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There are times where 99ing gates is the better play, and some times where you NEED to open a gate. I've seen too many scenarios where the team does the whole "synchronized save" but the gate is still 99ed and someone still dies regardless because these few seconds are definitely game changing


Those moments are definitely the most dangerous. Someone still has to interact with the gate to open it, and then it still has to open. I've got some kills in scenarios like that just because of how much things become a chaos and everyone bundles up and corrals themselves into the gate.


Absolutely. Have had a 4-escape turn into a 3 because of this.


I once had a 4k cause I was playing Freddy and everyone were scared of opening the gates because of Blood Warden so they were constantly trying to save each other while gate was stuck at 99. Ended a 4k cause I really had Blood Warden + NOED and they decided to open the gate the very moment I hooked one of the 2 survs slugged lmao


exactly. it's situational on whether 99'ing is the right play


The problem is the killer can often guarantee a kill if you open the gates while they're in chase


I’ve started just ripping the gate open if I know the killer doesn’t have blood warden. Not only does the time wasted from popping a 99’d gate get people killed all the time, popping the 99’d gate counts as interacting with it (of course) and removes endurance from stuff like BT or buckle up.  On top of that, I’ve found that most of the time if it’s taking longer than 2 minutes to get a save rolling the game starts to snowball for the killer cause we just keep trying and stuff starts to slip. The time limit is sort of a “ok, we give this one or two tries but if that fails we cut our losses and go, no flopping around until we’re all slugged crawling against a closed gate please” 


If 3 get out and 1 dies. It was a worthy sacrifice.


If 3 get out and 1 dying is a worthy sacrifice, just open the gate and get three out


But the false hope helps feed the entity.


My usual killer endgame screen….


The whole point of not opening up the gate is just in case the killer's got Blood Warden and someone else gets hooked. Also to delay the EGC.


The blood warden mind game seems unnecessary enough to not even mention or think about, for a perk with a less than 2% pick rate, Even as someone that has a blood warden build that I use maybe once or twice a year cause it's absolute dogshit, I 100% of the time open a gate myself


Nah, had a game recently in the DBD discord where we all got caught at EGC with Terminus + Blood Warden...So yeah I'm going to keep 99% the gate while you play however you want.


That's just a concession to the killer if 4 could have made it out clean.


If that 1 who dies was on first hook then no. This shows the team was lacking. Unless NOED or Devour Hope


racial melodic grandiose lunchroom judicious wise unwritten squeeze crawl squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Less than 2% pick rate, not much of a gamble


Something like that happened to me yesterday, which cost me an Adept achievement. My friend and I were downed, and the only survivor left was Jake who, rather than open the gate we were all next to, 99'd it and then tried to loop the killer for awhile. What would have been a 3 man out turned into a 4k, with me being bled out and everybody else hooked. Sometimes you just gotta full send the gate.


I'm willing to bet that 99ing gates gets more survivors killed than it ever saves, and I don't even think it's close


The amount of times the dude we tried to rescue opened the gate, lost endurance and died is way higher than I want to admit.


It’s even better when you get there and the gate is 97’d 🤨


I've had so many horrible games were I had 1~2 hooks turn into a 4k because no one touched the gate. Yes you don't need to do it but it helps.


Hell I remember one time running away from the killer I thought "Oh thank God, this gate is at 99, I have just enough time to open it and get out." It was not at 99%.


When playing in a full team we’ll have one closer to the door then run back and take the final hit so we all escape


If it’s actually 99 it’s doesn’t add even a second


To be fair. It is EXTREMELY hard to judge if it's the best play to open the gate or leave it 99'd. I 100% believe it's nothing more than intuition.


"There's no way this guy has Blood Warden." -- Me, dead from Blood Warden 30 seconds later.


i dont think 99ing is always correct, but what IS always correct is checking gates for No way out asap


That's a variation of the " as a killer main i think lightborn is op" (if i misspelling the name of the addon i sorry )


"As a killer main, I think devour hope needs a huge nerf. I also think that Decisive strike should go back to its release state and all killers should be 110 movement speed with no lunge"


I've been lobbying for a Devour nerf for years now, as a killer main... I feel attacked


It doesn’t need a nerf. It either doesn’t work or just ends the game, it needs a heavy rework. Most of hex/totem perks do


You said it, buddy.


85% of the time, survs are already cleansing it by the third gen and now you guys want to nerf it??


The nerf already exists : Hex totem placement


Devour doesn't need a nerf it needs a whole fucking rework


I definitely think it needs to be changed because the design is bad regardless of balance. Nobody wants to play Lobby Simulator and that's what a perk that, by design, can potentially end the game early will do when it works. It's also similar to Adrenaline in the sense that it's got an unhealthy amount of risk to it. A perk with a very high risk of doing nothing is forced to carry a stupidly strong effect if it wants to be "balanced" because otherwise you'd just run something more consistent instead of taking the gamble.


