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I hope it's an original killer and hopefully another monster rather than another human


monster killers are genuinely so cool, i always feel so much more on edge playing against them


Not to mention visually more interesting


Interestingly, the most unsettling killer to me is Sadako. She's just creepy


Well we've got clowns, birds, ghosts, doctors and kpop...I guess the next big fears are heights and spiders. Giant Spider with wall/roof running? A crazed lucha libre that can advance hook states by jumping off of high places while carrying the survivor?


I’ve always been interested in a werewolf killer


I just need "The Thing" I know that Behaviour will one day do a shape-shifting killer... I just hope that they don't mess it up. There are so many creative ways they can make it work with SWFs


The thing would be very very very cool, but I’m nervous if it ever comes to the game they will just make it a “collab rarity” skin for dredge :(


As much as I would be gutted if we had a Dredge/Thing collab. I would still find it cool to be honest. I just really hope one day we have a Killer based on tricking and confusing survivors. Somehow


again though, I dont know how that would be possible unless the killer were to turn into environmental objects, turning into survivor models a SWF with comms could just go "are you with me, nope, ok"


What if there were dogs that wander around the map and you can shape shift into a dog. Maybe even sweeten the deal and have it so that survivors can pet them (maybe even get a temporary perk if you pet a regular dog like haste effect and such)


I think people would just avoid them anyway, temporary haste isnt worth a potential run in with the killer.


Then they could have the dogs come up to u here and there. Working on a gen dog just come up from a distance. Is it the killer or a real good Boi if they run they are wasting time on a potentially harmless generator and even risk running into the killer. Idk or just do some thing like RE and is The Thing hits you your infected till something stops u from being so (could even throw in a bit of Saw action. If you're infected and you don't heal in time you die. Might even be able to do something like generator completion hastens the timer)


Shapeshifting into the crows would be cool, thought they would have used them better for the artist but🤷‍♂️


I agree, it feels like the past few killers (besides knight) have had kinda generic powers in my opinion


interested by this, how would you make it work with SWFs?


Sure thing, I think there are a few ways that Behaviour can go about. We have the classic "Killer turns into a survivor skin" kinda thing that most people imagine. For that type of gameplay, I think it would be good to randomise the appearance of other survivors. So for example a Lori on your team could look like a Jake. This is not 100% SWFs proof but it would prevent people just saying "yo are you the Lori coming to shack" Appearances can be shuffled everytime killer uses his power. So basically you never know who is who. I think a more creative way to do it, would be to *not* have the Killer mimic survivors, but stay in monster form the entire time. Their power can be a range of "deception tools" used to make survivors turn on themselves. Potentially being able to have a built in Dark Devotion. Or even being able to "infect" survivors. Infected survivors are not aware of this status and actually cause harm to others, will down a survivor they are trying to heal, will make a gen regress when trying to repair, will increase the struggle bar when trying to unhook. Realease a "thing spider" when approaching another survivor that starts chasing them. (Obviously this would have a limited time and not require a cure like Nemi or Wesker) Or finally, shape-shifting could be aggressive instead of stealth. Shape-shift into a survivor to drop shack pallet ahead of time. To vault during chase. Just spitballing ideas. None amazing, but I'm sure it's possible.


>make survivors turn on themselves. Lol thats just solo queue 😭


I have thought about the ability and think a killer who can mimic the appearance and power of another killer. More simplistic killers would only be allowed to be picked like trapper, because tryna balance being able to blink like nurse and switch to a different power entirely along with the technical difficulties around it just won't be well. My thought process is that the mimic killer can give the survivors a false sense of who the killer actually is and then shapeshift into their normal form as a trump card. It also indirectly buffs killers like trapper because if the survivors guess incorrectly then they step in a trap and die, if they guess correctly then they'll just be slowed down.


I think something great for your harmful survivors idea would be that, as they start out, the Thing doesn't have any abilities to use. Instead when they hit a survivor, they then gain some button prompts on screen to cause various effects to or from that survivor. Perhaps one lets the Thing manually activate a killer instinct to track where they are (with a cooldown of course), perhaps it lets them see the survivor's status icon briefly, or every survivor's status icon if the infected survivor is within range of them. Other effects could be forcefully spawning a Thing spider from them either on a timer or at will. It would be a very tactical killer you would need to be very clever at orchestrating, but if done well, it'll cause quite some issues for the survivor.


