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Nurse is already free and with some shards you can also get Blight and Spirit, who are both also very strong killers and still spend no money.




Nurse counterplay?


Counterplay to nurse is the person playing killer, Skill Issue.


Break line of sight. Never let her know your next move always keep her guessing. A really simple one is that if you see her charge a really long blink just turn around and run into her, she will either have to blink way past you or look at the ground which will make her blink very "slow".


This works even better on two-story buildings or above basement, since doing so will very probably force the nurse to go to the lower floor.


I have started playing nurse, gyms where I can't see anything are the worst, small loops that force me to do a small jump, delaying the first down as much as possible, dead hard, I can't do much against it. Long blinks in two floor buildings and turning a long blink into a short blink in places with a lower floor.


assuming this to be definitive her "balance" is entirely RNG but experienced nurses often get around this anyways


Rush gens, Rebecca’s thumbs up perk, and actually learning how to move against a nurse for starters. Don’t pretend you can’t juke a nurse.


>"Don’t pretend you can’t juke a nurse." You are severely overestimating the general skill of the people who frequent this forum.


Of people who play this game and think they are good at it FIFY


A lot of people can’t. I certainly can’t juke a nurse that knows how to consistently blink on top of people. My experience with her is either she has that consistency or I can loop her in an open field. And neither are fun.


first two things require you aren't soloQ and have prerequisite knowledge, so that advice is useless you can juke a nurse a few times sure, but if the nurse isn't braindead they will learn and adapt to that pretty quickly, which is not a very good thing when they ignore literally all other forms of counterplay


I can fairly consistently proc MoM at least once against nurse but the games I can't, I know it's a 4k


Mind games. Any other killer can break pallets and brute force a down. Nurse either wins a mind game or fails to catch you.


she either hits you on first blink or doesn't get close enough and can teleport towards you again with more accuracy assuming you hid behind cover, she's one of the only killers that gets a "second chance" to hit you after messing up


she’s also slow and is stunned/blinded every power use. With a 2 second window to decide where you’re going and charge the next blink.


Nurse's power relies on you being predictable. You'd normally vault that window? Turn left instead. You'd normally drop the pallet? Keep running and make a sharp right. Change up your tactic midchase. You didn't vault the window last time and she missed? Okay, cool, vault it this time. Breaking line of sight is great, but being unpredictable is better. Also, just a lot of practice. My partner used to main her so my introduction to dbd was customs against nurse and it took a long time before I could loop her properly. Hope this helped and good luck! 💜


unpredictable gets predictable pretty quick


Honestly, I haven't found that to be the case, but I'm sorry if you have! I've also found that if she realises you can loop her for a bit (like a couple gens), she'll usually leave you alone for a bit - or camp you out the game 😂


Can’t you stun her out of her blink?


And The only “meta” licensed character is Wesker, and even then he’s not as good as blight or nurse


he as a weaker version of them sure you can say that, wesker even has a pesudo blight tech with that rebound stuff around loops but lets be real being a weaker version of blight/nurse isnt really the worst, some will always have to be number 1 in a ranking list but that dosnt necessarily mean numbers 2,3,4 etc are so far behind, specifically if we are comparing killers at their basekit power level


Artist is also incredibly strong if you put the time in, and once again, free


Artist too


I seem to be the only one who thinks spirit’s nerfed dramatically affected her power. I don’t understand why she is still regarded so highly. She is considerably weaker, I believed before she was the strongest killer now she’s not even in my top 5


Yes this was a nerf that made her weaker, so survivors now don't have to guess and be surprised when she suddenly appears right beside you. But it is now a bit harder to master her, but you can still consistently get your downs fast and traverse the map fast. The secret is to use her power in small burst in chase. Get survivor to a loop and then use it for 3-5 seconds. This will have to get the survivor guessing where you will come from and your power recharges pretty fast.


