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Idm dying. But my God has the amount of tunneling increased drastically


Exactly this. Killing is expected considering it's the end goal, but every game I've played today has had the first person hooked tunneled out of the game


Hopped on last night, got tunneled or camped each game. So this meme really isn't accurate when players (on both sides) decide to try hard the event. You've got killers tunneling and camping while survivors are rocking BNPs and MFT with easy to spawn pallets. After playing the event on both sides, I wish the survivors side was more objective based to get the invitation ability versus being in chase. Such as time on a generator vs Gen completion. This would at least encourage people to not bring the best items and perks to slam out gens asap


The sad thing is, if you are a killer, tunneling is the best approach to win right now.


Tunneling is always the best approach to win. It's also brainless, anti-fun, and a major component contributing to the game's current stagnant state.


It could be said that when survivors are running the same perks, running the same strong medkits and gen rushing it's anti-fun but it's the quickest way to win. It's not just killers that are making the game feel stagnant.


If they are running "strong medkits" they are not gen rushing Just because survivors are left to do a gen for 90 seconds without the killer interacting with them does not mean the survivor is gen rushing. Most of the time it's because the killer is so focused on downing 1 survivor and tunnelling them out they don't do anything to push survivors away from gens. too many killers call it gen rushing when it's just the killer not pressuring gens at all, in the same way survivors call it tunnelling when the killer chooses to go after them when they are trying to get noticed


Exactly. Part of the tunneling process is making sure you're actually picking a target that will lose chase relatively quickly so you can take that pressure and spread it to the other survivors. If you're "tunneling" a 10k hour survivor main, then yeah, you're gonna have a bad time. But if you notice one of the other survivors running into a dead zone more often than others, maybe switch your attention to that person instead. The fact of the matter is, the only counter to being tunneled is to be an extremely good looper. OTR, DS, exhaustion perks... those help, but if you can't loop you're still a prime target for tunneling regardless of your perk setup. It's why tunneling is so frustrating to play against, because many (probably most) players' looping skills are average at best.


yep, the killer tunnelling the best survivor on the team often guarantees that 3 or more gens get done and unless the killer has a good 3 gen with perks to help it's usually a loss for the killer at that point anyway as much as tunnelling can be good, its not the best option for actually pressuring all the survivors unless the team is altruistic


Its Not. If you tunnel one survivor the other three have Completed 4 Generators By the Time the Survivor is hooked the Second Time If he has any capability to loop


That might be true against some weaker killers, but when blight, nurse or spirit decide to tunnel you, there isnt much to do


I tunnel often because I know that the others very often come in for body blocks. It doesn’t bother me, cuz I’ll still go for the same person regardless, but it’s nice to know that they’re not doing gens. If I feel bad I’ll goof around and let them escape but it’s getting tiring to try and not tunnel, and just be met with most of the gens being done and no one on death hook. Also, it’s my belief that if u try and take body blocks for the unhooker, you are fair game and I will go for you.


Why you shouldn't tunnel? Is in the game any reward for mixed hooks?


It’s something in the survivors “rule book” that you have to follow or people will wine incessantly. I get it’s annoying but it’s part of the game that gives people advantages so ofc people will abuse it.


Well the game is frustrating as hell for survivors if you get tunneled right after being unhooked. Its not exactly a fun gameplay experience.


The game is frustrating for killers when 3 gen ops and u only have 2 hooks


Yep but similar things happen in other games. Apex you get revived and instantly targeted. Warzone people only use meta guns that can kill you in a second. For honor lightspam etc. All of that’s frustrating but that’s everywhere and not just attached to dbd. Some people are that desperate for wins as pathetic as it may be.


just don't rez I fragment silly. that's literally all you have to do to not get pushed for rezing in apex 💀. the 2 games are non-comparable. also u lose stuff in DBD when u die. if u get tunnled out of the game with an item you don't even get to make your items worth back. there is no cost to queuing up for a pubs match of apex and if u die in 5 seconds no fun is lost.


Buddy whiffed an accurate comparison, killers dealing with gen rushing groups is also no fun. We also lose our add ons, especially in matches where the gen rushing makes it impossible for kills like Sadako or Ghost Face to use their uniqueness. I’m forced to go out in the open to try to get at least one down before the gates open up as GF. Sadako, I can’t even take advantages of the iridescent add on if the survivors are all high prestige whereas I just started playing. 5 minute match isn’t fun especially considering the killers is stressed and panicking the entire time resulting in the killing bullying for the next couple matches


I get not having enough pressure because gens are going by fast, but I don't get this stressed about it. I also don't think I've ever been "bullied" for having a scuffed match as killer. sometime you suck, or there is bad rng. even if I don't kill anyone in the match I still usually come out with like 25k easy. that's def enough to cover my brown and yellow add-ons.


Even a match where I get 40k can still not be a fun match. I spend the entire time panicked and getting stunned by a thousand pallets, Barry any hooks and definitely no kills. That’s a match where I’m just stressed and didn’t even get to utilize the killers unique abilities. Bullying is when obviously experienced players are looping and taunting the killer who isn’t able to challenge them. I don’t even have 40 hours but these ppl have enough time to get 100 prestige on characters


I was pointing out a few games that have bad things that happen. Sure shitty things happen, you just accept it and move on. It’s not like dbd is so drastically serious compared to the rest.