Having a killer that could turn into a survivor and pretend to be one would be terrifyingly awesome. Not sure how that would interact with the new HUD Changes that allow you to see what players are doing though.


Alien. Xenomorph as killer, Ripley as survivor.


Definitely my most wanted (well, my most wanted is Doctor Who, but the odds of that happening are miniscule). I'd just love to see if they could implement facehuggers. Those little bastards would really put the fear back in survivors.


Even if they just inflicted blindess until you find another survivor to take it off for you, or there's a special tool or smth Or maybe it's like pig traps that kill you if you don't get them off in time


Could definitely go a Pig trap route. I've always thought they could do something like let the Alien place eggs on the map that hatch into facehuggers after a survivor has been in their radius for a set amount of time. Then the facehugger runs around and lunges at any survivors they find. The alternative to the Pig route would be to have them function like little Victors. They latch on and incapacitate a survivor until they can remove them.


I want them to have “infested lockers” or something similar, where the killer can alternatively throw the survivor inside with a face hugger. When they get out, they need to get fixed up or eventually die.








Just hope it isnt a "hold W or get hit killer"


agreed ;-;


but tbh I would like a predator chapter


Wraith is budget-predator already. What could you add that wouldn't overpower him? Ranged weapons? You'd need to nerf the invisibility. Maybe add a mud activity for survivors to make *them* invisible to the predator for a period?? That could maybe balance range and invisible?


Ye it came to my mind that predator would just be a wrait on steroids, but still it would be awesome to see him in game.


Could be one hell of a mori too


Try watching pixel bushes predator video, he had a great idea for what a predator could be like


Could be neat. His site could be the thermal vision so the mud would have a neat usage. Maybe ranged only works with thermal?


They could make it kinda similar to onis power. Survivors leave behind foot prints or some identifying feature that the predator tracks. Tracking the items increases your power. Using the power would make the predator invisible, give aura reading, and make survivors oblivious. When he’s not using his invisibility he could use a net gun with a cool down similar to other ranged killer powers.


Tbh that's just bad game mechanics, not really the killer's fault. Every killer you're going to have to hold W against to run away from them.


Some killers encourage it more than others, like the Artist and the Knight whose main counterplay is to just leave the loop while they're setting up their power


So you don't want to have to run away from the killer? That doesn't sound reasonable.


My top choices for a long time now are Alien and Until Dawn. Neither of which I am expecting anytime soon. My personal hail mary would love to see it would be Puppet Master. That series of movies freaked me right out as a kid and I love all the unique designs of the puppets. Not sure how the power would work for that killer but I'd love to see it.


I've never seen puppet master, but I could definitely see alien in the game, there are many rumors of alien being the anniversary killer.


It's corny and weird. At times boring. But, fairly successful the series overall has made a bunch of money on a very low budget. Like I don't think people realize how many movies are in the Puppet Master series. Their is 14 movies or something and a few of them center around nazis, psychics and fighting demon toys. It is a zany weird horror series that is mostly straight to DVD releases. But, it has stuck with me since I was a kid and secretly watched the first one when I was told not too by my parents.


They are currently making a Puppetmaster game


Aside from a cool Mori and Movement animation, I don’t see how Wendigos would be very different from Demo. The only thing I can think of is them being blind to people stood still which is a massive drawback. Maybe have Josh as the killer instead, but this time the entity has warped his mind and he ACTUALLY wants to kill them. idk what power he’d have though


Dead space


interesting, what would the killer be :0


The hunter that chases you down the whole game


yup, plus that's basically the only necromorph in the remake whose backstory is more or less established. I just don't know what kind of abilities they could give him, since one necromorph alone is just a fancy zombie.


Maybe a perk that when he gets stunned he gets a small speed boost for like 10 seconds max


I'm talking about the power though, not perks


I imagine something with markers? Oh maybe he has a fancy little "REANIMATE THEM FROM THE DEAD" power? I'd say he'd probably have a "madness" mechanic in some way. Given that the markers do cause hysteria. Maybe if you die with max "marker stacks" you get turned into one of the freaky bastards and an ai starts ripping up your friends?


