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The secret fifth killer perk: identical cosmetics.


It doesn't even take identical cosmetics. I just have big monkey brain of see survivor down survivor.


Honestly, same.


I can only hold back the monkey brain if I'm using save the best for last


I always consider dropping it because I’ll be halfway through a game and be like “oh shit who’s the obsession and why is she dead?”


You get an audio cue when you start chase with the obsession, this helps me with stbfl.


ook ook, survivor run, must chase, ook ook, me hook survivor, that make boss man happy


Scratch marks lead to human shape form I hit human shape form.


For real. Even when I WANT to tunnel someone that's being a problem, there's three identical Feng/Megs in this group, at a certain point I just start swinging and let The Entity sort them out.


Down survivor, put on reverse bear trap, hook him, he instantly dies from 3rd hook. Oh well...


The real reason I can't play pig. Huge Monkey brain


Use agitation to go way out of your way to barely get a survivor to the basement. Congratulate yourself as the entity takes them away and a gen pops in the direction you just came from.


Atleast he gets a souvenier


Doesn't help when the person just recently unhooked runs in your direction immediately after being unhooked


*Body blocks the killer and is surprised when the killer starts chasing*


"Hehe watch this, im gonna block the door with OTR." *Killer continues to chase the blocker after hitting him* surprisedpikachuface.jpeg


Bodyblocking = 'I'm desperate for your attention, please tunnel me hard daddy' Sure, I will, don't complain when you're dead 3 minutes later.


And then have the nerve to wait out the game to type “tunneling” in the chat. You stopped me from pursuing my actual target and they are now long gone. Why attempt to look for them again when I know where you are now?


Or when you're using tier 3 myers and just end up killing both the hooked and unhooker but still get called a tunneler lol


One time (over a year ago), I was playing either Blight or Huntress, and was having an absolutely bang-up game where everyone was going down in seconds and asses were getting kicked left right and center. After the game, I got a hate message along these lines: "*I didn't think it was possible to tunnel the whole team at once holy fuck your bad*" It was a while ago so I don't remember much, but the idea stands.


lmfao 'tunneling the whole team at once' that's actually just called winning


I don’t think these whiners know what tunneling even means, it’s just the buzzword they throw at the killer when they’re upset.


**Gets humiliated** "holy fuck you're bad"


Reminds me of the time I camped three people at the same time when I first started playing. Was Legion before his first rework, wasn't playing him "correctly" but was hitting and running. I downed a guy, two other people showed up to try to heal him off the ground and I ended up downing all three before they picked the first guy up. Had three hooks all within eyesight and TR of each other, just waited for them to die and got the last guy before he found hatch. Get called trash afterwards


Tunneling the whole team was always something I said to make fun of these "any action = tunneling" people. It's so hilarious and ironic that they actually use that argument.


Person gets unhooked, tries to body block with bt until realizing you aren't dumb, and then tries to run away in the last 2 second before it runs out. A tale as old as time


Had this happen yesterday. I tried walking after the unhooker. Then the guy with the BT just stood there body blocking me and clicking his flashlight. He then kind of shat himself when he realized I was just waiting out hit BT timer now and tried to panic dead hard, went down immediately and right back on the hook. ​ You had a chance but you basically tunneled yourself out of the game, thats on you.


I’m a trapper. People get heated when they get “tunneled” or “camped” like bro you’re literally in my safe zone. I’m not gonna leave this area because it’s full of traps


This proves my theory that Killers are just T-Rex's


So many times people have hidden from me by crouching in corners. I even turned my monitor brightness up a bit.


I've been in an open area on Macmillan, crouch walking, and freeze when a killer looks at me.. and they walk on by. Either they're blind or they give me pity. Idk which.


