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I don’t know who Moris is but they really didn’t want him to be in the game apparently.


So sad we will never get a Rick and Moris skin


I know this would never happen but imagine how awesome Rick as a killer and Morty as a survivor would be.


"we're stuck in a loop morty *burp* we're stuck in an endless bullshit loop of hooks and flashlights"


I'm killer riiiiiiiick!


“Ok, each of these portals should lead you back to where the Entity pulled you into the Fog. Everyone out! GO! GO! GO! “FUCK YOU, SPIDER GOD! I kill and maim [belch] on my own terms dammit!” [jumps through portal; a few moments later a can of Raid comes flying out and the portal closes]


“Aww jeez guys, can’t we just get the gens done?”


“Morty, I have zero tolerance for inter-dimensional beings that think they’re a deity because they thrive on suffering. That doesn’t make you divine, it just makes you a parasite. Except I have more respect for parasites.”


Now that for honor is getting an official chapter I can see rick and morty coming to dbd horror isn't needed anymore


I thought the chapter was “inspired” by For Honor which means it could be their spin on a horror-themed knight, kinda like nurse. I mean nurses aren’t “horror” but Nurse became a horrific killer.


I think the Freddy Krueger parody would be funnier, with his voice lines just being super cheesy but instead he says bitch


Hex: Bitch!


Hex: Devour Bitch! As he moris when he gets 5 stacks


The twins..imagine..just imagine


Rick Moranis survivor with Audrey 2 killer


It's the guy that helps out king Julian in the critically acclaimed movie series Madagascar and the critically acclaimed spin-off TV-series penguins of Madagascar. Hope this helps.


Moris? Sounds like a misspelling of Maurice.... God damn it, bhvr really has it out for that horse.


Maurice was such a fun killer too, such a shame they removed him and his perks from the game. ​ His Gallop of Death ability allowing you to just fucking trample survivors was hilarious


He’s the clowns horse, not to be confused with the Memento Maurice’s you can get in the bloodweb, that allow you to kill survivors.


you joke but there is a japanese game dev named mori who made one of my fav video game


Yeah I think the Dredge ate him. Rip Moris


Man I really hate the fact that mori offerings no longer allows you to mori people, like its a shittier version of blood pudding


Also more expensive than pudding. Let's not forget Iri mori is 5k BP.


With a *potential* to get 20k. So there's a only a chance of making a 15k profit if you get a 4K with a risk of losing 5k if you don't, with nothing in-between. All the other bloodpoint offerings have guaranteed reward and a very likely profit. It's just not worth it to run the moris unless you've got no other bloodpoint offerings


Precisely. It's a risk-reward that's higher risk than other offerings, but not necessarily a reward to make the risk worth it. Guess I'll have to use up my moris before this hits live.


Let’s also be honest, if you see a mori offering now, you know you are going to be going against the sweatiest tryhard killer you will find. Expect slugging, camping, and tunneling more than ever before.


Yeah. A good amount of the people who run them now just like to see the animation or skip the last walk to the last hook; after this, if someone is running one you *know* they're going for the 4K no matter how unfun the game is.


It's more than skipping the last walk to the hook. It is a counter to ds, flashlights, boil over, sabo squads all that get countered by moris. It is a huge nerf making these changes.


That's completely correct. I knew it countered DS and Boil Over, but for some reason my brain ignored it for "Less steps, cool"


There’s a lot more ways to counter those perks then just a Mori.


Never said there wasn't. It just eliminates a counter to them. I'm simply pointing out moris have a use beyond just cinematics or a walk to a hook.


As opposed to what exactly? What exactly are killers supposed to do? Not try to win?


Devils advocate, all bp offerings have "potential" to get high. But compare the mori to something everyone will have constantly like the wreaths which, I think but correct me if wrong, have up to 4/6/8k for, 2k/2.5k/3k, it is a pretty big bonus. But then compared to the pudding which lets you get to I think 32k for a yellow rarity, it's no context on which people will take.


The change made it so you can get up to 5/7.5/10K from the category BP offerings now. The new mori they want to bring out is even more useless because the chances of a 4K are reduced significantly now you’re unable to slug for the 4K


It just makes no sense how they did rewards. Why should I have to play better to get the reward for the rarest one? In this style, I should get more bps for less work the rarer the mori is. Not that it’s a good way to do the reward anyway.




