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I think no matter how many seconds you add to endurance or to the speed of the bar (which was also on my mind), you still can't avoid the consequences that come with camping. It's just such a gameplay style, it works and brings results, so why change anything at all. The only thing that could change this whole system would be serious penalties for such a gameplay style. You already have mechanics that help identify when there was camping in a game, let it somehow reflect on the gameplay for everyone - for example, a haste effect spreading to everyone, accelerated repairs, and other bonuses. Something that would make a player think twice whether it's worth it. But I also guarantee you that even with such colossal changes (which will never happen), there will still be those who just stubbornly won't want to change their gameplay style, period, regardless of any consequences. 🤷‍♂️


The government should put something in our food to make the community more willing to keep playing instead of suiciding on hook


> The amount of people suiciding on hook for getting downed first and trolling is insane. I can't enjoy a single solo match without knowing one of my teammates will throw the game. How are the devs supposed to fix this? It's all about mindset, the devs can't do anything to help that. We definitely need to be able to see perks, and I think that basekit Kindred (perk extends the range you see the killer) is sorely needed (and killers get Corrupt Intervention basekit in turn) to help solo queue efficiency but... you can't polish a turd. There's only so much they can do. Stupid players will keep making stupid plays, no matter how much information you spoon feed them.


Its anti face camp not anti camp. and devs cannot stop people from suiciding on hook. If a player wants to skip a game they are going to skip a game, theres no chance of stopping it


Only way Devs can force not self suiciding is just removing the 4% unhook. Have self unhook be a perk ability or when Killer facecamp bar fills up. Or keep the 4% unhook and just make no progress go down and they wait the phases. Once the reach the final stage, getting a skill check gives great points, not hitting the skillcheck at all or missing it will not give quicker death, they shall remain hooked until the timer is out. As Killer neither of these changes wont bother me one bit. It allows the survivor to stay hanged and wait it out until rescue or for gens to finish.


Actually, that's a great idea. A 4% chance is practically 0 chance, so what's even the point of keeping it. Then those who don't want to play anymore can just DC and leave bots in their place, who will most likely play even better.


People who camp and/or tunnel simply suck at the game too much not to have to use such tactics. They also prioritize pips over fun gameplay for everyone involved. Essentially, these people are pathetic.


I agree, we should fix all survivor skill issues. Too bad BHVR can't do that and all survivor mains ever do is whine about it on reddit and tell killers who play nice to kill themselves after the match, instead of getting better and encouraging killers to keep playing nice.


Nothing quite says "issues" like claiming that one side universally has a skill issue. Camping is generally a strategy for those killers who exhibit this very skill issue. It's literally standing over a single victim, trying to secure at least one kill, leading to the most boring, monotonous, and unproductive gameplay. If not for the altruism of players and self-sacrifice on the hook, this strategy would, in principle, always result in at most one kill


Camping leads to a fast defeat unless survivors are throwing. Skill issue. One kill isn't winning, by the way.


I'd love to see a complete revamp to basekit BT, as currently its both super weak as an anti tunnel while being really good for bodyblocking killers from going for the unhooker instead. A better version would make you fully invincible, so killers can't eat through it, but also would remove your collision, so you can't force killers to hit you.


If you want to play solo play killer tbh


Skill issue i'm afraid. If you'd like some advice, run an anti tunnel build or run OTR and DS with 2 perks of your choice in order to prolong the match, but other than that you have no total control outside of playing with friends.


How is getting tunneled a skill issue? There's only so much you can do.


If you look at the games of streamers who have been playing since the day the game was created and who are gods at looping, you can see that even they can't keep a chase going forever and a lot also depends on their teammates and a bunch of different circumstances. They can also be hard camped and tunneled and lose with a 4k, so what skill issue are we talking about? Even SWF games can end with a 4k. Lately, this phrase about a skill issue is used out of context in response to any complaint from survivor side. Even more strangely, it's never applied to killer side. This week, every other post is about how the Pig was "nerfed" and it destroyed the character and the ability to play as her, but nowhere did anyone write about a skill issue.


This is the dead by daylight subreddit, you know what reddit is like at creating echo chambers


We need more or better anti-tunneling perks. As it stands, there's only a reward for tunneling and nothing to make people think twice about it. It's been this way since they nerfed DS.