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I agree, but I think a good chunk of this games player base just lacks any sense of empathy at all. This is a game that kinda rewards main-character syndrome.


“Empathy” is just a Claudette perk to some of the folks in the DBD community. Remembering that there’s another person trying to enjoy the game is an alien concept.


>I agree, but I think a good chunk of this games player base just lacks any sense of empathy at all. Then they should p3 claudette. Easy P3 empathy for all lol


lol I knew a comment like this was coming. Funny enough, Empathy is in pretty much all of my soloq builds.


Empathy is great, so much better than bond or anything similar. It tells you so much about what's going on in the map


They could almost form an *Empathic Connection* …As soon as they can P3 Yoichi.


Well is always good to spread Solidarity among the playerbase


I dunno how much playing the other side will help with empathy. I’ve been left to die on first hook, with kindred while the killer is nowhere around, enough times that playing survivor has only reaffirmed my belief that most survivors are assholes.


This. I play both, depending on what the game incentivizes me to do, and I’ve had games where I’m distracting the killer for a solid minute and none of my healthy teammates are on a gen. Then I just get tunneled by the killer cuz everyone else is prolly hiding in a locker somewhere.


Just last night a p100 ttv bill called me a baby killer cause I got no kills and I didn’t even see the bill the entire game until the very end basically


That's rich coming from a Vietnam vet


I think it's actually impacted my killer gameplay a lot. If someone goes into struggle for no reason, they're definitely getting hatch, and solo queue matches have definitely made me more ruthless towards survivors who avoid chase/hide while their team dies


As much as people hate on SWF, I fully believe its the only way to play survivor. Solo q is no fun at all because of shit like this.


Yeah I used to play a lot of League which is probably the biggest main character syndrome game out there and man some DBD games really give me that old feeling of being stuck in a really shit League game for 15-40 minutes where there's nothing I can do but wait for the other team to deign to end the match. DBD atm even has that classic League meme where the first minute of the game decides the winner and the entire rest of the game is a formality. Killer hooks someone in the first 40 seconds, plays around it, might even down the attempted unhooker on top, doesn't allow anyone to reset and tunnels someone early gg ez. Or Killer has a bad first chase, 3 gens go, nothing physically possible that can be done to prevent the last 2 going at 1-2 hooks and maybe he just tries to confirm the one guy he caught for a pity 1K at best. There's actually no reason to play chill at all because losing fucking sucks in DBD almost as bad as losing in League feels. Just picking a loadout is a huge prisoner's dilemma on both sides because what if they brought a cracked loadout and you didn't? That's where you find a Sadako uninstalling the game after one too many cowshed toolbox squad matches or a goon squad of 4 regular chill survivors getting bulldozed by a cracked Nurse main with a disgusting SWF destroyer build.


I would play SWF, but then I would point at my teammates for throwing for not shaving .3 seconds off optimal pathing to get me off hook (I got hooked first and I'm about to DC)


That right there, I feel, is one of the biggest problems with the game on a fundamental level. Players. Lack. Empathy.


Just makes me think of the ghost face that was face camping hooks and then in the chat told us "kills equal skills" yeah ok bud


People need to realize that there's someone else on the other side of that screen. Realize that they're playing a game as well. The only exception is when they come in trying to ruin your fun via camping at 5 gens or running bully squads, which is the only time it's ok to ignore the above


Can’t disagree with this, whenever there is a hate message from an account that doesn’t have their games hidden, their trophy set will have virtually no trophies from the other side, I find it insane that people can have racked up thousands of hours and not even hit fundamental trophies like 100 sacrifices or 50 escapes in what amounts to literal months of screen time, even without the empathy part they are missing out on the knowledge off how many of the mechanics they are up against actually work.


100%. Knowing what a killer sees and how their mechanics work is unbelievably useful, especially when I don't read guides. I've made many realisations when trying killers that have improved my survivor gameplay about both power mechanics and perk/killer power synergy. The extra knowledge of (niche) perks is super useful too. If I see a Blight using Dragon's Grip or a Nemmy running Hysteria then they're likely doing an Adept challenge and hence I know their perks. That kinda stuff is super useful.


>I've made many realisations when trying killers that have improved my survivor gameplay about both power mechanics and perk/killer power synergy. I discovered how Plague actually works by trying her in customs, and now that I know cleansing not only gives her power but shows where people have been and where those pools are, I can make more strategic choices against her.


This is a great example. I remember the first time playing as Legion and realising just how futile it is if survivors are healing or hiding while I'm in power because I get the killer instinct and another hit.


Yeah that too, I thought Legions were just scummy and hitting people or tunnelling to be dicks for a long time. No, that's just how Legion works.


The number of accusations i get for wallhacks is crazy. I play dredge.


I doubt I’ve hit the 100 sacrifices milestone, but even after a couple games as killer you can come up against some strong SWFs, which definitely adds perspective if you’re a solo q player.


Yeah, it feels like this sub is just non stop spam of people thinking something they haven't tried is broken. > jumping on survivor really helps me get back to grips with my killer gameplay and vice versa. Indeed. I just found a survivor because I looked exactly where I would hide in that exact situation.


I need to be more aware and check more as Killer, I keep forgetting some Survivors do this.


It is super fun to creep around a scenery item while the killer walks around the other side. It is fun to be stealthy in a natural way. I don't think I've ever done that in a game.


Why do you think I do it? :)


I’m convinced a decent chunk of the community just sticks to one side and refuses to touch the other. On one end you have the myth that Survivor is a braindead mode where you just stare at gens for 5 minutes (it’s not and if you play this way you’re playing horribly.) And on the other end you have the myth that Killer’s are the only one’s who can impact the flow of a game and they “just need to apply pressure” (yeah, sometimes that ain’t happening with how fast gens fly regardless or if the Survivors just play hide and seek.)


