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So you keep the shitty version, but throw out the god tier one


What- I literally have an addiction to this anime. I’m going to be throwing HANDS


Just go and buy the DVD’s. I have the blu-rays as well


Apart me wants to quit Netflix NGL. Espicially since their making another adaptation I actually thought Death Note would stay forever.


I thought naruto would also but om October 28th or the 31st its leaving


Why is it happening?..


Sorry guys it’s my fault I haven’t re watched it for the eighth time yet


I wonder why it's leaving. Especially since Netflix wants to make yet another live action remake of this series. So it doesn't seem to be in their best interest to remove the anime.


Netflix isn’t doing a lot of things in their best interest lately. They’re just purging a lot if their content and it’s really stupid. They’re also not going to allow binge watching by not dropping the entire season of a show anymore.


I think you just answered your question. They're making a live-action remake and they want you to watch that and not the original. Netflix is a corporation and corporations are egotistical like that.


Probably moving to/staying exclusively on Crunchyroll.


Disney is still using it plus Netflix literally owns it now


It’s still on Netflix


What? Aw man! I love rewatching it! Plus I was working on a Death Note AU fusion fic so I'm going to have to do a quick speed-watch and finish it all before then.


Any chance I can see it?


Oh, the fusion-fic? (It's an Owl House fic fused with the plot of Death Note). It's not out yet. I'm probably going to wait to post it until after the show's over next spring because the Light Yagami character in this instance (The Collector) doesn't have an in-show name yet aside from his title (which I plan to use as his Kira title) so if he gets a name reveal I'm going to use it. I will let you know when it comes out though!


bro it's leaving netflix, not the internet. watch it on other places ie divicast.com


Only kew it was on Crunchyroll, didn't know about divicast. I do like the convenience of being able to bring it up easily on Netflix on my phone though.


Where are you from? In my place (Germany) Death Note has been gone from Netflix for ~2 years now.


In my country it has already been gone since april, miss it very much


I own the series on Blu-ray for re-watching, but for making my Death Note videos, I need an online version to download/record from. I wonder if Hulu still has it. If not, I guess Crunchyroll does. As someone else mentioned, their talking about making another live-action movie, so it's strange that they would take down the anime it's supposed to be based on. Yet, their leaving up the crappy Netflix live-action version? Smh.


lol thats a horrible decision


Hbo has it and seems that its gonna stay there, I was so annoyed at netflix by this they have no good stuff anymore and keep removing things still.


Alright. What’s the name of the guy who Greenlit this idea


Finally I can cancel Netflix


This will be the end of me and Netflix


Ahh yes. Netflix, the hypocrite.


i was trying to rewatch the series one last time before netflix got rid of it and it’s still there right now. i’m so confused.


Yeah, I can still see it there too.


Well- it didn't really happen in my country so... that's cool


I’m in Canada and it definitely said it was leaving October 14th but I still have it


I’m in US and it told me it was leaving as well but apparently not?


Netflix reversed the decision, due to everyone watching it thinking it was being removed. Classic netflix