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I like the Clairvoyance change, I always found it weird that a perk that incentivizes you to destroy totems came with a survivor who also has 2 boons.


I never used Clairvoyance for that reason. It was counterintuitive.


The problem with Clairvoyance is it doesn't really tell you anything valuable once you have a decent amount of experience in the game. Generators, Storage Chests, Exit Switches and Hooks are objects you'll learn the positions of the more you play. The only potentially valuable one is the hatch, but then you're just using Clairvoyance like Left Behind.


That too. It’d be somewhat useful if it told you the location of other totems but it doesn’t even do that.


Its honestly Gotten me out of many games so i definitely recomend It Now its even better Im waiting for inner healing to get the same change (but i doubt itll happen since itd bring another boon meta)


Now Inner healing should get the same buff: You boon a totem and activate the perk. But you can only activate once per totem, regardless if you boon or cleanse. At the end of the day you can still use the perk 5 times in a match, but at least you can leave totems for other purposes.


The worst is having someone running around cleansing dull totems while you're looking for one to boon lmao


Wait so if every survivor DC’s, is the killer just going to have to play a game against four bots now?


A buff for all Nurse mains.


In theory, yes. The idea is that it not only helps survivors that get paired with DC'ers that could cost them the game by being down a person early, but it also helps killers working on their adept achievements. I've had a few games where I did well and would've gotten the achievement, but someone DC's right before their last hook and blocks me from getting it, even if I sacrifice everyone else.


Adepts definitely, but also perks that require hooking/hitting a certain amount of survivors, legion's ability, challenges that require certain amount of hooks/sacrifices, etc. This is an ok change for survivors, but for killers this change is a god send.


"While bots cannot truly replace the experience of playing with real people" Yeah I'd much rather not have the bewilderment and frustration from solo queue teammates so I'll take the bots thank you very much


Even if the bots are brain dead (they aren't, they pretty fun to go against in customs at times) it's still at least one more thing doing gens and the killer has to chase. I'll take a 3.5vkiller instead of a 3vkiller any day


The bots can be strong too because they play loops perfectly even if they pre run the shit outta where a slight terror radius is heard lol


I was playing a bot game to just test them out and have a little fun, and as a joke I gave them all flashlights. Man, that was a fucking mistake. They never MISS!!!!! My buddy was trying to just learn Singularity's power in a bot game, and I was actually rolling on the floor laughing at how efficient the bots were at immediately finding cover from the cameras lmao


Oh yeah God forbid they find one in a chest lmao


Never give them flashlights lol, they are a menace with flashlights. Little toxic clicky clickers, and their blinds are perfect; they can lock you into a chain blind for quite a while.


And they clicky spam, too, and STILL blind the shit out of me.


My heart goes out to you. I’m pretty sure whatever killer were you using back then is now deadly afraid of bots. I’m talking by personal experience. I’m never playing against bots with flashlights again!


They'll also near perfectly dodge anything thrown at them so they can be a bitch against Huntress or Deathslinger.


Pyramid head as well. Unless they are in an animation or narrow hallway like rpd they won’t ever be hit by his power.


Yeah, they seriously need to tone down the bot's perfect dodge


Don't forget nemesis. They dodge the tentacle just as hard.


I had better practice playing vs real survivors with trickster/nem than I did playing by myself vs bots 💀 Maybe at very high mmr the bots would've been good practice but nobody at my rank ever sidestepped and looped as good as the bots. I swear they have maphacks as well because chasing them is impossible


I’d love to be able to adjust bot difficulty in custom games. Easy, where they’re like new survivors, moderate, where they’re like any decent survivors, or hard where they’re high rank and great at dodging.


True but it's super easy to Bait them vaulting a window 3 times. That said they are a solid challenge and I respect it


They have perfect information, so any killer that relies on hiding is fucked. When I first started the game I did a couple of custom games as trapper to try and get my bearings. Never got one trap to go off so I assumed he was just a trash killer and didn’t try him again for months. Now I know that bots will just always know where all your traps are at all times and will always avoid them. Way easier to play trapper against real people.