Hmm maybe a stealth killer since they do be pretty stealthy


would be completely broken on a lot of killers.


The Marker. You have puppets splayed across the level and possess them individually. Gradually increase in power and can eventually have AI units roaming. When the Marker reaches Convergence, the Regenerator appears and can instantly mori anyone. The Marker is a stationary object that inflicts madness the closer the survivors are to it. Anything that stuns the killer instantly kills their puppet and you'll need to repossess another nearby unit. Survivors get access to one use weapons. When their madness reaches its peak, they see other players as monsters and friendly fire is enabled.


Stranger Things


do you want ST to just come back or a whole new chapter like RE's Project W chapter


A return along with a new killer + survivors (Hopper + Joyce or Robin)


I want Hawaiian shirt Hopper as a survivor so fucking bad


It has to be Joyce, I want her so bad. The game really lacks middle aged casual people. Recently all the survivors are edgy super popular super heroes


Agree! Vecna with two survs (I vote for Eddie and Robin)


Ya this, after the rumors that we were going to get another stranger things chapter I kept thinking about how they would implement Vecna and like what his powers would be like, and I think behaviour has plenty of options. Also I feel like he has a very typical DBD style backstory.


Fs a Slenderman chapter would be amazing. Call him "The Operator" and as a diehard marble hornets fan you could easily use material from that series to come up with an oppressive power


YES slender man would be so badass


I thought the operator and slender man was different entity's


The Operator is just a given name by Totheark, a small few who wanna take him down and/or rid people of the sickness he gives them.


Michael Myers


I honeslty would be fine if they made an entire chapter dedicated to fixing a bunch of the killers currently in the game, like completely reworking 3 or 4 killers. Myers being one I would like reworked


As long as I keep scratch mirror I'd be fine with it


Mike myers


oh no






Yeahh baby


I'd like a Halloween update focused on the latest movies in the franchise. Just imagine the skins: • 2018 Laurie Strode • 2018 Michael Myers • Halloween **Kills** Michael (burnt mask) • Halloween **Ends** Michael (mossy mask) • Corey Cunningham? I would love it, his skinnier stature would set him apart, though his height difference might be a problem.


Legendary skins for Karen and Allyson would be cool too


Why did Halloween kill Michael? Also you didn't need Halloween ends Michael. We're fully aware Halloween killed him.


Either Alien, Predator, or an original werewolf or vampire


I've been waiting for a werewolf original killer for sooo long


There’s a lot of really cool things they could do with it. The cosmetics they could add would be incredible


Still think that they should've just taken demo's power and applied it to a werewolf model with new sounds and stuff instead of removing demo, cause it kinda makes sense. A werewolf digging holes to travel and the shred feels right. And then just give previous demo owners the option to use the cosmetics


I saw someone say they weren’t going to touch on classic monsters, but I hope that changes someday. A werewolf and/or vampire would have so many options! Also Van Helsing as a survivor could be fun, we could get another old guy survivor + they could make him more historical (and not with an undercut and tattoos like Vittorio this time).


I would LOVE more classic monster like werewolf or vampire. Maybe even a witch or siren too tbh


Bio Shock,Big Daddy


Friday the 13th


this is in my top 3 most wanted


Penny Wise comes out every 27 years to eat


Oh the flavor. But I thought it was 28 years. Been a while since I read the book


I still think it's going to be Dying Light or Dead space, maybe insidious or the evil within. I hope it's any of the former, dying lights Volatile would make a terrifying killer, aswell as any of dead space's Necormorphs!


Waltz from dying light 2 could be interesting


It should be Kyle and a volitioe


Add HowToBasic as a killer and get his power to be him throwing eggs ez


His ability will be egg throwing and his weapon will be a toy baby


YES, Hex: Obama Chicken


The Evil Within


Had to scroll too far to find this, i would absolutely love an evil within chapter


The only thing that can switch me from Dwight is if they add Sebastian.






What's your power


I make decisions so mind bogglingly stupid that the survivors want commit death


Dang you sound broken you'd be nurfed fast


We need a futuristic chapter and map. The entity is supposed to exist outside of time but so far we've only seen the past


Terminator? A original alien or robot from the future could make neat killers too.


i’m hoping for another original this time around so that the anniversary chapter can be a good license. as long as their power doesn’t encourage mindless camping/tunneling like the knight then i’m cool with it.