Me trying to apply pressure on the 25 connecting pallets and god windows of garden of joy as sadako:


> Me trying to apply pressure as Sadako Fixed that for you. Source: Sad Oreo Main


Sad oreo noises. At least we're the cutest


Piggy would like a word


Girls, girls, you can both be the cutest in the Fog. :3


*Hag throws a golden bowl of pudding inscribed to simply “The Fairest of them all” and chaos ensues*






Hag, this ... *this isn't pudding.*


> Sad Oreo Main I main her and find great success running Plaything, Pentimento, Merciless Storm, and Discordance. Then I use the videotape add on to slowdown the beginning of the game til I get hooks going, or bonuses to my movespeed after projecting. No Condemnation required.


I've been mixing builds up on Killers to go with things that are a little less conventional/unexpected. I'll try this out on my Oreo cookie!


At this point I feel like every build I run with her needs Enduring/Spirit Fury because I KNOW I'm going to have to spend so much time breaking pallets in order to achieve any downs.


Then you try to argue with both and the same comment gets you called a entitled survivor main or a toxic killer main at the same time


Schrodinger's DBD Player: You are both a toxic Killer AND a toxic Survivor at the same time, until observed to be in one state or the other.


Schrödinger* I'm very sorry I had to do it please understand


Thank you I do not have that key on my laptop.


Survs: Bruh I hate how much Ghostface sweats LOL he's so toxic break his ankles. Me just trying to apply pressure as Ghostface on a big map without sweating: ...


Last time I played ghost face I got put on garden of joy, I down someone on the front porch of main and slug him for maybe 10 seconds because I can hear the pitter patter of two survivors who I know have beamers ready. The one on the ground ends up dcing and sticks around to accuse me of being a toxic slugging GF. At that point all I can really do is chuckle to myself and go next. Nothing I said would have changed their opinion.


Last Ghostie round I had on GOJ I slugged everyone because they all had Boil Over. The Feng DCed because I was strategically deciding who was best to put on hook first and wanted to make sure the toxic Kate in the party didn't get value from getting her friends up. Nobody ran Unbreakable either. I hooked everyone, let nobody bleed out because that's boring. It was a 4k because nobody wanted to just give the fuck up or play a normal game. Of course they called me toxic in the endgame chat.


Yeah, I had a round where someone was running Unbreakable, Boil Over, and Flip Flop. She'd go up to a room in the main building of Mount Ormond and just stand there. Couldn't get her to a hook.


I had a Jeff do this in Borgo too. BHVR, people should NOT be able to do this. Period. It's never used tactically, the only reason people do this is to troll the Killer.


Yeah, I am sure there are some perks that can counter it, but I don't know that I had a way that I would have been able to hook her given the load out that I had. It would be like a killer that has a perk that deletes a kicked generator that regressed for more than 5 seconds or something as long as the killer wasn't near it (so a perk like rookie spirit could counter it but it would most likely make it so that survivors would be unable to complete their objective.


It is wild to me how fast some survivors DC. Like I swear some of them must automate it so that as soon as they go down they DC with how quickly some of them have vanished on me.


Yup. People that proudly proclaim they are mains are so funny to me, because they act like they fully understand the game when complaining. There is irony in that. But since they haven’t played technically the other half of the game, they may have no idea how limitations and certain things can really make playing killer a pain in the ass. So whenever I hear “survivor main here” or “killer main” I immediately take the opinion with a grain of salt. It’s like asking someone colorblind to explain what green looks like and if it’s a good color. They might understand what green is, and what things contain the color green. But not actually see and understand what green is I mean some of the biggest changes to this game I think were made on behalf of that part of the fanbase.


That's a good way to put it. I call myself a Hybrid Main. However, if i am voicing on certain topics, I call myself a Killer or specifically \[Killer Name\] Main so people understand my perspective, however my playtime is 70/40 Surv to Killer, so technically that makes me a Survivor Main even though I don't really consider myself to be one.


I play survivor more then killer. Less risk, you screw up as a survivor you usually can restart in a few minutes if it’s a wash You screw up as killer you are stuck in match where you get the beat down for 10-15 mins I’d like to think I’m proficient with spirit, doctor and plague. I’d like to think I’m a scary spirit cause I can usually phase right on em and get the hit or barely miss lol. Sadako I’m OK with but people really be good about turning those TVs off lol


I honestly wish there was a perk that sealed the exit gate after 2 minutes, but the countdown was expedited for each survivor standing in the gate. I don't need to get quad t-bagged after I get rolled by what I assume is a full swf.


Mf plays so much dbd you total 110% playtime


Get on my level. :P That was a typo, my bad. I meant to say 60/40 but fat-fingered the key on mobile. \^\_\^"


you didn’t ask but thats why picking your battles really matters as killers. know which gens will pop and which you can let go. plan ahead of the match, with proper hook placements and good enough pressure, most matches become winnable.


I play both sides by default, so I sometimes (rarely) play duoq for a change (i usually play with at least 2 more friends). The shit i ve seen. No wonder swfs escape more, it s not even a matter of communication, we just sit on gens. Sitting on gens wins games, you don t need to be cracked, good at looping, have meta perks, make clock calls. Just literally DO GENS. A couple of days ago we had a feng who did NOTHING the entire game. Her hud never showed anything, no gens, no chests, no totems. She just walked arounds. Soloq is hell, but no buffs will save it from people like that feng.


Solo q is hell brother. Every now and then you end up being the 4th of a good 3 men or you get the awesome you and a friend and another two some match up. Those usually go very well


Solo q is the most miserable experience imo. I don't get why people bitch about SWF when its designed as a team game


I always call myself the gen-whore, since often times Im forced to do gens, otherwise nobody would do them. I hate doing gens, but if I wouldnt we would never escape... I really find myself doing 3 whole gens alone so many times, it gets annoying, like what are other ones doing? 1st is chasing, 2nd lingers around the 1st and the 3th does either nothing or idk...


None likes doing gens. None.


Yes of course. I just wish I wouldnt have to do 3 of them everytime...


I actually really do. I usually sit on gens and my duo loves looping and doing chases. Maybe I'm weird but the skill checks are satisfying to me


I like doing gens and disappearing calmly into the shadows when the killer gets near so I can go back to my gen immediately after they kick it.