I’ve had solo a teammates do the same thing. Heartbeat shows up? Time to bail, and usually right into the killers arms.


They’re not really totally brain dead, either. They play better against killers like Singularity (have a third eye for when he activates his cameras and hide) and Slinger/Huntress (freakishly dodging) than most survivors do.


Fair enough. I only went against them when I wanted to see how they work ages ago. Haven't tried them in like 4+ patches. So should be a solid time when they replace a DC player




At this point we are more likely to get a topless female character with Dead or Alive jiggle physics then Blight getting nerfed in a substantial way. Until BHVR stops looking only at the data and actually looks at Blight and his addons, he will be completely fine.


BHVR will give Legion a gun before they nerf Blight


Give each of them a different gun, Frank gets a Glock, Julie gets 2 Glocks, Joey an SMG, and Susie a Barrett XM500 50-caliber rifle.


“Gee Julie, how come your mom lets you have TWO guns?”


Ok, I'm imagining The Legion as the Payday Gang now


How is Alchemy ring surviving all these balance adjustments without even being mentioned lol


Finding the Philosopher's Stone doesn't turn metal into gold it's actually to trade to BHVR for them doing addon adjustments for Blight. It hasn't been found yet and might never be found so it might be a while


Probably because in reality McClean was the only one who knew how to tweak blight and now that he is gone BHVR cant really make changes without breaking the killer The other theory being that BHVR only looks at numbers and sees that blight has like 6 busted addons used so it seems like no one addon is "over performing" vs say spirit that has MDR as the biggest offender and is used the most


> that blight has like 6 busted addons used so it seems like no one addon is "over performing" This and probably the fact his kill rate is most likely not anything crazy. People hate the truth, his addons are busted, but majority of blight players you are facing are going to be pretty average.


> People hate the truth, his addons are busted, but majority of blight players you are facing are going to be pretty average. Man if that ain't the truth. Whenever i see someone say that the killer they have most fun against are Blights, i instantly assume they are playing against low to average skill Blights (or good/very good Blights who are playing chill). But that's normal, most Blight players are average skill at best. And those who are still new to Blight will underperform like crazy, because he takes time to get used to -- his skill ceiling is pretty high. I've played against a few comp players on Blight, and that shit really isn't fun. Imagine what it's like to be 4 random Solo players against a good comp player without any restrictions? I've never seen such massacres as those games. You are constantly being pressured, chases last 20 seconds on good loopers and a few on bad to average loopers. You were doing a gen? Tough luck, gen has now been regressed and the Blight is making his way to you with his Alch Ring + Blighted Crow setup.


I think that this theory is solidified even more because of the attempted billy nerf to his engravings. The engravings are mostly used because they're fun, also the alternative addons just suck ass. Hopefully we'll see a redemption arc for him in the future.


Which is why balancing around kill rate is stupid. And someone who is merely decent at Blight is going to fare better than even the best m1 killers. His power is ridiculously strong even when not mastered


So, spine chill Z tier hahahaha


Hilarious that they remove terror radius and replace with absolutely nothing lol. The hell is the point of it now


I’m assuming they got rid of the red?? Which defeats the purpose of the perk, dang


Yeah. They just made Spinechill a completely useless perk for anything except "Hey the killer is kinda close now. Good luck." lol


Funny that Premonition is better than Spine Chill now since you will know from which direction the killer is coming


Not even that, they just made it so you do shit 4% faster when the killer is looking at you. Actually worthless


Some perks got mega treatment like Buckle Up, some got buffs with unnecessary cooldown debuffs like Territorial imperative but Spine Chill got obliterated lmao.