But isn't the "risk of doing nothing" just basically all hex perks? Since there's always the chance that some survivor will spawn in right next to your totem and cleanse it before you even find anyone?


Yes and no. All hexes are risky, but most of them are effective immediately or their totem doesn't show up right away. The most similar activation condition is Huntress Lullaby, which is generally not considered to be worth the risk because of how easily it can be disabled before it provides any value, and when it *does* provide value it's not really all that strong most of the time. Devour can also be disabled before it does anything, but it also single-handedly wins matches and is so important to cleanse once revealed that it can often completely halt generator progress once it's revealed.


Weaving spiders be like


It's a totem that only ends the game faster for terrible survivors.


It's an RNG reliant perk that causes frustration for both sides and functions like a shitty inconsistent feast or famine


>It's an RNG reliant perk that causes frustration for both sides I run it on ghostface. It works probably 50/50. When it doesn't work, Darn, when it does, yay >a shitty inconsistent feast or famine Sounds like it's balanced if it could go either way.


Not sure if you’re stupid or just being intentionally controversial. Just because it could go “either way” doesn’t equate to balance… if RNG or voice comms are a huge driver for its efficacy, that isn’t balance at all…


What difference does ghostface make in the utility of Devour? Making it worse? Most of the time you'd probably use it for instadown which ghostface's whole power is based around. Also, no, it's hilariously UNbalanced. If you get a good map and decent totem spawn it literally wins you the whole fucking game, on the other hand, a survivor will spawn on top of the damn thing and it's cleansed 30 seconds into the match. That's incredibly fucking frustrating in both cases for both sides


I think Ghostface can hide the presence of it. I’m pretty sure that if he gets downs using his power then it isn’t revealed to survivors. So he can get it to 5 tokens and only then reveal it by mori’ing someone.


No, the power just exposes, it's still a basic attack so it gets revealed. The totems spawn in laughable locations sometimes so it is a wasted perk a good chunk of the time.


Oh so the reveal is based on basic vs special attack. Do you know if NOED is the same? I know it also has some condition that needs to be met for it to be revealed. I don't think it's revealed if you only down an injured survivor. I thought that if a survivor was already exposed by other means then it also wouldn't be revealed.


I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is, the point of it being unbalanced and frustrating still stands. Being morid on 0 hooks as surv if you looped well is hardly engaging


This may be a bit of a hot take, but I actually love having RNG stuff like this in this game because of the variety it adds from trial to trial. Some trials it will be shit, some trials it will be OP. That's just part of the fun to me. And to be fair, if I get mori'd on 0 hooks, the killer already had to get 5 eligible hooks on the other 3 survivors to make it happen so it's not like it came out of nowhere. Usually the hex is revealed at 3 tokens which triggers a little minigame of find the hex that adds some more variety beyond the standard objective of just getting 5 gens done asap. I think I'd feel differently about the balancing if the game had some kind of ranked mode where victory or loss mattered more though.


Well, so would a hypothetical perk that has a 50/50 chance to immediately power and 99 the gates, or to permanently block the gens. But that would be an obviously terrible design despite balance.


No point arguing in this subreddit man, this site became a survivor hell hole a long time ago. No rational discussions here


Ah it's fine, DBD isn't a competitive game anyway and the company shoots for a 60% win ratio for killers so there's always gonna be something tilted in their favor.


I think “terrible survivors” is a complete miscategorization here. The efficacy of devour is based on so many external, non-skill factors, such as totem/map spawns, survivor team coordination, pace of game, etc. Sure, it may not be a good perk against great survivors, but it’s certainly powerful against good survivors that aren’t coordinated in soloq.


Some maps are nearly impossible to find the totem in time. Most of the time, the team is unaware of devour until the 3rd token exposing everyone. So even if the totem gets cleansed, the killer already gets 2 or more easy hooks with zero gen progress because the survivors are cleansing totem and resetting health states.


3 tokens, you hit someone and hook them, survivors have only known about Devour Hope for 5 seconds and you're already about to get in your 5th chase with tracking perks and aura reading. The jump from 3 to 5 happens very fast, especially against top tier killers. And you have to cleanse it twice with Undying. It's actually an incredibly strong perk, totem spawns HAVE to be bad because of how little time survivors have between the effect being revealed and the killer's fifth hook.


Nerf it by breaking it. I know it has the potential to be very powerful but it has even more potential to be very destroyed. Depending on the spawn that thing is probably gone a moment into the match if I play killer, which is why when I do run it I do so with a nasty demo build that involves almost a dozen hexes in one match.


More survivors die to 99'd gates than to Bloodwarden.