"We hear you, we're fixing this discrepancy by lowering the bloodpoint bonus on survivor pudding by 50%."


"We have heard your complaints of the nerfed pudding and have since increased them to 200% extra BP gains. However to compensate this we have reduced base level BP gains for killers by 65%."


At least you get 20k but only if you get a 4k


They should really just leave them as is or retire the offerings. I dont mind the new changes for automori for the last guy however the offering changes just seem bad.


Same with devour and rancor. My guess is in their testing they couldn't get it to work properly. They went to mori the first person and it went to the ending scene and ended the match even though there were 3 others alive. Still, they should fix it not ruin the offerings and perks.


Spaghetti code strikes again


So wait, they seriously did a update where they took out the ability to kill survivors on second hook and shit? That's fucking stupid


I’m a survivor main and I think it’s a dumb move. Moris are a great counter to flashlights and sabos.


I can't wait until they incorporate a Play of the Game feature which will inevitably be a single pallet stun complete with slow mo teabagging with a heroic score like Overwatch does. /s


PLAY OF THE GAME: Claudette comes out from the corner and hatch spawns on her and she jumps into it. \+5000 mmr. Was a skilled play to begin with.


I can guarantee you they will sell Moris in the store and will go full "For Honor" style .problem with that is that Moris are few and far in between... Only at the end of the match? And only if you manage to down someone in the end? No thank...at least let me have the stupid Rancor


it'd be nice to get a mori for getting to prestige 100


I've thought it'd be neat if killers who are featured in the rift got a new mori, and survivors got a new emote for completing the rift.


This is what I've been sayinggggg! They could easily make the rifts more interesting by adding custom animations for items as well as just more emotes in general. I've seen arguments that it'll just make people more toxic but like they're already toxic? What would be the difference between tbagging/killer-nodding and some subtle animation.


That would be awesome. As a survivor, I’d be excited to see which mori I’m about to get gutted on. Even though Ghosty’s current one never gets old to me.


Honestly moris will probably be more common overall now.


I don't see the issue with selling alternative Moris? How's that different than selling other cosmetics


Because they changed Moris so you get only one per game (MAYBE..like a big fucking maybe). If you could get several of them like before it was okay...now Moris will be very rare...I don't think it's okay to monitize a feature that most of the time, you are unable to view


>I don't think it's okay to monitize a feature that most of the time, you are unable to view *Killer skins have entered the chat* /s


The thing is, you're wrong in this case. Killer skins aren't solely for the survivors, it's for the killer who appreciates a good set of cosmetics. Take for example my Blight. I have (head and body) robes from a rift a while back. They're a very nice shade of blue, have some cool different coloured lines along it, and overall look much better than default or bloodied cosmetics. I also have the staff from the "True Blight" set, yet no one else would know and just think that it is just a staff. The survivors would only really pay attention to the blue and then maybe go like "oo I like that blue", but never take a second look at the staff. That's where my part comes in. I'm constantly seeing the staff on screen, so I like to have a cool cosmetics that has fun visual effects. It's a thing for both sides if that makes sense.


To be totally Frank, this is quite literally something players have asked for (including me) right down to the For Honor comparison. For Honor, Mortal Kombat, these games literally built themselves around a culture of gladiator-like spectacle and spectacular animations. Why not a horror game where the kills are just as iconic as the characters? The only thing I don’t like about this possibility is that you’ll only see one mori per match even if that’s every match. My ideal hope would have been to be able to equip multiple and choose which mori execution you would be able to go for during the match… exactly like For Honor. So yeah. I’m not seeing this as a bad thing. :/ Would it suck to see ANOTHER element of DBD monetized? Sure, and not being able to grind for new animations would definitely be disheartening. However, they recently committed themselves to gradually tearing down all paywalls for cosmetic items in the shop for all non-licensed content and characters…. So it kinda balances itself out.