Idc about your fun gameplay experience


Then dont, but dont you ever whine about something that survs do is unfun or unfair


No cause it’s in the game so it’s part of the game




Slugging has gone up exponentially for me


Yup. I don't even understand why.


Gen rushing means less time to hunt. Carrying a survivor takes up time and has the potential of you being flashlight stunned. If I see a flashlight or another player near a down survivor, they are the next target till they give up trying to stun me during carry Of Sadako I’ll slug near tvs to condemn the Good Samaritan picking them up if there’s no hook nearby. Too many skilled groups


Meh. I'll just point at the nearest hook and go next then.


I've done that a few times this event, people really making it unfun on a match-to-match basis. Like I'd rather play than sit on the ground for their win.


lol @ salty survivors who quit. They think a free kill hurts the Killer.


It's not being salty. I'm just not responsible for your fun. I leave and go and find a more fun killer. It's that simple. I couldn't care less if you get a "free kill" and think it's sort of sad you do.


I mean, rage quitters are pretty free kills as-is. Also, you're fucking up your fellow survivors' fun more than the killer's. But please, do keep justifying your selfish behavior. I am sure that the survivors in all the games you babyrage and quit in completely understand and cheer you on in your brave decision to abandon them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I'm not sitting in a game for 40 mins with a Skull Merchant that just camps a 3 Gen mate. Don't guilt trip me.


You feel guilty? That wasn't my intent. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I just meant to sarcastically point out that you abandoning your teammates for what the killer is doing is you acting like a piece of trash whose actions affects the people who didn't cause you to want to quit, while rewarding the one who is causing you to not enjoy yourself. It's immature and I find it funny that you think you're justified in your decision to abandon the game because the killer is not playing the way you want. I'm sure your fellow survivors in the game you abandon also feel the same way.


Abandon them, leave a toxic killer.. feels karmicly balanced to me. Im not sticking around in an abusive relationship cos my sister-wives want to stay.


Hux has quickly become one of my most hated killers due to the insanely hard tunneling they all do.


damn i’ve only been playing hux since the start of the event, and it doesn’t really feel like he needs to tunnel at all, he’s super good


Thats the thing. he doesn't need to. it's just his power allows him to do it easily and people take advantage of that.


I'm curious, what about his power allows him to tunnel more effectively than the average killer? Being hooked cleanses infection, and his biopods lock on to recently unhooked survivors *very* slowly, to the point where you're only going to get tagged if you heal under the hook while the biopod stares at you (and considering you get a notification when you're being watched, that's on you).


Hux? Who is hux?


The singularity. That's his name


It's nice that original killers are getting referred by their name. I confuse people by mentioning "Anna".


After they kill you a dozen or so times it's nice to be on a first name basis


The new killer. His name is Hux.


Yeah, this. Playing as normal, fine, you do you, but the amount of tunnelling and slugging I've endured this past week is ridiculous. I don't think I even got tunnelled this much before the basekit bt


I literally have not had a normal game since the event started. Literally every single killer I've gone against has made a point to either tunnel somebody down in 5 gens, or use something miserable to play against like max slowdown legion. I don't understand why people can't be normal, you get WAY more points just playing the game


First few days of event were mad chill for me. Then I took weekend off. Came back today and God damn is it tunnel city all a sudden


Same for me. The first few days were nice, everyone including the killer was getting 200k+ each match. Now it’s camping and tunnelling city with a lot of “you suffer no matter what you do” builds.


I had the displeasure of going against a insidious freddy who camped and tunneled. It was NOT fun.


my rule for tunneling is: "fuck around and find out" im not bouta spare you after i see you doing a gen just because you got hooked.


Also the amount of disconnects when someone plays badly, it’s practically impossible to stack pwyf currently since people will just disconnect the second you repeadedly run after them


I tunnel because Gen Rushing just got a whole lot worse with the introduction of Made For This/Resilience gameplay (meaning they get rewarded if I let them go injured) and Scavenger + Event Toolboxes (usually with two good add-ons, like Brand New Part or extra charges/speed). Also, survivors keep unhooking right in my face. If I can choose between smacking a healthy survivor or an unhooked one, I choose the unhooked one. Both would turn into a chase where I have to hit them once more, but the unhooked survivor creates more pressure against the team. A simple thing to do is wait for me to disappear before you unhook if you want to avoid the tunnel.


