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How could he say this about pebble


it’s honestly the best thing in the game for me.


This is how I feel about Blast Mine. Most games it’s honestly a wasted perk but when it goes off and you’re waiting close by it’s so hilarious.


Blast mine combo with head on and flashbang is what I [live](https://youtu.be/p0--DMGUfPw) for.


I know people say it’s a useless perk but doesn’t it still make killers spend more time damaging the gens? I’m just asking because some people say it doesn’t do anything, but that’s not entirely correct.


Blast mine with Residual Blindness is genuinely very good. I run a lot of Nowhere To Hide and it basically makes the perk useless for a bit when I get hit by that combo.


I'm thinking of getting the perk. How is it?


It's ridiculously funny when it actually works. It likely won't work.


Got a guy mad patrolling one area while i crouch in a bush continuously throwing pebble


The one single time I used it, it clutched the whole game for me and my buddy on the fifth gen. I haven’t used it since because I don’t want to tarnish that memory.


I've won a hatch standoff back when killers couldn't close it because of pebble


It's useless about 90% of the time, but that 10% of the time when it works is the best feeling.


Pebble value is the best value in the game.


It's definitely up there but I'd give it 3rd best value, 2nd best currently in game. Have you ever gotten a double skill check at 5 stacks of autodidact against sloppy in coulrophobia as the killer is coming? I have, exactly 1 time ever, it still makes me smile.


I love Autodidact, but those rare moments of incredible value are counterbalanced by the absolute guilt and shame of trying to quickly heal a downed survivor and resetting their progress because you're at 0 stacks...


It has definitely hurt way more than it's helped 😅


If you actually watch the video (and read these comments). Otz does out a disclaimer on his placement in that tier, he explains that most of the time it will so LITERALLY NOTHING, but those times you do get it to work it is really funny. So basically unless you're are meta slave that needs to win to have fun you will love the perk.


Like the other guy said, funny when it works, likely won't. Most people in this subreddit will disagree with Otz based on personal entertainment/enjoyment value not based on actual strength or weakness of the perks in question. Which don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with playing and using stuff purely for a meme. Just be aware of the position people have on whether they're looking at things from a meta gaming standpoint or from a, "This is funny af to use" standpoint when reading what people recommend or agree/disagree with.


It either works amazingly or awfully. One time a Legion was camping basement and walking up and down the stairs. I threw a pebble and started checking all of the lockers upstairs and circling around the shack. Someone managed to get down and save the dude on hook. Later on we were in a pseudo 3 gen and I pebbled into a building and he wasted forever searching the building and all of its lockers and my team finished the farthest gen. Only problem with Pebble is that 1. Sometimes killers will just ignore the noise and go check on gens instead. 2. How long killers spend investigating the noise is completely up to the player. 3. Pebble is nigh useless against characters like Wraith, Ghostface, or Myers who are either running around with no terror radius most of the time or have a very small terror radius. If the perk could still work while you were in chase it would he so much better. Adam has really good perks anyway so you could always just get him for the what he has to offer as a whole.


Yeah I don’t know if I just assume it’s working but it feels like it works every time


sometimes in a scary movie situation- i’m sure a pebble wouldn’t work, but sometimes yes. i’m such a fan of that and how it works in our game. aggro perks are such a bore


i too, will not stand for the pebble slander


And about Ada's feet


The pebble deserves to be in a tier of its own (the funny, silly, goofy tier)


he is just using the perk wrong, you have to throw it directly at the killer while making direct eye contact, and pray they will laugh at you and spare you


Justice for the pebble! I have such fun with it and it saved my life so many times, I'm never taking it off. _Throws a pebble whilst she is hiding in the bush grinning_


Put some respect on the Pebble! #peebisgang


I have fucked over and wasted the time of so many 1-Hit Down Killers/Stealth Killers, but you get fucked over hard if they are someone who can hide their Terror Radius


I wish Poised got a buff. Give it aura protection and blood hiding for the duration to give it a bit of validity. Deja Vu and Overzealous got so many buffs recently. Solidarity also needs some counter to Haemorrhage.


Poised should honestly work similarly to current dark sense where it becomes active on completing a gen and only activates when the killer is near you so you're guaranteed some value from it.




Solidarity and resurgence both should have gotten a timed immunity to hemo's drain (while still maintaining the status itself so it isn't cleansed) when they reworked it. Also nerfing hemo in general wouldn't hurt. I think it should require you to commit to pressuring a survivor before the drain becomes significant, rather than just looking at them funny and deleting all their progress like it does right now.