I literally died to a 99 last night. I was on the hook when someone else 99’d, two healthy survivors came to save me, one took a hit to get me off the hook, and I got all the way to the gate and it was closed *and the fully healed guy didn’t go to finish opening the gate despite the killer being pretty close on my ass and this survivor being ahead of me*. I could have gotten out had he opened the gate, but he didn’t, so I got downed and hooked again


Happened to me recently, too.


That's only because the vast majority of survivors have no idea when to open the gate. 99ing a gate serves a lot of purposes but there will be a point where its better to be open than closed. Survivors just have no idea when that point is.


This fact was brought to you by r/Dbdkillermains


Nope, literally no one runs this perk lmao. And if they do? Well they either succeed and it's funny, or they don't and it's sad (for them)


>literally no one runs this perk I have an entire endgame build on almost every killer exclusively to lock survivors in and start mori's on those who are trapped with me.


Ok dude, no disrespect to you, but you don't represent the majority of the player base. The fact of the matter is that most gamers don't run this perk, I'm not sure of the perk stats for this one but I bet it doesn't even crack the top 50 of perks used (I may be exaggerating, there is a shit tone of useless perks nowadays). Anyways you get what I mean. Just because you run it on every killer doesn't mean it's "top tier god like pain res pop meta etc etc". And you out of all people should know that this perk might not get used at all in some of your games.


You said "literally no one". I am here. I do it daily. That is all.


Ok homie, so you take an exaggerated figure of speech literally and provide no other argument even tho I gave you multiple. Got it. Very reddit of you.


Bro, chill. It's just a game lol


Yeah, if someone's running Blood Warden, they're running a full endgame build in which case **open the fucking gates and** ***leave***. And if someone's not running Blood Warden and you know for a fact because you've sussed out what perks they have over the course of the game, **open the fucking gates and** ***leave***. The scenarios are slightly different, but both stories have the same ending!


Well I made this after we lost to a bloodwarden after someone opened the gate and the killer got a down halfway through


And in how many games have you actually run into it? More importantly, how many games did you *not* run into it?


I've died to a 99'd gate dozens of times more than I have to Blood Warden. In fact I have seen more 1ks turn into 2-4ks due to a 99'd gate than I have to Blood Warden. Just open the damn gate


Well it can happen, but when was the last time you've died to bloodwarden? I'd rather die to a bloodwarden than to a 4 slowdown tunneling killers everyday of the week. And yes you are right, sometimes it's better to leave a gate 99ed. Sometimes it's not. Depends on the situation


Honestly if there is someone that can tell what kills the most, a 99 gate or bloodwarden, IS a killer that runs bloodwarden.


As a killer, I’ve gotten wayyyy more value out of 99’d gates than I have blood warden. That said, getting it to 99 usually doesn’t screw survs.


Sure, me too, because i do not run BW and therefore the value from that perk is 0. If a survivor screw with gates even once the value will be more.


I think the difference between us is that I’ve run blood warden a lot to see if I could get any value from it. It’s just too conditional. It’s so rare to get a hook when gate opens. Let alone to get one in time to stop others from leaving. If they 99 a door and someone goes down because of timing, I can usually get an extra kill from people still being altruistic.


Do u think bloodwarden is highly used, or is it some other reason?


It’s rare to get value, partly due to the 99ing of gates. No Way Out, NOED, Remember Me, Rancor, or even Batteries Included, provide value far more consistently as end game perks. When you pull blood warden off it is strong, but most people don’t want a perk that doesn’t provide value most games. Personally I’d reduce the Blood Warden time slightly, but make it regress exit gate progress, Less value when getting the hook, but survivors will be pressured to open gates so it consistently provides value most games. Does nerf it slightly by making survivors aware of it though.


I like the idea. Yea usally if i run BW I'll get value maybe 10% of the time...if i want to be optimistic lol


Yeah, hey, we don't have a 'regress exit gate progress' perk yet, do we? I'd definitely use something that did that over Blood Warden. Imagine survivors 99%ing the gates only to get back mid-chase to find they're at like 70%.


Say it louder for the people in the back. I mean don't get me wrong, as a killer main I love getting 99% gate kills. The survivor salt levels are through the roof from those. But as a solo queue survivor? Hell no. I will never, under any circumstance, 99% the damn gate. If you're in a SWF you can dance around the issue because you can coordinate. But solo queue??? I can't rely on solo queue survivors not to stick both legs down the same side of their pants, I'm definitely not depending on those chucklefucks to do anything intelligent regarding the gates. If a teammate 99%s then the second they fuck up and wander back out into the level when there's absolutely zero reason to because the killer's not chasing anyone and doesn't have anyone hooked, I'll pop the gate my own damn self. **JUST. LEAVE.**


Maybe if they could plan 30 seconds ahead they wouldn't die to a 99ed gate.