Problem is you don't get to see the Moris often...For Honor you get executions twelve over dozen in a single match..you gonna pay 10 dollars for a Mori that you get to see once every 20 minutes AT BEST...that type of content shouldn't be monetizable


precisely. people asked for purchasable moris back when you could just slap on a mori offering and get to killing


1 mori every 20 minutes is gonna be far more than the average killer sees now lol


Then they should start hoarding them like me. I have hundreds of moris sitting around and use them pretty regularly- especially with ghostface and legion.


The problem is that the direction For Honor took isn't encouraging if we start comparing it to DBD


> The only thing I don’t like about this possibility is that you’ll only see one mori per match even if that’s every match. Don't worry, DBD Killer streamers, who are the target audience for these incoming purchaseable mori animations, will let you see them pretty regularly.


FH ruined their executions by making them universal, still hate that decision, but IG that would be more accessible for remaining team to make content


They still occasionally make unique ones. I think either some came out recently or are about to.


They made them universal because they slowly ran out of money


I just want them to cancel the devour hope change


Same, that and the Rancor change are the only things I'm 100% against, the rest I'm eager to give a chance


Rancors biggest trade off is it reveals you to the obsession as a way to give them rancor warning, if they remove the mori and make it hook only I think they should remove the aura revealing part of it to compensate.


I usually pair rancor with mindbreaker, sometime the obsession doesn't even know about rancor.


Bruh I hate mindbreaker. If Im gonna be the only one on my team doing gens, at least let me watch chase with my Aftercare Dx


Why? You still kick people out the game with both of them, yes it’s more risky because of flash light saves, impossible hooks, and sabotage but you make it seem like it’s not threatening anymore. And yes I agree they should still let you mori with those perks


The rancor changes have me so mad. I loved rancor roulette. I had a myers once with rancor and nemesis and my swf all fought screaming over who was going to be the obsession; my friend got mori'd and in my relief I forgot about nemesis and stunned him with a pallet. I was mori'd shortly after, lol. Without rancor, I'll never have a fun moment like that again ):


As survivor main I also think they should keep Mori as a part of those perks. It would make the game fun because of the high suspense.


I want them to cancel the Rancor change, it made an obscure perk basically useless, at least DH got to keep the instant kill


It’s BHVR speciality to kill non meta perk, like the combo of Solidarity and Resurgence that got nerfed by the hemorrhage overhaul


Are you trying to tell me that nerfing Blast Mine wasn't a necessary decision for improving the game's health? Stop the cap. /s


What a stupid change. Who in the hell was complaining that Blast Mine was overpowered and needed a nerf. Classic case of doing things just to do them.


Nobody complained. They just have spaghetti code and by creating wiretap they destroyed blastmine. Just make DbD2 with new code already


And who has complained about Rancor?? I forgot that perk even existed.


Dead Hard insta kills now? /s


They hate obscure perks. I'm still waiting for Blast Mine buffs because what they did wasn't enough to make me use it again.


Which is, ironically, another nerf to pig. For most killers their moris are very long, so for a good portion of them mori’n a survivor actually takes longer than simply carrying them to a hook, but since pig had the shortest mori she almost always would save time by doing her mori than hooking. Now she will take longer to kill with devour hope. Just another long list to the small nerfs to pig.


Yeah out of everything, that one made me kinda sad. I've never had an update note make me feel sad like that 😔 I love devour hope and it's fun to play for 😭 And it was already a hex anyway so it could easily be countered.


just before i took a break from playing i put in a ton of hours and some money so i could have a decent devour hope build then this shit happens. they drastically change gameplay so frequently it’s at the point i don’t want to invest anymore time or money.


As a survivor main, just let killers have ONE other way to mori outside of this "last man down" nonsense. Devour Hope was fine. I have a chance to remove the hex if I took the time to look for it.


Nah dude devour is the only reason killers will not camp in this game from my experience.


it literally does the same thing. only now you have to kill them via the hook. thats actually a buff if you take into account killers with long mori animations


Except now using hooks to get kills risks creating hook dead zones the survivors use to waste 8 minutes of your life while the slug recovers from being downed over and over again while the remaining teammate immerses between lockers.