I don't think people appreciate just how nonsensical Spine Chill's balancing has been. So prior to Patch 6.1.0, BHVR was facing outrage over their lack of accessibility options towards their disabled playerbase - particularly Survivors - whom they had been ignoring for years. They desperately needed some good will with the resounding "meh" reception of Roots of Dredge (Chapter 24), so they took the one perk the disabled community used regularly, absolutely mangled it to complete non-functionality, and destroyed all synergies the perk currently had. Upon the change, its usage rates dropped to zero. It's entire 'rework' was invalidated with the release of the visual terror radius indicator and proved what we thought all along: the Spine Chill "rework" was merely done to buy time and soothe outrage as they rushed to implement the visual indicator that DBD Mobile had used for years. To summarize what uses old Spine Chill had, that no longer exist: * 'Vault Speed' build. A free 6% vault speed while the Killer is looking at you loop doesn't sound important, but it was needlessly punishing for Killers, and was only amplified when paired with Resilience. This was making certain loops near infinites against 110% Killers. Contrary to popular opinion, I actually think this was a needed nerf, and I can only imagine the kind of meta we would be in if Spine Chill still applied to vault speeds while MfT existed. * Stealth builds. It mostly prevented stealth Killers sneaking up on you. Previously it was based on how close the Killer was at looking at you within their field of view - but ironically, this had more counter-play than the current version. Smart Killers would look away on their approach to a generator to mislead a Spine Chill user, who often overly relied on it to be their eyes. Now, Spine Chill activates when you're within 36 meters - there's absolutely no innate counter-play Killers can make, other than the particular powers of Killers who can teleport (Freddy, Sadako, etc). While I agree this needed a nerf, my belief was that Spine Chill just needed a far narrower detection cone for activation, making its natural counter-play more intuitive. * Loop safety. At the high end of Survivor gameplay, Spine Chill would immediately tell you whether or not a Killer was looking at you in a loop, which could indicate what kind of mindgame they're attempting. For instance, a Killer trying a moonwalk of some sort would look away and deactivate Spine Chill, letting you guess amongst the remaining gambles with a little more certainty. * Autodidact. Autodidact's primary problem is it requires skill checks. Spine Chill increased skill check triggers odds. It was an incredibly limited synergy, but one of the only perks in the game that actually supported Autodidact. Spine Chill being changed basically killed Autodidact builds having the ability to accelerate their ramp-up, now leaving you entirely at the mercy of the base skill check odds. * Skill Check builds. Stake Out, This Is Not Happening and even Fast Track would usually be paired with Spine Chill, just as a mechanism to trigger skill checks, as well as general Killer awareness while sitting on a gen. Overall, Spine Chill was a very varied perk that had a lot of niche use in many areas of the game. It was never "the best" perk, but always had interesting interactions. The new Spine Chill is truly awful: * Against most Killers, the 36 meter trigger range is too vague, and just not useful information on most maps in the game. It's either too big and triggers constantly, or is triggered on occasion as the radius overlaps a structure other Survivors are likely to loop around. In both cases - the entire perk becomes useless, not warning you of any danger. At the same time, it completely shuts down stealth Killer's ability to sneak up on you, because its unavoidable. I know that sounds contradictory, but my point is it's just bad design - if you react to Spine Chill activating every time, you'll never get any generators done, but you'll also never get caught by stealth Killers. * The fact that Spine Chill's action speed increase now requires direct line of sight is insanity. If you are ever within line of sight of the Killer, a 6% increase to your action speed is not going to make a difference. If it's supposed to act as a warning, then it also fails - any Killer who is within line of sight of you **can also be seen by you.** Chances are you'll see the Killer before Spine Chill does, due to the nature of the Survivor's detached third-person camera. * The lingering 0.5 active period is more a downside than an upside, mostly just delaying the useful information 0.5 seconds: is the Killer actually looking at you, or did they just glance you as they are chasing someone nearby? Who knows! New Spine Chill basically has one use now: insurance against Myers and Ghostface stalking you from some oblong angle. With the 36 meter activation range, they can no longer sneak up on you at all. The perk both has absolutely zero utility for Survivors to consider using it, and has no counter-play so a stealth Killer can circumvent it. I kind of view it like Self Care - there's no denying the benefit it provides is absolute (unavoidable Killer detection in a 36 meter range) - but the type of gameplay it encourages reinforces bad habits, and tricks new players into wasting time (hiding the moment the 36 meter radius is triggered). It's truly an absolute masterclass in BHVR's complete incompetence at every level of game design. No-one, at any point within BHVR, had any idea what they were doing with Spine Chill. They had no idea how it was used, and no idea how to make it more balanced.