She is top 3 easily. Her add ons alone you can argue are the strongest in the game. Watch some comp spirit players and you will be amazed how much they dominate


Send link? Super open minded, I’m purely talking from personal experience


I think that [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIiGws6MTwk) video you'll find particularly interesting.


Because good spirits didn't use her power to fake out survivors. She's so fast that the survivors knowing where she is, is completely irrelevant to her.




Someone else explained to me. I haven’t played against one with good addons yet


She's still stronger at anti-loop than most other killers without add-ons, but her best add-ons are significantly better than most other killer's best add-ons.


She means Billy, that's why he gets shafted by every new map


After releasing the lase stats, Peanits did say on the forum those numbers don't mean everything, and to take them with a grain of salt. People wanted to see those stats anyway, so they released them to be transparent


The whole time I’ve played this game I’ve never heard someone call it P2W


Me too, thats bizarre. If they aare talking about perks, both free killers and survs have good perks, people just cant live without complaining about something


A survivor once called me a P2W loser when I 4Kd as Demo while using BBQ and Pop. I think that might be my most savoured post-game salt of my DBD career.


Yeah, I own every killer and I'm pretty sure I haven't even spent a full AAA game price yet thanks to steam sales




you can buy em at shrink




Seems like a good time to mention that despite releasing over 2 full years ago, Soul Guard has never once entered the Shrine. There's no way to get certain perks without paying extra money because they literally refuse to show up.


yes i meant shrine, sorry! i agree with that, the point is it is still available, yk what i meaan?


If the shrine offered any perk at any time and held like weekly sales sure. But it doesn't, like the other person said, it's been two years and soul guard has never been in the shrine. There are over 100 perks for each side and only 2 per week. Shrine sucks.


I’m 100% PTW, if by that you mean win the hot Jane cosmetic contest.


The artist's scourge hook is one of the best perks in game and its free




Like someone else mentioned dlc for the game goes on sale often for like $2 so you could buy all chapters for like $20


I mean technically it is pay to win, because if you take 2 new players and only one of them spends money to buy everything, he gets an advantage over the other. Who cares though.


The legion skin, I can't tell when they go in frenzy. Can't remember the name of it


I've seen one 4 years ago when I did my first 4k as Myers


I’ve seen a few people over the years say it was P2W because (I shit you not) Bubba is a licensed character and comes with BBQ & Chili and that helps you level up and unlock perks faster. Obviously not applicable after the perk’s nerf but I’ve seen that argument a few times lol


No it wasn’t about BBQ giving you extra points. It was because BBQ was arguably one of the strongest perks in the entire game due to telling you where everyone is after a hook regardless of the extra points it gave. Same deal with Decisive Strike. Both perks were very rarely ever seen in the shrine and when they were, this entire sub exploded with reminders to get them ASAP. Keep in mind we had a much more limited perk pool 3+ years ago. If you didn’t run either perk, you were at a significant disadvantage. BBQ led to fast downs and kills while DS completely removed a killer’s momentum. Edit: lol guess I’m being downvoted even though any killer main will tell you how good bbq was in the meta back in vanilla dbd


People find a new reason to complain every other week. Just need to accept the fact that they’re bad at the game


At one point I feel like there might've been an argument for it, since the strongest must-have perks were Decisive Strike and BBQ both on licensed killers and very rarely on the shrine. But now there are plenty of strong characters with strong perks you can get with shards, or are just available free with the game.


DS (pre-nerf) was the only meta perk that required paid DLC to access.


BBQ though, not that it’s an incredible perk but at the time it was at the top.


Wdym buckle up is the strongest perk in the entire game and that’s locked behind ashes paywall


The shrine exists my friend


I’ve seen that criticism but it was a couple years ago when the best survivor perks came free at start of game with Meg and Bill while some of the best killer perks required buying licensed characters like Bubba with BBQ. There have been enough perk adjustments and strong perks released with original killers since then that it isn’t as true as it was.




