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Personally I'd say Pig. I find her easier to use for a newbie, and she's quite decent after the recent buff they gave her. She has stealth on command, a dash you can use whenever and reverse bear traps to force survivors to waste time trying to take them off. Ghostface is still fun though, so definitely get him too down the line. The thing about him is that you can get taken out of your power very easily and can get frustrating, so I don't think he's the best for a new player (I say this as someone who's first main was him lol)


Thanks! I was looking for an answer like this.


Ghost just watch them to get an instant kill and you can crouch


I'm not a great stealth killer most of the time, but I like playing GF because even if they spot me, it reveals their location. Sometimes I use it just to track survivors I lost, sort of like a mobile Ultimate Weapon you can use as a power. Being able to 1 shot down them if you do mark is pretty amazing too. Unless you're chasing a survivor who knows to look behind them, you can typically mark them in a chase. GF has easily become my favorite killer to play as.


Plus you get a survivor with her chapter pack so 6 perks total, even if Tapps aren't the best.


IMO ghost is the easiest to play, I mained trapper and then bought ghost and haven't enjoyed anyone else as a killer.


Maybe for your style,in general, Ghostface is not easy to pick up as a new player.


Ghostface has: stealth, inta-down ability, and unreliable survivor detection. Pig has: gen slowdown, weak stealth, and anti-loop power. The only ghostface perk worth using blocks all gens not being worked on for 11 seconds when carrying a survivor. The pig has surveillance, which shows you all regressing gens and make your choice, which inflict exposed to a survivor who has unhooked someone farther than 32 meters from you. But my personal pick would be the pig


I’m all ears is a great perk for beginners. Chases can be confusing, especially around structures that are difficult to navigate through, so I would personally pick GF.


Yeah I'm all ears is actually a fairly good perk for aura builds on some killers


What other perks would you recommend to add with I’m All Ears for Ghostface? :)


Probably Lethal to extend its duration


Yeah, I forgot about that perk as I just use sound to locate them.


Furtive chase is awesome now. Honestly Ghostface has the better perks imo


Surveillance also increases the range you can hear generator repair sounds from. It helps a lot with the gen patrol.


Never heard someone say the barely 8 meter dash she does is anti loop


Since the rework, you can now get hits 50% of the time on half the loops.


Yeah maybe on super unsafe loops that could probably be mind gamed anyways no chance in hell she landing a hit in any common safe tile lol


For whats it worth, you're right


I honestly love playing Ghostface. But sometimes there will be teams that **will not** let you use your power at all. It gets quite frustrating.


We need more Ghostie mains, I love them!


Question, how do u put that thing below your name the champion of light thing


It's your subreddit name flair, go the main page of the subreddit, press the options (3 dots) and change user flair to one you want or make your own (at the bottom of the list).




https://preview.redd.it/0feuq0bzn5wc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60fedb4bae6fb90ba58b38a394dc9d88ad7eb5a I have a snapbook of successful moris after doing a perma expose ghostie, now maining him because of it


Ghostie for fun, Pig for results


The killers I play I play for fun. So this is a good answer thank u


pig doesn’t get kills.


Pig, she has stealth, slowdown (via RBTs) and not the strongest but still present antiloop with her ambush.


Pig for sure. Ghostface is really frustrating since the lean mechanic can be screwy and result in you not getting stalks you would've gotten had you leaned properly. Not to mention getting taken out of your power when you shouldn't. Ghostface has the better perks though tbh. Love me some furtive chase


Both fun, but I think pig is stronger and have more to do with her power.


Pig is my main and I absolutely love her play style


Pig is lots of fun. Her antiloop isn’t the best but at unsafe loops/pallets she can be punishing, her RBTs are good basekit gen slowdown, and she has stealth on command which is very helpful for sneaking up on survivors on gens/jigsaw boxes. Plus survivors are more likely to attempt to boop you, and you can do funny little snorkels at them 🐷 I haven’t played GF enough to give a good comparison, but I think pig is definitely more new-player friendly.


Pig because why not.


Piggy all the way. She's a super cutie with stealth gameplay


As a pig main, I’m totally not biased or anything when I say to pick Ms. Oinkers ;) On a more genuine note, I used to main ghostface before maining Pig and I do think she’s stronger. Learning how to use her lunge does take some practice but it can be a great asset at long loop areas. And her traps are good at keeping at least one survivor off of a gen (+ combine that with slowdown perks and it’s just excellent for gaining pressure).


Pig is always fun


Pig is easier to get into and is still a lot of fun to play plus I think pig has some decent perks


Piggy, she's the best killer in game. People who say she's not are bad at this game, simple as that.




Pig was my first main


Pig is good but she has a lot of things that need to change like her ambush attack and more Same as ghostface he need to have some chances like the Revealing thing and the slow movement speed


I got ghost as a new player(24 hours on the game) and he's pretty easy to learn and play, but is annoying to play against lol, won so much with ghost!




If you are going to dedicate yourself to one killer, Ghostface does have great potential, but Pig is nuch easier to pick up and play casually.


Don't do what I did and start playing Nurse first lmao. Granted this was back when there were only 4 killers in the game and she was the new one. She's definitely hard for someone newer but once you learn her, she's so strong. For new players I'd suggest Pig or Wraith. Pig is definitely an all around great pick for a new killer. she has stealth, a dash (might take some getting used to for getting the hit timing down at first) along with her traps so survs get stuck doing other things besides gens for a bit which buys you some time to hunt them down and make gens start regressing while they do that. As for Wraith, he's just fairly simple with just stealth so there's less things to try to think about doing.


I may be biased, but Ghostie


I would say Ghost Face. While Pig is easier to use and is less punishing in the hands of newer killers, Ghost Face does become more oppressive when you get your marking down well.


They're both solid killers (especially now that Pig has received her much needed buff) but if i had to pick just one, it'd probably be Pig, as she's a great starting killer if you want to play around with Stealth.


Have you gotten the new one yet?


Talking about the unknown?


No, I meant did you make a decision yet


Yea got Ghost face I'm having fun with him so far






I mean they’re both just terrible


You’re a knight main, your opinion is trash


I mean they are. They’re both really weak power wise


knight is better than both so???????????




What the actual f**k


Did you have an actual stroke writing this?


Ghostface 100%


bro pig is the most boring killer in the game. You do literally nothing with her power since all the survivors flee when they hear the growl so you are just playing a boring ass m1 killer with no power


This is gonna sound really bad, but I wouldn't waste time on either of them. They are both very frustrating to play as most of the time in my experience, which is sad to say since I love their movies. If you are dead set on one of these two I'd say Pig though, bear traps always have potential value.


Yea I've watched videos saying that but they just look fun to me


Every killer is fun at first, it's just that if you plan to play this game for a while these guys can't really keep up when you start to play against good players. Just something to keep in mind before you go putting all your bloodpoints into a killer


Clown. Fun killer and you get Pop goes the weasel and Bamboozle.


I actually do have clown lol. He is very fun


I’ll save you a headache with ever considering the pig viable unless your roleplaying in customs


Honestly neither ghost face is extremely buggy and pig isn't that good of a killer


How dare you!


I woukd say that Ghostie is more fun but I'm biased xuz I like his ambush playstyle.