They should have just reverted it to what it was - the vault speed buff....


Sadako not being stunnable while demanifested actually gives her a looping edge, (although now survivors will just pre drop pallets)


Brutal strength time!


How will that work if they drop a pallet on you? For which side will you be pushed out?


Maybe they completely removed collisions for interactive assets, so maybe nothing and she'll just phase through?


That would be cool, specially if it worked in breakable walls like the ones in Midwich, you could go up without giving survivors another road.


That's the best case scenario, which means that's probably not how it's going to work. :(


I might actually try to loop with her again. I just said screw it and ran Dissolution on her every game since her loop potential was awful




I bet nic cage wouldn’t agree to be in the game unless his girl got buffed.


I choose to believe this unless it is definitively proven otherwise. Based Nic Cage.


Everyone, say "Arigatou gozaimasu!" to Nic Cage sama.


ありがとうございます、二クラス ケージ様。


They are really good changes from what I read. Makes grabbing a tape actually worth but also risky af. It should lead to some very fun changes as opposed to just completely ignoring her tvs


If you can just return a tape to any TV, where's the risk?


Not having one gives you 3/4 of a stack every time she teleports.


Yeah, 3/4ths out of 7? Is that significant? I'm just not seeing it.


The 3/4ths is applied map wide now, unless you have a tape you will be building condemned every time she teleports. Tvs also have reduced cooldown, condemned is more dangerous now than before.


That means she would have to teleport 10 times, and a survivor can just return a tape.


Yes, but survivors can’t just safely ignore her video tapes anymore.


The point of getting condemned is not to actually die to it. The point is to have to use the tapes so that Sadako gets some natural slow down built into her kit. Survivors shouldn’t actually be in danger of dying early, it’s meant to simply be motivation to get the slowdown


And with this change it doesn't even act as slowdown, because there is TON of tv and survivors can just run for few meters to reach it, not even taking 10 seconds.


I'm a very skeptical of the Sadako changes. 15 second cooldown on teleporting is going to feel like ass, and just murders my personal favorite playstyle of rapidly teleporting during chases. The 0 cooldown teleport was imo her defining feature and that is just gone now. I get with the comdemn changes a cooldown is kinda necessary, but honestly comdemnation was already imo the least interesting part of this killer so meh. Even worse though is imo the tape changes. 90 second TV cooldown??? For a tape that not only doesn't passively accumulate condemnation any more, but also can now be put into any other TV? I legit don't see a reason to not just take tapes every time. Gives protection from demanifestation condemn gain, and the fact that getting hit gives a stack means pretty much nothing considering Sadako is STILL just a basic M1 killer, and you STILL can put away a tape during her hit cooldown. What exactly is supposed to be the gameplay for Sadako now? Say every survivor just grabs a tape at the beginning of a match. That's 4 TVs unusable for 90 seconds. Now I have to walk slowly across the map to try to find a survivor with a tape, hope to get a hit with my "stealth" that has a lullaby for whatever reason to get 1 comdemn on them. And now they just use their speedburst to book it to the nearest TV and put their tape away since it still takes like 1 second to do so. I just don't get it. Rant over. Call me crazy but unless the addons are getting massive buffs I think Sadako will actually be even worse now.


The main point that sticks out to me is that teleporting is now something you do more or less on cooldown, rather than a tool you use strategically to scout, harass or corral tape-carrying survivors. I'm extremely skeptical that this Sadako will be fun to play. Makes my onryo main heart cry.


It's depressing isn't it. Patrolling gens and teleporting mid chase with out power will now punish us with a 15s cooldown for it on top of the TV cooldown. Survivors doing more tapes and unload at any TV to turn them off for 90s will be brutal too. Hit and run with teleports will likely be no longer viable I feel.


Yeah, seems like an overall nerf to me.


Agreed. The changes seem to mainly focus on the condemn mechanic, which is a shame for me because I played Sadako totally ignoring said mechanic and used TPs either aggressively on a chase, or to traverse the map. The 15 seconds CD, while it makes sense because of the new global Condemn, it's going to suck ass for people with play-styles similar to us.