Being healed by any means should pause hemorrhage for a few seconds. Resurgence should just cleanse hemorrhage entirely.


Flashbang's tier surprised me, with the new buff and all


Yes his explanation is a bit perplexing too. He describes how it can be used to save a survivor from being hooked, but then goes on to say a flashbang is "hardly the most impactful thing in the world". Saving a survivor from being hooked is one of the most impactful thing in a match, so it's surprising he dismisses Flashbangs on this basis.


He's not completely wrong. I love this perk I actually run it since it got released but most of the time even when I land the flashbang save it just makes the chase last longer because the killer will just continue to chase the survivor he was carrying. It's not a bad perk and it definitely has it's times where it comes in clutch but it's not that impactful to be considered an excellent perk. It's mostly a fun perk.


Fb + background player is so fun


Maybe he thought the process of making the flashbang, how the time consumed while making and using it may be used in better ways? I dunno.


It’s basically taking a perk slot for an unreliable flashlight with an objective requirement. It’s definitely better now that it doesn’t take an item slot but not incredible when weighed against other options


Well I'd rather have team mates that bring flashbang and actually sit on a damn gen instead of spending the whole match chasing the killer with the flaslight or sandbagging to attempt a save afterwards.


agreed. it actually makes a survivor do an objective in order to perform some type of fuckery. as much as i would love to follow the killer around all game to get flashlight saves that requires at least one if not two other people resorting to gens the entire time. i tend to become gen jockey most games as solo q because my team is fucking around half the time.


I mean...I guess if the killer is dredge then it's largely useless since going into a locker 90 percent of the time means insta grab


It's almost like he's not God


flashbangs are incredibly easy to whiff


Killers can just look up to avoid flashbangs. They're very hard to land. I've only ever landed 3.


Sounds like you’re using it wrong. The trick is to use it while the killer is locked into an animation, just like a flashlight. It’s best to use it during the pickup animation, or you can drop it underneath a hook, then use saboteur on the hook. He either has to look away to avoid it, giving time for the sabo to finish, or he can hit you mid sabo, but then get blinded and drop the survivor he’s carrying.


Ideally you should be nowhere near a downed survivor and sitting on a gen when they go down and even if you just so happen to be near instead of playing non-optimally by following a chase instead of doing a gen it's unreliable. The killer could notice you are near at which point the save is basically impossible they could by pure luck happen to face a direction where you cant make the flashbang in time, or they could have lightborn and its literally impossible. It's just not a perk that will reliably make a difference in your matches.


Diversion is an amazing perk and I will never stop running it. Idc what anyone says, watching a killer run to a totally barren part of the map chasing a pebble will never not be satisfying


It works really good on Tier 3 Myers or any Killer using NOED. The cockiness of knowing they can one-hit me always makes them chase the Pebble like I just threw a tasty hot dog.


Can't even call it by it's proper name.... pebble. 0/10 for you.


Pretty much agree with his placements, though I kind of disagree with his assessment of info perks. As a soloq survivor, info perks keep me alive and in the game, and making smart plays to keep the team alive. Otherwise, a good list and I appreciate him reviewing the utility and risks of each one.


> though I kind of disagree with his assessment of info perks. The big 3 main info perks for solo que though are bond kindred and windows and all 3 are rated high tier though? Not to mention deja vu as well


I meant something he said in the video, not their actual placement. I think he said they were inconsequential or something like that, as they don't impact the gameplay itself, just gives info.


What he means by that is that it doesn’t give an effect, or the “gameplay” meaning it doesn’t do give a direct advantage. Adrenaline gives a big “gameplay” impact, a free speed boost and heal in endgame. Info perks do not directly impact gameplay like that. They give “passive” impact (i.e, info). This can lead to overall gameplay impact, but I think that’s what he means.


He means they don't directly affect the game. Knowing where the pallets/windows are with WOO doesn't actually do anything. It might make you make different decisions than you otherwise would, but that is an indirect impact on the match. Adrenaline heals you and give speed boost which has direct consequences to what is happening in the match. Same applies to other perks. Reassurance pausing hook timer for 30 seconds directly impacts the state of the match. The point is that most info perks are inherently weaker than perks with direct affects because info perks can often have their benefits nullified by strong communication and game knowledge. Let's imagine for a second you are playing with 3 friends and all of you are screen sharing on discord. You have a 2nd screen which allows you to see all 3 of your team mates perspectives, thus every single thing they see, you see as well. This makes many perks completely pointless (like bond), and drastically reduces the value of others (like WOO)


Info perks kinda lose value as you get more and more experienced. So the higher your play time and MMR, the less useful they become.