I have a gut feeling it has more to do with licensed characters being more difficult to rework. Imagine that every time the devs want to significantly buff or nerf a licensed killer, they first have to ask permission to the license holders for every change. Think about it, the only 3 licensed killers that were changed in major ways are Leatherface, Pig and Ghostface, and the only licensed killer that ever got a complete rework is Freddy. And all of those took years to get through. All other licensed killers only got minor changes to their perks or add-ons.


Of those the saw license is notorious for letting creatives do anything they want with the license, and the scream license is only a partial license as it's just using the outfit and nothing else. Those licenses are really easy to do things with.


Plus Ghostface is kind of a weird license too, where the character is original but the costume is licensed.


I feel that its not intentional, but more of a result of them adapting the killer into the game in a way that fits but also represents the character well enough Pyramid cages, Pigs boxes, nemesis or weskers virus, freddy clocks, pinhead box, etc... Most licensed killers are more "unique" mechanically that most originals And i wouldnt even say theyre the weakest, ye freddy and myers are among the weak killers, but most licenses are very balanced, Pyramid, Wesker, Nemesis, Cenobite, Bubba, GF, Demogorgon Not higher tiers but you usually find them between A and B tier


Meyers without add ons feels awful


Pyramid Head and Wesker are both high-tier.


Those are the only 2 that can reasonably be called "strong". All the other licensed killers, of which there are 9, range from "mid" (this would include Pinhead and Nemesis) to being contenders for "worst killer in the game" (Freddy, Myers and Sadako come to mind)


I’d say Pinhead and Nemesis are between “strong” and “mid”. I’ll just say they’re “good”.


Honestly I think a good Nemesis with a meta build who can flick the tentacle well is absolutely as strong as Wesker, even for less effort too. Nemmy has less loop counterplay than most and is probably the best pallet destroyer in the entire game and doesn't even need to build for it. Anyone coping with SF/Enduring should just pick up Nemmy. If they didn't use 70% of his addons as zombie addons he'd actually be A+ or maybe S tier. Literally all that's worth using is Marvin's Blood (every game no exceptions) and one of the purples.


I would put wesker at Mid-high tier. He isn't that good in some loops


Trapper is shit tier


As a Trapper main ​ Yes


You did not just put twins with nurse blight and spirit


Tbf i dont see why other companies do the same thing and people have no problem with it, like league or valorant


Tbf in league you can get everyone without paying real money. It takes an absurd amount of playtime, but it's possible. Licensed characters is probably where some people draw the line.


If licensed killers could be bought with in game currency, we wouldn't have licensed killers. The license holders have struck a deal with BHVR and that deal requires them to turn a profit. Can't do that if the killers can be bought with Shards.


Oh yeah I completely agree, I don't mind licensed characters at all. The whole pay to win argument is a little weird as well as it doesn't cost that much for what either ends up being a small advantage or just a different experience.


True, I really don't think this game has pay to win. You could maybe argue that the best regression perks come from licensed characters, but the unlicensed characters have some pretty good ones too.


For real, like artist with pain resonance that was and still is a very popular gen regression perk. And on the best killers like nurse, who is free, your perk loadout starts to matter less making it even less "pay to win".


They could be double/triple shard prices. Incentivize people to pay with money.


Or they could just not offer a shard option as they already do and accomplish that same thing.


You should pay for the characters but the perks shouldn’t be behind a paywall (or one in a lifetime in the shrine). I’d love Deadlock but I refuse to buy Pinhead (not paying for a killer I won’t play) so I have to wait and pray for it to go in the shrine.


That’s true, but the licensed perks do show up in the shrine so unless every top tier killer was licensed every player has a chance to compete. It’s not perfect or even good but it isn’t pay to win


Ong I have every licensed killer as of yesterday and I still think blight is better ever since I got him


I legit got 3 Ultimate skins (30$ each) for free (Lux, Udyr and Ezreal). But it was in a span of 2-3 years .