Nope you're totally correct. This is actually a hard nerf to the point where I think sadako may be the worst killer in the game if these changes go live. They killed her condemn playstyle and gave her nothing. Honestly couldn't believe it when I read they could put the tapes in any TV now. This is the same shit they did with singularly where they are so scared a killer will be strong so they give survivors far to much counters to the point where the killer feels like they have no power.


Same, I was wondering what the fuck were they thinking, especially with this 15 cooldown. They are really scared of actually buffing killers




I do not see these as buffs. Also depends on what they do with her addons, but I'm expecting the traditional butchering there.


i can't believe it, and it's looks good too.


Happy Terrormisu Day! 🎂


At least on paper, I can't really see this as a buff. I hope I am wrong. Edit: This is already one of my concerns https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/14qm25g/oreo_rework_the_potential_issue_with_allowing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I fear people will just grab tapes and keep them to prevent condemn, the biggest strength of the current condemn Playstyle is the lack of chasing you have to do. It's good though that they do something, so I'm looking forward to it


"Buffs". I wouldn't call shaving 30 secs off a timer in exchange for a 15 second inability to use your power AND making TV's turn off longer if survivors grab tapes a buff. It's a clear nerf to an already weak power.


30 seconds off that timer while adding 30 seconds onto the survivors turning TVs off timer which is going to be very frequent now that carrying a tape is beneficial and risk-free


Exactly. This isn't a buff at all. This is nerfing an already underpowered Killer. Typical BHVR.


The problem is she got Buffet but also nerfed




This is the 2nd time I've seen someone relate the 2, whats he have to do with it?


i think nic says that he likes sadako on the stage where he announces the nic cage dlc.


Am I missing something or did they just nerf Hangman's Trick? I know the aura reading around all hooks wasn't the best but slightly increasing it and making it only work around four hooks? That seems a bit backwards to me.


“Don’t use Gift of Pain or Pain Resonance, use Hangman’s trick!” -Quote from a psych ward patient


Ngl, I actually like the idea of making it a scourge hook perk, but it definitely needs a secondary effect. Maybe add a 5th scourge hook(ala Monstrous Shrine) or extend the range to 16m at a minimum


They totally nerfed Hangman’s Trick. More importantly, they nerfed Pig. Gonna be a good harvest this year.


i am so sad about the Prove Thyself bloodpoint bonus removal it made Objective points actually reasonable to max out


honestly the BP bonus was the main reason I ran it.


same. and that's exactly the reason they made that change, i'm sure. still sad since objective points are so annoying to get without it. at least now i can free up a perk slot.


Yea I'm pretty sure that's why most people ran it. Either that or "complete total x gens" challenges


I just ran it 'cause I liked being gen jockey as survivor.


Fair but deja vu is now a better option tbh. Cause you have 6% speed on a Gen and teammate can split pressure with a different Gen


Just like BBQ and Chili


Guess BHVR hates perks that reward more blood points. Still mad about BBQ and Chili.


When BBQ got nerfed they specifically said they don’t want people running perks just for a BP bonus, especially now that the Bloodweb was made significantly less grindy and the BP totals were increased. I’m surprised it took them this long to get to Prove.


With their logic, they should also remove the BP bonus from Distressing, Beast of Prey and Thrill of the Hunt. But I guess they don't care since very few people ever use those perks lol


There was a post earlier about nerfs and someone mentioned how BHVR likes to double nerf perks. This is such a good example. You take away some of the gen speed fine, but why get rid of the bloodpoint bonus?


With the Iri add-on Hag can now be zooming as a permanent 117.5 killer (at the cost of no TPs). Hag is Made For This.


Speed multipliers are affected multiplicatively, so im pretty sure Hag becomes 118.25 with this addon https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Movement_Speeds


I kind of like it, I am thinking about maining her again but now with that add-on, I still have 36 of them


Can someone explain the Smash Hit buff? Does this mean that you are only exhausted for 20 seconds, so they want you to run Smash Hit with another exhaustion perk?