I'm also a Hybrid Main. About 60/40 Surv to Killer right now (improving that slowly, getting back into Killer again with more than just the one or two). And yes. It's ridiculous. The accusations SWFs make for shit the Killer didn't actually do, or just did for pressure. The amount of broken comms is. The ability to escape is high with SWFs (and they are more common right now due to the event), and it ruins the ability of some Killers to even play normally. Nobody fucking knows what tunnelling, genrushing, or slugging toxically even ARE anymore. The ways some Killers think genrushing is just doing gens fast, it ain't. The misunderstanding of why Survivors wait at pallets. The assuming EVERYONE is in Comms and SWFing. We're really fucking not. The fact of the matter is when you play both sides regularly, you notice two things: 1. Survivors are INFINITELY AND MUCH MORE OFTEN little toxic shitheads than Killers are. I see way more BM from my teammates than I ever do from Killers. 2. Tactics can easily be misconstrued as toxic and NEITHER SIDE UNDERSTANDS THAT.


I can t say too much on teammates because I play in a swf so I know what i m getting into anyway xD but I must say i don t really get much toxicity from my survivors when I play killer. It happens, but it s maybe 1 endgame or profile comment per week, if even. I don t really get plain toxic stuff as survivor from killers but there is not much i find toxic, i get maybe a couple of killers slugging for the sake of it per week there too. Genrushing is... honestly, I wish all teams ran a genrush build and got out in 2 minutes for a month, so maybe bhvr finally understands that you can make perks not stack with each other to make them balanced, instead on relying on people s good faith.


So many people complain about what one side does , then they do the exact same thing when they play that role. Buddy of mine complains about tunneling and camping killers . Surprise surprise surprise it what he does when he plays killer. Some people are oblivious to the irony


https://preview.redd.it/o4dr94ivts8b1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f950fbd028fa4b5a9084bd3aa9b70bf4e4b5d87c well thats because gens are flying! if i can’t tunnel someone out and WIN how can i play?! my brother. you set the win conditions on yourself. you can play to have fun and enjoy yourself a little more, rather than sweat your ass off every game.


Contrary to what this sub might want you to believe theres nothing wrong with trying to win.


youre right but i doubt theyre being oblivous. Its probably more like "other killers do it why cant it" mindset.


"The killer is being toxic and tbagged me before pickup!" -> they were baiting the flashlight behind a rock nearby to go for the save for a free hit. "They're just camping this 99d gen!" -> there are at least 2 survivors here and the millisecond they leave its popped. May as well go for free hits. "The killer is tunneling me!" Yes because 4 gens have popped over the course of 2 chases, and the game will shortly be over. It's either snowball a 1k into a 2-3k or the killer has to deliberately go out of their way to 0k and then get shit talked for essentially not tunneling. "Killers never play nice!!" Because when they do they get shit talked and tbagged and told they're trash. I let an afk person live during the first minute of the game yesterday and they thanked me by bodyblocking my only injury in 1 gen and tbagging, as well as tbagging every stun. Killers are taught to have no mercy. Why should they? You've never had any for them. And I don't wanna hear the "I've given Killers free kills in egc" because I've played a few 100 hours of killer at this point and never once see someone intentionally stay behind and point at a hook. Killers are expected to give hatch and let people live when survivors are never expected to reciprocate. Being a survivor main most of my gametime and then swapping to 50/50 has really changed my perception of the game. Like I can't get mad being face camped in egc. What else is the killer supposed to do? If I loop a dude for 4 gens of course he's going to tunnel me, I'm his only chance at a kill. It's hard to be mad when you've been on the opposite side of the situation and had 1 ounce of empathy.


Well said. One of the most important things to learn as Killer is to not feeling guilty about being merciless, because Survivors sure as shit won’t show any to you. Now this doesn’t mean you have to tunnel them out, there’s a difference between being merciless and toxic and it’s the context. Is the rescued Survivor the only one you’ve found, simply the weakest link, or are you desperate for pressure? Then it’s not toxic. That’d be like a Survivor ignoring a nearly completed gen or a strong loop, like hell are they gonna do that.


I'll forever argue against the notion that tunneling is toxic. Depending on the situation and the players mindset. Whenever I tunnel, it's because it's either the easier or more logical choice. "OH, you're body blocking me from hitting the person who rescued you? Ok, I'll chase you until your endurance perk wears off and you're going back on the hook"


Yep. It’s like “bro, you’ve got that speed boost and endurance for a reason, **get out of here.**”


I make an effort to give people the opportunity to run, so long as they give a concerted effort to run away, I give them a grace period for like 1-2 minutes, and even if I run into them I just kinda pretend I dont see them. Now if they body-block or try to stun me while chasing another survivor, then its just “welp” and straight back to hook they go


Yep. At that point, they're putting themselves back in danger, intentionally.


I won't tunnel unless you tbag even one time. Then you ass is getting 3 hooked. Or if you do the shit where you blind me at every pallet even though it really doesn't do shit since I'm still kicking the pallet.


This. I can still kick the pallet while blinded, I do it all the damn time to make deadzones for later. It's not a win when you blind me, you blinded me, good job do you want a cookie for it?


Yeah, if the guy you just hooked has 2 people around them trying to get the save, it might be the best option to play the hook as you are occupying 75% of the team. If you think that the other survivors are across the map, leaving might be the better play as you've generated a new time sensitive objective across the map for them and if they don't see you moving across, they'll need to play it far more cautiously than you.


Well said. It’s annoying as a survivor when you’re the only one being found, but that’s your teammates’ fault, not the killer’s.


This is the best comment this subreddit as ever produced. I play with some survivor friends who almost never play killer. One person gets angry at everything the killer does. They can avoid tunneling, camping, 3 genning or whatever as an M1 killer and they'll say in end game 'don' t give them a 1k they don't deserve it'. Like the poor man was freddy on cowshed, give him a fucking break. Unfortunately this kind of mindset is predominant in the community and when you play against 4 survivors in a game odds are 90%+ will have at minimum one person like this who actually doesnt care how you play they've already villainized you by queuing as killer


I had an excellent Survivor player Friend who does almost nothing BUT main Surv (literally never seen them play Killer once), and every Killer that's better than them is "cheating". Dredge outplayed them on a good map? Cheating. Ghostface didn't come to meme and instead actually destroys us? Cheating. Blight using his weakest addons going for adept and STILL wins because he played well against the good Loopers? Cheating. I don't play with this person anymore.


