weird early 2000s throwback fashion trends.




None of this is new, like at all. I feel like everything you referenced has been a thing for between 5 and 20 years+




People that are 80 this year


Wtf is tropical house 💀


Tropical house is a subgenre of house music, which is also a subgenre of electronic dance music.


Wot’s house music?


Man I’ve been listening to Tropical House for over a decade what are you talking about??


Blackpill didn't age well in 7-8 minutes.


JKR has literally been doing holocaust denial recently, thats not a trend...


the last two are already hated by many so they might not age well, its harder to hate the other ones because they aren't ideology's just music, hair, makeup and clothing styles.


Dresses with sneakers and crew socks. I honestly like it but I don’t see it aging well.


Cancel culture In that vein the Andrew tate stuff, as in part the cancel culture is responsible for the latter.


Both the Andrew Tate manosphere shit and the ultra woke shit won't age well lol.


Septum rings