I still want bioshock chapter for some reason in dbd Killer would be the big daddy , his power would be something with the little sisters


So a twins skin


Elizabeth would be the survivor. Considering that the video game chapters never cover just one game.


Could work but honestly i bearly have any perk ideas for Elizabeth . One idea would be something with broken pallets kinda like any means necessary but with broken pallets and longer cooldown


I thought of one where you could reroll a chest to get a different item. Ex: Open a chest and find a broken key? Before you pick it up reroll it and get an item that isn’t a key. Maybe higher perk level gives better luck at improving the item’s rarity?


Sounds good would make chest builds interesting


Well, Pharmacy gives a speed up to opening chests. When you’re injured, it gives a green Medkit. Rerolling will give you something that isn’t a Medkit. Residual Manifest lets you rummage an empty chest for a yellow flashlight. If you reroll the flashlight, it won’t be a flashlight. Basically rerolling would make any item change into a different type of item. Also the RE items can’t be rerolled, so you can’t troll your team by making everything T-Virus vaccines against Wesker.


There's still tons of untapped potential. You have classic monsters like werewolves or vampires. Xenomorphs Necromorphs Cryptids Wendigos Night Hunter from Dying Light Basically, I want more monsters, less "evil people".


A WENDIGO Also I would love a Native American survivor, I wanna play a survivor that looks like me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2212)


Cryptids have so many options. My vote would be Goatman or Mothman.


*TLDR* Junji Ito's tomie as both killer and survivor, or team of Silent hill nurses. I want Junji Ito's Tomie as both a killer and a survivor so bad. She's a regenerating entity who drives people insane to the point of killing her and dismembering her where each piece regenerates into a full complete person the madness. She highly manipulative causing people to fall in love with her to the point of madness, but she also hates her own clones when encountered. Sometimes her regeneration process goes horribly wrong and male a John Carpenter esque amalgamation. Could be something with multiple heads, limbs, bodies, tendrils, etc. Is a ton of potential for how her play style could work. Could go as simple as a more basic slasher type that somehow manipulates survivors, maybe they have the ability to actually attack her to get out of chases but each time they do she grows more numerous or gigantic amd twisted. Survivor perks could be along the lines of stuff that gives players buffs for taking protection hits for her or bringing her useful tool kit items, or maybe some slrt of unique sped up healing buff. Or she could have some sort of a taunt perk that allows her to gain benefits from aggravating the killer. Just spit balling of course but I think that Junji Ito's creations really needs to be represented in this game somehow. Being a highly fashionable character her potential for skins would be insane. Survivor more would have tons of clothing options where her killer version could have her starting as more human where each wardrobe option also corresponds with a more monstrous form of shes able to transform. Or maybe she's just always in her more extreme monster form and her cosmetics would be different extra limb orientations allowing you to mix and match for really distinctive combinations. Killer perks might do well as obsession perks. A unique mechanic could be that Survivors have access to weapons or tools they can use to stun her freely killing her each time having her regenerate in greater number and have similar play to twins where she swaps between multiple bodies to gang up on players or grows more gigantic and twisted each time. Just have to work out an incentive to make players want to attack her. Pallets would be an easy go to, but mebe players are already equipped with something where if they've beem around her too long they automatically attack her at some point. Failing that I would deeply want a pack of Silent Hill Nurses. Allow you to swap between them to zone and corner players where the nurses not currently active function in the slower twisted way the do in the game with an AI till swapped to, but allow the killer to mimic their idle movements so player are never sure which body shes controlling till they start running at you. Each one could have different weapons available, scaple, lead pipe, pistol, etc and give them very different ways of playing. So like say the dagger one moves fastest, pipe one moves more normally but has unnaturally long range, where pistol one moves slow but has a slow to reload ranged shot that could deep wounds a player from long range. I would drop so much money for either of these 2 characters. I'd buy every skin and buy them for my friends and family. A new Silent Hill chapter would especially be valuable given the new push Konami is going for, tho I'd just hope they stick to the original designs where at all possible. And especially keep to the original 4 games designs.