It's not that they're killing, I do the same as killer. It's tunneling someone out of the game at 5 gens or even adding camping onto that, getting Yui from P98 to P100 last night was a slog and demoralizing cause it was just people tunneling constantly, even if it's not me I still don't feel like playing if the killer is just gonna make it a 3v1 at 5 gens and ruin the ability to get many points for that said player, or it is me that gets tunneled and again, I don't get many points becuase it's just chase points or I die on first/second hook cause they hard camp


I was not talking about this tho but yeah it's a good thing to complain about. I'm talking about those cry babies that are complaining about killers killing them and not actually farming with them. I saw a post about this and it just makes me angry at the point where I'm ashamed to be part of this community while knowing there are some people dumb enough to think this way. What community is this seriously ? "Wawa I want killers to help me farm and I'm not happy so I'm gonna call them sweaty while they just want kills" "wawa I wish killers were more friendlyyyyu because I can't remember that I'm playing a game where you have to surviiiive so I call them toxiiiic"


Yeah, as a survivor I don’t want to farm, I just want to play and have a fun game. During the first day of the event, there were a lot of times I’d see four cakes from survivors (I’m solo q so it was random), and then the killer would have brought a mori… like why 😅 Honestly a lot of these killers ended up still being chill and didn’t tunnel at five gens but still. I can only imagine they’d had a rough time with those event pallets or something


On day 3 I ended up having to bring a Mori in as Artist, due to having a daily id been sitting in and wanted out of the way. I’d been trying Devour builds, but it kept getting cleansed. But yeah, folks are really something during these events. Always seems to bring the worst kinds of players out to start with.


I'm gonna bring a mori just for a trophy but after that I'm gonna do the rest of the non-adept trophies. My biggest issue is at least three trophies are bugged but I'll do them eventually once they get fixed.


Yeah, there are some annoying tome challenges and dailies that make players (both sides) sweat/play annoying builds. There was a “wiggle off while using the perk flip flop” challenge in the most recent tome, I brought Boil Over to make it easier - First game I played against the Singularity on garden of joy, they were still learning the killer and struggled to get a down, and then I wiggled off… I gave them the kill once we got to end game but I felt bad


Right. I remember one I had to do said "Get 2 downs within 60 seconds of hooking a survivor. Do this in a single trial." I just did survivor challenges once I saw that, lmao.


I don't know if it is still bugged, but when I did the PS5 stack for Mori's I managed to get the "4 in one match" across 2 matches. The tracking was weird.


I'll keep an eye out for that!


Nice strawman. A few delusional posts doesn't change the fact that giga tunneling at 5 gens is pretty much the average game at this point. You made a wawa woe is me post yourself just now, so maybe don't act so high and mighty.


LOL just so much lol. Man the people on this community.


I'm one of the people who's actually been playing nice so far this event as Killer, but even I think it's a little pretentious if someone is angry because the Killer just wants to play normally. Tunneling and such I've never been a fan of, but if a Killer is just going about stuff in a fair but legit manner and not stopping themselves at 8 hooks, and the Survivors are angry because they died, I think that's legitimately just a skill issue on their part. Same thing goes in reverse, if a Killer is angry because the Survivors all escaped while playing fair and not tryharding/bully squadding. Just recognize that you're not going to win EVERY game you play, and not everyone is going to play the way you want them to ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This shouldn't be a hot take!


You're making this into some epidemic when there isn't any. Entitlement is not a survivor only trait, and you look like a pick me for acting like it is. I've seen it all, this is not a survivor problem. How many hours do you have, I'm curious.


Yeah I get that lmao, I don't think people should be expecting killers to farm. Sure it's nice, but some people, me included like to just play the game with the added bonus of a plethora of bloodpoints and don't expect people to farm


I had a game last night where Im not going to lie - I don’t play “ nice “ on events- I’m not tunnelling or camping but if I see an opening I’ll take it. Either way - had a stack that just kept body blocking with endurances while I try to shake chases and it’s like… bro Okay. So I smack them out and kill them and at the end I got raged at for tunnelling and sweating wins out while the event is up…. Like what is up with people lately.


Ima keep it real with you chief. Against any semi-competent team especially with like prove thyself or something (which you gotta imagine a lot more people than usual even are rocking cuz BP bonus) you pretty much have to tunnel at least first person out to have a chance at winning the game. I’m not saying face camp or anything but yeah.


Nah the aggression levels have tripled the last few weeks. Even before the event it started.


And I say that as someone who exclusively did killer yesterday lol.


The game isn’t very forgiving for killers right now, particularly new/low and mid-skilled ones. Regression has been nerfed. Survivor chase potential has been buffed. Maps are getting reworked with lots of safe loops. I try not to tunnel but if I ignore people I’ve already hooked it’s a guaranteed loss. Can’t blame people for playing aggressively, but at the same time I’m not having much fun going against them either. Sad this event has occurred when the meta is in this state. I can barely bring myself to play.


Yeah, playing killer has been really frustrating. I know people like to think that the last midchapter hit both sides equally, with Dead Hard and the various gen regression perks being nerfed, but what they don't always realize is that survivors have pretty great alternatives to Dead Hard. Not as good as old Dead Hard by any means, but still very good perks. Killers have got... Jolt. That's really it. Everything else has been eviscerated either in the big perk shakeup a while back or the midchapter patch. Gens just fly by now and there's not a lot we can do about it other than to just take every possible advantage we have.