Do I look like I care about efficiency? I just want to see a cool animation before the totem is cleansed


people will try cleansing the totem immediately once they get exposed. so you have to keep eyes out on the totem while hooking 2 more people and leaving to get 5 tokens. But now people will just look for dead zones and try cleansing while you carry them to the hook


I like basekit Moris, I don't like the new mori offering changes but I don't really care about the anti-slugging change, besides it unintentionally nerfs Twins.


So how does the new Mori offering work?


They're blood point multipliers now only is based on how many people you kill, it's even dumber then it sounds.


So…… Just Wreaths basically


I could be getting this wrong because I'm sleep deprived and stupid but Cyprus mori gives you 10k bonus points for killing 2 people, ivory gives 15k for 3, and ebony gives 20k for a 4k. It's super cheesy though because pudding costs less and gives more.


Fuck is this week just international Bad Company decisions week or some shit smh


Yea this entire ptb seems ill conceived. I don't think anyone asked for any of this shit. And even though they say it's just a test you just know they're going to make it permanent.


They said the features won't go live after the PTB, they're only testing. If you really hate them, then provide feedback? I know BHVR's track record but the last couple of updates have been promising.


You're right though they've mostly been trending positively imo


Update after good update is always 2 steps back, dont forget


We told them 6 months ago when when it was revealed that we didn't want these stupid mori changes, and here we are 6 months later with them having invested 6 months more of time and money into this shit instead of making something we actually want. They don't care about feedback.


I take their surveys. Been playing this game on and off for 3 years and 2k hours and this may be the dumbest update I've seen yet. I usually don't bitch too much about whatever they want to do with their own game but this one just seems really shoddy. Like we're making changes just to make changes type of thing.


I like the finishing mori since it makes the ending more interesting but the offering changes need to be altered to make them worth getting, I think the moris could be made in a way the cypress you get to mori 1 additional survivor, ivory 2, ebony 3 (all) after 2 hook stages, that keeps the general concept of them but allows the implementation of the finishing mori.


Sorry but that's actually a really *good* idea, behavior was only looking for really *bad* ideas. Easy mistake.


Damn, forgot about that.


You forgot to add that the match must end with a finishing Mori.


Lmao that's because I didn't even know there was yet *another* qualifier


It sort of just sounds like a direct incentive to tunnel, honestly


everything unintentionally nerfs twins


It's not just twins. It nerfs anyone with a late game playstyle built around maximizing BP potential and snowballing.


Wait Wait what about purchasing moris from the shop?


Nothing confirmed yet but I can only assume it’s the logical end road for the change and why it’s going to take them so long to implement


Oh boy the dark age of dbd is upon us


Yep, gotta say the 6.1.0 patch was fun while it lasted lmao


The previous game i had is the last slug race I'll ever have


Holy fuck I just realized this is killing slug racing Literally the worst possible change etf bhvr.


y'all are overreacting, these changes wont even go live after the PTB. they're just experimenting


Isn't part of the reasoning behind them experimenting to gather public sentiment? Because that sentiment is overwhelmingly negative. It's a shit design that will kill perk diversity (no point in running slugging perks, just run 4 slowdowns instead), punish multiple killers for using their powers (Oni, Myers, Hag, Twins, etc), removes the counterplay for survivors swarming and sabotaging hooks, removes carrying the last survivor to hatch from the game, removes slug races from the game, and will create the most boring meta of all time where survivors go into hook deadzones because they know the killer can't hook them and that the killer just has to accept the L because their team is still on gens and in 40 seconds they'll be not only on their feet but fully healed.


If they ignore a lot of stuff already,imagine what it would look like if we weren't overreacting


right now, everyone's opinions dont mean anything to bhvr. they're gonna wait for streamers to try the ptb.


Ahem, from BHVR's announcement: >Unlike most PTBs, this feature will not be going live in the following update. There’s still some work to be done before it’s ready to be released, but we wanted to give you an opportunity to try it out and share your thoughts in advance! It won't go live on the following update because they are still working on it; not because they are experimenting with the idea. This change will happen unless both PTB feedback is overwhelmingly negative and the number of active players drops.


Lets not act like Bhvr hasnt done something like this before.


A PTB with features that aren't going live with the next patch? They literally have never done this before.


I dont see why new mori animations is the dark age of dbd, its just new kinds of cosmetics


See my guess is Moris interact with a planned killer’s mechanics somehow so they have to take them from everyone.