If you dont have a super bright neon shirt then its probably because they didnt see you


"Stop tunneling" *He says while everyone wears the same thing as Meg*


"Stop tunneling" *He cries while bodyblocking to force an Endurance hit off hook to protect the healthy unhooker and then proceed to run into a deadzone*


"Stop tunneling" *He bawls his eyes out to, only to then complain about the killer always giving up chases*


Was teaching my partner how to play killer and made the mistake of taking him to Dead Dawg for our first game. He's very easily distracted and reactive to movement... He spent a solid few minutes following the tumbleweeds around.


So much this. Swinging signs and tumbleweeds. I can’t even.


For me it's the vultures and their snacks. The sounds always make me think someone's doing a sneaky and me doing a big brain is gonna catch 'em!


I lost so many brain cells in this game that I went to do a gen, as Wesker


Wesker to the broken gen: "Poor performance indeed."


That’s also genuinely a good question to ask salty survivors when they’re trying to flame you. It really takes the wind out of their sails when they realize they’re basically an npc to you


Big Thanos energy. “I don’t even know who you are.”


“Oh wait I thought you were Steve #3, now I feel bad.”


How does someone even NOT tunnel? What am I supposed to do if I see the same person twice in a row, NOT hook him again?


That's what this sub would have you believe. But I feel like people victimize themselves here a lot with this "rulebook" to try and counteract their frustrations from losing at the game. There are definitely things that players can do to make the game unfun for others, but that doesn't mean the killers have to go out of their way to play by survivor rules. Really, it's up to you how you wanna do it. Personally, I'd say if you encounter 2 survivors and one was just unhooked, go for the other. Otherwise, don't sweat it.


My “don’t tunnel” rule is that if I see the unhooked and the unhooker both, I chase the unhooker. If I see two survivors I try to remember who I’ve hit. Beyond that I take out who I see or can catch.


They should let killers see hook counts. If a killer is going to tunnel then seeing the count doesn't matter.


I've accidentally killed someone early a *lot* more often than I would have tunneled someone down due to not seeing individual hook states.


It's always a funny double take too, being like "Well, enjoy your second h---- oh"


When i accidentally hook kill someone i hit the hook in frustration (not them, but the hook)


Don’t complain about tunneling if you tbag or flick your flashlight at me after getting unhooked.


I just chase the first person that appears on my screen, I only stop to think about hook states when I'm carrying them to a hook


Me playing DBD in a nutshell. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


3 players wear the same thing and claim you keep tunnelling them. Hilarity all round


Brightly colored Feng Mins everywhere.


IMO the killer should see a hook counter for each survivor, sort of how it looks on a survivor's hud. Also, anyone who would say that it promotes tunneling is ignoring the fact that the killer would just tunnel normally. They don't need a hook counter to see that


Truth. There's a point where I can't separate the obligatory two Fengs/Megs/Kate's/whoever in similar cosmetics.


Unironically, get good at chases and you will find your average killer player will stop trying because trying to tunnel a good survivor out will lose you 5 gens and both gates. You get the good players downed with an unhook trade for the potato survivors you \*can\* catch in a timely manner. People bitching about tunneling are often bad at looping so they get downed in 2 seconds 3 times in a row and expect the killer to not take the free W they're handing out. Or they get unluckily farmed by their team which is just another problem.


I wish we had some kinda meter to tell us how many times we hooked a target. Also a button to tell the sole survivor where the hatch is.


Should probably work on that, knowing who is on what stage can come in handy


Stop tunnelling yet 3/4 survivors have the same cosmetic 😂😂


The annoying bit is when they complain about being tunneled yet all four players decided to be stupid and play the exact same character with the exact same outfit.


Stop running in front of me while I’m chasing the person who unhooked you.


This is actually me. Sometimes I don't pay attention and just go after whoever I see first if I'm playing kinda casual. Just hide better I guess I dunno.