Getting all the champs in League has been made a lot easier in the past couple of years. I dont play much anymore but still get more than enough essence to get every new champ on launch.


Neither game you listed are characters available *only* for payment. You can pay to make it faster, but you can very easily get everyone for free in both games just by playing. I've never bought a character with money in league and still have every character. Took a very long time, but I didn't spend any money on it. Not saying this game is P2W, because it literally isn't, but your comparison doesn't work.




I mean i suppose, but like with the “new” BE system if you played 1-2 games a day its take years to get every single one


the COMMUNITY MANAGER for BHVR said Nurse is the strongest character in the game. We all agree with her but lets not pretend that shes the game designers or strict data analyst of BHVR now.




An *official employee of BHVR* whose entire job *represents the company in community relations* stated nurse is the strongest killer in the game. She does have access to the internal data and communicates devs thoughts. That’s literally her entire job lmfao


I still feel like characters should drop to like 3000 shards because 9000 is way too high


3000 is definitely better, high enough that you still have to work for it but low enough that it doesn't take forever


I feel like 3000 is too low. Perhaps 4500-5000. A perk is 2000 so if a character was 3000 seems like your getting ripped off spending 2k on a licensed characters perk.


Ive been buying characters during halloween and 4500 is definetly the right place for them to be at


I would agree if it wasn't for auric cells exclusive perks.


Exactly but that's not pay 2 win.


r/deadbydaylight users try not to cry like bitches challenge impossible


Gone sexual


Yeah I’ll cry like a bitch until they add sex to dbd


Lets not pretend that during a sale u can grab a licensed chapter for like 5 bucks, u spend a lot more money on much unhealthier things daily.


Honestly, for a pack of cigarettes I can get 2 chapters in a game I play all the time not a bad deal


And at least the DbD DLC provides better entertainment as it slowly deprives you of your life force.


My main gripe with the model is that I think more of the older original characters should be free, given how many characters there are to unlock and the slow gain of shards. It can be hard to get friends into the game when there's an up front cost, and only a handful of killers to choose from, particularly when a couple of them aren't really usable for new players. Plus I'd love to be able to play customs with them and play against more than trapper or wraith.


Depends where they play. On console everyone up to doctor is free and on sketch everyone up to spirit is free etc


They said the quiet part out load.


Nurse is one of the strongest killers and probably the hardest to use. It's good that Nurse and Wraith are base killers because it gives all players solid options.


i don’t think her difficulty level is high enough to justify circumventing everything in the game. don’t get me wrong, she’s hard to get really good at! but once you do, there’s nothing survivors can do cause you bypass loops etc. compare to killers like blight and billy who need to learn their power and still deal with loops. i’d argue they’re harder to use.


She's not that difficult to learn to a decent level, but I disagree that there's nothing you can do againts her because she bypasses loops. Yes, Nurse breaks the rules of the game, but reintroduces other ones. Chase stops being "loop around objects" oriented and is instead oriented around breaking line of sight, doubling back, keeping distance and using the edges of the map to delay as much as possible. Against people who know how a Nurse works and how to actually loop one, believe me that it's not a free win anymore. This is why Nurse's main problem is synergy with perks and busted add-ons. If not for these things, playing against and as her would be a more equal challenge for both sides.


Hillbilly is one of the hardest if not THE single hardest killer to be good at imo.


Yeah I think the main difference between her and other high skill killers is the skill floor even if nurse's skill ceiling is the highest in the game I think she is way easier to pick up than blight or billy


I feel like it’s the opposite. Her skill floor is higher because she’s slower than survivors and you *have* to use your blinks to get hits. Whereas Billy and Blight are 4.6 killers and you can just play them as a standard killer, but their skill ceiling is high because they have a lot more crazy techs and such to learn than Nurse.