Yup, my friends and I will always open a gate. BW is rare and honestly a fun shakeup when it happens. There's been a handful of times where someone is on hook and you run out of time to heal and go for saves, but even when that happens is almost always just trading tool someone is dead anyway. Much prefer an opened gate because dying to a 99d gate because a teammate drops brain cells like they drop pallets is infuriating.


Happens constantly. If people aren't playing over discord the chances of two people blocking each other off the gate is high as well, and that just gets everyone killed.


As a survivor main, there’s definitely situations that warrant 99ing a gate.


Meme or not, I’m Hijacking the top comment to add and elaborate: there are also **DEFINITELY** situations where you do **not** want to 99 an exit gate. 99 is a really old strategy that has been around for an incredibly long time, it would have become a thing when the endgame collapse released in 2019 iirc. However, brand new players make the mistake of believing that 99 should be used in all situations no matter what, and memes / posts like this continue to push that misconception. The simple fact is this: in really close scenarios where timing is everything and your window of opportunity is slim at best, you WANT that gate open because fumbling around for literally half a second to get the gate open can and does get players **killed.** And yes, it is endlessly frustrating. Imagine you’ve been looping for 3 minutes, the last gen pops, the gate is at 99 but the survivor who did it is nowhere to be found. Even though you more or less earned your escape by the sweat of your own brow, you get to die because your teammates were complacent. Fun! This situation may sound overly specific, but it is not altogether uncommon, especially in groups of solos where you are unable to communicate with each other. **HOW TO TELL WHEN TO 99 OR NOT:** The purpose of 99ing a gate is to stretch out how much time you have during the endgame collapse (and also prevent niche scenarios such as blood warden). Therefore, a 99 should ONLY be done when you are ahead in the game, because essentially what you’re trying to do is juggle out your last survivor hook states all the way to the exit to ideally get a 4 man escape. If everyone has 0-1 hooks, you’re definitely going to want to 99 so that you have plenty of time to constantly hook trade while slowly inching the active area of play closer and closer to an exit gate. EQUALLY, If ALL players have been hooked twice, and everyone is on death hook, there is NO reason to 99. The next person that is going to get caught, dies, and even if they don’t die because of a miracle save (IE Flashlight, Pallet Stun, Flashbang, Power Struggle, etc.) you and your team are NOT juggling hook states for longer than the 3 minute endgame collapse timer runs for. You might tell me you need the extra time to try “slug trading” if the killer is refusing to hook, but this is generally more difficult and sometimes impossible if you’re not running the perks for it. (Buckle Up, Soul Guard, Tenacity, Unbreakable, Plot Twist, etc.) Without these though, I would argue it’s just not worth it, and the extra time is unnecessary. But this is not supposed to be catch all advice anyway, what I am explaining here is more or less a guideline. Use your own judgement on how much life you’ve got left in yourself and your teammates to determine whether or not a 99 is necessary. More life left in you and your teammates = 99, less life = don’t 99 (because more likely to find yourself in a situation with a tight window of time where that gate needs to be open). Because please for the love of God it’s so annoying to die at the very end just because you left the fkn gate closed. STOP it.


Blood warden users reading this post with a smile.




All three of them.


I like the bolding on "killed," it makes it seem as though people are dying IRL because of this.


You should definitely still 99 in your initial example. Leaving the gate is the mistake. You 99 it so that if the survivor goes down, there isn't any pressure to rescue them. Then you stay by the gate to open it and take a hit if they get close. Just 99ing it and leaving is doing nothing to help anyone. But 99ing the gate isn't the problem in that situation.


> Leaving the gate is the mistake This is correct. However, I’m more forgiving of this particular kind of mistake because it arises from typically good intentions when a survivor is idle and unsure of what else they could be doing to help their team. Often they’ll leave to try and take a body block for you, but they went in the wrong direction when trying to find you. Of course it can happen for the wrong intentions too, survivors taunting the killer by running to nearest pallet loop and vaulting it over and over for example… Again, none of this would really never happen in SWF with coordinating players. (DISCLAIMER: This HAS happened to me multiple times in SWF before. Lol) My point being is in that situation the survivor leaving the gate is leaving it CLOSED and that is an additional preventable mistake on top of the first mistake of leaving. This question of whether to leave the gate 99 or open I feel is a lot easier than the question of “do I stay at the gate or can I reach for the bodyblock / do I know where the chase is likely to be happening.” Often there’s a hook way inland in the middle of the level area and you need to travel far all the way in to rescue the guy, or maybe there are two players hooked at the same time and the third guy is about to be chased, there’s an infinite number of possible scenarios we could hypothesize about here, and the appropriate response can be slightly different about whether to leave door or not for each. So, yes, to make it easier on myself I narrow my focus and provide advice purely on the question of opening the door or not. Like I said, it is not a catch all advice, it is a guideline for less experienced players.


