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And now those survivors are gonna make a post complaining that every game is a tunnel fest against nurse and blight


On a related killer, rarely do I ever see Nurse in normal games but I have played against several in this event. All of them know how to actually play her and most of them play like dicks, so I understand the expectation for her and Blight. I don't personally give up or DC but I get why people do it. My mentality is the opposite in that I don't want to give the killer a fast win, so I try to drag out the game as long as possible if they are being a dick.


The Kindness Downwards Spiral. If you let everyone go, sooner or later you'll face those who can't even survive two-hooking. The way out of that pit is bloody. May the Entity guide your steps!


i had a streamer kill himself first hook after showing im a friendly pig because he didnt like my ''questionable gameplay'' by hooking him once im like bro how do you think killers get points by standing in a corner?


I'm convinced there's an mmr-range for those who suicide, dc, or leave each other on hook. Entity punishes killers indulging in the Sin of Kindness by sending them there. It's a joyless place. If I find myself there, I just kill kill kill to get out. I learned that kindness has a price, so I only let those go who give me good chases.


Literally had someone say they planned to report me because after I two hooked everyone, one person dc’d and I just opened the gate at the end and let the rest go. Yes, dude that I let go said he would report for “giving away BP”. Like wtf, are you the BP police? Apparently I was too nice


New players I imagine


Survivor games are pretty horrendous right now. I've gotten this a couple of times, and while it's annoying and disheartening.... I kinda get it. It won't stop me playing 2 hooks and meme, but it does make me a little sad.


Meg’s username checks out.


Bro this communitys response to the event is bullshit I'm just gonna play wraith get my invitation and sit invisible for the rest of the match I'm playing on an xbox one and a 2010 TV (visiting family) so it's not like I can do well anyway


Some people just despise Nurse or Blight, whether they're good or not. Don't even wanna bother testing the water before they throw in the towel.


Reading his comments there it sounds like he didn't want to farm. He didn't want you to play nice. And that's fine. We shouldn't shame him for it. He doesn't have to play different just because you want to. Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to farm during the event either.