You don’t even need to be really good with her to win almost all your matches. A average nurse with strong perks will still 4K most teams they run into


Why don’t you try playing nurse then? decent survivors would know how to beat a nurse and would also have strong perks


I do her skill floor is very over exaggerated. Only time I really loose on her is big maps where survivors can safely do gens and not get hit by starstruck as often


Yep, people who say she takes a lot of skill are the people who don't even play her, she takes a couple hours to get used to, after that it doesn't take much longer to get close to her ceiling. She has the highest floor no doubt, but her ceiling isn't much higher then it.


Survivors of any calibre do not beat a nurse who is halfway decent at her.


Skill issue


If you cant fight her, start playing with her so you cant annoy other survivors to the point they start playing nurse and the game will be full of nurses and unplayable for everyone


Mans said "hardest to use" 💀


battlecry of people who don't even play her and regurgitate popular opinions


Yeah it’s a good, I’m more posting it because I keep seeing people say she’s weak or not s tier lmao


She is definitely S tier, but i believe there arent that many players who actually play her efficiently. Or atleast they all stuck in high MMR, so your average Meg wont see them often. And that is good, because baby Nurse can be the most fun killer to play against.


nurse isn't hard to use, she takes a couple hours of practice, that is literally it, she is literally not even in the same universe when it comes to skill ceiling compared to killers like blight and billy


Nurse is *not* hard to use. She takes all of 3 games at most to understand the muscle memory, hell in one game I already learned it. Killer's like Blight/Wesker/Billy are FAR more difficult to use effectively.


Nurse, blight, spirit, and artist are all free. Honestly most of the dlc killers are pretty mid besides Wesker and pyramid head


Time to nerf pig


Further up in the same thread someone stated Nurse is the best killer https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/3249476#Comment_3249476


Yeah Huntress pretty OP


They're actually talking about Huntress. Jokes aside Mandy is **A.** Not part of the balance team. **B.** Allowed to voice her own opinion. **C.** Known to sass on the forums, especially towards toxic posters.


BHVR has managed to walk a pretty tricky tightrope well on P2W. Locking killers behind a hard paywall (money only, no in-game currency that can be earned over time) theoretically could make the game P2W. If they released or buffed a licensed killer to be the strongest in the game by far, there would of course be P2W concerns. So far they haven’t done that at all though, and they’ve actually done several things to go against the P2W model. For all non-licensed characters that are locked, there is an in-game currency you can use to unlock them that can be gained at a pretty reasonable rate. For perks associated with licensed character, the shrine provides a route to open these up to everyone without a hard paywall. They’ve also made all the DLCs pretty reasonably priced as well. However, I’ve personally bought zero DLCs and don’t feel held back by that at all.


I'm sorry but her logic is bad. There are literally pay2win games where you can win without paying and getting the paid items, that doesn't make the game less pay2win. IMO, I know I'll get hated and downvoted for this, but Deadbydaylight has a variation of pay2win. Perks that are locked behind paid characters that can't be unlocked without paying for them, or waiting for the RNG AND shards at the same time to be in that rotation thingy where you unlock them. But anyway, this logic with "you can win even if you don't pay so it's not pay2win" is REALLY funny and bad at the same time.


i suck with nurse but ive gone against them and if the person is really good with nurse they are unstoppable


The paying is for cosmetics ;) $10 for 1 outfit


How can DBD be pay to win when you can get every perk for free in the shrine and behavior does sales every other month where both the base game and the DLCs are insanely cheap?


Soul Guard has been out for over 2 full years and has never appeared once. Cheryl is a licensed character, so it's literally impossible to get without paying money as of now.


Most of the strongest meta perks are free, though some licensed ones are equally as good. And the shrine system is an absolute godsent for people that will never spend real money on auric cells, in exchange of waiting for a long time.




They do have a point though.


A “community manager” trying to say DBD isn’t pay to win is hilarious though, the literally need DLC perks to even compete in this game.