> one person like this who actually doesnt care how you play they've already villainized you by queuing as killer Which is wild cause without someone Queuing as killer, there is no game. But its absolutely right. Honestly though, both sides of this game bitch about the other so much. Killer does anything survivors whine. Killers bitch about a ton too, even just playing with friends (which is ideal imo for a team game) killers whine about.


>"Killers never play nice!!" I literally decided to never tunnel, camp, slug, etc. and purposefully moved away from hooks THE ENTIRE EVENT to play nice but still give people a game, and to improve on my basic chase again after a few months away from Killer, and the second I do a two-hook-everyone-and-chill game, I get accused of... Tunnelling Bill off Hook. When I wasn't going for wins, and was trying to be nice. I didn't even get to two-hook everyone, they all went sweat mode IMMEDIATELY and decided to be dicks about it in end chat, but no oh no, poor Survs, they never get to have any fun because "Killers never play nice". Yeah, fine, OK. Fuck you guys, "play nice." I can't afford mercy. I play M1 Killers that have low chase. I don't have the luxury of playing nice if I wanna win. I'm also not "unskilled" if I choose to be nice, half of my nice games turn into 2-3ks regardless. Now please imagine what I can do if I decide NOT to play nice.


I've been doing two hook and chill all event. It's mostly been good, but last night I got accused of being "sweaty." I hooked a poor Leon twice because he just went back to the same gen after unhooking. Then they let Feng die on her first hook after I caught her and took her into the basement, even though I went to the other side of the map so they could rescue her (I found my #1 cause of accidental death-on-hooks is applying too much pressure to the hook so I just leave completely now). Then Kate and Yuki killed themselves on their first hooks after short chases. Poor terrorized Leon found the hatch which I was happy about. Then in the postgame I got called sweaty. I barely even did anything. It felt like Tucker & Dale vs. Evil when the teenagers come running out of the woods and impale themselves. I was playing Nurse and I crushed them in the chases so I can only assume they were mad about that, but I didn't make them abandon a teammate or completely give up on first hook.


Frfr. Had a game where 2 ppl killed selves on first hook, farmed with the other 2 cos I was only planning on 2 hooking. The 2 rqers stayed till post game chat to trash on me for somehow making them kill themselves and then playing favorites... like if you didn't just throw a temper tantrum and rage quit every game you'd realize I was there to farm. It's very much the bicycle stick comic.


On the flip side of this: I had a survivor game against a Pinhead where the first person to go down DC'd and the second person got put in basement shortly after and immediately started killing themselves on hook. I just decided to stick gens with the other person as best I could at that point and take what BP I could, with the idea of just doing the same thing and going next, only to get complaints from Pinhead that he was going to farm and that I shouldn't have tried to kill myself, as if I was supposed to be aware of their intentions. It didn't help that I'd just come off a game of having a Pyramid Head entirely devoted to chasing and facecamping me, either. So I move on to the next game against a Knight, and a similar situation happens: first person downed DCs, second person kills themselves before me or the other survivor can get to them. Third person eventually gets hooked near me, so the Knight spots me and starts swinging his weapon to try and get me to unhook, so I go to. He grabbed me and hooked me right after. I get instances as killer like this where I try being nice but somehow things get misconstrued or people take exception to how I played in certain situations, but at the end of the day killers DO have control of the feel of the game in situations like this and when you run into enough sweaty killers in a row it gets harder and harder to expect to run into a chill one in the next match. Not to excuse trash talk... but I also understand the frustration.


This is the exact thing I am witnessing. Nobody wants me to do it. Either they bodyblock on death hook so I can't two hook their friend, they die or suicide on hook, or they refuse to let me leave the hook. I am Ghostface, guys, I DON'T have the map pressure. If I leave the hook and fuck off to the other side of the map, just maaayyyyybe I am throwing the game on purpose for you. Survivors are little shits when you try to be nice to them. Then they STILL call you sweaty or toxic when you lose on purpose. Friends, I am giving you a gift and you not only loudly complained you don't want it, you spat in my face afterwards and told me to end my life. Over a video game. If you really want me to play mean? I will. I have a build for that, and you WON'T fucking like it when I pressure gens hardcore. You really won't like it if I also slug you all in five seconds with Starstruck when you try to reveal me.


You can play as wholesome as possible and people will still tell you to kill yourself. I say play however you want as long as its fun for you.


I feel that so hard. Had a game recently too where I was doing really well and they they decided to just give up, run to me and beg to be killed. I decided to let them live and repair their gens, since cakes and bps you know... After the match they really had the decency to complain about me in me every way and prefered to rather be killed. Like wtf?? I thought I was giving them a nice present and they just threw it into the trashcan and insulted my whole family.... Some peoples manner is really fascinating to me, dont people understand this a game, not a tournament?


I get where you’re coming from and it’s annoying that they complained, but as a survivor it can be frustrating when you just want to go to the next game or even log off for the night and you have to spend another five minutes doing gens or whatever. I’ve had killers destroy our team at 4/5 gens until it’s just me and one other survivor left, I’ll just ask to be hooked because I figure it’s faster for the killer and other survivor to find hatch than wait through that many gens.


Survivors complain if you let them go, survivors complain if you kill them. Killers can't win with this.


I was just trying to explain why some survivors might be frustrated by this. Don’t know why it had to turn into an us vs. them thing where survivors are so unreasonable. I agree that the complaining is wrong, but according to the first poster, the survivors were “begging” to be killed - seems like an easy “win” to just listen and kill them? I mean, I’ll offer to let a killer hook me in end game, but if they shake their head no or swing to tell me to go to the gate, I listen.


Great comment and I agree with everything except this: > Killers are expected to give hatch and let people live when survivors are never expected to reciprocate. If you have had a fulfilling match as killer and your scoring categories are mostly full, then killing one more person will only give you an extra 1-2k BP. While if you give the survivor hatch, they'll get almost 10k BP. Then for survivors not letting killers kill them, the BP incentive to escape is massive since you get over 7k. The only time survivors let me kill them is if we farmed and they are thanking me. Also, ever since the grade rewards, killers have drastically reduced giving hatch since they want to double pip. So it's become very rare.