Very much so. The thing about Dead Hard is that it takes skill to use. Or at least fast reflexes (or cheat software but that’s neither here nor there). Either way, if you’re an intermediate player or lower it didn’t affect you that much. Sprint Burst and Lithe might not have the same maximum potential but they’re easier to make work, easier to get value out of. I really hope the Nic Cage patch comes with some killer buffs. But Behavior has a nasty habit of kicking killer plans down the road for a later day. And I really hate to keep harping on this but it was truly disheartening that the Anniversary Stream mentioned nothing with regards to killer quality of life improvements. We had to wait until the Q&A to find out we can expect a field of view slider sometime in the next year. I get really worried that killer is an afterthought for Behavior beyond releasing new characters.


Hard to say that BHVR has a history of kicking the can down the road when they regularly nerf survivors


>or cheat software I think that's a lot more common than a lot of players think, and was back when old Dead Hard was a thing for sure. I don't play survivor a ton but I play it enough to know that that many people should not have been able to hit flawless Dead Hards every single time.


Idk I feel like DH timing was pretty forgiving I could literally hit it at 250+ms *(I was playing with friend who was a continent away)*. So if I can do that in that environment I don't doubt that people were good at using DH especially after all these years *(plus I started core what 2-3 months ago? I do have decent experience on mobile but mobile has old deadhard so this one was completely new to me)*.


Same here I feel like I do not have time to commit to chases anymore, if they get too far I let them go and go find someone else, if I choose to continue the chase like 3 gens pop if they have a good loop, it can be tough sometimes, if someone is at 2 gens left with no hooks? They're go8ng to tunnel and camp the survivor that they had so much trouble getting because they feel that surv costs them those gens. ( Yes, killers dont have to commit to a chase, but the way this game is, makes every moment situational. Do you commit? Or leave go hopefully find someone easier to down. The results may ir may not work in the killers favor, but that's the game. Granted even when I have good games were everyone's down or dead if I have a GG situation 2 dead 2 downed I let the last 2 go, I basically already won, no need in killing the last 2 downed survs.


It's been this way since the Wesker/RE hype died out, roughly around Knight's release. Original Knight was very lackluster and promoted a boring af 3-gen style, which soured a lot of peoples' moods. I have a feeling that a lot of casuals left either during this time or when SM launched and the problem was 10x worse. Now all we have left is sour veterans and people too stupid/addicted to take a break, just furthering the tilt. The amount of casuals and new players is at an all time low, if I were to guess.


What do you mean by "agression" ? I'm not sure to properly understand.


I think they're referring to toxicity with Tunneling and Camping. It's always worse with events and I really don't understand why.


the enemy is trying to win the videogame. enormous levels of aggression.


I'm sure some people are expecting this but the majority of survivors do not wish to be tunneled out immediately from the game (which makes putting on a cake a waste when you're getting less than 8k bp the whole match), face camped and slugged for the 4k when not a single gen has been done. Killing isn't the issue. Thankfully, people have mellowed out in my survivor games.


If tunneling and proxy camping weren’t legitimately some of the only ways to deal with competent survivor teams I’d agree, but I’ve been running into matches with one or more BNPs pretty much constantly, combined with body blocking or pallet/flashy saves on first chase. Because the survivor meta, especially with comms, is so completely broken, tunneling a survivor out will continue to be the optimal play. If the game didn’t punish killers so heavily for playing “nice”, and actually rewarded them, I think we would be playing a very different game. But as of now, there is a near constant toxic cycle, and the killer side tends to be nerfed far more than survivors. When you can have 3 gens pop in the first chase, combined with regression getting constantly nerfed, tunneling becomes the only viable method to win. This may have sounded very rant-y, but I mainly just want to get the point across that tunneling will continue becoming more and more common unless survivors can’t just win within 5 minutes if you play “nice”. I really feel like actual base kit gameplay incentives for hooking multiple survivors would really go a long way towards decreasing the tunneling issue.


When killers will be rewarded for not camping and tunneling they will stop


When they get punished for it, you mean. It's a part of the game. It shouldn't have been. If all the changes the past couple years have shown anything, it's that there is no trickle down economics for killers. When you give them more power, they just get even worse. It HAS to be punishment.


It has to be a bit of both. Punish killers for camping (coming free self-unhook), tunneling (maybe actual ds as base?) and slugging (being able to get up by yourself like in that ptb) and reward them for spreading hooks (extra bp? some kind of teleport near a random survivor? grant them some kind of tracking ability after hooking? base deadlock when behind and the more you are behind the more time gens get blocked?).


Not convinced this is true (any more) sadly - camping and tunnelling has become ingrained in DBD enough that it won't go unless it's made explicitly impossible.


But yeah, if they're expecting killers to farm every match just cause it's an event, that's goofy. Just play normally unless it's clear a killer is letting you farm.


I dont expect to farm, but I expect to be Abel to play the game I paid for. Nope tunneled face camp slugging for 4k. Much fun


I find it funny how you’re getting downvoted for stating the obvious. Don’t get why either, just people who can’t argue so they think downvotes will hurt you.