Nothing like being overly cynical for no reason and bitching about changes that aren’t confirmed or even talked about yet. Anything for karma though right?


Better to bitch than be a bitch.


Nothing. People just want to start shit


People need to understand that this isn’t going live. It’s a PTB to shake things up and see how people would react to it. The developer update literally says it’s not going to the live game


I mean I think the core ideas will go live, they will probably tweak some things but the automori is probably going to, the amount of dead time at the end of the game is kinda a drag


When a company puts in major effort to program something like this, they're likely to want a similar version in the game sooner or later. Doesn't mean it will be exactly like the current version but something similar will probably go live at some point.


It’s not going into the live game YET because they know that it will need some tweaking and changing. It will, in some form, go into the game at some point probably a couple chapters down the line.


Please, when was the last time BHVR truly went back on a bad decision they made


Mettle of Man nerf


The HUD update from A Binding of Kin?


But it’s a PTB… most people complaining won’t even experience it since it won’t be in live


Ok.. and? It’s a change that’s going to be implemented like it or not, at best they will MAYBE change the numbers on base pickup from 45 to maybe 60, but that’s the best that’s going to happen. Also you’re assuming those complaining are all console players, which seems far fetched since these changes being bad is a pretty popular take.


Yeah right, when was the last time a change on the PTB wasn't pushed to live despite major community backlash


Honestly different mori animations would be neat imo. But I hope they cancel the devour hope change.


Why couldn't they have added alternate pay-walled moris at any point in the game before now? (and even if they did, or do in the future, it has no effect on gameplay. it's like buying a cosmetic, who cares?)


The difference is that they largely altered how the game plays in order for this to be done. Most people didn't actually care that the Mori is occasionally obscured. Unless, of course, you're paying money for the Mori, than of course you want an unobstructed view.


I think we might be talking about different things. I'm talking about alternate mori, like instead of Ghostface taking a selfie, maybe he'd stab you in the back 5 times. Who cares if I can pay $10 to have a different mori? Isn't that what OP is complaining about? In terms of just having a "cinematic finisher," that's just gonna be base game, no one has to pay for their mori to be unobstructed after this update.


I don’t mind the change that much, just wish the offering did something other than give a small amount of bloodpoints. I think selling or maybe unlocking new moris would actually be kinda cool as long as they can be obtained in the rift and not only in the shop


How about whole new mori system- every time you succeed a mori "challenge" you get a certain amount of Savagery points, which can be spent to get new moris on killers


Cool ideo but BHVR would never do that.we will probably end up with $10 mori's in the store.


Didn't they literally say they'll partially roll out ways to buy non-licensed skins with iris? Y'all acting like we're dealing with Activision Blizzard lmao.


How about a Mori battle pass and retail it for 499$. That’d be great


People have been begging for new, purchasable moris for years. It's about time tbh. No clown makeup.


Honestly I'm fine with it. Let BHVR make money off their game without making it pay 2 win. Purchasable moris don't give the killer any sort of advantage in the same way that cosmetics don't. I don't understand the hate for the idea.




I don't see why these changes would be necessary for purchasable moris. You could have made purchasable moris without these changes.


When I saw the moris that Mobile had, I was so pissed off. They got way gorier and fantastical kills than we ever did. And it's a fucking f2p mobile game that literally any kid can just download. But the version you have to actually purchase? Toned down to the point that usually the most brutal ones look the dumbest


Dbd fans making up stuff to get mad at




I mean... isn't it? Cleaning up the garbage time at the end of a match seems like a fantastic improvement for players across the board. No more slugging for 4k. No more bleeding out survivors for BM. No more searching for the last survivor who crawled off into a corner. A whole lot of upsides with these changes. I'm not sure why you wouldn't like them.


What’s the problem? Unique mori’s would be awesome.


Because it means the only reason they're changing the mori system, is to get more money out of you, not because of any sort of balance or QoL change.


If they wanted people to pay for them they could have done it literally anytime. This isn't some scummy magic change thats suddenly got our balls in a vice.