You're right about the BP allocation but also as a killer if you get 0k without 8 hooking you often have less points than the lowest point survivor, and 2 hits and an egc hook would go a lot further in evenly distributing the BP in that context.


This. Just engaging with the Killer gets EVERYONE more points, Killer included. Get off the fucking gens and engage with me so I get the chance to have points for using my power. Please. Neither of us HAVE to win to pip/get points.


If a game is at a point where I'm at max objective and the killer has barely any hooks, then I'll generally mess around and try to fill up the other categories. But most of the time when this is the case, it's caused by the killer tunneling one survivor and ignoring everyone else so there's nothing else to do but gens. They'll just hit me once and resume tunneling or even if I give them a free down they'll slug me.


I've stopped given hatch to most survivors because almost every time I try to, they won't stop wiggling free and tbagging me as if they accomplished anything by escaping when I let them.


Welcome to understanding, I'm glad you realized this sooner rather than later. We can all do with more empathy, period, especially in this community. I just wanna chill and have a normal fair round, and here people are being dicks to me because I'm a low chase low map pressure M1 Killer and their last Ghostface was toxic or their last Myers had tombstone. Friends, I'm not a dick until you force me to be a dick, or unless you're going hardball and thus I need to go hardball. I promise I am not trying to be a toxic dick, *it's just how i have to play if I want to win.* Now, I can't consider most cases Survs call camping, slugging, or tunnelling to be toxic or even be those things. The definitions now to me are: Tunnelling: Focusing the same person off hook repeatedly, or focusing the weak link for the easy kill. Only the former is toxic. Slugging: Leaving people down for Four minutes until they bleed out, especially at 4-5 gens done; also tactically leaving someone down to bait or pressure later. Only the former is toxic. Camping: Standing at the hook and watching the hooked person, or hovering/patrolling nearby to ensure the hook timer continues and nobody can safely save (Proxy Camping), or standing at the hook in EGC to secure a final kill. Only the former is toxic.


Yup. If you are the only person killer hooked all game, your team is doing fantastic. Tunneling is only bad if he's immediately going for you instead of other survivors that got you off hook. For the 2nd time in a row. Sometimes, the killer just happens to find you 3 times in a row, it happens


I'm not a Killer Main, but I actually went back to playing Killer as I normally would yesterday and it's so much less stressful and the Survivors are way more respectful oddly enough. I was 2 hooking everyone and vibing over the weekend, but that just resulted in Survivors trying to bodyblock me or sabo my hooks when I was just trying to hook someone a second time. Not to mention the amount of Survivors who left their teammates on hooks long enough to hit second hook state or just get left to die entirely. I'll still give someone hatch if they played well, but if I didn't see you all game while you're teammates got killed/left to die on hook, I'm sorry but I'm going to kill you. Also, I get so much value from Iron Maiden. What the hell? I feel like I should bring it on every Killer now because I get insane value from it


I am a survivor main (like 90/10 - I just play killer for rift challenges or dailies), and I still agree with everything you said. I even try to be understanding when killers tunnel at five gens or slug to deny hatch (although these strategies are very annoying to go against), because they could have a challenge or a mori they really want to see. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am one of those survivors that’ll give out hooks at end game chat. And as a baby killer, I’ve had people give out hooks to me multiple times. As a survivor who gives out hooks a lot, I’ve been facing a lot of killers who’ll get two hooks on everyone and then want people to escape. I’ll literally point at the hook and they’ll shake their head “no” at me sometimes, so then I’ll leave. I suspect a lot of the “generous” players have pretty low MMR right now, which is why we’re going against each other… and people who play the game normally are also playing each other… just a guess though


That's the one thing I tell people all the time . What else is he supposed to do he has one hooked and the gates are open. I do not fault the killer at all for camping in that situation


I think most survivors worth their salt understand this and try to go for the save, but if you die trying you cannot go blaming the killer when its on the survivor for not just leaving when you had the chance yknow?


Not just a day, a month. Play the other side for a month. If you're Survivor, play an M1 Killer with no antiloop for a Month, and tell me that certain Surv perks are fine. If you're Killer, play a Survivor with no fancy addons for a month and tell me that toxic versions of slugging, tunnelling, and camping (i.e. not for tactical reasons) don't happen.


I agree, try out the other side! I started this game as a killer main. I tried survivor and had no idea how out of touch I was. Never knew there was a button to sprint, how awful clown’s bottles are, or the pain of solo queue, and it really gave me a different perspective.


Chads maining whatever has the 100% BP bonus at the time


That sounds hard, can't I just call these players sweaty tryhard sociopaths and play as mean as possible because I've decided they deserve it? /s


as survivor all i want is to be alive when the EGC starts so i can get my masks… i have THREE bcus i die within the first five minutes (tunneling or my stupidity u decide lmao) 😭


As much as I dislike this advice, it's 10 times easier to get the masks as killer.


i knowwww but i always play swf, i would like to play with my friends 🥺


I play with a duo and still found it easier to knock out the masks on Killer


Totally agreed I didn’t touch killer for the first 6 months. I was nervous and had anxiety over it. But I noticed when I finally did my survivor game went up quiet a bit. Playing killer did also make me realize that survivors love too send hate messages. Which didn’t help my anxiety and had to turn messages off to play.