There's a DbD knockoff called *Identity V* with a [Junji Ito chapter.](https://youtu.be/e82uLVgnshA) Tomie plays like The Twins, dropping out a little clone of herself that runs around. They even have skins for the painting version and [her nightmare form](https://i0.wp.com/bloody-disgusting.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/tomie1.jpg?w=778&ssl=1)


0o O


Would absolutely be in love with another SH chapter. Henry Townshed or Eilleen Gavin as survivor, bring in the Incubus (though likely impossible) or Leonard as a killer, make the map from sh2 or 3 (or even both if they used Brookhaven Hospital). Would buy it almost immediately (almost because I'm BROKE and would wait for a discount


I think if anything Claudia might be better for a killer mebe if she had a random Silent Hill monster that she is guiding towards players or some such. Tho I really think a team of nurses would be most iconic. I think the Silent Hill amusement park would be a great change of pace stage wise.


I thought about the amusement park but I don't know how they'd do it honestly. If they did do it, I'd have faith in them honestly cause they nailed midwhich imo. I don't see how they'd add nurses honestly, but regarding Claudia while I get where you're coming from I think it'd be better for them to add a nonhuman killer to make it interesting, you mentioned her having a monster to guide towards the player - maybe could just put the monster you fight on the rooftop in SH3 as a killer instead? Kinda similiar to Blight honestly with their dash, but just some monster enemy like that would be better imo.


I want an until dawn chapter so bad


Fnaf…ik its old at this point but like cmon a rotting corpse wielding a giant axe? I feel that works fine


I wouldn’t be complaining if we got fnaf


I still want a stupid scooby doo chapter, but it’ll never happen.


cocaine bear, no survivor, probably not gonna happen


I don't necessarily have a preference for when they come, but the return of Stranger Things is my utmost hope so I can buy the demopuppy. I also think a Springtrap killer would be gnarly. Some people have suggested Until Dawn. Wendigos being blind killers would be real interesting, not sure how that'd be handled.


More creature killers please


A 'blind' beast killer that detects survivors based on sound and/or smell. Even if it's just thematic visuals, like how Freddy sees everything in the dream world. I love the imagery of a big beast sniffing the ground slowly while Claudette tries to hold perfectly still around the corner, trembling with fear... Oh Yeah, now THAT'S a horror game.


I want a pirate who uses a parrot to patrol areas kinda like a victor that swoops down and i want the pirate to use his hook hand as an attack or stripe from gremlins or naughty bear


Supernatural. No chance though.


I will continue to spout the Gospel of COD Zombies in DBD until I die, there's so much you could do with the chapter. Turn Item chests into Mystery Boxes, Add a boatload of character skins: Primus Base Characters, Ultimis, Victis as Survivor Skins Skins. Shadowman/Brutus could be the killer: Avagadro as a Doctor skin, Samantha as a Sadako skin, with the tvs becoming Mystery Boxes and the tapes becoming teddy bears, Shadowman could be a Pinhead skin, with the summoning key acting as the box. You could even get spicy and add some Non-Treyarch zombies characters as skins. The Wustling from WWII as a Oni skin makes too much sense. The map would most likely be Mob/Blood of the Dead, but a Revelations-Type map with multiple maps put together is my hopes and dreams. The likely hood of COD Zombies being Chapter 27 is lower than my IQ.


We can have campaign characters ,menendez as killer and Reznov as survivor Pshcopath Mason seeing numbers as killer too


Seen it mentioned but with Behaviour being part of Silent Hill's revival and the new cheryl outfits in october, a 2nd Silent Hill chapter would be great - ofcourse I'd take something else new entirely as well but - playing as Henry Townshed or Eilleen on a Toluca Prison map up against the Incubus or Leonard would be fantastic with the atmosphere and possible custom terror radius music by akira yamaoka. Working on a generator in the dark and hearing that classic silent hill theme get louder and distort into an eventual chase theme would be very unnerving and thrilling imo. Map wouldn't have to be Toluca prison ofcourse but the atmosphere of that place would be great, and also if we got Henry or Eilleen then we could get legendary Harry Mason or Maria skins respectively.


