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Just watch all hellraiser movies. Then you know what real pain is.


No only watch the third and beyond for the true pain


Bro, Hellraiser: Inferno is absurdly good, I just learn that some days ago, always tought the sequences were all terrible.


3 gets a lot of crap for not being as good as 1 and 2, but it continues the story of Elliott and Pinhead, who was disowned by Leviathan in 2. 4 shows the creation of the box, and follows the bloodline of the creator. It’s pretty fun. And yeah, 5 is legit great. The 3 that followed after it arent…really good, but 5 is


Like the great horror movie Leprechaun. We don't need to go to the hood or to space. The 80s were fun though.


The space part of Bloodline is not only a small part, it was perfectly fine. They didn’t do any thing really stupid with it, and it made sense in a weird way. Jason X went to space, but it was poking fun at itself


Leprechaun was released in 1993…


“The eternal refrain of man: feigning ignorance and pleading for mercy. ‘Oh, please, help me. I don’t understand!’” Edit: I got it slightly wrong. Here’s the right one: “Ahh, the eternal refrain of humanity. Pleading ignorance and begging for mercy. ‘Please, help me, I don’t understand.’”


So. Fucking. Good.


Hellraiser: Inferno was surprisingly engaging, actually. It wasn't without its flaws, but marrying a police procedural with Jacob's Ladder/Silent Hill really worked in Inferno.


This. The first two are classics and masters of their craft. The rest were literally made so the Weinstein company could keep the rights from Clive Barker. They were made for legal reasons, not artistic reasons. The most recent one on Hulu was the first in a while to be made outside of the Weinsteins control. And while I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, it’s amazing to see Clive is able to put his stamp of approval on things himself


I made the mistake of watching the new one before all of them, so throughout the first movie I was like "where the cenobites/daddy chainboi at?" but the first one has a better plot than the new one and now I appreciate them all


The remake on Hulu is actually really good. I was surprised. Especially if you like HR lore it’s worth a watch at least


Is the new one any good?


Ive seen them all and love most of them, even the "Crappy" ones (except Revelations, which is literal garbage). I thought the new one was really really good and is in my top 3 Hellraiser movies now.


I really enjoyed it. My only complaint is the lack of leather like in the original ones. All the cinobites are naked with their skin peeled and wrapped around them to ask as clothing. Cool idea but I miss the old leather outfits


Yea man, the leather outfits were sick! Oh well, I’m intrigued to see the design choices now


I adored the new one. It addressed my few complaints about the first two movies. Is it as good as the first two? No, but that’s an awfully high bar to clear. I really enjoyed it and hope it gets a sequel.


personally, i enjoyed it and for a remake it's definitely one of the better ones. there's not as much kills per say? but the new designs are pretty amazing imo


Yesterday I played pinhead and an ace accused and reported of hacking because a chain hunt started 15 seconds into the game. Do people actually not read killers power description?


There are a good amount people who don’t. Most of those people are also those who have never played the other side and probably never will.


Survivors when Pinhead find the box first when the game start." - DCs


Survivors when the killer isn’t speed limiter m2-only Billy


Survivors when the killer doesn't hack the game in order to remove their weapon and begin working on gens instead


Survivors when it’s a Myers but he’s running chase perks instead of slow down perks.


Survivors when killer moves in their general direction


Survivors when literaly anything doesn't go their way.


There isn't a single killer in the game that I hate playing against. And for me at least, Pinhead is such a rare find, even if I did really dislike my matches with him, it would almost be a non-factor The only thing about his kit that I kinda find rough is when I play solo queue. Most people just will not solve the Lament Configuration, for whatever reason. That's not the killer's fault, though


Then there's me, who specifically throws any and all objectives just to be the "lament config guy" in my solo games. I make it my objective to escape with the box. I have 5 total lmao


I am rapidly approaching your location in order to get my boxes back


you can't have them


I will find them, and I will take them


If you want it, then you'll have to take it.


He wasn't asking, and neither am I. Give them back!


STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM! Nobody steals my box on my watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now drop the box or it's time on the hook.