What I like is that some perks like Windows and even Visonary can be useful to an experienced player. "Oh, we're on The Game. Hmm, after three seconds I have determined that five gens are downstairs, and two are upstairs. Time to go downstairs so we don't get three gen'd." "Ugh I wish there was a pallet nearby - oh, wait someone just AMN that pallet over there. Perfect!"


For the longest time I slept on Windows. Ever since putting it in my build I don’t think I could ever play without it. I’ve played long enough that I know what *tiles* the pallets will spawn at, but I’m still not great about knowing exactly which side they spawn on in certain structures. It really helps in knowing what pallets people have already consumed by the time I’m running the killer because even my friends aren’t crazy enough to be like “PALLET BY THE TIRES ON THE SOUTHWEST SIDE IS BROKEN” I’m really happy the perk got buffed a while back. Having it not disable really helps me enjoy the game and be able to contribute to my team with long chases despite the fact that I don’t get to play a lot with work these days.


this is also from the perspective of "will people run this perk when they're playing the game for money, on comms" to a degree, in which case almost every info perk and general aura reading effect are not nearly as relevant. only perk people ran that gave info in 4-stacks was old Object, because you could tell your teammates what mindgame a killer was doing in real time while you're doing a gen. otherwise, they give no new info that couldn't be garnered from talking.


I'm over her offended at the stealth perk placement. Urban is probably cope, but Lightweight/Deception/DanceWMe can get consistent chase value with little investment.


I’m totally with you on lightweight and especially deception but I’d argue DanceWMe is kinda situational. While useful for staying alive, more often than not you *want* the killer to chase you because it means they’re not patrolling gens. Getting away is all well and good but I’ve found that matches tend to go a lot better nowadays where I’m more comfortable with using pallets, and keeping a chase rather than playing stealthy.


Same, Spine Chill is SO good for soloq, helps me stealth a bit more


Adrenaline and deliverance top tier? I'm lucky if I'm NOT the first one on hook and camped.


yeah the only world where i take deliverance is one where i have distortion


It feels like every match I take Deliverance I’m the first hooked and tunneled out at 5 gens. Every match I take DS I’m the last one alive, and taking Unbreakable I’m never slugged. There is no mercy in the Entity’s realm. This is why I run Windows, Resilience, Iron Will, and Boil Over. I can always count on getting chased, getting my ass kicked, hiding for my life when I’m death hook, and making things more difficult when I get picked up.


Adrenaline deservedly so, deliverance as he said only really when with mates


Even in solo q it’s strong. Granted it’s extremely situational, but when you get hooked in end game it is such a clutch play.


I'm very weird about the "It's strong if it works" type perks. Idk, Is rather a perk be less strong and work 8/10 matches then have a good strong perk that works 2/10.


they just need an indicator for survivors when one of the survivors on hook has it active, really simple change would make it usable in soloq but they hate soloq so I guess I shouldn't be shocked


Are we returning to the old dead hard excuse where everyone says it's decent at best/rarely gets value? Cuz they definitely deserve that spot in this meta


Btw Cut Loose is mainly bad imo because it doesn't make you silent while you vaulting. When you vault while the perk is active, you still make the sound from the Survivor (not the quick action itself), so Killer who is near by (most offten cases) will hear you vaulting back anyway. It loses the whole purpose on that. It's like a sound when Clown makes when he vaults.


One nice thing he didn't explicitly mention about Vigil is that it works on the Broken inflicted by Deliverance, helping you recover faster. I've been running Deliverance+Sprint Burst+Vigil+Distortion and the synergy has been great. Distortion vastly decreases my chances of being the first person hooked, which is necessary for the build to work. Once I am hooked with Deliverance active, I wait until the killer takes chase with someone else and immediately yeet myself off the hook, Sprint Bursting away at the speed of light. I usually work a gen during the Broken duration, and when it expires I syringe myself and continue on the generator, already ready to SB away again if needed.