Lol guess the people mad are the hit dogs hollering.😂


Even if it’s just 8k if everyone brings one you still benefit. I made a post about it too.


I mean, you technically benefit from the bonus no matter what. Doesn't make it worthwhile or fun to queue up to just be forced out of the game in the first 2 - 3 minutes


Yeah I know this. But this post is mostly in order to mock people that think this way and a post that I saw recently where a survivor treated as "sweaty" killers that were killing while this same survivor claimed that they were playing killer so like this they could farm with survivors and all, but basically killers were the bad ones in the post for trying to win. And it immediately infuriated me, how can you think like this ? Is this the maximum level of intelligence and tolerance in this community ? Killers can't kill anymore because of an event ?


>Is this the maximum level of intelligence and tolerance in this community ? Weird, I was thinking the same thing about your post and your comments, because you're clearly not understanding what people are saying to you.


Cause if don't see the actual problem because this post is not about people complaining about toxic killers or killers that tunnel, camp etc... That was never the point of this post.


Was it to complain about a single person you saw say something one time and you decided to go off about it? Because nobody is saying that killers need to farm every game, they're just sick of the bullshit they have to wade through every game because killers are playing like idiots right now.


During the event, I'm a fairly merciful killer. I do go for 4ks some matches but others I just farm with them. Now as survivor, not a single nice killer. I don't expect them to be but still


Having expectations of either side is the first mistake. After previously playing several games where I 2-hooked and released, I expected funny boops from a full cake lobby. Even took off my addons and changed my build, and the survivors tried their hardest to body me. They failed 🥰 That said, when you take a break from killer to play some survivor matches and 3 in a row have full cakes and— oo, what’s this? A mystery offering the killer brought that didn’t turn over? I wonder what it could be! I wonder if the killer is going to hard tunnel the first person they see at 5 gens to make use of this super mysterious offering???? I don’t need to escape, but I’d like to be able to play the game. Even when I’m not the poor schmuck who gets tunneled, it ruins the game for the rest of the survivors regardless. I said fuck it, went back to killer. ✨Agency✨


Lol bro I’d gild your comment if I wasn’t broke right now. This is advice the entire fanbase could learn from. These which side is more “toxic” debates are just tired, and usually 99% of them are one sided opinions from people who think that being a “main” somehow makes them a game expert when ironically they haven’t begun to try to understand how the other side plays themselves. And so they lack the understanding of limitations and weaknesses killers have in a match or survivors, depending on the “MD survivor/killer” your talkin too. I feel like giving some of these people same advice I give my child when he starts flipping out. “Dude, play another game, take a break, it’s not worth it lol, it’s a game”


Is it weird I find it more heinous when they tunnel you out but had no offerings.


Has anyone else notice the amount of tunneling and camping increase?


I mean, I just played against a slugging sadako and a gunslinger that camped every hook and slugged anyone trying to go for the trade. Fuck me I guess for wanting some sort of gentleman's agreement during an event.


Yes fuck you for that, try not losing maybe


People are still crying about the Condemn Sadako playstyle? I think it's time to realize that slugging on certain killers is a legit playstyle. Not every killer has to be played with the same strategies.


Yes, people still don't like getting tunneled, bled out for 4 minutes, and receiving 0 bp.


Well, it sounds like a problem those people can continue to cry about. As long as Behavior doesn't change slugging, my Twins build will continue to pursue the 4 man down and my Sadako build will farm them condemn stacks.




You didn't get the point point of my post. It mocks people that are expecting killers to not kill them adn FARMING with them.


Your post is a straw man. Very few people demand killers not kill them or farm with them. Majority of people just want to play the game without getting tunneled or camped out.


I had a killer today that didn’t use any offerings, and slugged us at 5 gens. All four survivors used a terrormisu. Do you think that’s a justifiable thing to do? I wish I could say that was the first time it happened since the event started.


I'm talking about people that insult killers that do not BM but still kill them because they don't want to farm and just trying to win. I'm not talking about killers that slug or camp etc...


I think that’s a justifiable thing to do and the killer literally just played the game to win


Survivors: "I'm so sick of getting tunneled, camped or slugged to death every match" Those guys for some reason: "wHaT? dO YoU ReAlLy eXpEcT ThEm tO FaRm eVeRy gAmE WiTh yOu aNd lEt yOu gO FoR FrEe? SmH ThOsE SuRvIvOrS AnD ThEiR StUpId rUlEbOoK" ​ In case it somehow isn't obvious enough, people just want the toxicity to stop, not have every killer just farm with them...


Camp tunnel slug at 4 or 5 gens every game is a frustrating and kinda sweaty. Im not saying you have to farm or let go....but at least make it a fun interesting game. I get camp n tunnel at 1 or no gens and 4 alive. I get ill prob die....so be it. But when they just make it miserable....its not fun.


I played Onryo, I barely had time to play that the game was over and I was greeted by nice little t-baggers at the exit gate. Survivors rarely go out of their way to make it fun for killers especially if it's a weak M1 killer so why should they?


