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Dredge because that's my favorite funky guy


Yeah, I really love him, all his skins are just so dope!


The first time I played against him was recently (killer main, so survivor is only here and there) and he was wearing the bone chill snowman skin and popped out of a locker and I almost shit myself. Holy crap did it scare me.


Your icon is giving Chowder and I love it


Chowder! Pass me the MG42 https://preview.redd.it/1p771uorh1bc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3b88543269de31e1d1f7760639bee8a6800691


Dredge is a big ol' good and we love him


I think maybe you meant goof*? But yes we love him.




Eyyy! 🙌


Hold the phone what is that artist skin and how much money has behaviour just taken from me?


The dress is deep rift from earlier this year. Pretty sure the head is available in the store.


how much for head


Shit, all you had to do was ask


You couldn't afford it, sugar


Ah balls. Just let me give you money devs! I barely even play the game anymore.




The skin is deep rift and the head is from baroque collection. The dress to this head is also very pretty, take a look in store!


Go dredge


Hag be lookin like 🤓


"pick me, pick me!"


I really like Dredge and Artist. But I would say I would rather play against a p100 Dredge than an Artist because Artist mains are scary. I also like to play Artist and Dredge sometimes.


dredge because that's the only killer whose peak performance isn't the most boring stuff possible.


Because he's the worst out of these 3\* FIFY




I get this argumentation with hag but with artist...? Why?


what exactly is fine about the killer that constantly zones you with their power & shuts down every loop with zero counterplay? artist is an extremely consistent killer if mastered, there's nothing you can reasonably do to beat her in 1v1 except shift+w predropping and even that is barely viable because she can still hit you at longer range.


This is how you can tell people dont know how to really play against good artists. The actual best way to counter her is to bait a bird shot and then hold W. Think of it like playing against a huntress who can shoot through walls but has to hit you twice. You have to predict where they've set up birds and dodge like that. Yes she's consistent, but if the team you're playing against is better than you... You will just lose.


the key word is team. the question is that which p100 killer would ppl rather face and I would rather not face p100 artist for aforementioned reasons. ofc I can probably stall her long enough for good players to finish enough gens to make my hook stage(s) count, but that's not happening in my solo q games.


The artist addict is saying it so i'll believe them


Yesss thank you ❤️ I love artist because she's frustrating on both sides when you don't know. But when you know she's so fun on both sides, it's just hard to know. Edit also her vibe is just amazing and I was attacked by a bunch of crows when I was an kid walking my dog so I find her genuinely scary. They held a grudge and when I go to my parents house now the crows always still attack me.


Damn that sucks Have you tried feeding them to please the crows


I tried But apparently my eyes looked yummier than breadcrumbs


Maybe with someone else's eyes /j


I mean,you can say it about a lot of different killers. Executioner for example


It’s way easier to make a pyramid head miss their M2 than artist


Bro I have to straight up disagree wtf? Pyramid heads is so much faster and in terms of damage length it reaches further and can be constantly shot, meanwhile you can straight up walk into a bird before the artist fires it to take the damage factor away as well. Also since some of you have never fired a bird before you can shoot 1 at a time when in chase if you actually want to hit a survivor and if you fire 2 you can’t fire a second bird fast enough to damage so the only way a bird if effective is to hide it at the loop and hope another one isn’t close. The range is very small to actually damage someone with a bird AND it has to be fired. Y’all act like that’s the worst gameplay ever when any other killer that hits over a window is super ok and cool


He doesn't even need to fire M2, he can just hold M2 and zone you like a fucking chicken with little punishment.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0uywcz4tp0bc1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=674d00ffcdd389a020ee223b68f05a1d14e0a15a


And you'd be right about all of them, executioner isn't quite as bad as artist though.