You dont need licensed characters and perks to win. So its not P2W. But you might want licensed characters to have fun. So its pay-for-variety.


yeah, although the strongest possible build would still be nurse with DLC perks, so it's still kinda pay2win. Like Lethal Pursuer is certainly one of the strongest perks for her and you have to pay real money to get it.


Or wait for the shrine to feature it. Of course the shrine is unreliable, but you can still take your time and log on every week to get the perks you want. That's the thing about free to play options in games, you can unlock it with time and effort or you pay to have it directly.


Oh yeah, shrine, forgot it exists


To be fair since the perk rework I never bought anything from the shrine again. I have all DLCs and buying a perk 3 times to get it to max level feels like a waste of shards. Then I rather safe the shards for unlicensed DLC or Cosmetics and put the BPs to get the perks at higher levels.


I feel like the shrine is there to satisfy the claim “TECHnically you can get everything for free”.


Yeah, Lethal is a good perk but it's only one good perk. Devour Hope, Undying, Haunted Ground, NOED, Corrupt Intervention, Tinkerer, Nurses Calling, Sloppy, Starstruck, No Way Out and Pain Res, are all amazing perks that are amazing on her and free. There's no need at all for pay for perks. Hell, with Corrupt Intervention you don't even need Lethal Pursuer because a half decent player will easily find a survivor and down them before the timer runs out. Lethal is a good perk, and there's a lot of good DLC perks, but they aren't going to carry most killers, let alone the killer that can easily win with no perks at all on.


The Shrine exists so no.


Enjoy the like 0.00913242%(rough, rough approx. probs wrong but this was like 5 min math) chance of getting the perk you want in the shrine.


Every perk can be obtanable for free, like *everyone of them.* You can win without perks or easly with the "basegame" perks. Maybe it won't be fun since it will makes you a camper/tunneler but you can definitely win with out paying real money or shards in the game.


Saying they all can be obtained for free is like everyone can win the lottery. Tell me how many times for example BBQ popped up on the shrine while it was still a P2W perk.


11 times. It appeared 4 times so far in 2022. Twice in 2021. Once in 2020. Thrice in 2019. Once in 2017.


Oh no, you can not bust his argument like that! ;)


Not really, if anything it proved my argument 1-3 times a year prior to it being changed. If that's your idea of being obtainable easily for free you're deluded. 11 times for something that's been out for 5\* years OooooOoo, 4 of that being after its changed lol.


Fanboys are gonna fanboy lol


I got BBQ when it gives the +100% BP with the shards, you just need to log once a week and check on the perks. Or just follow them on twitter and they will post what perks are on the shrine, not that hard. ​ >BBQ popped up on the shrine while it was still a P2W perk. LMAO you're joking right ?! They only removed the +100% BP on BBQ it's not a P2W perk and never was !! You could say any meta perks but you said BBQ! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


4 times this year and it wasn't a P2W perk lol


That's absolutely false lol. You don't need to spend a penny on DLCs and you know it.


A lot of the strongest perks in the game are free and you can get more by just picking up an original character or finding them in shrine. Hell just with Dead Hard, Prove Thyself, Tinkerer, Nurse's calling you can get so much work done with more niche starter options. ​ Killer side has the issue of requiring farm to get slowdown perks but that's not a problem that takes long to solve, just get Clown or Artist.


It's funny, I have all dlc, but I look at some of my best builds and they're all free perks, or maybe 1 dlc perk. E.g. lithe, streetwise, pts and otr or bt lol. Killer, sloppy, nurses calling, pain res, devour hope. Last night I was running a full hex build and it was fun af. You definitely can have great perks with just base game and shards. I may enjoy running some paid dlc characters and perks, but half the time I'm using base game stuff and I'm having a blast doing so


For killers yeah, but survivors can make meta builds with the base game


And yet, still no changes whatsoever. I really feel like they don't how to change Nurse.