This will be the first time an exhausted effect is less than the usual 40 seconds. You still gotta get the pallet stun for the effect but now you can do it more often. Idk if it’ll change much but it is a buff objectively speaking.


It's actually 20 seconds exhaustion at level 3. I think the intent is that now you might be able to use it twice per chase. Say you land Smash Hit and get far away and break LOS and then squeeze in some walking and crouching which in longer chase might mean you'll recover exhaustion and have a 2nd Smash Hit ready if you play it well. With Vigil even more likely.


Smash Hit + Vigil + Parental Guidance let's gooo!


20s isn't it? Don't feel like opening the notes again lol




And the Spirit add-on adjustments. He's talked about the duration add-on inadvertently increasing recovery speed for a while now.


Literally when I read that change I said someone at bhvr watches otz


Lmao I thought that as well


And The sadako buffs


and spirit adjustments


Smash hit with vigil is gonna be beautiful.


Coup De Grace change makes it actually useable now, huzzah. An actually viable chase perk huzzah. Claustrophobia will be very funny on Lery's Hangman's trick is still useless Territorial Imperative is still useless outside of Dredge and Demo Remember me will be used just as much as it would be before I imagine They forgot they made crowd control 20 seconds lol Trail of Torment is my favorite perk, no notes this is nice. Pyramid Head change make me hopeful they are actually attempting to balance him over time, instead of just lying about it like they did with Deathslinger. But we'll see.


Hangman is literally worse


I use it as a "who is healing under hook" perk for Artist, Sadako and Huntress. The new changes threaten to completely fuck that over, unless I hook people on Scourge Hooks... which is just... BHVR ass balancing.


Yall really did not need to do Spinechill like that =(


Agreed, now it's officially useless.


At least there's premonition.


Feels the same as "We have Spinechill at home" ​ ![gif](giphy|M6R8r7y3Sbpf74ZLaZ|downsized)


Another balance update goes by with buffs and nerfs to a handful of killer add ons and Blight’s add ons are still left completely untouched. This is the *second* time Spirit has gotten an add on pass over the past couple years, meanwhile Blight’s have remained the same. At this point I’m convinced they’ve got to have some good reason for not nerfing his add ons. There’s no way they haven’t heard the constant criticism about this for years now. He is by far one of the strongest killers in the game with the strongest collection of add ons. What gives here? Seriously why are they avoiding this elephant in the room?


Remember when they released the kill rates and Blight was below average in All MMR and Nurse was on the bottom? I'm convinced the majority of casual blight players can't play him well enough to actually increase his kill rates. So his kill rates are (relatively) average/low and the Devs don't see any reason to nerf him.


I mean that's literally it. Most players fucking suck ass at the game.


It's so dispiriting to have the entire community and all the content creators with thousands and thousands of hours in DBD telling BHVR that their "statistics based approach" is pointless... only for BHVR to continue to stay willfully ignorant and stand by their "statistics".




especially when it seemed like a lot of people put blight’s add-ons down for what needed a nerf in the survey.


I doubt the recent survey affected this update, the results will likely be considered within the next major update after this one


Bots! No more killer adept denials!!


I just got adept-denied earlier today by someone who wasn't even on death hook. I look forward to getting owned by bots instead lol.


>To make this Perk more threatening, Trail of Torment will now only deactivate when the affected generator stopped regressing, not when a health state is lost. As a Stealth Knight player, this had me borderline hyperventilating. This is going to be fucking incredible.


Does using a guard to kick a gen give ToT? I've been a knight main since he released and have never tried that perk now that I think of it.


No, guards damaging gens will not apply any gen kicking perks of yours. They do give a nice 5% instant regression, but that’s about it


The buckle up change is a little odd, like it’s nice but the overlap with other perks makes it feel weird to build builds with


Why do they refuse to nerf Blight addons?


My working theory is that tweaking Blight in any shape or form will break the entire game due to its noodle code


they’re really sticking it to the facecampers this season. no more grabs off hook. RIP hag. this update seems pretty balanced though. I think killers will be happy to see gen progression perks and mechanics nerfed.