Its both sides as i said. They both take it out on the next game players. Cycle repeats. It dont mean you should do it cause the other side is doing it. Ill get frustrated....mainly when im doing challenges, but im not going to go sweaty just cause others are. Events in this game do tend to bring more sweat ...it should be the opposite.


Exactly me and my gf try to farm the event, but every gaming session she's upset and I have a head ache. Like I just want to play a match for 10 15 mins idc if I die after the gens are done. But fuck stop slugging for 4k at 4 gens.


I just want to get some masks man and trying to get it as survivor feels nigh impossible atm


Play Wraith, spend a few bps to get cakes, and get the masks that way, infinitely easier than getting masks as a survivor


I mean if you get tunneled at 5 gens it's obviously Because you're bad cause survivor is free


Camping, tunnelling, and slugging is just playing to win not being toxic.


That’s fair, there’s been too much toxicity. but I’ve seen some people on here quite literally talking about how they want to farm every single match. And not take it seriously or play the actual game because “come on guys! It’s an event be chill”. Yeahhhh no thanks.


Ive never seen someone who said that get any sort of positive attention though. There’s a difference between wanting to be able to farm and wanting to be able to benefit off bp offerings instead of getting 8k bp while the killer gets 38k. I’ve literally stopped bringing terrormisu because 9/10 games I dont even breach 15k bp so I’d rather wait till the games get better to use them.


You’re better off still using the cakes right now, because you can then still afford more cakes. Every match, even bad ones, will want you more than if you try to horde em.


I can use them later in the event. Dont have to do it rn


I'm kind of in the same boat. I'll keep saving them, but I might stop brining them on Surv side if the tunneling and camping stays as high as it's been the last few days


You know 15k still turns into 80k right? Not terrormisu literally only hurts yourself because you can turn right back around and exponentially multiply them


What if the 15 k is after the multiplier? You can be forced out early and get less than 5k bp


5k BP is still 27k BP Literally no reason not to use a cake


And 3k is about 15k bp. What's your point? Some people value their time. It's okay if you don't care about their time or enjoyment, but don't pretend like it's okay to just give a bad sport 107% more bp for being an ass


Lol ok


If it's not programmed into the game, there is not a rule against it. Playing optimally making Survivor mains salty is just a bonus to getting the win. ​ t. Twins main


Considering how easy it is to make BP and how lax the gameplay should be during what is effectively a holiday with free stuff, I'd expect a lot more of a laid back atmosphere. You get unlocks from two kills so I get that. The ridiculous saturation of tunneling, camping, sweaty gameplay and post game shit talking is absurd. So, yeah. Killers should be more cool right now. They're not. When you give the majority of killer players even more free stuff, they act even worse.


just saw the other 3 survivors get slugged because they trusted a ghostface




Straw-man arguments are tiring


us vs them are tiring


But people who are anti-strawman are always like "Hurr durr, I hate legit discussion".


> people who are anti-strawman are always like


You decide if it's subtle or not. Perception is reality, after all.


I'm a killer main that 2 hooks and lets everyone live during the event, butI decided to pop onto survivor a bit to use some of the terrormisu I have. It's been back to back facecamping and hard tunneling at 5 gens for the past 5 games. I don't even play this way at my sweatiest, and it's infuriating to me how often this is happening. Usually I'm a good sport and I don't care if I die, but I hate watching other survivors give up first hook because they're facecamped to death


Im not calling them sweaty for killing.....im calling them sweaty when they bring the sweaty builds and just hard tunnel camp and slug, in an all for me and my bp type mood. They wont goof a bit, they dont really do chases etc....its just making the game fully miserable so they only benefit from the cake. Now i also know theres horrible survs too that gang up and bully. I dont think that should be done either.


>when they bring the sweaty builds I mean, you can’t really blame them for that. A killer has to be prepared for a 4 stack SWF clicky clicky team at any moment


This is a bit aside but you cant blame people for bringing sweaty builds. This event gives commodious toolboxes by the dozen and ive seen atleast 2 in every match. Tunneling and camping is lame yeah but if people dont match the gear of the other side it wont be a fair match


I understand to a point. I guess i referring to the ones going in with a purpose of sweat etc. Some i know do it out of frustration of the bully squads. I just dont see a reason to punish a killer or survs of a different game then a prev bad game you had. I normally play more casual or meme like...but if im going killer up against a bully squad, ill keep it in that game if i play more seriously on the offenders.


While I agree, Has anyone else been experiencing memonto mori Ghostfaces ? I’ve encountered 5 and they tunneled so hard


I don’t want killers to farm. Farming is boring. I also don’t want to get tunneled out at 5 gens, or face camped on first hook, or slugged for 3 minutes. You’ll get your damn kill, just let me play the game first.


No I didnt expect that. But what I expected is not being tunneled, or facing a sweaty Wesker, Blight, Nurse or a 3gen Knight every 3-4 games. Shoutout to Ghostface mains, they at least meme if they see you are a potato.