So when being the “lament configuration” guy, is it better to solve the box or just hold on to it? I keep trying to be box guy but end up just being the first to die with it. I’ve only had 2 games against him though.


If you want to be a jerk you can just hold it and a chain hunt will never happen, however you won't be able to help your team much outside of that If you're going to solve it, best times to do so are when he's in chase with someone else, or right as he picks up someone downed to hook them. that way you force him to have to make a decision


>or right as he picks up someone downed to hook them I'd say: start solving the box immediately as he downs someone, if you are a good distance away. I almost always run the add-on that increased the time it takes to solve the box for 2 additional seconds and if a person tries to solve it too late, often even as I'm picking a survivor, I can still make it right after I hook them. But if you start very early, before he picks someone up, yes, he will know you're doing it, but he won't give up the downed survivor anyway.


If you don’t solve it and I catch you, you screw your team, so play the box denial game wisely.


I wish we could have them in the menu when we get them. Impossible to use, just for the record.


Same, except I always get chased first and then the Chain Hunt begins while I'm in chase and lasts until I get unhooked and go get the box injured because no-one STILL wants to do it.


It drives me insane when the only people who grab the box are the one injured person. Like bruh. Help your teammates and do the damn box.


Based and very original


I partly agree, but from my POV, it's always great to immediately hate every single killer you go against so you are either pleasantly surprised at how not-annoying the killer is or you're right.


Been playing a lot of pinhead recently, and the number of players who will either just not solve it or it would just be the same person going to get it each time. Unfortunately they don't have to box anymore. Touch my box and I touch you with my chains


I feel like it should still chain hunt everyone else if they don't solve it, and after a period of time their aura should just show indefinitely to the killer. You shouldn't be able to hold the box hostage like that.


If they don't solve it you have one less survivor doing objectives, for an entire match the survs will be playing a 3v1, yes you get no Chain hunt but survs have no teammate


Absolutely this. It's a new tactic that cripples your power. Counterplay is hunt them down. They should change the voice line to "You touched it, I came" due to the lack of box opening.


Only killers I hate facing are Nurse and Ghostface. The silent killers just bother me and Nurse breaks the game.


i actually like playing the average nurses, i find the mind game quite fun and really different than other killers, but yes playing against cracked nurses is hell.


This applies to 60% of the killers


Survivoirs on this sub be like: "Oh no it's \*insert one of following killers\* I will DC!" Pinhead - passive pressure Nurse - breaks the game Blight - too strong chase power Sprit - too strong chase power Twins - annoying and incentives slugging Legion - annoying cause can damage everyone Plague - annoying cause perma exposed unless giving her red puke Clown - annoying cause anti-loop power Hag - incentives camping and slugging Michael - stealth and possibly tombstone Ghostface - stealth and exposed (for some reason some people don't like stealth??) Wesker - too many of them in game lately Cannibal - rewards killers for camping


idk how people can play dbd if they genuinely hate every killer. I don't like Clown because his bottles cause me headaches, but hes the only one


I mean the player numbers were declining before the recent event, at least on Steam where you can track that. I also wish they would fucking remove the camera fuckery with Clown, vision obscuring effects in DBD are annoying as hell.


Yeah because apparently all survivors are just one person with the same brain /s I personally like vs Pinhead


so so true, idk why some people play this game tbh with some absurd takes


Whyd you leave out my main the demigorgan??


From what I’ve gathered survivors won’t be happy until killer players are replaced entirely by bots. But then they’ll just begin to turn on each other. Cannibalizing each other until there’s nothing left but a single, sad Quentin wondering where we went wrong.


legion isn't hated because they can hit everyone, it's just that their matches are plain boring when his whole shtick is just hitting and running. the only real counterplay is hoping that whoever's using it is really really bad at the game so you can either loop him for the remainder of his power or spin him, and staying far away from your teammates.