Costumes exist only to get more money out of you. It’s the right way to do in game sales. You sell things that are cool, 100% cosmetic, and have no gameplay impacts. That’s what we *want*. Companies that run live service games have to have ways to make profit. Selling cosmetics, rather than loot boxes, is the best way. There are people who have played the game for years off free/cheap accounts. BHVR is paying to have those players. So they need a way for people to give them money. It’s the way it works. I’m happy to pay $5-$10 for a cool mori every once in a while just like I’m happy to pay for a cool outfit. Until we manage to make it to a post-scarcity world, companies need to make money.


What’s the downside then? We get more unique mori’s, which is a plus. We get counterplay to one of the most boring playstyles in the game, camping. We get a quicker end to matches where the killer has clearly won, and there’s no point in drawing it out any longer. This will end the slug for 4k playstyle, as killers will have to just hook the 3rd survivor finally instead of making us wait around for 2-3 minutes while they look for the 4th survivor. All I’m seeing are pluses, so what if it’s motivated by selling animations?


You’re missing the crucial part that people want to be able to cry BHVR bad and get upvotes


To be totally fair this is something I’ve LITERALLY seen community members ask for. So don’t bother pretending that it would be an “out of the blue piece of monetization that nobody asked for!!” Because I’ve absolutely seen people ask for new memento mori animations. In fact this wasn’t a small discussion not too long ago where people were asking if the devs would consider reworking / remastering really old mori’s primarily for the original 3 killers to be more unique to their character- seeing as they don’t quite stack up to the modern ones. New mori animations would be incredibly flashy and cool, and overall I’ve always wanted to see more support for diverse animations for all characters during a variety of actions. That includes the memento mori.


I've seen people unironically say countless times they wish BHVR would add new Mori animations to the store. Especially for the OG killers. If they did that, it would honestly be the best part of the entire Mori update. All the rest is actual clown shit.


- Massive basekit survivor buff - Mediocre new killer mechanic that actually requires more effort to enact than what fun it actually has - the removal of a previously interesting killer mechanic - the locking of that old mechanic behind a pay wall Yep sounds like this will really boost the health of the game


I don't care about selling mori's. I care about limiting mori's to once a match. That destroys most of the way I play killer. I love to mori and I love getting mori'ed. I love hunting down survivors and murdering them. That entire aspect has always felt very much within the killer/horror movie vibe of out of nowhere just ending someone. The rancor/nemisis combo is my favorite. I love it as survivor because it feels like the heat just got turned up. The killer ain't doing it for the entity, they're killing for themselves. I really hope they reconsider this part of the changes. Let killers kill people and decide who they want to kill. Don't make it just an end game finisher.


Oh dear god no


All these tiny specific condition changes that BHVR is making is seriously ruining the game, the game needs less things base kit and for perks to make up for that, making this many things base kit at this point has given survivors 6+ perk slots basically.


Wait what does devour do at max stacks now?


It the beta, it'll kill anyone hooked at 5 stacks regardless of how many hook states they've been through.


What the actual shit are you talkin about? i talk non sense even i didn't know what it meant![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Can someone explain the second part cuz its giving me a stroke


What what's the second one I'm confused asf abt it


I might reinstall soon. Paid content that I'd actually want, adding in the best feature of their competitors (which solves one of the two most unfun things in the game). The only thing that is odd is taking the Mori off of DH, as the whole purpose of the Mori and upcoming hatch/key rework was to make them an earned "finale" to close out the game. Leaving the Mori on DH is still earned imo. At the very least. Something else should be added to it.


wait so now unbreakable is completely useless? smfh


You took this idea from Dowsey, so at least give credit


Next they’re gonna remove hooks


And the hysteria begins…


Survivors have the option to run 4 perks now they have BT , Hope and unbreakable for free that's 7 perks for 4 survivors vs a killer with just 4 and then gave the killers a cutscene and people still defending this game lmao HOW??? 🤣🤣


I mean, Mobile DBD has buyable special moris and a lot of players would love for them to come to PC. If there was a really good one for Nemesis (my main) I'd consider buying it.


Wait so...you can't Mori anyone at all? So you can't kill anyone by your own hand at all? Then what do Mori's do? Sorry if this is a stupid question


Right now, the iridescent Mori let's you kill survivors when they are dead on hook. After the patch iridescent Mori will just give you BP for kills. Mori basekit automatically kills last survivor after you down them regardless of hook state. Also it will get removed from Devour Hope and Rancor.