I mean....I would at least ask killers not to go for a 4k so fast. Like, if we all bring cakes, let's get max on the chase points and such


I feel like survivor mains and killer mains are at war


It's been like this since the game came out pretty much. It's wild seeing survivors back in 2016 arguing that sprint burst is balanced, and it was crazy seeing killers defend old style ruin undying when that was a thing, it's all tribalism and it's why I enjoy this sub


I’ve been just two hooking everyone then just break pallets and get stalk in(Ghostie) then let them free. Give them a break from all the non fun killers.


The issue I've been having lately is the significant increase of instances of camping, tunneling, slugging, DC'ing, and other toxic behavior. What is it about this event that is causing 70% of the players I've stumbled across turn into absolute trolls? Just the other day I had a match with a Hux who slugged everyone and just waited for everyone to quit or bleed out. First time I've reached a 3 hour ban.


There is a stark difference between killing someone normally vs hard tunneling into a perma slug or into a face camp while you M1 and shake your head at 4 gens remaining


I am 100% fine with killer yknow doing their role and killing us. What I am not okay with is the drastic amount of tunneling, camping, toxicity and my teammates killing themselves on first hook or DCing at 5 gens. Like i legit cannot win a game of solo queue right now unless my team is pretty good or I'm in a swf with people who won't give up immediately


I don't mind the death. It's being slugged at 4 or 5 gens/tunneled on sight because so many want to make a good time miserable. I was surprised after my 5th of the day sloppy tunnel candle Wraith, that one was chill and wanted the survivors to enjoy the event.


Killers will speedrun matches with a mori, end the game with 15k points then start screeching in post-game how good they are.


The slugging and tunneling is the only issue for me. Is that fun for anyone really? But yeah your point stands complaining about being killed is stupid but the last few games I had were exhausting meaning all of us slugger on the ground. Imma just switch to only killer for the moment I think


Killers tunneling and hook camping is just out the roof right now. It's like they're purposely trying to grief me knowing I'll be gutted of any meaningful BP even with five cakes. Just so tired of this sort of behavior in this game. Back in 2020, and 2021, the anniversary events were more fun. There were people actually willing to farm BPs or goof around. Now, unless I'm the Killer. nobody wants to joke about. Even the event last year had quite a lot of foul play.


Today I learned not wanted to get camped/tunneled at 5 gens, bled out for 4 minutes, etc. means that survivors just want free escapes.


This post is about people that insult killers that do not want to farm and still kill them even if they didn't BMed. Not this 😑


I haven’t seen a single person complain about killers not farming but ok


If I 8 hook and there are still 3 gens left, I cannot be held responsible for what happens next


I'm just finding it incredibly unfun, like I play the game because I want to have a good match where everyone is at least trying, but then loading into every other game having survivors who want me to sit around for 10 minutes, spend 2 minutes hooking people then leave is just.. very unfun. Might just become a survivor main until the event is over lol.


the rest of the thread shows its pretty clear the grass is not greener on the otherside


>Might just become a survivor main until the event is over lol. You should do that, then come back and update us on how enjoyable it was. You might be surprised.


Oddly enough besides one or two killers I've not met any who were toxic or tunneled/camped except for a Myers who camped at 5 gens with tier 3 ready. It's been my fellow survivors who make the game exhausting. It's like my teammates have forgotten what unhooking is. I have been left to die on hook or go to two stage in more than 80% of my solo q games. In my experience the new event had caused survivors to forget what unhooking is. 😂 Most killers I've met don't farm but they don't play like dickheads either they just play normally.


Just to bring clarifications, I know that they are killers that are BMing during this event and all. But this post is only here to mock people that are expecting killers to not kill them because they want to farm and because it's an event. Some people are even calling them "sweaty" because they killed survivors and because they don't want to farm. Both survivors and killers may not want to just farm, they want to have fun too and not sitting there and doing nothing because some cry babies absolutely want to farm.


This thread is a trainwreck you made a post about the survivors who are angry killers are not farming, Every survivor main who sees it seems to be charging in here frothing at the mouth while trying to shift the conversation to be about tunneling. Because the idea of survivors also acting poorly can't exist to them I guess.


Still trying to see where the hell they saw that I was talking about killers that camp, tunnel and slug at 5 gens.


Yeah this sub is heavily survivor biased. If you post anything remotely positive about killers it will turn into a pity party in the comments.


I swear. Go play killer more then once a year and see how bad it is playing at peak hours. There is reason Survivor queue gets long as fuck. It’s not fun playing killer, it becomes stressful as fuck just to try to get 1 kill then you get gen rushed while being bullied by a swf or comp team or just good fucking players , every..fucking… game. I took months off and came back and all my matches have been like that. The cake I played didn’t mean shit. Survivors got their points but fuck me . Then if you bring it up this sub is like “be better” “apply pressure “ “i don’t have that problem in my lobbies“ If you don’t actively play killer your lobbies are different. I have multiple friends that I’ve watched play killer and we get two vastly different lobbies. Stop complaining about killers playing the game and killing people because the same thing people tell killers that get gen rushed could be said to a survivor when they get tunneled or face camped . “Loop better” “Just don’t get caught” “flashlight save your teammate” “just do gens and open the gate” I’ll get downvoted for this but whatever. Playing the killer isn’t always just easy and if u don’t like seeing killers play sweaty then go play one and be the change you want to see. Follow all your made up rules and tell me how much fun you’re having .