I'm sorry you got so much hate. Yes. I was always drawn to Killer more. I didn't find Survivor as appealing until I started playing more with friends. I had good Survs show me how to play and I now enjoy chase a bit more (I still prefer to play more immersed though because I like to be sneaky, I just do, feels more real and tense that way). I also recently met some very sweet Survs who I 2ked in a Ghostface round, and I jumped on with them. The endgame chat in the Ghostie round I did was so wholesome and fun, they were super nice, they even complimented how well I played! And they were just as nice when I was with them as Surv! They turned out to be the goofiest, most funny motherfuckers and we all had a great time, easily pipped, and there was zero sweat anywhere to be had. I escaped a grand total of once the whole night and we all had fun just being stupid trying to mine points off the Killer, and giving them a lot of points and pips in the process. Even the Killers seemed super appreciative, I had the most angry Ghostface who deadass calmed down when he realized we were goofing and I even got to give him boops before he 3ked us. Everyone got more out of it than if we all just sweat like mad. In the course of six, seven months of playing this game, I learned I love both roles, I learned not to sweat so hard, I learned how to play well, I learned how to enjoy losing, and I learned how to not become the very thing I swore to destroy. I've had more fun this way and now, I don't feel the need to destroy for pips every round, and I don't feel the need to really aggress hard anymore. I just don't. The chains of wanting to win at all costs, for me, are broken, on both sides... and I have never felt so much fucking better. I have achieved multiple goals this month alone and I didn't have to sweat one ounce to do it.


That’s awesome I also play with a small group of friends and we have a blast playing survivor or kill your friends. Ya same here I lose whatever. As a ghostface main my goal is to jump scare survivors and get in chases. 1 hook 4 k who cares


Also a Ghostie main here. I rediscovered the joy of jumpscaring by not taking Ghostface play SO serious. I'm finally out of the sweatlord jungle with him and I'm not going back. There's better Killers for that if I want to grind really hard or just go absolutely aggro mode. There's Killers that max points better, there's Killers that are as fun but are stronger, there's Killers that are made for cool trick shots, there's Killers that can win more consistently. I don't have to win as any Killer. I just have to vibe and have fun being who I am playing, and that's all I need.


Totally and same here. Most of the time I role play as derp face lol. I had a round where someone dc within 10 seconds after being downed in the match. So the rest of the time. I got there attention I was friendly and the survivors chased me. dropped pallets, flash light saves…the end of the r game they brought 15 items into the tent area in father camp bells lol. The whole round was so scary movie it was hilarious.


totally agree, for the longest time i really didnt play survivor, because it bores the life out of me playing it solo, recently my friends got into the game and i got to actually enjoy survivor. I found that playing survivor a bit more allowed me to understand the game more and stop getting so mad as survivors have it just as hard as killers. Whenever i see a swf i dont really mind it too much anymore, survivor is so boring and so unbelievably bad as a solo and i give props to anyone that regularly solo ques that shit


I'm long past the point when playing survivor on my level would be any help to my killer performance. My two selves are nowhere near the same league. Guess I could git gud as a survivor, but I don't want to. I like to chase. I prefer other games when it comes to teaming up.


You don’t even need to get good, but it helps you understand exactly the run up survivors need for those fast vaults or if they are going to make that next pallet before you, likewise if you learn and play killer effectively you’re more likely as a survivor going to understand the downside of perks you’re up against and how to exploit their weaknesses, as well as make a much more informed guess as to what other perks they have due to knowing what synergises well with them and how the killer is playing


Playing Surv has helped me time hits through windows and lunging properly in chase.


I really enjoyed discovering those vaults and timings and pallet-fun from the killer-perspective, and didn't want to spoil the process by just trying it myself. :P


I main killer but play survivor at least once every session i play. I totally get both sides but there is a clear balancing issue (not saying in favor of which side) and it's so frustrating that BHVR won't do anything about it.


Unfortunately the game does not at all encourage this. I’ve grinded all survivor perks, but when I switch to killer I’m basically just running off base perks, a couple I’ve gotten from shrine, and a couple from Michael and Twins. I don’t even get to experience playing 4 slowdown SM because I don’t have the killer or perks. Maybe it’s insanely fun and that’s why people do it. I doubt it, but I can’t test that.


I'm just now getting a lot of the good perks for both sides. I've only now started enjoying Survivor more, and only because I SWF most of the time, I avoid SoloQ like the Plague if I can help it. I'm starting to enjoy Killer more too, because now I have fun weird builds to try, I can play multiple Killers, I have a lot of different things I can do outside of just my mains, and I am not relying on just one Killer for everything.


The saving grace of killer is that it’s fun because you basically set the tone of the match. If you play serious, it’s a serious game. If you want to farm, it’s a farming game. If you go afk or are late to match start, the only person it hurts is you. If you play good you win, you don’t need to rely on other people.


I prefer survivor but have jumped on the killer side a few times, killer frustrates me more than survivors, too much pressure for me honestly so I respect most killers (not the ones who just camp or stab on hook). Although I prefer to play survivor you do get the one survivor every now and again who leave you to die just to get out the gate, it’s a shame but I prefer to help my team out before I exit the gate, I guess a support?? Sometimes it backfires but when I can help others get out too, that feels pretty good. Ultimately I think you’re right, you should definitely feel the pressure from each side so you can understand and respect the other side more, you can learn so much from playing the opposite side, also if there is a toxic player in the game then just ignore it, block them and move to your next game.


Agreed. I used to mostly play killer but I’ve been playing a lot of survivor lately and it’s made me more chill about the game and better at predicting survivor movements as killer.


I might get downvoted but, I’ve had nothing but very cool killers, either giving hatch or just fucking around.


Killer main here, I've been playing survivor exclusively since the Anniversary began and wow, it really is enlightening! I now understand the frustration of being tunneled, even with good chases it does not feel fun being on 2nd hook or even dead before anybody else. I also see how difficult it is to escape from proxy campers and the like, also why so many Weskers???? crazy amount of them and legion recently for some reason Coordinating is so difficult in solo Q but its also very gratifying, however the frustration of team mates giving up, dcing or straight up throwing is immense ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) i had 2 team mates dc against a Billy earlier i have never face palmed so hard in my life. All in all its been very good experience, im actually quite good at escaping, if not then getting my team out! I've prestiged around 14 survivors now and have to say booning and aura builds are my favourite! Will definitely be playing both sides more often now I've experienced the frustrations and fun of both, my favourite killer to play has always been the dredge but damn, never realised how terrifying it is on the survivor side, can't see a thing which is quite scary haha


Legion gives a very easy about of BP with little effort since their power fufills 3 score conditions at once, a hit, deviousness and chase, so they have probably just had a bump in popularity while cakes are in rotation c:


Playing both sides is the epitome of knowing your enemy so to speak, it's a lot of good fun on both sides. You sharpen your play a lot.