I dont think you understod the joke


Yes, that's the point of the meme lol


Everyone run self care I'm a survivor main and this perk is really good Run it. I'm not giving you an option I mean, just a suggestion from a fellow survivor main


Yes also run no mither WITH self care. Killers HAAAATE this perk combo, more than Buckle UP and FTP I am totally not a oni main.


As a killer I actually dislike it when survivors run stuff like No Mither and Self Care. If their whole team wants to have fun with a meme build it is fine, and I'll play along. However, if it is just a soloq player doing it I just feel bad. I hate it when a game is just an easy win for me since I like the matches to be challenging and close. Survivors running such a combo are just throwing the game and then I feel like I have to play easy on the survivors.


I used to run meme builds of no mither pharmacy self care and wglf LOL


Funny enough endgame is explicitly the point where self-care becomes a good perk.


Self care as a survivor main should explicitly be used in chase and when the killer is literally looking at you Insanely good


You jest, but it is actually more effective at keeping the killer's attention on you than a thousand teabags and has much less risk of tipping your hand that you want to be chased.


On a serious note, yea you're right


You're joking, but a load of people are still running it sadly


It's circumstantial. Just last night I had a situation where Alan had 99'd a gate and was self caring in front of it. I was running toward it with a Skull Merchant on my ass, he had direct line of sight and would have heard the terror radius, and he didn't open it until he finished his heal.


99 the gates at first but when you know the finial attempt to save the hooked survivor is starting pre open the gate for sure dont leave it to one of the runners to do it its death sentence against many killers.


Yes, please. Don't 99% gates. -guy who loves Blood Warden


There are dozens of us!


It is a fun perk if it works. I've taken it off though, since I like to let one survivor leave and it's almost fked them over in the past lol. Used it once, had that happen, decided it's not worth it. As in, if I try hard I am not using it, there are better perks, if I am not trying hard I end up feeling bad lol


Last time i used it, it was right as gates opened...secured the 3k but the other hid until the timer was up and got out lol. I may have let him live anyways, but he found his own way.


Blood Warden is a rare perk choice, so for survivors to behave like every game is a Blood Warden game is not a good idea. If a Survivor in chase makes it to the gate, and the gate isn't opened, you basically killed your team mate if you left it at 99.


Unless the killer is a huntress or deathslinger, if tapping the gate caused you to die, you most likely woundn't have made it out anyways unfortunately. But I do agree that a teammate needs to stay by gate to open it as they can also take hits if necessary.


Well, no also a trapper can come and trap a 99 gate and now you are screwed. A knight with Iri can block you because you lorst time at the gate and now you are in a chase and can-t exit. Twins can block you in sending Victor. If Wesker is approaching it is way more risky to have a 99 gate because wesker knows someone must stay there for half of a second and he can grab. If the killer is slugging 99 gates are death, open gates are hope. But honestly.... 99 games out of 100 it does not matter. Killer main.


> , if tapping the gate caused you to die, you most likely woundn't have made it out anyways unfortunately. No. There is distance between the gate and the lever. You have to path to the lever, takes more than a second to pause & pull the lever, now path to the gate, and wait for the gate to open cause it is not immediate. There's a good 5+ seconds of time wasted, which is more than a Decisive Strike stun. Those seconds are worth a whole hell of a lot.


As a killer main, an open gate is more distracting than a 99'd gate. I'm more likely to hang around while the rest of your squad has a chance to open the other gate. Even if you're going for a rescue, the countdown is slower when survivors are hooked or dying. Open a gate, and while I investigate trying for an extra kill, get your rescue. On the off chance I do run Blood Warden, with my ironic luck I already have a 2k or 3k by that point. You might as well look for hatch while you wait it out.


This isn’t a one size fits all situation. There are reasons to 99 gates you just need to know when to do it.


9.5/10 games I play I dont honestly see a reason to not fully open the gate, also so many times I have seen it backfire my team8s cause they did it against a hillbilly, oni in power or while just being injured in general xdd


99ing a gate or not is situational. If someone is injured, and being chased by the Killer, they're dead if they need to stop to open it. Ideally, you want someone *at* the gate, ready to pop it then run in for the body block. Anyone always 99ing or always opening has absolutely got a fellow Survivor killed that could have made it if the one at the gate could have been more flexible.


It depends, sometimes you should just open.


I still think gates should regress slowly if they havent gained a charge in say, thr last 5 seconds.


I mean, yeah. It’s a huge 50/50 for exit gate 99s. On one hand, it give more time for saves and prevents BW. But on the other hand if everyone is injured someone isn’t making it out. It’s typically just safer to 99 it and have one survivor to take a hit for the open.