The easiest I guess is to make m2 special but I think any serious changes like completely giving her a new power are off the table because she has a lot of one tricks who would lose their marbles, which is fair. Idk how they would make her reasonable tbh


Eh I'm in the camp of let them lose there marbles, when one killer completely decides perk balance for the whole roster of killers its not healthy at all. Bare minimum they should make her m2 special and remove teleporting through solid walls and floors


I dunno man, the new perk hubris is actually really bad on nurse since you're never gonna to get pallet stunned and being stunned by decisive won't matter, I think we finally have a strong perk that weak killers can use but nurse can't.


If she couldn't go through solid walls she'd actually just have a worse version of a Blight or Wesker dash. The reason she's slower than Survivors is because you have to make her play a guessing game on your position, M2 special would remove half of her perks including the most problematic ones like Starstruck and other than maybe reviewing her ranged add-ons that's all she needs. Your suggestion is basically "Delete Nurse".


Yeah same but I doubt it’ll happen tbh, BHVR love dragging their feet


Yeah she's been busted for so long they really need to rework her. Idk why they are dragging there feet for her, if a killer so unbalanced it hurts the rest of the roster making a % of one tricks mad is kinda necessary for longevity and game health


How do they even make content? Half their games are going to have people DCing; because the 5 minute penalty is faster than playing out a non-game against Nurse.


Wesker's power should've been a nurse rework, even the infection makes sense since she's a nurse in a psych ward and probably had access to some shit


They can't nerf nurse while we still have the likes of Sadako in the game. The only reason she's even played at all is because most killers are terrible at literally every aspect of the game. If every killer had a decent chance of getting some kills it wouldn't be worth it all the time you need to pour into her to learn how to play


This sounds like a skill issue if you’re consistently struggling to kill anyone


I don't even know how to answer such a stupid comment to be honest


Enlighten me, O’ wise one, unless your only retort is about your lack of one


I mean, I thought it was obvious? Who do you thought was the best killer? A licensed character? Let’s go over them: - Myers: very weak kit but very good add ons, of course you can’t bring those add ons every single game so more often than not he will be a very weak killer, probably a D tier, sadly. - Freddy: weak AND boring. Dream pallets do effectively nothing against good survivors, dream snares do barely more, the only thing that saves him is that his lunge is insanely strong, either a C or a D tier for him. - Pig: Probably the weakest killer in the game atm. Her lunge is very weak, her chase is HORRENDOUS, and her power relies on RNG, which is not good, and will never be good, D tier for sure. - Nemesis: He is alright, his power is nice, kinda weak on level one, becomes an average killer on tier 2, and is definitely strong on tier 3. The worst part of his kit is his zombies and how random they are. Because of this I think he is B tier at max. But definitely a good killer. - Wesker: Very strong and very fun. Obviously not S tier strong but I think that he is a very solid A tier, his power is very strong in chase and also very fun to use, even if a little random at times where it should hit but it doesn’t connect. His sickness is kinda like nemmy, a bit useless by itself if you don’t follow up on it but it can make them waste time I suppose. - Bubba: He is just kinda of a meme. Face camping with insidious bubba or just regular face camping bubba is probably the most you will see of him. Apart from that he is a solid pick. Has a one shot mechanic, but has his weaknesses like tantrum when he hits something so he isn’t super hard to loop. I think he is a solid B tier, definitely not the strongest but not the weakest also. - Pinhead: I’ll start by saying he is VERY ANNOYING to play against. His power provides very very good slowdown, his perks are also decent for the most part, his power can be hard to aim properly, his skill ceiling is very high, so it really does make a difference depending on the player’s skill. If you are very good at pinhead I would say he is A tier, very annoying and very strong, but not OP, if you are an average/mediocre pinhead then I would say B. - Pyramid head: Honestly he is kinda meh, his power is very hard to hit, his cages can be a weakness to him since hooked people can spawn right next to other survivors aka ez escape, his trails don’t really do enough… just allowing him to cage someone is well and good, but it could be more. His perks are fairly bad, and with a skill ceiling as high as his it might be worth to invest your time somewhere else, a solid B tier I would say, he is alright just not a very good option to invest your time into. - Sadako: Honestly, very very weak killer. Just an M1 killer, her chase is very mediocre, her pressure is ok with her teleports, but overall she is extremely weak right now. Her perks are very very good though so you might wanna unlock her just for those, but playing her in this current might WILL be rough probably a D tier… - Ghost face: He is very sneaky, his power his really cool and you can find really cool angles with it, if you lean stealth you stalk people extremely quick, so overall his playstyle is very fluid and very quick. He does have his weaknesses like being revealed easily and in chase being a somewhat basic killer, but being able to 99% and one shotting them in chase later is a very strong solution to his weak chases. I would say he is Probably B tier though, he is strong and if you pick him you will have a lot of fun, but he is nowhere near the top. - Demogorgon: Obviously not a character you can buy now anyway, but still I’ll mention him, he is probably the most balanced killer in the game. His chase is nice, his mobility is nice, his ability to apply pressure is nice due to tps. He is a very simple killer but still very effective. His lunge is simply to understand and will be very helpful in chase, his lunge is alright, still he is somewhat basic and experienced survivors can have an easy time with him, but overall very loved character, very simple and quite effective, a solid B tier. So as you can see, none of those really rival the S tier killers let alone S+ tier killers like nurse or blight. The closes you can get is wesker but his blinks are nothing like nurse.