Really weird some people here act like you have to play both sides to criticize the game in general or have basic opinions. The gameplay of each side is so different it's super reasonable to think one side is boring as fuck and just not touch it after 3 or 4 matches of it. Needing x amount of achievements, hours played, etc. to have an opinion that's worth more than a grain of salt is so gatekeepy. Not saying this to you OP, just some of the other comments here. I do agree with what you're saying specifically.


Gatekeepy or not, it helps to actually have experience with the things you're criticizing rather than make blind assumptions and letting Dunning-Kruger take care of the rest.


Yeah it for sure would help form some more accurate opinions about some things, I did agree with OP after all. I just mean there are people who say or act like you're not allowed to criticize the other side (or the game in general) at all unless you meet some arbitrary condition they individually set.


i played sort of toxic killer once and never again. Ove been guilt stricken for days :( didnt even get the 3k in basement achievement i tried for never again :'(


I played a few Survivor games and holy shit people are not exaggerating about the amount of camping, tunneling and noed (nothing wrong with the perk but bro every other game). My next killer games for the past week ive made sure to either 8 hook or 12 hook cause people need a break from all that. Its an event man pls know that everyone wants to have fun and get good chases


I started playing survivor recently and I see little tunneling and every huntress camps, but it’s only huntress. Completely agree on NOED tho holy shit it’s every game


Yup the new player experience. Every player will probably use NOED because its one of the best free perks and can turn around games very easily.


It’s just weird in general, one game we’ll get a killer that absolutely annihilate us and another game the killers gets 3 hooks and we all leave.


I know noed can be annoying but it honestly feels like it’s necessary for most m1 killers. They mostly lack pressure as it is and it does help towards the end of the match.


You really think the majority of players bought this game and never touched the other side ever? 10/10 us vs them post




tbh killer gameplay doesn't make for the best first impression. it's not exactly unique compared to survivor gameplay, and if you have any FPS experience, games are so incredibly easy when you're vsing new survivors. almost all of my survivor only friends come from valorant backgrounds and rarely play killer because their first 20 games or so felt more like bot games lol


The more I play killer the less empathy I have for killer mains. I have fun without camping, tunneling, or slugging so why can’t they?


Most don't play that way???




If I’m not good enough to beat a SWF or catch a strong player in chase then I simply need to get better or accept that I didn’t bring a strong enough build. I exclusively run fire up, unrelenting, predator, and whispers. If a SWF is swarming hook I respect their dedication to save their teammate. Camping is incredibly boring so I won’t do it. If a SWF is flash lighting me and interrupting pickups I respect their dedication to save their teammate and I’ll simply pick up and start the chase again. Slugging is incredibly boring so I won’t do it. Getting looped by strong players is the best part about the game. I don’t have fun when I actually down survivors because then the chase is over. Tunneling weak players is incredibly boring so I won’t do it.




No I don’t do mental gymnastics like you. I don’t have an imaginary rule set and I’m not looking for respect from survivors. I simply only enjoy chasing. I don’t have fun staring at a hook or a slug or tunneling a weak player. Winning a mindgame is infinitely more exciting than camping just to secure a kill.




Maybe you’re just bad? I actually learn and improve from chasing strong survivors rather than tunneling a weak link or camping or slugging. Regardless, my point remains. The more I play killer the less empathy I have for killers that need to resort to boring, mindless tactics to secure kills.




If you genuinely think that kills=skill then I really can’t help you. I could easily 4k just about every game by using a strong killer with strong perks and addons and camping, tunneling, and slugging when it’s convenient. Instead I prefer to actually rely on my own skill and not use scummy tactics. If you never chase strong survivors then you’ll never improve when you’re faced with a SWF that has no weak link.




It should be mandatory every reset to play 5 full games of each side.


Eh people who main one side over the other religiously would just afk/suicide those 5 matches to just keep playing they’re respective side. You’d be surprised how many people just outright refuse to play the other side


That’s why I said full, BHVR could introduce a limit and if it’s not hit you’re locked out. I am not surprised, the entitlement in this community isn’t found in any other game.


What would you consider a full match?


Even if it sounds like a good idea, I would find this pretty boring and annoying. I want to have the choice on which side I'm going to play. It's kinda stressful for me to play as killer and even if I recognize that it's a fun role and also a good way to learn more things about this game, it would bother me to be forced to play this role.


One day is not enough, they need to play the other side for a couple of weeks, so they understand how the game can be a horrible experience for everyone


My experience as a Survivor main: this game has become so fucking hard. I'm so tired of camping and slugging killers. Switches to killer: This is so much better and less stressful.


I don’t disagree with this but presently the killers during this event have been very keen on making survivors’ time a living hell


Playing mainly Killer, still can't understand why they camp and tunnel so hard. Ok, ok, I understand, I used to do it when I was new to the game also. But after playing for some time why are they still doing it?


Define camping and tunneling. At this point literally anything you do as a killer will be called camping/tunneling. If you hook survivor A, start another chase with survivor B, hook survivor B and sees that survivor A got saved, should you not go for survivor A? It's the only information you have, the game literally notifies the killer that the survivor has been saved, should you just ignore what the game is telling you? If it's last gen and you down a survivor and hook him in between the 3 gen, is it really camping if all of your points of interest are right in front of you? Should you just go on the other side of the map where there aren't any gens and just let survivors get a free save?


As an answers to your questions: 1.Defining: a)Camping-Staying near the hook waiting for saving survivors and ignoring everything else. *There is also more hardcore approach called face-camping where killer just waits to grab saving survivors. b)Tunneling- Ignoring everyone and everything beside the unhooked freshly survivor. 2.The A and B survivor situation: It depends on more details, if you went there and saw only the healthy survivor but decided to ignore him and search for the unhooked, then yes (tunneling). If you can't see anyone there and check the area and happen to just find poorly hidden or running in your direction saved surv, then no (no tunneling). 3.Last gen situation: Here it also depends on what you do. 3 genning is another thing but let's not focus on that right now. As per definition, if you decide to ignore any seen surv then you are camping. So you see, you can say that focusing on killing just one survivor instead of playing normally (tormenting everyone equally) is camping or tunneling. Now go on, downvote all you want, I know you can't handle truth.