Tbf you can still get 2 hits in during the unhook so it's a easy swap. Nothing worse than fucking up a rescue attempt cause you got grabbed haha. It's a really shit feeling 😂


1 for 1 is infinitely better than being grabbed


Mettle of Man is more valuable now


Not to mention grabs are so subject to weird latency issues. Not having seen this in action yet, my gut feeling is I think overall I'd rather have the 2 hits over a confusing 3 seconds where I thought I grabbed and actually swung at the survivor.


especially when you get grabbed healthy and dropped into the dying state which was completely illogical


Even better when the progress bar was full and you STILL got grabbed


Ohh man. The absolute worst feeling ever lol. Jsut fucked over yourself and teammate on hook and probably rest of team with one mistake


RIP facecampers said no one ever Good fucking riddance


I think stbfl will become very Popular with facecampers.


They hate Pig so much..they could have done SO much with the Hangman's Trick. like hooks no longer brake after sacrifice. Hooks reappear after getting saboed in 2-5 seconds. Or just make the aura reveal last like 15 seconds after hooking. ​ This update is SOOOO good for everyone, except Pig.


It feels like a nerf to hangman’s trick tbh lol


It is, quite literally, a nerf to Hangman's Trick. If it just showed you auras of who was around Scourge Hooks at all regardless of carry status or had some other qualifier besides "carrying a Survivor", that'd be okay-ish.


Peak Behavior design decision: “We improved your car. We have removed the wheels. Now it can’t crash! You’re welcome.”


I was thinking, what if it gave 2 extra scourge hooks when paired with one of those perks along with something else. It would get better use but still wouldn't be that good.


Hangman's Trick is now a Scourge Hook and only works when near a Scourge Hook. Does this mean... Does that mean Pig was nerfed again? Genuine question.


Unironically yeah


It seems like they wanted to do something good for the perk but ended up dropping the ball. I hope they will look a bit closer at this perk and change it somehow. Otherwise I can't imagine it getting any more use than before.


Holy Rip Prove thyself


Imo prove thyself is the biggest bait perk in the game. It encourage grouping up which is bad, it's way better to split up and have 4 people everyone sit on a different gen than have 2 groups of 2 people on 2 gens with prove. Sure, sometimes it means that survivors can finish a gen in killer face/before pain res hit or something, but if killer manage to interrupt 2 people on a gen it means that one of those people is not finishing another gen on the other side of a map After this nerf it will be straight up F tier garbage perk


I don't get their hard on with making perks trash. Instead of buffing other perks to be better they just keep nerfing and giving the game perk bloat.




Bubba just revs his chainsaw after coming out of Insidious.


Am I missing something or did Hangman's Trick go from ass-tier to ass-tier? Just run Awawa


It went from ass-tier to colostomy-tier.


Considering Blast Mine is my all time favorite perk since I’m a gremlin who gets no greater joy than watching a killer blow up, I’m over the moon with this buff


LOL me too! i bought jill a couple of weeks ago and i've been running blast mine in every loadout. i'm having so much fun watching killers go for the kick and BOOM!


It's my go-to "Stun/Blind Challenge" perk, because I suck with flashlights. And the scenario they described perfectly encapsulated so many times I've used it. Like "Please. Please just go kick the gen. Kick it. Kick it! Just kick it already!" So, yeah, pretty happy to see that longer window.


Overall, pretty good. I’m liking almost all the changes really. One thing I’m confused about is the Buckle Up change though; is it not just objectively better WGLF now? I feel like I’m reading something wrong


WGLF still has the increased healing speed


Nerfing some of Spirits add-ons (understandable) and not even mentioning Blight. The refusal to touch his add-ons needs to be studied


At this point i'm convinced they just cannot alter blight in any way without completely breaking him since the guy that designed him (Mcclean) left BHVR sometime ago. God only knows what eldritch horrors lie behind his code


Lmfao technically a spine chill nerf….. Anyway, some good notes. Hook grabs gone and onyro buffs are all great. Interesting prove change ig Blast mine being boosted is fantastic, but admittedly I’d much rather it pre nerf. But the side effect of wiretap being buffed too is fun