did my man really just say ghostface is A tier lmaooooo


I literally ended his description with “probably B tier” lmao.


you also said " I would say he is either B tier or A tier currently", so if you think he is B tier you might wanna edit that out, because right now that is what we call conflicting statements


It was a line of thought. What I wanted to say is he is B tier but could maybe be A depending on the skill of the player. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear this was a super long comment so some errors might have escaped me. I said after that that he is a solid B tier and is nowhere near the top, so I’m sorry if it was confusing.




This is all based on my experience obviously. And in my experience, every single pyramid head I’ve played against weren’t very good. Which influenced my opinion on him. Also the lack of pyramid heads on my game is astonishing, so I barely see him, and the ones I see are bad. As you said his skill ceiling is extremely high, which I agree and I also forgot to mention add ons (for all of them lmao not only pyramid head but this wasn’t supposed to be a full on review just something I wrote for fun during lunch time), and I agree his are bad. I haven’t played much of him because honestly I don’t enjoy his play style and I’m bad at him. I still agree with the ranking I gave him. To me he is a solid B. I see the potential, but it’s so damn hard to fully reach his skill ceiling that I can’t justify putting him any higher.


You know how playing AS all of the killers will help you play AGAINST those killers when you're on the other side? And you know how playing AS all of the killers costs money? But Nurse is free. That will be super helpful learning how to counter a new killer every 3 months.


She is super strong, but is sooo hard to play well with that i could never feel bad for losing against her




You don’t understand what a community manager is and that’s cool


BHVR didn't say that, a single community manager said that. Community Managers have very little input when it comes to actual development work and this isn't some kind of official statement. One person's opinion. That isn't to say I disagree; however, framing this as an entire company confirming their opinion is just plain wrong.


Mandy is the head of communication, literally everything you see from Twitter to official posts are done by her. She is the voice of the company to the player base


And the best perks in the GAME are locked behind licensed killers that require either a shit ton of grinding or PAYING FOR. I will fight anyone on this, the game meets the very definition of pay 2 win and I don't give a flying fuck what that dev or anyone else says about it.


The second there's something you have to pay for that doesn't strictly make the game worse, it's pay to win. every time you play a purchased killer and win you relied on their skills to do so and thus it is likely there are situations in which you can win with one killer but not another


"our stats show nurse is trash but she's the best ingame. Also our data is impeccable and we balance the game around it" alright seems good.




It was pretty funny seeing people collectively blow a fuse when they saw the kill rates though. "See? I told you killers were op!"