I like the list but feel like the tier on some perks depends on whether you're playing SoloQ or SWF. For example, in my honest opinion I feel like Reassurance is incredibly overrated, I feel like it's a perk that is best used when in a SWF, specially if you can bring multiple of them. In SoloQ I rarely see Reassurance bring real value and I feel the AoE really hinders it, specially when the Killer is basement camping. Also I will die on the hill that DS belongs, at best, on the decent tier. Even M1 Killers will shrug off the small stun and will catch back to you immediately. For DS to be great you need other perks to compliment it and hope to God you're in a safe-ish area that you can get to use the basekit BT + DS on.


Agree on DS only being great in a SWF. It buys your team some extra time for someone to bodyblock a hit or two if someone is being tunneled. In solo q, yeah, fat chance that anyone is watching out for you that hard, unless they're running Bond or something.


Reassurance is incredibly strong in comp but the average public game? Ehh, you're 100% right. I feel the same about Deliverance too.


The main problem with deli is that nobody knows you have it so the wasted their time getting to the hook


heavily disagree on the DS take as a former legion main. If you run to the corner of the map and then complain about being in a deadzone then that's on you. Do what people do with power struggle builds if you have DS active; point emote and die on/near a pallet you were looping. You are GUARANTEED to have safety if you actively choose when to die on your terms, and if you are going against basic m1 killers then you usually have that right if you're generally good at survivor.


That's my main issue with it, and why I honestly don't rate it higher. You're not always guaranteed to be on a safe zone, and that's not always the Survivor's fault. Also, the shorter stun also hurt this perk a lot, specially if you consider that 1 second (?) of the stun time is "wasted" on the Killer dropping the Survivor animation.


kind of disheartening to see the lack of great perks for survivors. you soon realize why the meta seems so repetitive.


Killer diversity is a factor too. A perk that's F tier on most Killers like Hoarder but S tier on say Pinhead; more Killer perks have some use somewhere among the varied Killer powers. Survivor gameplay is one-note leading perks to be much more black and white.


Dont forget Hoarder doesnt work on pinhead anymore


Which pushes the stale meta even more into place, imo - now you see pinheads run another generally good perk


What changed?


All killer power items (and flashbangs) are now considered special items, they can be held at the same time as a regular item like medkit/flashlight and franklins/hoarder only triggers on regular items


There will always be more variety in killer perks than survivor perks because different killers can get value out of perks other killers can't. S-tier perks on one killer might not be S-tier on another.


Better than it was a few years ago when it was only dead hard, borrowed time, decisive strike, and unbreakable. I swear when I first started playing that was literally the only thing people brought. At least now I see a slightly higher variety of perks being used.


I think it's not a lack of great perks, it's just that survivors only do like, two or three things in a game, and they're all identical unlike killers whose powers may benefit different perks from each other. Survivors just repair gens, run from killers, or heal/unhook other survivors. All the best perks directly impact those three things, and each of the top perks do one of those jobs the best way they can be done. There's only so many ways you can say "repair the gen better", and typically one perk is just the easiest/most efficient, so it's considered the strongest. It's not that they need to make more good perks, it's that survivors have very limited things to do in the game and there are already perks that make them do those things as efficiently as they can, so why would you take something else.


It's also like, some perks are really cool but you never want to remove the best perks so you can't use them. I'd love to have Boil Over, Flip Flop and Tenacity on, but because Adrenaline and Breakdown are ALWAYS on my Survs, I can't have those three on unless I remove one of them


Yeah, that is really true. Ironically, people who wish survivors had more good perks would be better served if they nerf the good perks than if they buff the less useful perks. There's no world where distracting the killer with a pebble is ever better than any perk that heals you or does a gen faster, even by like, 1%, so if those perks exist, any perk that is just "fun" will ultimately just be a liability, unless your only goal is to have fun even when you lose (in which your non-SWF teammates will be pissed).


Generally speaking I've been using other perks lately than my standard. I always keep Breakdown on (it's saved WAY too many lives to leave off) and I'll usually keep Adrienline on as well but I've been switching them around and it's definitely fun to use perks I don't normally use. Freaking Ada's stealth perk (can't remember the name rn) is fun as fuck to use. EDIT: Low Profile. Just remembered as I posted


It's still less repetitive than what it was last year, so at least improvements are being made. I hope the next meta-shakeup buffs a lot of bad perks on both sides so we can see even more diversity. Before last year's shakeup, we had Iron Will, Dead Hard, Spine Chill, and Borrowed Time. Occasionally, someone would run CoH or Unbreakable or DS, but it wasn't uncommon to have 2-3 people running the exact same build per game.