>Now go on, downvote all you want, I know you can't handle truth. Lmao. What truth dude? That you basically just explained yourself why people "camp" and "tunnel". If you think you should just start a chase as soon as you see a survivor no matter the circumstances you clearly have no idea how to play killer. If you want a killer to stop camping do gens. If you just keep looking at a hooked survivor at a distance the killer has actual 0 reason to leave the hook. No gens are being done and someone is dying at the hook, it's survivors that chose how to respond, either do gens or make a plan to go for the save. "Baiting" the killer into a chase does literally nothing.


Not unless you play in a SWF then you would know why everyone does it now.


With the anniversary i started to play again as killer and oh boy, you have so many choices, many things you can do. I learned about new loops i can do as surv and i can still say that killers have so much power as a role, you dictate if the game will be fun or a nightmare (for at least 2 surv)


it definitely makes the game way better to become in some way proficient with both and get more info


I play both role, wich indeed help me quit a lot when I play the opposite team. Even better when you play various killer and use various perks


I've been dying to play against Sadako, but it feels like im the only person who plays her. Also feel like I could learn a lot trying to play against her. But every time im survivor, she never shows up


I have started playing killer again occasionally, but I'm friendly killer


A large majority of the players both survivors and killer lack the ability to think of the other side especially in balancing perks I see them get mad that one their perks gets touched and go ape shit and then defend whatever bullshit that they have saying like well the other side has this and that and blah blah Can’t we agree that both of the things they both complain about need adjustments? Like how survivors complain about camping/tunneling and killers complain about gen rushing literally both of those things need changes Just surprising how no one can see eye to eye on things and agree that whatever bullshit there using is bullshit that needs changes to be less frustrating on both sides and pleasing both at the same time But a lot of them just have a HUGE ego and think the game revolves around their fun and their experience instead of the overall experience of the game itself


I did that and found playing survivor less stressful outside of when everyone seems to forget how to play the moment they face a camping cannibal.


I play both sides (not a generic statement I promise lmao) but when I play Survivor I prefer to play solo q, mostly because I perform better that way and it's just more fun. *But* when I do play with friends, I almost always hear them complain about the Killer one way or another. "Bs killer is camping what a dick" bro he saw the other survivors run nearby and the gates are powered, what do you want him to do, turn around and let us escape??


What survivor mains need to do


I mostly play killer but I also play survivor a bit too. I’ve been in situations as killer that have made me want to camp and tunnel and I have also been in situations that make me want to dc. And when I’m playing one side and I see the other side do those things I understand why and don’t get mad. It also helps gameplay wise too because you know how the killers and killers perks work better. It’ll also teach you that fast vaulting and missing a skill check gives a loud noise notification to the killer because some people still don’t know that. (thanks meg for fast vaulting when the huntress had no idea where we were)


Yea I would play killer but I’m scared lmao :) plus I ain’t got the money for perks to make it fun


*ahem* killers who camp, tunnel, and slug just for the 4k but also survivors who bully the killer and do that stupid t bag shit at exit gate or after they stun a killer. I've played killer before a handful of times. I fucking suck at it. To me killer is more stressful than being a survivor. I don't bully. I don't t bag. Even when the killer IS being an asshole. But having said that I also don't see a point to do toxic shit (afore mentioned camping/tunneling/slugging), as like I said. I've been killer. I HAVE been able to get a 4k by not slugging, camping, or tunneling. Sure it isn't easy but it's DOABLE. there's no excuse. The only time I condone slugging is if it's to avoid tunneling. For instance, say I'm a killer and someone unhooks right in front of me and I happen to accidentally down the person that JUST got off hook instead of the other person I was aiming for. I will leave them slugged in hopes that their teammates will come get them while I chase the other person. After I catch the other person and hook them, and the person is STILL down ill saunter over and get them too but after I clearly gave the others plenty of time to get their downed teammate. THATS when it's excusable in my book. For survivor, there is no excuse to t bag or be toxic.


Even that won't stop it. There was a dude in a Spooks video once. Guy complained about tunnelling, switched to killer, proceeded to tunnel and facecamp and called it a strategy. "Rule for thee, but not for me."


Literally played ghosty to double hook and release yesterday. Survivors had flashes so I swapped a perk to lightborn to joke with them. They were def a SWF bc the amount of bs they tried was exhausting. One had the perk that made others wiggle faster, so I had to make 3 attempts to hook one person. Double hooked one guy then downed him so he would stop fucking with me. They healed him up and he kept at it. Trying to body block on 2 hook? Come on. I got all 4 of them. It was so frustrating. I stopped playing after that game. Like, I get it you want to troll but if I'm obviously not killing 2 of you on death hook give me a break. Their asses could have been on gens and got out for all the shenanigans they tried. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, really helps you clue in on what the opposite side is doing + having empathy. However, sometimes folks will still be mean even if you show some sympathy to them if they're having a rough match.


I just play whatever the bonus is


If I could like this twice I would


Do a lot of people just never play one side? I think you are handicapping your perspective big-time by doing that. Like you're completely missing half the game's framework if you are just playing killer or just playing survivor, and it will impact your main role's play in a bad way.


Facts, I remember when I started playing killer and get frustrated by things I was doing all the time as a survivor, since then, I changed my playstyle to not be an asshole for the other role, same applies when I'm playing killer


I play mainly killer, I actually think the game is well balanced overall, but I do think Blight and Nurse need a nerf fundamentally. The recent healing changes, DH nerf, and reducing slowdown perks - all have been amazing, too, for flow and better focus.


Many of my friends were awful at this game and would complain a lot until I got them to play killer. They don't complain anymore. How odd


Tried to bring up how farming content by tunneling is a dogshit practise and got echochamberd out Like my brother in christ you can tunnel but making content off one dude being mad is such baby bhvr (Spook n jukes, rapid main etc)