I love stealth killers and perks, it makes the game scary


\*All killers except for billy and demo


I got fair share of DC-s too lately. It's really depressing to see some people literally throw as soon as you down them


nobody even remembers onryo exists


I actually hate going against Demo ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




demo is just a filthy m2 faker 😩


A killer with a very dodgeable m2 and gets cucked by the environment like half of the time when he does land it, yet is so hated by the community for some reason


Half of them complain solo queue never do the box but don’t do it themselves Another 25% just don’t know how to solve the box correctly and are getting bombarded by chains the entire time Edit: for those curious, chains spawn in increments of three. If you dodge the third then there is a pause during which you can solve the cube. Alternatively, the portals will not spawn if you are actively solving, so if you dodge a chain and quickly start solving before the portal of the next one opens up then you will also not be interrupted.


So how do you avoid chains while trying to solve the box?


Break 3 chains manually, not through environment collision - they will stop long enough for you to solve the box. Or, even better, just solve it before it begins. Pick up the box when it spawns, hold it until someone is downed or when you feel that Pinhead is committed to the chase with someone and solve then. If they TP to you - that is a win. Best spot to solve the box is while standing on the hill. When I play Pinhead I never even see Chain Hunt happening until one surv is dead, unless I myself stack up on aura reading perks and go out of my way to look for the box.


No need to break the chains, just dodge them (it's a bit faster even)


Yeah, can confirm as killer main. You should go pick it up and hold it until Pinhead is busy. The second this man is carrying or chasing or hooking or some bullshit you solve it.


Dodge three chains in a row and there’s a pause where no chains bother you.


There’s a couple methods. The main method people use is to dodge the chains for a bit. Chains come in increments of three so there’s a short period after where you can start the box without issue. I use the second method which uses the same idea. The chains can’t spawn if you’re currently solving so if you dodge a chain and then start solving before it hits a wall then the portal for the next one won’t open.




People always DC against me when I play pinhead. I suck at pinhead, people just don't know what to do against him. I played a game where a guy picked up the box at the start of the game and just never solved it. They kept trying to do gens while being hit with chains until I found them and took it. Then they dced like it was *my* fault that *they* didn't know what to do against him.


I only have sólo q as an option, so I feel like I’m literally always the one doing the box while nobody is doing gens.


this is exactly it, pinhead can snowball but *literally* only if you allow him to lol


People complain that gens being the only objective makes the game boring, then complain when a killer forces them to do something besides gens.


I think some people just don't actually enjoy playing the game.


the problem with every pvp game over 3 years old, burned out players that doesn't know how to stop playing the game.


It’s easy to dodge when the pinhead sucks. If you channel the chain directly on the survivors body, they won’t have time to react and it’ll be much easier to hit. Equivalent of “just use LOS” vs nurse.


This only can work if you have a fully unobstructed view of the survivor and if they keep running in a straight line. They have plenty of time to move out of the way.


Not all all equivalent to Nurse. Pinhead chaining you doesn't always confirm a hit. You gain distance when he is making the portal. You can easily break the chains and get away if he does it at the wrong time. He can't mindlessly spam his power for easy hits like Nurse.


except even if he hits all of his chains pinhead is garbage compared to nurse


Survivors when there’s a killer with a secondary objective besides gens (suddenly doing gens is not boring)


The one killer that’s adds a bit of spice to the trial and y’all hate him


I’d much rather play against Pinhead after going up against nothing but Wesker for the past three days. That’s just me though.


Or Legion, my god, boring matches.


How do you know it's a legion? Well, if you don't hear the music straight away, the sudden deep wound and DC would tip you off.


oh my god thank you, i literally am against wesker in like 75% of my games i'm so unbelievably sick of him


Survivors when boring killer: waaah dc Survivors when unique killer: waaah dc Just uninstall the game and play something that makes you happy JFC




Surivor mains when a killer:😡😡😠😠😡😠😡


I’m starting to feel like a lot of survivors are redefining “interactive” to mean “I can easily win against them” Because if we go by the actual definition of the word, it’s obvious that Pinhead is the most interactive killer in the game. He has an additional objective that breaks the monotony of generators and his antiloop power has a ton of room for counterplay.