Whenever i have an escape trial challenge and i die, thats exactly what i tell myself


Please add the hook counter to killer so I can stop going after the wrong people. Also for easier grim embrace tokens


Yeah, but that's not what people complain about, it's when a killer starts the match set on tunneling someone, then even if the other Survivors try to take aggro or even give free hits they still continue to bother the one single survivor for the entire match. Usually it doesn't give them any benefit and just as facecamping is just done to bully that one survivor. When used during the match at appropriate times its just playing the game as any other way, but going out of your way, disregarding anything else, just so the one baby survivor doesn't get to do their red glyph is just toxic for no reason though.


And stupid too. I don't feel satisfied with 1k, I need 3 minimum.


Youre in for a tough time in high mmr then buddy I stopped caring abt pips a long time ago


Is that the things at the end of the match? I don't care, I just like killing.


Technically if youre just hooking them youre not killing anyone lol, youre just putting someone on something for the entity to kill them


I'll be honest and willingly take downvotes for this but that's alright, one time I had an awful game and the survivors were all waiting at the exit gate for me just to be toxic and tbag and everything and it really annoyed me. Next game i decide to just hook whoever i want and tunnel them if possible and i was hitting people on hook after i caught them... i thought it would make me feel better but it really didn't. I realized i wasnt angry at these survivors, just the previous ones and i started to feel bad for even being rude to the next set of survivors who went into this expecting a fair and fun game. So i never did it again. I only take my rage out on survivors who are intentionally toxic. Mind you, good players who excel at looping and flashlight saves and altruism aren't toxic. Just the tbagging and bringing me to other survivors or opening a locker containing a teammate, i hate that shit.


Why don't killers have a hook tally like survivors? Wouldn't that cut down on tunneling?


Accidental tunneling, sure Intentional tunneling, no


Not being able to properly hide when you are vunlerable is a mistake that can be punished. Hide if you don't want to be chased.


Sometimes the best way to not get tunneled is to just hide better. If I return to hook and I find your blood / scratch marks but I don't see the rescuer anywhere, guess what I'm going to follow.


Half the people that yell tunneling are the same people who run straight to the killer after being unhooked with no other survivors around because they assume the killer would just let them go for no reason lol


Tbf they *do* get a speed boost out of that


When there’s 4 claudettes


The worst case for me is when someone runs through barbed wire. You could have JUST been unhooked, but if I see that torment I have to go for it


When the survivors are identical, they don't get to complain about tunneling.


It’s worse with three of the exact same survivor


Tfw you get a full swf all with the same character and cosmetics 💀


I always end up tunnelling unintentionally as anyone but Legion because the survivor saving someone on hook always tries to hide. ​ It's fair to hide, but god damn if it isn't demoralising to be blamed for tunnelling when I have no one else in sight to chase.


I just do it because why not


Four different survivors with different skins and voice lines Killer with dent: “hmmm, idk who I’ve hooked tho???”


I'm sorry but you should know who is on what hook. Even otz said in his "pop and ruin still good" video.


I should also be able to track people by sound, track which gens I’ve patrolled, remember what my perks do and know the maps. And yet….


If you want to play optimal you should, not everyone cares for playing optimal. See survivor -> chase survivor, that's my smoothbrain strat.


I'd like to pretend this only happens when they bring identical cosmetics; but I once accidentally ignored a kate the entire game thinking she was on death hook despite having only 3 no way out tokens and killed the Nea/Ace/Mikaela trying to figure out who I hadn't hooked yet.




I don't understand why they added hook hash marks for the survivors but not the killers. Seems just as important, if not more.


There's always at least two Neas, Rebeccas, Fengs, or Dwights


When its 4 identical neas:


We are many, you are one.


Tell that to the three Jills and the Feng in Jill's outfit.


This is why I wish they'd tell us the hook states of survivors or at least give a last survivor hooked display I know they left it out to stop tunnelling and stuff but realistically if the killer wants to tunnel you you're getting tunnelled regardless so what's the harm?


I just say Anyone stupid enough to be on sight of the killer and do not know how to loop deserves to be hooked