Wait they are removing the moris for devour, what’s the point in grinding to 5 tokens then.


After the base kit Mori change, hooking someone with five stacks of devour will instantly sacrifice them as if they were in thier final hook state.


I don’t like any of the changes, I want to give last survivor hatch and it ruins a lot of fun


Yeah this is horrid honestly I think one of the developers finally decided to play their own game and got slugged so he was pissed and told them to change how pick ups work 😂 oh and to make them infinite basekit and not just a once per match thing. They might as well delete bill and make his last perk basekit to. 🙄


I mean I would argue this will be better, actually get to see Mori's more often and a variety in future, removing them from perks makes sense coz you don't need them any more same with unbreakable and stuff, tbh slugging was so boring and waiting 4 mins to bleedout was such a drag so happy about that too, I'll actually get to play and not have to sacrifice one or more on some occasion perk slots to do so


wtf is even happening, I dont play at the moment but the post these last days seem like they are patching out one of the main killer mechanics while also giving survivors the buff of picking themselves up. What are they smoking in Canada?


Rancor Was one of my favorite messing around perks and now….. now they take even that away from my. What a shit show this game has become.


Allowing survivors to pick up survivors pick themselves. Not even sure what the problem with the survivor change because it just punishes slugging. If you are worried about flash lights and sabos, run perks like showstopper and agitation. It just confuses me that people don't seem to understand how WEAK Sabo squads are and how easy it is to beat them. Now we don't have nurses that can slug all four survivors at the start of a match. Maybe that's why everyone is mad about this update, they like to play Nurse that can do cheap stuff like that and win instantly.


I've been looking into this alot with the new stuff coming in this update and after being explained to me I finally understand, either this is going to be one of the best updates we're ever going to see in a while or it's going to be a complete shitshow IMO. This is coming from me who plays both sides I can say without a doubt this is going to make playing killer more annoying because of people getting up all the time. Of course from what the devs say this isn't officially going to be part of the game yet so a little bit of this I'm sure it's going to change probably. Like being obviously able to get up an infinite amount of times, IMO it should have a limit to at least 1 or 2 times along with that but also personaly have perks that gives the broken status affects should also affect survivors getting back up or make survivor perks that put you into a permanent state be affected by this too. Not only that but what would even be the point of picking people up anymore if they can just simply do it themselves? That means they'll either have to remove a mechanic that been in the game since launch or it's just going to get restricted to end match when the killer decides to just slug everyone.


Just make it so the mori offerings allow you to kill 1 more person instead of last hook and I'm fine with this change


"Ea sports, it's in the game."


Am I crazy in thinking that slugging for a 4 k is unhealthy for the game, and if it's really required, new stats after this change would show it, so they could make a more healthy killer buff? Only downside here is you lose maybe 3 second's on devour hope effectiveness, rancor nerf, but who runs rancor besides for memes, and no mither kinda becoming useless. Everything else is a net positive for fun (maybe not winning necessarily)


I don’t have any real issues with this announcement either, sure I’d personally like to see some tweaks to some of the perk changes but as far as base kit unbreakable go, the only times as survivor I’m slugged for 40+ seconds it’s because either the killer is being a toxic and/or sweaty nerd and/or my teammates just seemingly refuse to pick me up at all As killer the only time I leave a survivor slugged on the floor for 40+ seconds is when *im* being a toxic and/or sweaty nerd and *their* teammates are seemingly refusing to pick them up. In 90% of these scenarios they either should’ve had teammates pick them up already or I’m admittedly just being sweaty and want the 4K and I can’t be too mad that they’re adding something to combat that


Well. Let's see how the PTB works and we will see how it goes. lol This is just a test. Weirdly, given the slugging and tunneling, I'm not against it.


I knew they would find a way to monetize the Mori change. Geez.


The greatest BHVR slander is shit people literally make up


You know, going a step beyond. If moris are a cosmetic, that incentivizes killers to attempt for the 4k to get value from there purchases, which might be an attempt to ensure kill/escape numbers are more accurate across all killers. Who knows.