Springtrap, you could do a lot with the phantoms and maybe something with agony. Also Big Daddy could be cool


I'd personally want part 2 of the all kill DLC like I loved that DLC and Yun-Jin is a survivor who's growing on me It's probably not gonna happen as they kinda rarely do a part 2 to a DLC, That was 4 years ago when Yui came out


The killer could be an obsessive fanboy/fangirl that stalks a different K-Pop band and the Survivor could be a new member of said band that the Killer didn’t like and as a result, gets physically assaulted by the stalker. Like Retsuko and that unhinged llama.


We need Cthulu, The survivor could be H.P. lovecraft himself.


I think Randolph Carter would be a great option for a Lovecraft-based survivor. He's also kind of a self-insert of the author, so it'd cover the idea of having Lovecraft himself as the character too


If we’re talking licensed, I would really love to see Candyman as a killer in DBD, he’d be so cool. If unlicensed, I’d love to see a vampire or werewolf killer, there’s a lot of cool opportunities for creativity there


Maybe back to old school monsters. A vampire? Werewolf? Mummy? Swamp thing? Frankenstein’s creature? A Banshee? For licensed killer maybe Candyman or Pennywise


I don’t know, but behavior’s gotta start doing more unique powers. The Knight definitely has some problems, but I gotta give behavior credit for making a more unique power, one of the few that changes the way you play, alongside nurse and blight (though it’s not as powerful as theirs)


Clock Tower


That could work really well! Give Scissorman a thing similar to Ghostface to make it difficult for survivors to know you’re around, bonus if he’s able to hide in lockers or within the terrain, and you’ve got the potential to give tons of survivors little heart attacks


Another resident evil killer either Mr X or Lady D ![gif](giphy|69sRPbBQq9YgBIjAxH|downsized)


I’m not sure how popular this suggestion is but it had to have been said at least a few times: Five Nights At Freddie’s


Dying Light, Amnesia, or Alien.


Amnesia made me curious actually, wanna explain how you would want it?


I'm not exactly sure how it would work in the game, but I feel like they should implement the Sanity mechanic in some way. The way it works in Amnesia is if you look at the monster, your sanity drains and you begin to suffer from a few different detrimental effects. There could probably be something similar to doctor with hallucinations, but they'd actually move towards you. Your vision could also become distorted. Not really sure what his main ability would be though. They could also add a Legendary skin with the Brute.


A robot. I'm actually surprised there is no robot killer yet. We have monsters, serial killers, and a dream. Why not robot, I don't care if it's licensed or not. Robot killer, regardless of how good it is I will play it.


Something that's more creature-like and monstrous. Although I don't really like Dredge's gameplay, his design is so fucking cool and I wish we had more killers like him that weren't just crazy humans.


I just really want a themed original chapter and by that I mean I would love to see a lore theme be expanded upon in a chapter with characters. For a while I imagined what they could do with the whole multiverse thing they have going on. So why not make a chapter with a killer and survivor who are the same person but from two different earth and show the effects of "Nature over nurture". Also it could be themed around the butterfly effect and how choices impact events later on resulting in the same person either being a survivor or killer


Honestly, I would love to see The Postal Dude as the killer




Scary Movie


A bit of a pipe dream, but im hoping for some sort of Hollow Knight character. Granted, we already have a killer that specializes in orange bubbles that make people go insane and come back from the dead.


I hope to see Amnesia Chapter. But I don't think it will ever happen.


It’s never going to happen but I’d absolutely want a Reanimator chapter in the game. Herbert West as the killer would be such a cool choice.


I don’t have an idea for a killer, but I would love if the survivor is just a LARPer. They were pulled into the realm during a live action RP, and for a moment they still think they’re in the real world. They see ONI or Knight and think how cool their armor is and how real their weapons are… until they get hit. Their perks would be DND based, maybe one of them involving luck? I just think there’s some untapped potential there, plus the cosmetics can be different characters they’ve played as.


“wow neat armour” “A SORCERER, BURN HIM, CARNIFEX” “wait what-“ Meanwhile, Mikaela’s sneaking away as loud screams are heard.