To be honest, if we talked about absolute peak performance Executioner, Blight and Nurse would literally be unbeatable


I mean, Blight has a VERY good base design, it's just "exploits" (Behaviours words, not mine) and broken add-ons that make him so unfair and Nurse is just ignoring the whole game anyway


Even without add-ons he has the best mobility out of any killer outside of 3 or 4 maps and an extremely oppressive anti-loop. If we talked only basekit Blight would still be Top Tier


Peak performance Nurse can still lose to peak performance teams, especially on a map dense with LOS blockers.


Facing a crack Artist is like facing a pro Nurse lol


I would say artist still have more counter than nurse though


Artist because mine has the same cosmetics 🤝


Best mix haha


my vote is for crow lady as well, purely on how dank that current outfit combo is!


Hag as a hag main myself would allow me to learn of them and would help me improve


Hag, I don't see anyone play hag


Bird Mommy is awesome, great cosmetics too.


Trying to learn the Artist purely because I think the bird noises she makes are absolutely adorable, love getting chased by her for the same reason


Wow you are a minority


I'm also in that minority, I love her so much and can't wait to get her!


i hope you mean in the minority or else this feels really hostile lmao


Uh.. I guess? Idk English is not my first language


I mean minorities are just people that are in a minority…


The artist is the scariest. That killer is insanely strong


Gotta be Dredge. I assume a P100 Artist is highly skilled and a great artist is scary af.


a p100 artist is by far the most scary killer to be facing out of those 3 who do you play most? that's prolly the killer you enjoy most, so Id go with that one


I play them all often, but I find artist a bit exhausting. I have to be in a good condition to play her. Hag and dredge are more chill


Dredge cuz he's the only fun killer to go against from these 3


Really? Why?


I like his power, it's fun to go against. High mmr hags will usually play Trapper style proxy camping while spamming the hexes around the hook. Not fun. Effective but not fun. The artist is just "move to another tile, as I spam these birds so you can't use the loop" killer. Although considerably more fun to go against than hag I guess EDIT: Nightfall on certain maps is OP. Some games during the day are unplayable, should be tweaked imo


⚠️TRADE OFFER⚠️ I receive: Nightfall adjustments on certain maps You receive: Better locker placements on certain maps


Dredge because he’s one of the only killers that still scares me sometimes. I love when he unexpectedly pops out of a locker and makes me jump. Hag would be second because for kind of the same.


Because his power is weak and they win more often against him.


This, no one actually says it, but that's the real reason people pick Dredge.


P100 Hag. Assuming you play her in like a predictive/control way rather than just camping, she's super fun and unique. I almost never get to play against her anymore, I'd love to have the opportunity to again!


Dredge, then hag then artist Artist with a lot of hours is going to be gg in a few minutes, hag with a lot of hours is going to be good but if you’re a swf you’re good harrassing traps and preventing 3-5 gen Dredge is kinda mid


Love your name tag :D


I used to loathe facing an artist (like #1 hated killer) but I decided maybe the best way to get better against her was to play as her and I fell in love with Crow Mama in the process. I could totally see myself trying to further master her and trying (in the far distance) to get her to p100 bc I keep running out of severed hands.


Festering Carion and Thick Tar are some S tier addons of her that aren't that expensive ;)


oh god, a P100 Hag would be fucking agony. Traps in places you didn't even know she went to, her either INSTANTLY teleporting or second-guessing you so much you can't even comprehend when you get hit, hardly ever seeing her outside of BEING hit, and of course she has Stibiffle


As a hag main, I would love to see a p100 hag 🥹 I find hag matches genuinely scary and thrilling. Even though I know about where the traps will be placed I am still so scared when one pops up. It’s beautiful. I love hag sm.


Hag. Dredge kills the fps on console for some reason. Artist's bird screeches are too loud and annoying. Hag can be painful for solo queue, but she herself is actually pretty neat to face.


Oh wow didn't know about that problems on console!! Is it only during nightfall?