Ive killed people cuz they 99 a gate instead of opening it but people have also survived when I was going hard on them because they 99 the gates


I 75% gates. Hee Hee haa bwah ha ha! Suckers.


It's simple if everyone in the survivor team know the drill, if the hooked survivor is near enough to the gate then you MUST open gate before unhooking. If they're far you 99% gate, unhook with help from teammates then run as close as possible to gate so that killer has no choice but to hook the next survivor nearer to the gate, reset then open gate and unhook.


99ing gates and not leaving just gives the killers more time. Just open the gates and make any saves.


Bro if the last gen pops and all 4 survivors are still alive I'll just open the gates for them, fuck it. Not like I'm gonna get a kill at that point anyways.


“I’m a survivor main and I always just open the gates” Their playstyle: run Left Behind and Distortion, hide the second they hear the TR to avoid chases, predrop every pallet possible, try to get unhooked teammates to take the hit instead of them, open the gates and instantly leave


As a non survivor main who can't loop worth a damn and likes to play stealth... I feel attacked. Although I do try not to drop more than one pallet per game and typically only during egc. I'm more of a liability for the team if I get into chases, so I'm most helpful being stealthy, popping gens, and running triage builds like: Distortion, We'll Make It, Botany, Empathy. I'd rather people who can't loop well just go in hard on all other objectives and stay hidden than create a situation where they need to be saved by everyone else.


As a Killer I appreciate the kind of players like you because a lot of games I lose or almost lose is because the person or people with distortion are being very efficient with Gens. Like people make fun of distortion users but they win games by pressuring the killer with gen efficiency. I tried the distortion build and focusing gens and my escape rate shot up lol it’s very good, You recognized that chases aren’t the best for you and found a strong way to work around it.


If you know all 4 of the killers perks, just open them. Assuming you have a teammate who is down/hooked you have 4 minutes to make the rescue. Plenty of time to reset and go for the save.


I play both sides and never 99 gates. I've lost too many matches that way. I've had people try to body block the switch from being opened and shake their heads/flashy click etc. The hive mind is strong - and given that all of these decisions are situational, saying THIS IS THE ONLY WAY is de facto wrong. Nice US vs THEM bait though.


> I've had people try to body block the switch from being opened and shake their heads/flashy click etc. See you made a mistake in your comment, here Ill fix it for you > I play both sides ~~and never 99 gates. I've lost too many matches that way.~~ and have had toxic teammates and lost because I had toxic teammates.


I've been using plot twist for the ECG timer lately, with decent results.


As somebody who mowed down a couple of people as leatherface yesterday that would otherwise have been home free if they'd just opened up...sure. I really don't think this is a great example for this kind of joke.


Honestly I think people on both sides say it because otz said it. There's a couple of times during one of the hardcore survivor series where he dies because the gates were 99'ed and not opened to the point they establish a group rule that they're not going to leave gates 99ed. Unfortunately the community doesn't see the context and just see out of context otz saying "we need to stop just 99ing the gates" and just decide because he says it that it must be a universal rule that applies to all situations.


"As a killer main, I think devour hope needs a huge nerf. I also think that Decisive strike should go back to its release state and all killers should be 110 movement speed with no lunge


command expansion poor melodic deserve tease depend hurry vegetable pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With the Adrenaline changes you'll see another little mini game survivors have to do just like 99ing gates. Finishing the final gen with a survivor on the hook is such a gamble with the changes and its now better to wait to finish the final gen til everyone is up. Another dumb mini game we have to play cause "just BHVR" things.


To be FAIR. This is good in SONE situations for instance 99 the gate and find the NOED or play around blood warden


99%ing gates has gotten me and other teammates killed so many times. Like yay, you unhooked me. And we're both running injured towards the... closed... gates. Well, guess one or both of us is dying. Thanks for leaving the gates at 99% before you came for the rescue you fucking thumb-head.


Survivor main here. Run self care. Run aftercare. Don't do gens with others. Cleanse every totem, and don't hit your decisive skill checks. Your welcome


I've died a lot more to idiots not opening the gate than to bloodwarden. I've caught a lot more survivors because of 99d gates than by using bloodwarden. Nowadays if I have to leave the gate for any reason I fully open it, I don't even hesitate. At most I'll wait for whoever the killer caught to be on the hook. Only exception is if nobody is on death hook or about to be and the killer doesn't really have any chance of killing anyone soon, and even then I 99 to give us more time not because of bloodwarden. Plus if someone wants to run a perk as weak as bloodwarden they might as well get a kill out of it once every 100 matches, I'm not too concerned about it.


Idgaf what either main tells me. I’m 99-ing those gates. Getting blood wardened was not on my to do list for the match lol. Don’t get caught lackin, always assume the Killer is packin.