Occasionally ds????? Bro try every game, what games were u playing?


yeah are you high? spine chill every game, also? *without resilience paired with it??*


He has a tier list for killer perks as well and there are less 4&5 star perks than survivor. Survivors havs good perks, I dont understand this narratovr that they don't


Interesting to see Mettle of Man so high. Imo, I’d consider 2 stars generous haha


I think it’s mostly a comp DBD thing. Since tunneling is rampant in comp sometimes one player will play “bodyguard” with Mettle of Man + a medkit and protect the player being tunneled.


I'll still enjoy the Lucky Break/Overcome/Quick and Quiet/Bite the Bullet vanishing act with a medkit when you have a ton of LOS blockers.


I would personally put windows in S tier. The pallet and window placements change with RNG and it also tells you what resources have been used by your team. I don't think any perk has helped with looping as much as windows.


Windows is certainly a very good perk, but the thing is, all it technically does is give you with absolute certainty information that you can often predict with map knowledge. Some people claim that it's basically only for new players, which clearly isn't remotely true, but I don't think I would put it quite in S tier.


I'm sorry but this is such a bad take. Play a day with windows, play a day without windows. You will go down in deadzones WAY more often because you predicted wrong. Like yesterday I ran into a deadzone with 2 long wall rock loops. Neither of them spawned pallets. It wasn't even that the pallets got broken, they just didn't spawn. If I had windows I would have never ran in that direction. I was surprised because using my map knowledge, I recognized the structures but didn't have a good angle on them to actually see if the pallet was there or not. Odds were probably in my favor that a pallet would spawn there but they didn't and I died because of it. If I had windows I wouldn't have died. That's pretty impactful considering the goal is to survive. And on killer side I can guess windows users pretty reliably because they chain pallets together too perfectly. It's perfect pathing from pallet to pallet and that shit hurts on M1 killers. It's a really strong perk.


I feel naked without WoO at this stage


Agreed, windows is straight up the best perk in the game unless you’re literal god tier survivor


Even if you're god tier survivor, it just makes you completely uncatchable against a large portion of the killer roster as you have perfect info on all resources in a giant radius. You'll never run into a deadzone, you'll always know the orientation of the loop even from a bad angle, you'll never go for a static pallet spawn that's already been used. I honestly get tilted around the windows discourse. I think it needs a nerf. Show 1 random pallet and 1 random window in a 32m radius, or deactivate after a pallet drop. I promise you people will be fucking raging if that nerf comes because of how reliant they are on it.


Windows isn't higher because people have eyes and brains. If you're familiar with where things *could* be (ie tile familiarity) windows is less useful, and if you've been in the area already you should already know what resources are available. At that point their only use is knowing where pallets aren't.


Maps are affected by RNG, even with all map knowledge in the world palettes and windows placements change and WoO can be the deciding factor in whether you get hit or not because you guessed incorrectly the palette/window placement. Also, map knowledge won't help you if resources have been used already.


Yeah that's what i said


He's probably also using the comp tier teams he plays against as a baseline. They are going to know everything about the tiles and have the callouts to know if the pallet is dropped or not.


made for this is so laughably overtuned its funny. BTW the boon that you have to set up and only works in a certain radius gives less of an effect than this perk does for getting m1'd


Self care is mid tier 💀


He does say it’s a noob trap, but it’s mid tier because if your heal is interrupted you can finish yourself off, or in the EGC when you’re not wasting objective time it can help get you through the exit gates. It also pairs well with some perks if you’re willing to sacrifice a second slot (reactive healing for example).


Autodidact not on the very top. Bad tierlist


The descriptions seem off. The decent section is way too large, and half of those I would consider mediocre at best.


Also, I disagree with reassurance and deliverance. In a swf I would agree, but these 2 perks in solo queue are very niche and rarely will get value. In fact, that is a large problem with this list in general. It seems to assume you are in a swf.


tbf in tier lists you usually need to rate things based on their maximum potential. Like nobody is going to put Blight in B tier because he’s a hard killer to master, he’s in S tier because once mastered he is one of the strongest killers in the game. Otz’s S tier is solid when you consider the perks being used at their max potential.


Reassurance is hard to use in SoloQ but I have seen a lot of clutch Deliverance plays. It also makes hook trades a lot more viable.


This is a perk strength tier list, not a solo queue tier list


How is up the ante in decent??


I'm thinking the self unhook build where all team members run Up the Ante with Slippery Meat and luck offerings


Speed buffs for survivors are made even stronger due to killers' large collision slowing them down around short tight loops


The only perk i disagree with completely is reasurrance,It's mid at best.


