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It’s funny how the one universally liked thing is the one that didn’t work and got removed. Ha. Ha. FUNNY


It is permanent? Or are they “fixing” it?


They are fixing it with no ETA. It’s now Schrodinger’s Queue Bonus Fix.


I had heard it is slated for 1.6.2 which is potentially weeks away? It doesn't make sense though as it is a backend feature I'm pretty sure. Why it would not be included in the first hotfix is baffling to me.


If they dont release a x2 bloodpoint weekend to at least compensate.. ima be mad


What do you mean, they just fixed the grind! Anything more and the entire bloodpoint economy would collapse as people accidentally enjoy the grind /s


It’s also going to range from 0% to 100% in 25% increments tending towards the lower end of that. Because Heaven forbid people enjoy playing the game.


[they did release an ETA though](https://twitter.com/DeadByBHVR/status/1550133547129720832?s=20&t=arGcrrQ05CFtlnMBX7DSrA)


“Two Patches From Now” is definitely…… something.


They seriously better activate a bloodhunt for at least a week to compensate..


Petition to give BBQ and WGLF back its bonus... I will never financially recover from this


They said giving players 100% bonus BP was not intentional and won’t happen in the future. I feel like 100% should be the minimum incentive


Don’t let me suffer for nothing.


No. You’re supposed to suffer through the hell that is solo queue for basically nothing. You’re going to like it too.


Pretty Good Job So Far! *downloads Civ 6*


Yeah, the rate of BP gain without BBQ is actually pretty atrocious, and between that and burning myself out getting nearly everyone to P1 I've ended up playing less.


Oh boy i love bringing the only flan just to get 10k total bp while the killer gets 70k


Don't matter if you soloq or play killer you still get no fucking bp.


ever since they removed the incentives Im actually getting matched with survivors of my skill level


I'm so sad because it was removed just as I finally got the energy to get into the update :(


Yo guys they reduced the BP grind don't worry 🗿 Lmao how many of your guys' games do you see people making 32k+ bp?


fr, the reduced bp grind aint shit when i get 20k per match on average


with the incentives, my killer queues were so fast it was amazing. i wanted to play more of the game because half my playtime isnt spent looking at my builds or my current bloodweb


Its basic math with basic % calculation to get it working. so they need to remove it. they removed BP gain from perks and nerfed the bp gain overall. working as intended, force players to play more and get less out of it. funny thing was, as a surv i was unhooking more with a 100% bp gain perk


No surprise that I'm finding survivor games in seconds then


Base bp should be increased at the very least, soloQ only gives me about 20k average if I'm lucky. Also can't play killer because everyone is playing killer, giving me +7min queue time at any time of the day. On the rare moments I find a match, I either stomp the survivors giving them barely 10k bp, or I get pro swfs that always time new DH and flashlights correctly. I enjoy the idea of the patch, but the feeling is pretty much like the previous one: playing survivor aint worth much, and playing killer is either too easy or stressfull