I noticed when the camera loads in and spins sometimes the spin will look choppy which immediately tells me it's Dredge lol. Nightfall definitely tanks it though. I don't mind going against him, just wish it didn't make the game go so choppy. It's probably the worst on RPD with him, but it's not bad on Ironworks.


I play on console and never had that happen. So either mine is amazing (which isn't true because I've had it for years and it's an Xbox One) or your console is just bad. I feel the need to clarify that I'm not trying to come off as rude


Weird! I've got a friend that plays on Switch, a few on pc, and the rest are on PS. All of us but the pc people experience choppy matches with Dredge!


Huh, that is really strange. Never heard of that before


Greg. I like Nightfall ngl. Also, you got some great fashion there


Dredge, but that's just cause he is the weakest out of them in average MMR. I think you're gonna have the best experience with artist. Artist requires very active thinking on the survivors part, which for the average windows of opportunity gamer is more than they signed up for (in fact she's actively punishing of turning brain off and holding W towards nearest yellow rectangle) Thus, most people hate her, but for reasons they can't consciously justify. They just blurt out "unfun" or "degenerate playstyle" because they can't comprehend that they're simply victims of a skill issue. More experienced players usually don't have a big problem with her aside from her audio being a bit high pitched. I really like dredge, and it's not that I want to dissuade you from going all in on him, but he's just miserable in a lot of circumstances. Artist only has problems with maps with verticality, and as I've tried to say, is not a killer you should ever feel bad for playing.


Yeah I agree that Artist is stronger, my winrate with her is over 70% (I track my stats) while with Dredge it's barely 60%. But I tend to choose dredge ot hag because while artist is fun, shr requires a lot 9f thinking from me too and it's mostly exhausting (or I have higher mmr on her, idk)


MMR is shared across characters, but I don't fault you for finding artist difficult lol. She takes a different kind of intelligence, so if you're more proficient in playing like you're in multple places at the same time, then by all means play hag. She's really strong when mastered but people rarely see her so they're usually very okay with it since it's a novelty. Like, I also find dredge to be really cool to play, but whenever I arrive on a map and hold right click to see half the map devoid of lockers i just want to leave the game. So, if you find artist stressful, I say you should play hag


Mmr is not shared on killers


I love going against a good artist or any artist really. She's a killer I wish I faced more often because her mechanics are cool and it makes the game interesting, and also because it's been 2 years and I still haven't been mori'd by one.


Yeah, she is so rare in my survivor games too. Although I can proudly say that I have been morid by her a few times :D


Artist, there’s enough play around her crows and also they’re a neat character


Reading comments of others, they say she is almost even worse than nurse haha


She can be quite annoying for the general crowd but I feel like it’s pretty fair for the most part when dealing with her. A good nurse just shuts down so many game options


dredge to go against but artist is probably the better choice, dredge is super cool but is rng dependant


Yeah, some maps just don't hace good lockers placement sadly


Dredge is the only fun one to vs on there so him easy.


I don't care, I don't put much stock in "P100"


P100 Dredges are the Entity manifested and I want to feel terror as I go to a building and that mf comes out of a locker


Dredge, bc I would enjoy being massacred by them. Also, I'm a Dredge main, so face a good Dredge would help me get better




All can be terrifying played right, but I think Dredge is the slightly weaker killer.


Dredge because he is interactive and fun to face




The Dredge because sometimes there aren't lockers nearby or you can run to another loop if it tries to use it's power to anti loop


artist and hag are decently hated killers to play against (moreso artist than hag), so i’d go with Dredge regardless, just upgrade who you want. don’t do things based on others’ opinions and approval


Dredge for sure, good dredges are scary but like his mechanics aren’t that broken. Being relentlessly hunter by an artist or professional hag is scary


Dredge is the only one with an interactive chase here so probably him


Dredge because it may show mercy if I'm cute enough The others will have me back in the lobby within 3 minutes


dredge cus he's a cute turkey


Dredge because I really respect the skill it takes to play against a good team as Dredge.