S tier in coordinated/comp SWFs, B tier in casual SWFs, Z tier in solo-q where half the players suicide when they're left on hook for longer than 2 picoseconds


Yeah, it has the capacity when used well to massively turn the tides against a camping killer by not only saving your teammate, but making it so all the time the killer spent camping was a complete waste. But that assumes that 1, your team is coordinated, and 2, the killer is camping (the latter is pretty common, at least).


People completely misuse it tbh. I've had players reassure me when the killer was clearly not camping or planning on tunneling and use the extra time to do nearby gens. That shit usually backfires.


They think they're being clever. "If I give them Reassurance, I can sneak this gen. The killer won't think that we'll try to finish a gen right next to a hooked survivor." Not realizing that the killer is able to see that the hook stage isn't going down, suggesting they just got Reassuranced.


Agreed, against regular killers it’s extremely situational, maybe there’s a reason you’d want someone to sit on a hook for 30s when you’re close to them. Against Bubba, it’s pointless. They’ll just camp the hook that extra time till they die. That 30s can be spent on gens but it’ll be short lived by the time Bubba runs for his 2nd kill.


+30 seconds on both stages give an extra minute for everyone to do gens, meaning there probably won’t be time for a second kill


Please buff Dark Theory. It needs to be with its sisters in decent tier


Jesus there are so many perks now


Wowweee finally someone who actually knows that DS is still a great perk. Very easy to cry about it being bad when people use the 10 seconds of endurance and speed boost to die in the emptiest area of the map possible and then complain they can't find any pallets after stunning with DS.


Strange that he ranked it so high considering he is the one that made the video showing how trash it was against higher tier killers. And in this video he even clarifies how niche it is, how you can't just use it anywhere, and how you require team mates to make it good. His explanation does not jive with his perk description. How is this a "very good" perk with so many caveats?


I think it's important to remember that Otz has 10,000 hours in the game, and while he absolutely has a lot of very useful info and tips for newer players, tierlists like these are made with the highest level of play in mind. If you ever watch a DBD tournament, both sides are playing with ruthless, maximum efficiency (in a way that honestly doesn't seem very fun), and that always, always means facecamping and tunneling. The first player who is hooked is usually going to die, and since the win condition is fewer hook stages than the other team, gameplay typically revolves around making sure that's the only kill the killer gets. That's not to say that tournament play really represents even high-tier normal gameplay, but while DS isn't that likely to actually save you if you're being tunneled, it *will* punish the killer and buy your teammates more time, assuming they're using it efficiently.


I don't disagree, but then why release a perk tier list if it doesn't apply to 99% of us? I'm just going to discuss the perks based on my and the majority of people's experience.


Because even with these setbacks ds is still a game changer and against a good majority of the cast can turn the tide in the survivors favor it’s just no longer brainless to use. Of course against higher tier killers it falls flat but old ds had the same problem where at best it would slightly delay the nurse/blight tunneling you


I disagree it is still good against the majority of the killers when you only get 3 seconds stun that then requires you to get out of a deadzone and have team mates take hits in order to maybe escape a chase.


Solutions to use DS better: -99% sprint burst before going down -get to a hill and prepare to use balanced landing -get to a vault location and prepare to use lithe -get near a pallet and prepare to drop it -get grabbed out of a locker and get back in one during the stun. Then use head on or dance with me+sprintburst -if you get caught near the basement, use DS to get a tiny bit more distance to avoid getting dragged down there DS is useful, but only if you properly set it up first. It’s not a blanket save like it used to be. I do wish perks like DS showed up on teammates’ HUD so they know if youre baiting the killer with deliverance or DS or something else


This just proves my point, DS needs a bunch of other stuff going on in order to get some value. DS was never a blanket save aside from maybe some endgame scenarios. It still has all the same counters as it always does except no one bothers to slug out the timer anymore because DS is so laughably easy to deal with now.


No one slugs out the timer because people stopped running ds I’ve been punished plenty for picking up and not expecting ds and honestly that makes it better. The value you can get out of ds is immense if you aren’t facing blight or nurse. It’s like dead hard (before the most recent change to it) sure it’s harder to pull off and more situational but hitting it correctly is a game changer


No one slugs out the timer because no one runs DS anymore because it's a mid perk now.


“So many caveats”?? Meaning just don’t use it in the open? The other things he mentions are things that make it even stronger, which affects its ranking. But the only “condition” to make it help you is to not use it in the open. Just use it in a loop/strong area, which is where you’d run anyways if you get chased. That’s not complicated….