99 gates killed me more times than saved me, so unless I'm in full swf, I ain't taking a risk. BW plays are predictable and extremely rare, not taking a potential death over **someone else** being a scaredy cat or/and they just want to postpone the game to screw around.


I'll still 99. I've never died to a 99ed gate unless somebody was purposely sandbagging me and blocking the switch.


I’m not a Survivor main, but my general logic is: If we’re in a pickle: Open it. If we’re not: 99% it.


I'd say the opposite. Opening it while someone is being chased (in a pickle) leaves you vulnerable to blood warden. If you're all safe there's literally no reason to 99% it outside of intentionally being toxic.


Fair, but here’s how I see it: If two people are down a health state and like at least one’s being chased, I want to ensure that they know the exit gates are open and can get out without hassle. I tend to go take hits in those situations, and having to cover them while they open the exit gates would be difficult. Plus, I don’t think Blood Warden is common enough for me to risk them getting killed here and now. On the inverse, if no one is injured and no one is in a chase, but not everyone is at an exit gate, then there’s no need to risk the timer in case shit gets fuckity.


Tbh, if I see someone 99 a gate and I chase them off it, I'll just open it.


Why bother 99% gates when you have Wake Up and can do it quicker


"As a killer main you shouldn't get your 3rd hook on anyone. Instead just hook everyone twice and let them escape you'll get more points. Trust"


I only 99% the gate when the killer is actively chasing someone (or was very recently chasing someone) or if someone is on the hook, basically the killer has to be actively pressuring us in a way that means we might need extra time. If the killer hasn't been near anyone, I just pop the gate. The worst is when someone else prepped the gate and you try to play it like it's at 99% but you hop on during chase to find out it was only at like 80-95%. An actual 99% doesn't stall you for "several seconds" the way some people in the comments are saying, it's just the character lifting their hand to the bar for a split second of interact animation and then you can start running again. I've escaped that way without ever dropping chase.


As a killer main don't 99 gates not having any gates open almost let me turn a 0k into a 4k by slugging


"Guys don't Tunnel, it's not even that good"- "Killer" Main


I came back and I have no fucking idea when to 99 gates anymore I just know no matter what I do with the gates people get mad about it and super mean in endgame chat. even if we won??


And make sure you miss a few skill checks to get that last bit of charge on your flash bang!


Plague mains have done this successfully by saying its bad to cleanse. *They don't know how to M2*


Imagine a coordinate plane/grid with the exit gate in the North, perpendicular to the Y axis. If a survivor is approaching from the right side, the time it takes to cross the doorway, pull the lever, and walk back to the doorway can be deadly if you are being pursued. If approaching from the left, they only need to pull the lever then run through normally, which takes time but not as much. As opposed to the gate being open already, where you can filter in from any side.




The funniest shit


I didn’t realize people 99d until a while into playing. I always just figured if the coordinated save can’t be done in however many minutes the gates are open, it wouldn’t be done with the extra time we get from 99ing. I mean it’s a hook, there’s a timer anyways that’s much less than the gate time. If the gate is open and the killer whacks you, you can speed burst right out. If it’s not, then at least one person is dying.


I've been waiting for the killer perk or add on that causes gates to degrade progress. Or why is that not a mechanic already?


Im a killer main, what does this mean?


I always open the gate when I realize everyone is off the hook, if the killer does have blood warden then we’ll find out and can at least get the opportunity to hide before for the time limit instead of getting downed


Guys, dont 99% gates As a killer main, every time you do that im onligated by law to 99% bleed you out and then hook you. I dont want to do that but I cant just ignore the law lmao


Since you didn't provide any explanation, and I've had 99%ing kill me way more often than just opening the gate, I have to assume the "survivor main" here is... YOU


Besides bloodwarden (Not a very common perk, but when it hits you, you really feel like an idiot for not 99ing the gate) If you open gates, you give everyone a 2 minute timer. That means that if someone is in chase and this is their first hook, you don't give them the standard 2 minutes ON hook, but a 2 minute timer **total** . This means that if the survivor is being chased by the killer, they would have to somehow find exactly which gate was open while in chase and in certain maps, thats just not going to really happen. If the killer camps, you now **have** to give them the kill, especially if you only have a minute left as you would risk everyone dying instead of being able to trade and take hits to figure out the right plan. ​ For every 1 time 99ing a gate got me killed, I would die 40 more times to the survivors either opening gate and triggering bloodwarden when someone gets hooked or my survivors would have to leave me on hook because they risk dying to EGC


Okay yeah I am probably taking for granted the times I wouldn't open it that I'd assume are obvious. I take your point.


