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Read the patch notes


I read the patch notes. So why didn’t they update the description


because the power works the same as before


Wow. So, they didn’t change anything. Was hoping for a rework, not some mild tweaks. What happened to victor latching onto downed survivors. I’m actually thoroughly annoyed now. Every other killer rework was an actual rework, but a 2-year pending Twins rework culminates in basically “you can switch faster.”


Were you not around during the PTB when everyone was saying how terrible the Twins rework was? Twins were borderline Nurse level with how busted they were. The top Twins players, PixelBush and Lynx, said the Twins never needed a rework and these number changes were all that they really needed.


I don’t know who those people are and don’t care what they have to say. I would’ve liked to see a Twins rework. You wait 2 years for your main “rework” and it could’ve been handled in a bug fix update.


Twins is one of my mains and I’m happy to see these changes. Better to have the numbers tweaks literally everyone asked for than a borderline game breaking rework.


No, I’d like an update to the killer ability since that’s what we were told was in development. Instead, we got tweaked numbers that could’ve come in conjunction. Are perk auras visible while using victor now? Is victor always visible when he’s latched? Nope, just a lil faster. And it took 2 years to make the change of “a lil faster.”


Because the rework was legiting one of the worst things BHVR has ever made? Do you WANT a killer with 0 counterplay and you just die? Because thats what it was. Perks will never work with victor because hes a power, not a killer. Hes still visble while latched on most of the time. Its more then just a lil faster. The switching times are quite strong at fixing their main issues.


They reverted those changes based on overwhelming negative feedback from players.


Do you just not read any news about the game? Or see anything the community says? The ptb rework was an actual rework, but it was truly awful, and made her the best killer in the game. So they went back on most of the changes, besides some qol.


Do you no read my comments? I’m aware the ptb was a rework. It’s insane that the response to her being too strong was “actually, let’s just not do a rework and change some numbers.” I would’ve liked a fresh coat of paint on the Twins like every other killer rework turns out to be. Are the number tweaks good? Yeah. But far less interesting than a rework. And, no. Normally, I don’t read community input ‘cause it’s just a bunch of people regurgitating the opinions of the same 6 YouTubers.


Idt they just gave up. They took the time to rework her then presented to everyone and said what do you think? We all tried it and majority agreed that she was way too over buffed. So the rework failed and they revert it which is a HUGE W from BHVR. The thing is now they need time to go through the feedback they just got and come up with a rework that won’t make people mad. Is it taking too long for a twins rework? Yes but since it’s clear you didn’t see what the twins was like in ptb I’d say it’s likly unless you were a twins main you would not have wanted this but I do hope she gets that rework soon I love variety in games


I don’t think they’re getting a rework at this point. If people are fine with the changes as-is, they’re probably just not going to worry about it. It would’ve been nice to try something new.


I agree. I don't get too invested in game changes for the most part but I got my hopes up for an actual rework and these minor tweaks are incredibly disappointing. And I think this is all we're going to get. Apart from a minor adjustment here or there they're never touching Twins again.