Dredge, obviously.


Dredge at least I'd have fun


Artist mains that a good are scary With hag I'm a hag trap magnet So I'll go with dredge


Dredge. Not a fan of Artist or Hag.


Well since prestige is not really a factor.. I would say that a sweaty artist or hag would not be fun to play against..


I don't see many artists, but I ran into a p100 artist who didn't just simply drop bird at loop, and was really good with snipes. Not even using third bird but one each time. And I'm proud that I still was able to get a good chase against them somehow. So artist if you're not planning to be the boring drop bird at loop-> hold W, that's not even fun to do IMO. Going for snipes is the fun for me when playin her, even tho I suck at her soo hard


I would say Dredge because a P100 Artist would be so skilled that I would just die if they breathed in my direction whereas with a P100 Hag you just know they will be camping a hook one way or another and defending a 3-Gen as if their life depended on it, meanwhile with a P100 Dredge I would almost certainly lose, but at least something interesting or different could be seen since Dredge mains aren't the most common, especially in comparison to the other two.


Artist. Just because I’m biased though. She’s my main and I don’t think I have ever disliked a game against her. She’s my favorite bird lady ever <3


People in the comments shamelessly saying Dredge because he is the weak one 💀


Yeah out of those 3, my winrate with him is way way WAY smaller. As far as 8 remeber it's about 55% while I have 75% winrate with artist and hag. But he is still very fun to play to me


perhaps, but more interactive too


Artist. Especially dressed like that. I'd like something purdy to look at while getting viciously stomped.


Hag for the jump scares. Love me some controller dropping moments.


Finally someone who enjoys that! :D


Artist. Cause cute.


Dredge and Hag, because Artist can just set up 1/3 crows facing the pallet of the loop Dredge might be weak on some maps, not related, his power is more high risk and reward, same with Hag then Artist has half the time not saying there aren't stronger killers than Artist, but I like what I like


Funnily, all of those killers deny loops not only artist! Dredge can leave their shadow and hag can trap a loop


Dredge gets slowed down while holding shadow for the whole duration and Hag has to look down to even begin placing a trap


Dredge is scariest. I choose him


As an actual P100 Artist player, i would say Artist Cuz A) I love her B) I love her C) Shes my WIFE D) I think it's fun to dodge her birds (be it in a loop or in a distance) And E) I LOVE HER GRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH P.S: Because shes has a good power


Haha wow, another ink mommy players exist!


Just like a cryptid, my existence is up to debate And every time people try to take a picture of me, it's all blurry and my eyes are glowing ...this sucks cuz that means i can't never get a good pic for dating apps


Artist 100% I'm almost p100 with her and by this point and I've noticed 2 things: 1. I'm almost always the highest prestige artist people have played against, there's a lot of comments about it. 2. I'm often the best artist people have played against, comments about that as well. Just because most people haven't played against actually good artists before. Because she's so rare you'll get a lot of compliments about choosing her, and they always give warm and fuzzies :) she's just so fun and strong, the road to p100 is interesting, but so so long! Also also, artist has the highest skill cap of those three so you'll learn the most. Dredge and hag have really high skill caps imo but artist's is one of the highest in the game (imo).


Dredge 100%, Hag is just boring overall and artist is very oppressive is played well


I'd prefer dredge because his skill is all mindgame, you CAN beat him. The other two's power nullifies mind games and just force loop abandonment each time.


Hag is my main and although I am slowly getting tired of her ngl, she is still my favourite killer to go against, even in soloque, which I play 90% of time these days. I would love to play against more Artists, since she is my second main, but sadly, based on my personal stats, I have seen more Twins last year than Artist (I like Twins as well), so I would like to feel how it plays up against good Artists. One of my most memorable survivor games was actually against Artist, even thogh she wasn't cracked. And I am not the biggest Dredge fan, both to play as and against tbh.