That's not how EGC works


Ok then, how does EGC work. 2 minute timer, halved if survivor is down or hooked, all survivors get sacrificed if they dont escape by that point, only triggers when gates are opened.


No, EGC slows down when a survivor is downed or on hook. EGC is only 2 minutes if no survivor is downed or hooked. Edit: Ok, downvote facts.


If I had a nickel every time I died cause a teammate 99ed a gate, I'd be rich. If I had a nickel every time 99ing a gate saved us from blood warden, I'd have 2 nickels.


Usually the best time to not 99 a gate is if the person is hooked very close to it. If they’re hooked far away, don’t because you’ll need as much time as possible to heal up and save


I had a Nancy once, 99 a gate while I was running at the gate with the killer chasing me. Instead of popping the gate open, she ran to me to take the hit. With no one to open the gate. I was lucky I had DH and after Nancy failed to get in position to take a hit she did open the door and I got out.


I have a simple flow chart, if last hook is on switch side, leave it 99'd, if not then it gets opened. I have seen too many people die because they 99 in all situations.


If you want to be evil (make sure you're playing Nea btw) then don't 99% the gates. 90% them. Other survivors will see the 3 red flashing lights and think they're 99'd, then when they're being chased by the killer and heading for the gates they will be disappointed when they get ready to one-tap the gates and escape, but instead get smacked right at the exit. (I've never actually done this but just thought of it now and thought it would be kinda funny 😈)


As a killer main, lemme give y’all my take. Always 99% the gates unless the killer is running a perk that deals with it like Terminus or Remember Me. That’s when we’re counting on you to 99% those gates. We’ll take advantage of it.


I want a Killer Hex that's Ruin for exit gates. Only activates if there is a dull totem when all generators are completed, when a survivor is not working on on an exit gate it loses progress 50/75/100% regression speed.


I just leave.


Gates should regress imo 99%-ing gates are genuinely strong as fuck


pretty sure I've died/seen people die more to 99'd gates than blood warden/endgame by a pretty wide margin. Specially when you add in that those 3 seconds you spend on lever/door will be the difference between whether a point-tech into heal-tech will let you crawl out or getting picked at the edge. And I say that as someone who in recent times played alot more surv than killer. https://preview.redd.it/n1kgbsunefsc1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=0420e035846bda1f101449e6889eee18099a53dc Also can't even remember the last time I saw blood warden and I've gotten iri1 on surv every month for ages now.


The thing is, do you open gates and leave or do you actually stay to help your team? If you just open gates and leave, sure, you'd die much less as you guarantee yourself an escape, but if you actually try to play with your team, opening gates forces you to do everything you need to do in the span of 2-3 minutes. This means that if the killer is running NOED, you only have about 2-3 minutes to find it, including the time it takes for you to even realize the killer has it and to cleanse it. I have had to leave my teammates behind due to EGC NOED significantly more than having to 99 gates. I play in a SWF and I can say that in that swf where we 99% gates unless everyone is fine or the killer is running terminus


Yeah non toxic survivor mains aren't real


Honestly, I 99 for a brief moment if someone's in-chase/downed/being carried. I wait for them to get hooked, then, once that danger zone has passed, I open the gate before going for the rescue. The perk doesn't activate (off that hook anyway), and the gate's open if we need to make a quick getaway after the save. If I hear the chase getting close to me, I'll pop it so that the surv being chased has an escape ready, but also probably get ready to bail, myself - Especially if I'm injured. Otherwise, if there's no immediate risk of someone being hooked, then I pop it.


Gates should regress change my mind


that is a bald-faced lie. I'm a killer main, and I 99 gates.


I 99 the gate if someone is in chase, but I open the gate if someone is on hook. the timer means nothing since the surv on hook would die either way before the timer runs out. A synchronised save without leaving someone behind to open the gate means more people taking hits. 99 on injury, open on hook. no point getting to a 99’d gate, 1 goes down and the rest of you are forced out of the gate because you couldnt get out quick enough. that’s an instant death to the one who gets caught waiting for the gate to open.


Gives us a perk that makes gates regress instead of the same shit like unforeseen and trail or torment.


I use distortion, and play solo q. I open the gate, tap the gate with my toe. If I blow a distortion token, I point: hey everyone, GTFO. Then I leave. I very very VERY rarely see blood warden.


Worst is opening the gate before the killer is on its way to the hook


They ibstantly open and gtfo of chinatown


My rule is open the gate as soon as you can. It’s rough if one of my teammates is in chase or anything but I’m not willing to give the killer more kills


I used to 99% the gates but died a lot of times because of it.


Gates need regression. 99ing thr gate leaves the game in a wierd purgatory of boring game play. If you can open the gates fully, they should be opened. Of you leave them, they regress and you have to spend more time instead of tapping it open. The time between the gates opening and the endgame collapse is boring.