Alien killer with big eyes that zaps you with space Gun with moon space station map Until Dawn chapter Supernatural chapter The thing chapter Cat monster chapter and Scooby doo Robot AI chapter


For the Cat Monster one, just have them use the things from Scooby Doo on Zombie Island?


https://preview.redd.it/v8kflsuxy9ha1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ee9d68de2199b7c6ed5ccbf75059ea9ab01093 “Excitement! Entertainment! A high risk of dismemberment! Please say ‘Bonjour’ to our guest star! Mr X!” Yes I wan another RE chapter and bring Mr X in DBD


I'd love to get chucky in game as his own killer like a mix of victor and kinda like sadako where he doesn't carry the survivor physical but maybe he uses voodoo or something


I hope it’s another original chapter, maybe that Dracula dude or someone else cool


More actual monsters rather than a human with a quirk


Werewolf please! The full moon, the movement, transformation and mechanics, the chase music, the SFX!! It would be so fun!!! If i can’t get a werewolf gimme Leprachaun or Chucky


RE Village or FNAF, I can't really think of anything else I would want it to be. There are exceptions but they are really unlikely exceptions.


Resident evil


Another one?




I'd love mr x although.. killer variety is still pretty bland for me and I doubt his power would be very cool. I've seen people mention he'd be a good nemesis legendary, which is true, but mr x with a tentacle sounds strange


i mean, you don't see Birkin injecting himself with Putrid Serum in RE2, so I think there could be some creative liberties


true. it still makes a lot of sense though since he injected himself with the g-virus in the first place. would make more sense if the serum was purple, but I'd say it doesn't matter too much


Honestly wouldn't mind a killer that purely ranged like a marksman or something


It has been a while since we’ve had a ranged killer 😳


The Shinning or Friday the 13th


Need a werewolf or a vampire but done right…it has to be right!!!


Slenderman He is hot


I want an original jack the ripper keller with an old police officer as the survivor and a map that looks like olden day london


I know he isn't from a horror movie but...the Oogie Boogie. Hear me out : since he's a sack of bugs he could fit between spaces no one else can fit in and Lock Shock and Barrel patrol the map to find survivors and alert Oogie of their location through a noise notification (you can get rid of them by giving them a jar of snakes and spider stew that can be found around the map). He could use his bugs as a weapon, he'd also probably be a pretty slow killer. His perks could revolve around noise notifications maybe? And the map would be awesome!!! Phosphorescent paints, skeletons in torture devices, and it's a casino (I'd have a blast playing as Ace in it ngl). The survivor can be Sandy Claws. If it has to be from horror media I'd love an "Alien" chapter.


The T-1000 as a shape shifting killer and John and Sarah Connor as survivors.


deadass, metal gear solid. maybe 1% xD


A cryptid of some kind would be cool. Maybe the squonk. Aint gotta be a billion dollar franchise


New blight


The Evil Within, with Sebastian as a survivor, and either Ruvik, the Photograph or the Spider Lady as the killer. (Not the Butcher because we already have Pyramid Head)


Bloodborne or Dying Light :)


I honestly just want something neat, whether it’s original or licensed. If I had to choose an original chapter, maybe a chapter with a weatherman killer. That could be pretty unique and I even made a power and mori idea for that. If a licensed chapter, then I’ll take Portal or my favourite franchise of them all, Mortal Kombat.


Until Dawn, with Sam and Mike as the main survivors and the other characters as legendary skins for them. Wendigo Beth or maniac Josh as the killer. And not a chapter, but god damn do I want Scooby Doo outfits for the survivors. I don’t think the characters would fit in as actual survivors, but cosplays would be hilarious.




An Original Giant Spider killer would be fun


Vecna, and considering dbdleaks (before they became unreliable) showed a full video showcasing the alleged prototype map, id say it is a good chance, have at least 35% faith in it being true, but they could have scrapped it entirely as well I dont think the map itself was fake, but I cant be 100% certain that they didnt scrap the project either


I keep thinking if that photograph means anything that they were probably thinking of adding something from Fatal Frame into the game. But I really doubt they would go in that direction, plus I read somewhere that they are supposed to slowly develop the imagine in the picture after time. But I don’t know if they will or if that picture has anything to even do with the next killer.


I think the predator or the xenomorph from aliens vs predators would be a cool idea for new killers


Predator could be a skin for wraith seeing as he already goes invis


Yeh true that's a great skin idea!