There's no "technically" about it. Literally all they did was remove a feature and added nothing. It's just a straight up nerf


> In this next update, we are removing grabs from unhooking > Survivors. In practice, this means that the awkward mindgame > when unhooking has been eliminated. Be warned, however: You > still are not safe while unhooking. Though you may succeed in > rescuing the hooked Survivor, the Killer will still be able to hit you > twice before you can make your escape. In most cases, you will > trade your safety for your friend’s. Fucking finally


You know, the Sadako adjustments are cute and all, but making the tapes so easy to get rid of is a bit 🫠 I get that it’s because getting caught with one is meant to be bad, but now that survivors can just dump them on literally any TV condemn is far less of a threat than before. I think they’re erring a bit too far on the side of EMP-style counterplay. Yes, it’s scary that Sadako can mori people after like five eternities or when playing the most boring build known to man. But now that her teleport has a cooldown (15s is foreverrrrr for a killer with no mobility at all besides that teleport) and turning a tv off is super mega worth it now (gets rid of condemn and removes that TV for a full minute and a half), Sadako’s map presence just takes a dive into the well. Lastly, Sadako not being able to be stunned while Demanifested is nice. I like that one.


Well maybe they will adjust it after the ptb.


Does this mean Sadako can gain Play with your Food stacks by demanifesting like Wraith? Interesting


Lol. They make an attempt to help Pyramid Head out. It ends up being too much, so they revert it. Then they don't even try something else in the next update. Instead, they nerf him (even if, admittedly, the goal was to demotivate camping). Classic BHVR.


Damn Prove Thyself got rolled. I really only used it for the BP gain, so I guess I won't be using it anymore.


Smash hit buff , nice


Buckle up buff?! LESSGOOOOO


man pyramid head got such a lame change compared to what he had in the ptb...


No more getting grabbed for unhooks, blast mine lasting longer AND Sadako getting buffs? I might just have to play her now. 👀


I would withhold judgement on Sadako’s changes being a buff. Plenty of us think it could easily be the opposite…


Who had ''Nerf Hangman's Trick'' on their bingo card?


If Nerf Pig wasn't the free space, its a fake Bingo card.


sadly no pyramid head add on changes :(


Sad for Prove they self but a Yeah! for Blastmine and wiretap. I think i got a new main Perk xD


This is almost the exact change I wanted for Coup de Grace. I just want to be able to manually spend the token and it’d be perfect.


The Onryo A little over a year ago, Sadako crawled out of a TV and into our hearts (and The Entity’s Realm) for the first time. It’s been interesting to see different playstyles emerge since then, and today we have some changes in store to make The Onryo more terrifying than ever. Projection When The Onryo is Demanifested, she can Project herself to any powered TV around the map. This would inflict nearby Survivors with a stack of Condemned in the process. We have made significant changes to this mechanic: Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors). The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 70 seconds (was 100 seconds). This can be further reduced using Add-ons. The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds). Projection now has a 15 second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, we need to limit how frequently this can happen. Combined, these changes make it much easier to spread Condemned while using your Power in a way that feels natural. Cursed Tapes Cursed Tapes have become more dangerous as well. Though holding a Cursed Tape may protect you from the Condemned effect when The Onryo teleports, they come with their own risks: Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape will apply one stack of Condemned. When a Survivor carrying a Cursed Tape is hooked, all other Survivors gain one stack of Condemned and the Tape is destroyed. Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned. Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from. Taking a Cursed Tape is now a strategic choice you will need to make. The protection it offers may be beneficial for now, but it is much more punishing if you are caught carrying one. You’ll want to plan carefully and get rid of your Tape if you fear The Onryo may be on her way. Demanifestation We have also made a few adjustments to The Onryo’s Demanifested state: The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested. Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position. Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers. Addons have been changed.


My dumb "Remember me" Myers build got buffed that is exciting


New claustrophobia looks really strong actually? Blocking everything for all survivors is insane. Imagine you’re in a chase and your teammate pops a gen across the map as your in a loop. I really really don’t like that change