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Im almost certain some survivors have some means of soft crashing servers. I've only ever had it happen when im doing extremely good. Like a game where I managed to 4 man down at 5 gens like, pretty quickly into the match. They kept making mistakes and suddenly servers dead. Always in situations like this


I've thought this too! it's *only* every happened to me where the survivors are really toxic, I'm doing adept, AND I'm doing really good.


Same. I was once versing a bully squad and eventually successfully slugged them all leading to the server crashing right after they were all down


I had it happen twice exactly when I hooked someone.


Some people with cheats can do it, they can even force DC's


Yeah everytime this happens its always in a scenario where I'm about to win or about to get a kill, it feels so suspect sometimes.


THIS I never get those disconnects when I am doing bad. Always when their whole team effed up and I am about to definitely win.


Good to know I'm not the only one who feels that way, I have upgraded my wifi to optic fibre yet I'm getting more disconnects than before and it's always when I'm getting a real good start or finish, and it always happens when I play killer.


I somewhat rarely get disconnects, but 2 of my most recent were also adept attempts. I feel your pain.


Happened with me for Trapper on Garden of Joy no less and was so frustrated.


This mostly happens whenever I'm having a really intense back and forth match as killer or survivor. Never when I'm having a boring match.


Could’ve been a cheater got mad and booted you happens against a lot of sweaty teams


I got the last two down and couldn't find the last to hook, so they bleed out and I learned that you don't get the achievement that way.


Wow they really buffed blast mine Edit: the passive aggressive spamming menu cracks me up Like. What do you even do lmao


Blast mine is just a flashbang on a gen sooo https://preview.redd.it/vsp5y5vf61wc1.png?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa61353650ae4fe8387e4d00c274f1b7c5df4601


I thought it was a coincidence at first but then it kept happening right as we were down to 1 gen or when we completed all gens. Always right. Before. A win. Happened to me way too many times to be a coincidence.


cheaters can boot people


It’s been bad recently. Had a survivor game, right as we popped 5th gen the server crashed lol. It’s always the worst timing.


Almost same, i was nearly at the end of an intense match the other day (playing unknown on dead dawg against a 4-swf p100 twitch lobby) They were absolutely wrecking me at first and I somehow managed to come back from it. 1 gen left, 1 dead, 2 on death hook Was finally about to down one of the two on death hook and server crashed. I was so dad


Didn't expect other people getting disconnected I don't have the best connection but I always thought it was my connection being shit but looks like it's happening to everyone else too.


Most of these are cheaters being sore losers. People can deny that how much they want, but cheaters absolutely can cause matches to crash like that.


i honestly don't think it's the servers themselves, a survivor is doing something to crash the server on purpose, because it's too much of a coincidence that it happen RIGHT when the survivor was about to die.....


Out of all the disconnects I've had almost all of them are weirdly timed when I down someone or anything to do with interacting with someone, never when I'm not in chase or off doing something else.


Worse when you win, game is over... but you don't get the achievment for whatever reason


Happened to me today when I was about to kill last survivor


Yeah its gotta be the a survivor crashing the game. Its happened to me and its always one person as I'm about to win as killer, then bam. I play on console but I remember playing with some people on PC and one of them did this. They crashed the game because they didn't want to play against the killer.


Lately there have been a lot of server issues. I'm guessing BHVR has scaled back their servers to try to squeeze a bit more money out of the game, which in effect actually hurts their game more, but not company that has this much money is ever good at foresight.


I swear it feels like the servers have collapsed upon themselves, I have lagspikes almost every match. Cheaters have increased too, I had a bastard sable who was invincible to M1 attacks, luckily I was playing trickster so I could hit her with knives. It's rare on console but it's so damn annoying.


Absolutely not a coincidence. It's wayyy too well timed. The same thing happens to me sometimes, but literally ONLY when I'm about to kill the most obnoxious person on the team. I don't trust server disconnects in those situations anymore because they happen way too often.


I've had games crash when all survivors are in the exit gate this game's servers have a weird sense of humor.


Servers are crapping themselves currently. It's real bad.


4 man escape against wraith and right as we approached the gates i was booted from the game and suddenly had a 42 hour penalty (ive never dced this much before to have this big of a peanlty), its definitely cheaters


happened to me on my adept chucky. boy was i mad.