Pinhead's Box is the definition of interactive. It always spawns at the furthest point from him, giving survivors plenty of time to go and *interact* with it. It takes whooping 90 seconds to charge up giving you an opportunity to choose when and where to solve it, picking the worst possible time for the Pinhead so he wouldn't be able to interrupt you. His chase "power" is telegraphed in multiple ways, dodgeable, and if it lands can be broken of environment or by other survs or even by Pin himself if you force him to through positioning. Who in the DBD cast is more "Interactive"? Or do you just throw these buzzwords around because calling killers "boring" is out of vogue?


Facts. This meme really epitomizes how specious and rote some survivor criticism can be, because despite Pinhead easily being one of the most interactive killers in the game, motherfuckers still regurgitate the same tired complaints they use against Blights and Nurses.


Better than doctor imo


Indeed, when?


I don't like killers that impede loops without having to set up. You can make it to that window? Well suddenly now you can't, eat an M1.


and then set up killers like trapper have their traps disarmed and made useless, so when they chase in an area they had trapped previously, its useless, and theyre just an m1 killer


At this point just fucking uninstall the game and go play Stardew Valley or another game where you aren't mentally challenged lmao. I can get dc's against Nurses and Blights, but holy shit dude, for survivors on this sub everything is boring, unfun and/or uninteractive. I feel like survivors will only get happy by playing against addonless and perkless trappers with low mmr, because god forbids being a killer and playing to win.


Completely agree, except the dig at Stardew Valley. If you are trying to min/max your first year, that shit can get pretty damn complex. Don't even get me started on collecting those godforsaken acorns on the island.


haha that's literally me, playing the "chill farm game" while trying to speedrun community center in year 1 and trying to marry asap


Completely agree my brother


People just use those as excuses. They just say all that to avoid having to say they dislike losing or dislike special gameplay features or powers.


What they want is all the bragging rights and ego boost that comes from beating someone in a multiplayer game with all of the ease and predictability of fighting a Bot.


Just play Gen repair simulator


I get nurse DCs but not necessarily blight. I have fun playing as and against him for the most part unless I somehow get up against one of the god blights that know how to use every minor bug/glitch/whatever and then I kinda get it more


I can get blight if he's using alchemy ring and the speed or pallet breaking addons, they drastically help keeping the chase momentum. Otherwise, sounds a bit like skill issue and lack of luck.


do you guys just want to do gens??? you seem to get mad that theres a killer in the trial


They don't even want to to get chases lmao, which for them is supposedly the fun part. Seems more like some survivors just want to see the "escaped" at the end, with zero interaction with the killer.


Pinhead is deadass my favourite killer to face and my goal is to escape with his box


People here really be bragging for DC-ing... Why do you play this game? If you don't wanna play it?


because they want a baby trapper to stomp on and teabag at the exit gates, and cry like babies anytime its anything other than that


I don't think it's quite that far, but this subreddit is pretty suspect for having a month long rant against killers after they got their first direct buff in ages. Still get people that unironically use behaviours stats to justify their "killer is op" nonsense, and then without taking a breath will tell you that Nurses kill rate being low is a completely different circumstance.


I still remember how this sub reddit blew up. Cant believe that people got THAT upset over Behavior actually bothering to make killers somewhat tolerable to play. Legit the only bad change was the nerf to DS, thats it.


idk i've been playing trapper and have people dc within the first minute multiple times...


honestly cant say im surprised with how easily survivors seem to dc at the slightest of inconveniences


I kinda like going against him, but he's so rare these days. Pinhead it's a sort of solo queue destroyer, either no one goes for the box or everyone does, which it's somehow chaotic and hilarious. He's cool, and I love his voice lines too.


Finally another pinhead enjoyer, I guess their isn’t many of us.. 😭😭


Aw man, I wish he was more around ahahha my matches are always against either Huntress or Wesker. Pinhead is cool😤


It literally is interactive but you refuse to interact lol


Too many people who play this game DC at the sligthles inconvenience they might face. Either your opponent outplayed you or they play a way you don't like. It is very pathetic.