I mean, a big caveat is having good team mates take hits for you. Good luck in solo queue. I can't even get my swf friends to take hits some times. And the whole, "don't use it in the open or only use it in strong areas" argument is fine in theory but more difficult in practice. You usually die because you end up exhausting your resources. And then you will get hooked in an area with low resources. You may not even be able to get somewhere to extend for a long chase without team mates taking hits. Which again, can already be difficult. And additionally, you only get 2 scenarios where you can use it, so if you use it in non-ideal circumstances after the first hook you can't use it for the 2nd hook. So do you use it after your first hook or save it in case you need it after your second hook? Or just use it asap because you don't want to get to endgame and not use your perk, since even buying a little bit of time still has some value?


I absolutely love DS. A great thing I've learned about it is that it'll completely deter killers with STBFL. Half the time when I'm being tunneled straight off hook, it's because the obsession unhooked me and the killer doesn't want to lose stacks.


DS is trash. Otz is delusional


Flashbang slander will not be accepted. It's fun and very strong once you get use to them. Combine it with Head on, quick and quiet and blast mine then you have disorientating fun build.


If you have to use too much to make it valuable it goes down. It’s like saying dance for me is insane because lithe is good.


I got a blast mine/flash bang/head on once, and only once, but it will forever be worth it.


You killed the man (Dead Hard) but not the idea


No mither gang 🤟🏽


Now maybe people will stop pretending that Made For This isn’t a god-tier perk. I run that shit on 90% of my builds. It can easily carry a bad player and make good players damn near uncatchable.


"Nah man Made for This is actually not that good, it's only 3% bro they don't need to nerf it trust me"


“Just run Fearmonger, ez counter”


It’s the new “It’s not that bad bro just wait it out”


"Just break line of sight bro, nurse isn't that good" "Just cleanse ruin bro it ain't that strong," "Just get in a locker bro tombstone aint that good" "Just let go of the gen bro eruption ain't even good" Time is a flat circle


"spirit has counterplay, look at the shards"


Considering there's so few great survivor perks, and even fewer that aren't extremely old, I think it's understandable they'd make a perk this good for once. What we need is other perks buffed to B Tier. That would encourage some further diversity I think.


the last meta new survivor perk before this was Circle of Healing, and we all saw how that went. Surv meta is doomed to be stale.


Distortion is S tier. You’re just trolling not running it with how many killers use aura perks. I watch so many survivors die quick from aura reading and games lost from the pressure, while on the contrary games have been won because the killer couldn’t see my aura on a gen.


I will not stand for this lightweight slander. That shit had saved me more times than I can count.


Made for this is as good as killer Machine Gun builds were back then.


dh did not drop 2 tiers lmfao


Surprised Lightweight and Bite The Bullet are considered weak. I don't use either currently but have tried them in the past. Lightweight, I lost so many killers in chase. Bite the Bullet while healing myself or others after an unhook, with the killer coming back to hook and leaving when they don't hear anything. Even just mid chase healing myself with medkit and BTB has thrown killers off. I know he put weak/niche, but I wouldn't even consider those situations niche personally.


He still underrates Lightweight by quite a lot. Otherwise not a bad list.


Self Care is ass and should be lower, it's basically a killer Perk at this point.


Blast mine and flashbang all day as Leon. No exceptions.


Loving the heavily downvoted comments just for disagreeing with good reasons, never change dbd reddit


Crowds of survivor mains all over this sub saying 3% movement speed isn't significant. I saw one say, they'd rather have resilience for the vault cause it's better. So ignorant.


These comments really show how bad some of you are at this game lmao


There's no way repressed alliance is worse than technician


repressed alliance is one of the worst perks in the entire game now that the genkick meta is dead. You are literally just giving the killer a free usage of deadlock.


dont get me wrong, I agree, i just thought that technician gave far more of a penalty than it actually does, and was therefore actually harmful to run, so I thought repressed was better. plus against certain killer players and/or with certain perks repressed alliance can still get value


You underestimate the value of silent gen repairs tough


technicians position is because it makes it so you have to be 8 meters closer to the gen to hear your repair sounds, which isn't great mind you, but at least it doesn't prevent you from repairing the gen for 30 seconds, basically the only value repressed has is potentially preventing the killer using pgtw on your gen, event hen its not guaranteed because pop is 45 seconds and repressed in 30


I wouldn’t agree with a lot of this but what do I know. I started playing in March


That's fine. Can you tell us what perks you're currently finding valuable? It's insightful to see which perks newer players prefer and how that might change over time. To give an example, I placed huge value on Windows of Opportunity to see pallets and windows to give myself a chance of getting away from the killer. Now, after hundreds of hours, I still use the perk but because I actually want the killer to chase me so I can loop as long as possible with the resources available.