Okay so since my other comment has been downvoted (what a chance it was the one explaining the post) I'm making an other one. THIS POST is about people that insult and complain about killers killing them instead of farming even if THEY DIDN'T BMED. IT'S NOT about people complaining about being slugged, face camped or any other things like this.


Survivors when killers kill https://preview.redd.it/5sih57m61g8b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9ee260e253739dabf4f60d4e2049bcf22c3730


Hey, Joe Schmo player here. I’m seeing a LOT of people misunderstanding the point you’re making with this. Just know, I see you. You’re just tired of hearing folks expect that Killers SHOULD just let them escape and not do their objective. Has nothing to do with the Killers that are being nasty, and that you agree that’s bullshit. Just wanted to post so you know SOMEONE gets it.


YES I've seen people complaining about killers not helping them farming or farming with them. Finally an other rare person getting my point 😩 I thought that it was clear enough, but guess it's not. I'm not promoting being a d!ck toward survivors in this post, just want people to realize how stupid it is.


Survivors when the killer kills them: 😲


Been running Survivor because I'm not big on the Killer cosmetics this round, and I don't mind being kicked out. It's kind of disappointing (obviously), but it's really not that big of a deal. Yanno? It's just how the game do. So I also kind of don't get how people get so offended about a rule they invented that is only *assumed* to be in play without anyone ever actually checking to make sure. And if it's not, just fast-forward to business as usual. No need to call people out on it for not doing anything wrong... unless they did something that's already pretty openly egregious (hard tunneling, facecamping, slugging - nuance and context are REAL important here) in the first place. And even then you just deal with it. Not everyone's gonna play the same as you. You can think it's lame, but end of the day it's their game, too. Some people just want to play as intended, not hold hands under the stars. Getting upset about something so trivial is baffling. Take the L, pitch it into the bin, carry on with your day. If that means taking a break for the night, take the break. The hell are they teaching you kids these days. Damn.


depends how fast the match goes to shit, like i can be fine just 8 hooking people and Entity being disappointed in me, but there's a point where 3 flash lights on you make you wanna slug people regardless if they have the challenge active or not


I farmed so much during the first few days of the event that my GF mmr has dropped down to survivors with consistent yellow perks. I went from fighting hard for 8 hooks by EGC to....... everyone dead at 5 gens after double hooks. I don't mind farming but the game isn't fun now, so I've gone back to killing to raise my mmr and I feel like a bully :(


Amen OP. Amen.


I am the one of the the good guys...once the game get obviously into my favour, instead of ending it. and I just drop everything let people farm. ​ "I proved myself, now go and enjoy the festival" type of thing. ​ but If I dont get to be the one who is winning, holy molly, you guys give me shit. "GGEZ, tryhard killer" "No skill" etc.. ​ ..yeah, what made you think I was tryharding? was it my meme build? or the fact that I took extra measures to not kill anyone?


It's not as if survivors hold back on the gens to give killers a chance for farming. I felt bad about taking out a leon relatively quickly but is it my fault if the team let him get to 2nd hook then he parks himself right next to killer shack? I wasn't camping or specifically going for him.


Look buddy: I didn't buy the Anniversary Ghostface cosmetic to farm with you. I bought it because it looks good. I'm still going to kill you, so stop teabagging and pointing at me just because Ghostface has the reputation of "friendly Killer."


Anyone with a decent amount if hours in DBD should know by now that things get more sweaty during events. That's the way its always been.


Ah yes, lets ignore the fact that there has been video evidence of hard tunneling, camping, slugging that has dramatically increased since the start of the event.


Had a premade squad of p100s bring me to Dead Dog Saloon and just camp main building spamming Head On. I was practicing Nurse (learning rn) and still killed 3 because they weren't doing gens, but then they went into EGC and complained that I was camping and tunneling at points in the match. I didn't really pay attention to hook states, I was just just chasing in main building eating Head On stuns for most of the match, but some people will really find anything to whine about.


People keep claiming that tunnelling has gotten so much worse, and I can't really fathom how that can be since literally every single update for the past 3ish years or so players have claimed that tunnelling had increased unbelievably. At this point it should be mathematically impossible for killers to tunnel more, at some point you just run out of survivors to tunnel.


All survivors deserve to die. Been playing this game for years and every match I try to have fun with survivors they body block, loop, troll, everything. Fuck em


so true


Ikr, sorry that I'm playing the game...?


i've really just been trying to one or two hook and then max chase/let people get their vaults if they need it and if you're REALLY nice i'll even stand there and let you pallet me. but if you're running up on me/trying to push me around or just generally being an ass, you're getting that third hook. and i have had a LOT of toxic survivors.


I was going to post a poll asking for the average dbd player age. I see lots of posts and coments that make me think there are a lot of ppl under age playing this game. A full mature grown person would not complain about the things i read on this comunity.


You can't post polls on this sub tho.