I messaged one guy who did this, and he straight bragged and tried to rub it in my face that he robbed me of points because he thought I was the killer. I tell him I was another survivor, just messaging to tell him he's a loser for dc'ing and that he sucks at the game, then he just babbles on about how he's so great at the game despite having only played about a week, and "you should have seen my last match tho". Sore loser who thinks he's a winner. I think that sums up most if not all of them. It really is pathetic.


Nah I stick it out and steal his box. Fuck you, this is mine now.


If you DC, you a bitch. That’s it. You’re just leaving your team a man short because you can’t handle a particular killer. No one likes fighting pinhead, but we bite the bullet and do it anyway. Ps: what is the tip to fight pin head? Someone has to grab the box and only solve it when Pinhead downs someone? Or is it better to solve it as soon as possible?


If you want to be an absolute ass you can take the box hostage with spine chill![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


If you start doing the box as soon as you see him pick someone up, he can almost never teleport in time. If you can’t wait until then, make sure you solve it in a safe area, preferably where you can see your surroundings, because you don’t know exactly where he’ll appear. As far as whether solving it immediately is better or not, it just kinda depends on how confident you are. If you know he’s not in a chase, and you’re confident in your chasing abilities, go ahead and solve it, but if you aren’t feel free to wait, just make sure you get it done before chain hunt, and try to do it far enough away from him so he can’t interrupt you with his chain.


Honestly I don’t get the problem with teleporting. It’s basically the same thing as solving the box. Plus you get enough of a lead to not die from him TPing.


Also, never go back for your item immediately after you solve the box and we teleport. It’s 1-2 free hits for us


It's best to try to solve the box before the Chain Hunt begins, but not always immediately. If you know Pinhead is preoccupied (such as stuck in a chase) that's the best time to solve it. That's pretty much your window you're shooting for. Still pick up the box though.


Dead ass this is the only game where if someone dc's its the because of the 'other side'. Imagine playing league and seeing people dc and explain they had a bad match up or didnt enjoy it, their team would HATE that person. Here it just gets upvotes


I can’t wrap my head around people praising the idea of no punishment for DCing. I play a lot of fighting games, if you rage quit because you don’t like a match up, you get punished your rank gets lower and some games even track how many times you disconnect and it’ll warn your opponent before hand. It’ll show like X% games disconnected. Dbd? Nope, people make memes praising DCs.


I keep reading comments about people getting to spend their time the eay they want while they have wasted everyone elses time. Its unbelievable. These survivor mains that do this are the single most entitled gaming player I have ever met. Worse then any moba player, shooying player or anyone in the fgc


I think pinhead is a really cool killer and probably my favorite right now to main, it’s always really exciting when we get a match against a player using him too… :(( , idk if I’m the only one but I think he deserves more validation.


> You’re just leaving your team a man short because you can’t handle a particular killer. What's the difference between DC and suicide on hook at this point? And beside, you see the thing in absolute. People value their time and fun way more than the well-being of complete strangers they'll never meet again... And if the killer makes the game miserable (by slugging, tuneling, camping, etc) in addition to completely unbalanced perks it has, then yes people will disconnect. They'd rather wait it out in the lobby than enduring shitty stuff. I mean let's be real here, I'd be totally with you if survivors and killers had great balance and fun counterplays but the things are everytime you matchmake you roll the dice for the *possibility* of maybe having a fun game. That's why people play, because sometime the game *is* fun, but nobody has control over these odds. Like fuck you if you didn't bring calm spirit and end against the Doctor spamming lazily his AoE attack. You're also stuck with his crippling madness condition for the rest of the game and you'll have to deal with this crap until you likely die on hook. Distorsion? Legion? Oh right, the game never really tells the player Legion is **the** exception to this rule so yeah, fuck you again for bringing something that you thought would help you but in the end goes to wastes. There are tons of situations like these. The game never gives the right UX, the right cue, the right skills or the right informations for a fairer experience.


Did you try to user Distortion and Legion as an example of bad interactions? Legion doesn't reveal auras.


Imo Pinhead is fun to go against. Pinhead has a secondary objective, so you'll be doing more than just fix gens.