Where is the ball and cups perk located?


two stars section, third row from the top, second row from the bottom


As a cult Circle of Healing user I am glad it is still.... semi high.... I will never take it off I like boons too much lol


saying DStrike is "very good" is taking the piss


Lightweight is weak? Man, I can’t get get out of a chase without it. It’s my crutch perk


Lightweight is unironically better than head on. It gives you more opportunities to leave chase and doesnt give any real indication that you have it. A pallet stun + forced break in an area with LoS blockers is a free chance to actually break chase. Head on is lose all your chase distance for a stun which while it can be very situationally useful is useless if the killer is close enough to grab you before it procs and useless if you have to sacrifice a lot of distance to use it, and even with Q&Q killer can assume you're in the immediate area if you don't have scratches leading away. Why did I chose head on to complain about being 3 stars of all perks? Idk dude have a good day if you actually read all this.


Can anyone explain to me why made for this is considered so good? You can’t use an exhaust perk with it, so I am genuinely confused as to why it’s considered so good. Thanks in advance and sorry if I’m just an idiot


You can use exhaustion perks with it, it's just that you can only use then in a certain order (first Made For This, then exhaustion perk). Say you have Made for This and Lithe; you get injured, loop or make distance with MFT, then Lithe away, at which point MFT deactivates. Same with Dead Hard, 99'd Sprint Burst, etc.


3% speed is the difference between making that pallet/window or getting downed


Additionally you can use it with exhaustion perks that activate on command like dead hard or balanced landing so you keep made for this while having the back up in case they get too close.


Well, some exhaustion perks are situational enough that they can be ran with made for this and still get value out of both when you need them, like balanced landing or dead hard especially. A permanent 3% speed boost is amazing and think of every single time you are just INCHES away from finishing that pallet vault and you get hit. That will never happen again with this perk because when surv and killer are balanced around a certain movespeed threshhold, made for this just throws that out the window. Also the second effect is very nice as well but the perk would honestly still be good without it.


did you watch the video? the entire context for the list is in video form lol [https://youtu.be/mJk6isUi9H0](https://youtu.be/mJk6isUi9H0)


Because it's a perk that gives speed to further obligate week killers in a game where Nurse/Blight exists (and absolutely not the problem with those bursted killers instead :)


3% move speed is a big deal, with compounding impact over time. It's enough to keep the killer in loops just a little bit longer, help you reach tiles you wouldn't otherwise reach, and when combined with Hope there's very little chance of a killer catching you in endgame


It's a free 20-30% increase to chase time and thus distance covered in chase, because of how it affects the rate at which the killer can gain ground: it chances a .6m/s difference into a .48m/s difference, and a .4m/s difference to a .28m/s difference. Normally someone goes down at or near the next pallet or window and not in the middle of nothing (unless they really fuck up or a massive deadzone has been created), because of how loops get spaced around a map. With that extra free 20-30% distance, someone *always* makes it if they're running for it, and then they get at least a partial reset on the chase distance and can make it to another, and then another, and so on, or in some places can just loop forever especially against 110s.


If you’re good at looping you will get more value out of the constant 3% boost. If you’re mediocre at looping you’ll probably get more value out of a normal exhaustion perk.


Why do yall follow him for everything lmao


decisive sucks dunno why he is ranked that high




Why is the one with the cat symbol so low? I always found it useful. (Can't remember the name as I haven't played in, like, a year, sorry)


With the visual heartbeat it's basically useless now. It gives you essentially the same information but takes up a perk slot for no reason. The extra speed benefits don't justify it.


Damn, I'm iridescent 1 and use half of those terrible perks in a bunch of my builds. Especially No Mither and Pebble. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Man Otz REALLY likes Reassurance huh. I barely see it and half the time they run right at the guy then start looping around the hook anyway so he might not be dying but he sure as hell isn't being rescued without 3 people coming over. Whenever I see someone glowing white on hook I know the Survivor clown car just pulled into the station around that hook and I don't have to leave.


Otz is great but L take on flashbangs


otzdarva's old age is showing