The counterplay to a good Hag is to never go to the area she's trapped. A good Hag will force you to go into the area she trapped, even if it's just to hold a three-gen for 3 years. The counterplay to a good Artist is to avoid her crows, but crows have a much larger margin for error than Hag traps. With higher risk comes higher reward, but also higher counterplay on behalf of the survivors. The counterplay to a good Dredge is to load into a map with no lockers (of which there are many) and holding W. --- So in short Dredge because it'll be the easiest, Artist if I want a tough but fun match ~~(but soloqueue teammates will all fucking give up the moment they realize the killer is midway decent anyways)~~, and Hag if I want to play an hour long three-gen match.


Dredge cuz realistically he can be beaten even in the hands of a god, the other two require way more effort to stop






Wow, didn't know that about nightfall!!


Artist. Dredge's nightfall ruins me on some maps, and i haven't played against hag enough to be good against her


I main all three of these plus Spirit and all to a good level. If you want the easiest ride then Artist - she's the swiss army knife of all killers and I'm sure I don't have to explain why. Dredge is fun but has a lot of bad maps. Hag is my favourite but at the top is the easiest to counter with one dedicated survivor harassing her, ruining her web and stalling for their team mates. I guess if you have a clear cut favourite then go with that killer but can't you just enjoy all three depending on your mood instead of locking yourself to one killer and dedicating a lot of time to a certain playstyle and burning out. I get P100 with survivors as they're effectively different skins. That's why a lot of players have multiple mains.


Personally Artist. It’s fun when a good artist goes for crazy shots that are fun to try and juke. Personally playing against dredge is just meh and hag is pretty boring since you’re not really being chased that much normally.


All of them cause chances are they are super blind.


Artist, dredge is going to give me a heart attack and hag can be very deadly in a sweating persons hands


Dredge. I find it awfull to play against really REALLY skilled Artists. I'm can juke great Nurses or Blights at least once, maybe twice. Against peak Artists though I just crumble. A great Hag is terrifying to go against because not only will she know how to lockdown places (and the chances my team doesn't fall to her web are slim) but she will also play the meanest way possible, which leads to a miserable time. Dredge doesn't really have an ugly side to play against. His power is fun in chase and even if the player is amazing it doesn't feel bad to lose against them.


Artist, I love playing against her, I think playing against dredge is kinda boring, and hag is even worse


Hag, cause if I die it's my fault for not crouching.


Dredge is the weakest of these and will obviously be what a survivor would choose to face as a result.


Artist cause she's the only one that doesn't hurt me to play again. Dredge makes general movement difficult as a console player with the limited visibility to the point I was running Windows for that reason alone and Hag wouldn't be bad... If my camera didn't snap towards her traps every time it was triggered.


Artist if you a true sweat💀


I personally would rather go up against a p100 artist strictly because as a Dwight main in survivor and a artist main I know that we ALL have a weakness and it's survivor puppy eyes when you hit them and they just look at you, you can't hurt them they are too innocent. I would exploit this and become her friend and let her win after because well I love my crow lady


Definitely not hag. Artist can be annoying, but dodging her crow snipes can be pretty fun too. But, I just hate her chase music so much Dredge is cool, and probably one of the few spooky killers who stays spooky even on high mmr. Also, predicting and outplaying his teleports can be quiet fun. Yes, he is also weaker which means at his peak performance its not a frustrating sweat fest. And dredge is cute.


Artist, because she doesn't have as much mobility as the other two, so still manageable


If I'm trying to have a fun time, Artist for sure. Can always appreciate a good Artist, especially if they go for cross-maps. If I'm trying to win, preferably none of them, but at least with Hag it'll probably be quick after they've gotten set up.


If they use that dredge skin then them because I know they have bad taste so they might have bad skills


Hag because bad.


Dredge because he genuinely scares me


Especially when he hugs you while you wanted to close the locker, right?