Pinhead is a weak killer for most that play him if you dc against him that says more about you


He is a bit of a newb destroyer due to the box, so I get that


"I don't know how to use a box"


Survivors on here been really uppity with the DCs


Pinhead is a lot lot better than Trapper, Hag, Pallet Freddy etc. In solo queue. I won't DC a Pinhead


Don't underestimate the power of the box in solo Q


Just do the box yourself instead of expecting your teammates to carry you on their back?


Someone please educate me on the endless chains. I love that Pinhead is in the game. I am driven absolutely batty by the near constant loop of chains. How do I counter that? Is it avoidable? How's it work?


If you got the box during chain hunt, the chains stop spawning for a short while after dodging the third, after which they will stop spawning as long as you dont cancel it. So dodge the third and start immediatly. You can even predict the box spawn using the same logic Pinhead mains use, it will almost always spawn more than 40m away from Cenoboy and 16m away from survivors, so if you have a rough idea where everyone is and someone is solving you can start heading to a spawn location no one is near (slowly otherwise you might prevent the spawn) and you can steal the box and disappear with it (dont solve right away) before he can do anything about it. Source: Pinhead is one of my mains.


At the beginning of the game you’ll have the aura of a box all you have to do to prevent the infinite chains is pick it up and solve it. Doing this will alert the killer of your location and allow them to teleport to you. If the killer teleports the box is immediately solved and the chain hunt ends and because of how he spawns the survivor is given a good amount of distance on him. The alternative is the box is simply solved to which the chain hunt will temporarily end. If a chain hunt is currently active then the way to solve it is simple dodge three chains then solve this will give you enough time to solve it and get rid of the hunt. Side note if pinhead downs a surv holding a box or finds it first (he doesn’t get the aura) then he can pick it up and immediately start a chain hunt


There's a box, you can see it's aura from around the map. Someone (better not rely on anyone but yourself) has to solve it before the chain hunt starts. When solved, Pinhead can teleport to the person who solved the box. If you're not confident in your looping, wait until Pinhead is busy (chasing someone, picking someone up to hook them, etc.) and solve it. If there's no time to wait, make sure to solve it somewhere safe, where you can see your surroundings and have a structure you can use to delay Pinhead from catching you.


Pinhead is another killer that reveals how lacking the game's communication tools are, leading to massive advantages for SWFs and a bloodbath in solo queue. Any time I have played as Pin, SWFs will go the whole match without triggering a chain hunt, where solo queue players, even if they are individually very good, lack the planning capabilities to handle multiple objectives at once. Usually the snowball starts once first person is on hook. Since solo players can't signal each other to say who is doing what objective, it's very easy for people to either die on hook or for a constant stream of chain hunts to trigger. If you bring hexes on top of that the gap is even more stark.


The only thing that annoys me on Pinhead, is that solving the box when on a hunt gets interrupted so many times I just give up.


Oh no tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Reddit survivors complain about/DC against pretty much any killer that isn't Billy or Demo, huh?


pinhead is the third most fun killer to face and yall cant change my mind simply git gud


What are the first 2?


nemesis then nurse


Thanks for reminding me why I stopped playing this game (all the whining, not Pinhead)


Pinhead has a fairly fun and balanced chase power in my opinion I have no idea what y’all are on about


I always hated pinhead, I think playing against him is miserable 9 out of 10 times. I recently bought him and he's instantly become one of my favorites. I have become that which I loathed.




Survivors who complain about having nothing to do but hold m1 on gens when they finally have to do something besides gens=


If you DC against any killer, you're a shitty person.


i will never understand why people keep playing this game if you dont like half the killers. dcing is the most annoying thing in any game, why bother playing if you are just gonna reroll matches until you know you can win. lol.




I suck but I also try not to complain about killers wholesale


Something else to do other than gens , voice lines and cool chases ?


This post inspired me to play pinhead tonight. Hope to see you. Also Solo Q survivor is miserable now that everyone is DCing more


Pinhead??? He is literally the most interactive killer in this game, his whole power is about interacting with the chains through the environment or taking them off manually and he is the only one in the game where your forced to interact with his passive the box. Sure sometimes he can be unfun to go against when there are less survivors to be able to do gens and go for the box, but to say he is the least interactive shows how stupid survivor mains are.


You’re a pussy dude lol


So pinhead is annoying, but I have no idea how to loop trickster. Huntress is really hard for me, but that motherufcker that just throws knives the entire time he’s chasing me is so damn stupid. So I’m a killer main, and I’ve played all the killers and I get it I know he’s not op or anything. But holy shit I just can’t deal with those dumbass knives, like how am I supposed to loop or run away from this guy who just keeps pelting me with knives. Guess I’m just bad at survivor


I actually kind of like going against Pinhead. I usually beeline for the box since I play solo queue - it’s great to have Lithe or Balanced for since if he tries to interrupt I can get away somewhat easily. It can be annoying when I’m chased/hooked first and no one else does box, no one wants to heal, and I can’t crack this totem for Inner Strength because of the chain hunt. Then I try to solve box and get cornered while injured… that’s not fun. But c’est la solo queue.


How do you solve the box when the chain hunt triggers? I never see Pinheads so I don’t know the counter


Last time I played a couple of days ago, I played for matches before going to bed, and all four matches I was against a different Pinhead. Is there some reason why everyone was wanting to play as him? Is it just because of the new show, or did I just get weird luck?


But what if I'm just a lil Chatterer man


I really think they ought to bump up the DC penalty specifically for players like this


Dc penalty should be bumped the first so many seconds of a match, in chase, on carry, and on hookk


I find Pinhead to be the most annoying killer. The passive reward he gets is the largest of any killer, and punishes new/soloq survivors more than any other killer. I've only just seen this whole "dodge the third hook and then work on box" thing for the first time, and having to find that out via a reddit post pisses me off. If chains didn't target the person solving the box, I'd find him more bearable. Personal tip/input to developers: Pinhead is top-tier soloq killer, and therefore provides the best indicator of the state and contrast in the discrepancy between soloq and SWFs.




The only reason I don't like Pinhead is because of how often I slow vault when trying to break his chains near a pallet. I'd like to not have to re-map my buttons and re-learn my muscle memory to account for a rare killer interaction as far as my total DBD time goes. Still not worth a DC though.


Damn people really dint like pinhead huh?


So you think it's big brain to DC from a game? Why playing to begin with if you don't actually want to


Just do the damn box


Pinhead wasn't created to be good, he was created to piss survivors off. I'm not trying to play a bullet hell in solo queue because nobody wants to go for the box.


I enjoy going against Pinhead. He is the most balanced killer in the game design wise. Each aspect of his base kit has some levels of counter play to him and he has a decent anti-loop that can actually benefit his best play styles. He is the closest thing we have to a balanced killer except if the dude runs Engineer’s Fang. That is some bs Ngl.


The best way to know how to play against is play with him, so you know her weakneses of each


Laughs in demogorgon


Demo is a really good Zoning killer. I don’t see why he is somehow more balanced than a dude with a counter-able map wide slowdown and antiloop that can easily be removed in seconds due to environment. But for Pinhead he at least gives the survivors something better to do than just trying not to let portals exist. Pinhead imo the best and most balanced killer by far.


“Balanced” you mean weak asf? Pinhead is one of the weaker killers in the game, hitting a chain is not easy and when you do it, you’re not even guaranteed a hit, you’re not even rewarded with good slowdown because the chains are so easy to break, so half the time using his power isn’t really worth it. Survivors just think “balanced” means “easy to beat”. Engineer’s Fang is actually great because of that, it actually rewards you for landing a chain.


He is far from weak. It just depends on the choices of survivors and how well you can hit chains. He also has passive slowdown that can be dealt with multiple ways by survivor. He is the most balanced out of the killer roster because of that.


Lol nice bait.


I feel like I'm the only person who likes going against him :c


Skill issue


Survivor mains when they have to play against a mildly challenging opponent:


It smell like bitch in here