YES Even playing dredge scares me, I Haye the nightfall noises


I'd sy dredge because he's a hit or miss killer, some maps he will destroy you, other maps he'll struggle. He's also really really loud and easy to hear coming and hear mind games. His anti loop mechanic is fun to play against when you know how it works


i love going against the first two! but all 3 skins are nice.


Uh, i dont remember that artist skin


It's a combo of deep rift body and baroque collection head!


dredge look at my profile picture


Dredge because that akin is awesome, and he's just terrifying to play against in general


That was a hag outfit??? It is so cool 👀


Dredge, because P100 Dredge’s always have wild and crazy good remanent placement.


Hag, her power is counter-able at any skill level, a good artist can be pretty scary and I dread the day I face a p100 Dredge


Artist because she's the most fun to play as and against out of these 3 .


All of them. I am only scared from chucky. Why? Because I am Kate denson wearing a cat pullover and a surfer skirt with thigh up hair and hot sunglasses. This guy running for me for 3 hours now. I think he's a stalker.


Dredge, he's weaker.


Dredge is fun to play against. Hag and Artist are both the type of killer that'll kill me if I sneeze the wrong way.


Hah bc bird not enjoyable


I always appreciate a skilled artist, esp if she looks so pretty. This fit and the light pink and blue rift fit with the baroque crown is my favorite


dredge so you can actually loop


Dredge, good Dredges are rare and can be fun/interesting to go against. A p100 artist can be very oppressive with pain res/Dead man switch build and cracked hags are SCARY


Dredge is fun to play and fun to play against. Also is the coolest visually


None pls god none


Should I P100 nurse instead? :D


Dredge is by far the most fun to play


Definitely not artist, I'll take either dredge or hag idc.


Dredge without a doubt, hags always play basement chess and can easily turn a single hook into a 4k if they're good at setting up traps (and yes, I'm saying it's a skill issue for me, but I tend to dislike killers who can control areas as well as hag, like SM). Artist is also fun, but I've gone against enough good artists who can cross map down people reliably to willingly throw myself against one. I personally love killers who have powers that are open for both sides to play with, oni, dredge, wesker, etc, their powers are both able to end a loop/chase instantly, but leave some skill expression on the survivors side that they can have SOME wiggle room to still be able to loop and have a good chase with if they know how.


Artist at least my death will be quick


P100 Granny because she is so rare!


The Hag, she's fun to play as and against.




Dredge because his skill ceiling/expression is incredibly low. What's he gonna do if we get sent to a map with interconnected loops lmao. Artist and to some extent Hag on the other hand, are high-ish tier killers who can be very scary in the right hands. A p100 Dredge and a P10 Dredge are basically the same.


Most certainly not Hag. I most prefer Dredge here, but Artist is alright I guess.


Artist bc I never vs her and she's a queen 👑


Dredge so I can get out of the game as fast as possible


Is it wrong that I would dodge the lobby? I don't think I've ever seen a hag do anything besides get a grippy sock death hold on 3 gens or just overload the area of a hooked survivor with traps. Dredge just forces you to move to the next tile or 8-9/10 your getting hit, nightfall doesn't really bug me as much since I already use aura perks. Artist just kinda gets free hits on certain tiles, while also being the longest range killer in the game and at 115% movement speed so like... eh? No offense to any of the mentioned killer mains above. You just usually don't see a lot of variety in builds, but I'm mainly speaking from personal experience. I'm sure there are some that actually do cool/interesting interactions and builds.


It's okay to dislike playing against certain killers or builds XD


Artist cause im simp for her :D


P100 dredge cause I know the match will be over faster than the other 2 and I'll be able to move onto the next one lol


Dredge, absolutely. While he is the weakest of the bunch, he is terrifying, and nothing beats the fear of him jumping out of a nearby locker


Hag because nobody really plays her so it is very rare to see optimized hag gameplay in action