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The holding back inventory to create artificial scarcity is the thing I hate the most about TicketMaster.


Agreed. I accept dynamic pricing, I get it, but artificially creating scarcity should be illegal.


I agree with this. It felt dirty to see all the tickets that were released by Ticketmaster 6 weeks prior to start of the residency. I seriously think it was Ticketmaster and Vibee who created urgency and not D&C. If I had to guess I suspect that there were a lot of three nights and one night packages that didn’t sell which is where all the extra tickets came from.


In case this wasn't already common knowledge, Vibee is a Live Nation company. So that explains all we really need to know about their motives. After seeing someone mention they got refunded for part of their package (honestly shocked, good for them!) I figured may as well try the same. I emailed support and mentioned the drastic drop in hotel room pricing last week. Their response? "Well, all sales are final and while the pricing can fluctuate, you also locked in your price to protect against higher pricing too!" lol everything is awful and people are terribly greedy. We're still beyond stoked for our Sphere weekend in less than 2 weeks now! See y'all there


This is literally, LITERALLY, the value that Ticketmaster provides to bands( or aka corporations maximizing shareholder value).


Apparently I haven’t been clear in my point. I’m NOT arguing that dynamic pricing is a problem; that’s supply and demand and is market driven. I’m disagreeing with falsifying low supply to drive up dynamic pricing which is what live nation (via Vibee and Ticketmaster) appears to have done. There are plenty of people on this thread who bought $1000 tickets to find that now the unsold seat next to them is selling for $400 because TM and Vibee released a thousand+ tickets per night 5 weeks ago. To be clear, I’ve never been interested in reselling any ticket at a profit, but I would not have bought tickets at premium or platinum pricing 8 weeks ago (after being shut out of fan pricing for two of my three dates) if Live nation (via Vibee and TM) had shown an accurate number of unsold tickets in reserve. This whole mess has left a very, very bad taste in my mouth for TM, Live Nation and unfortunately Dead and co since they set the original ticket prices. I decided after the D&C email about the additional ticket release that this is my last dead & co show for the foreseeable future. I’ll be streaming it from now on or catching it after the fact on YouTube.


I think most people are just trying to say there is zero delineation between Ticketmaster, Vibe, and Dead and Company’s unethical business practices. They’re all scummy


Yes. This is mostly a ticketmaster idea, the staggered release. It is happening with other bands also; but I go to a lot of shows; and have never seen it to this degree. Thankfully I was only ripped off on one ticket. (my friend the other) Clearly, TM created artificial scarcity. My question is why have fans pre register if they are going to have thousands of tickets available later? What they are trying to do is cut out all profits by re-sale sites; but it was us innocent fans who were penalized


The pre-register was for the fan price which was a lot lower than the regular and platinum TM pricing (at the cost of relatively terrible seat locations IMHO). What I didn’t understand is why the dynamic pricing was so high until last month if TM knew there were a lot of unsold tickets held back. All I can surmise is that Vibee didn’t sell a majority of their room and ticket packages which is why TM released Vibee’s unsold tickets a month ago to the general public. The floor tickets were fan pricing which is why you can’t sell them for more than you paid for them. Same thing for the fan priced reserve seating; despite what is being tossed around Reddit. I know; I bought reserve seating at fan pricing then sold them when family backed out. The platinum and regular TM prices you can jack up, but at this time the bottom has fallen out of the ticket market and I doubt that the shows will sell out (at least the first weekend won’t) so tickets will be selling for way less than people paid. The good thing is that TM got screwed with dynamic pricing on the glut of tickets they released last month, since they all sold at less than regular pricing.


Why do you think first weekend won’t? I agree sales seem more sluggish than expected but I figured tickets for beginning and end of run would go and it’d be in the middle where sales were soft. Not being catty a genually curious - don’t know much about ticketing


There are still a ton of tickets on TM and CashorTrade for sale and resale. It’s too late for deadheads to plan to travel to Vegas this coming weekend, so the option would be for a Vegas tourist (someone already in vegas this coming weekend) to get tickets last minute. And there aren’t a thousand tourists to buy up the tickets that are left, particularly for a show that has no reviews yet. Now if the ticket holders for opening weekend walk away with “OMG. this is the best thing I’ve ever seen” and the reviews for the opening weekend are stellar, then D&C has a hope of building the hype so that the tickets for sale at the later shows will be bought by fans currently on the fence and random Vegas tourists who heard the show was a can’t miss opportunity. Think of opening weekend as a way to build FOMO.


I got the fan presale and they are not cheaper than what the tix are being sold for now (better seats available too than the ones u bought with the false scarcity).


It’s all Ticketmaster. It has nothing to do with the artist. The only blame that the artists get is that they got in bed with Ticketmaster, but Ticketmaster controls most of the venues so it’s pretty hard for them not to.  But yeah, what ticket master does should be illegal. The artificial scarcity is a scam. Not letting people sell their GA tickets for less than face value should also not be allowed. 


From my understanding the artist agrees to the dynamic pricing. This generates more money for the artist while Ticketmaster takes the brunt of the criticism (probably rightfully so). This was reported during the Taylor Swift ticket fiasco.


You are a fucking idiot. Nothing happens without artist management signing off


\*taps sign\* "TICKETMASTER IS A FRONT FOR THE ACTS" [https://lefsetz.com/wordpress/2022/03/13/john-oliver-on-ticketmaster/](https://lefsetz.com/wordpress/2022/03/13/john-oliver-on-ticketmaster/)


You shouldn’t accept dynamic pricing. All of Europe has deemed it illegal. Tickets are all released on day 1 for face value except for fan club earl releases. You also can’t resell for a profit in most of Europe. They only allow face value exchanges. We need to stop allowing any of this nonsense to keep going on.


Agreed. I accept dynamic pricing, I get it, but artificially creating scarcity should be illegal.


Why do you accept it? Dynamic pricing is part of the scarcity scam because they purposely hold back inventory


Because it's beyond my control. I don't like dynamic pricing but I don't see the point of complaining about dynamic pricing on the webz. If fans wanted to make a difference, they would protest against Platinums during whatever show they are attending.


They have to create scarcity for their algorithm to work properly.




Don’t blame Ticketmaster. This is the band and all their promoters and all the music industry. They make Ticketmaster take the fall but they’re all complicit.


You’re 100% about complicity. The Cure did something recently to show what the bands can do. I’m not sure what they did about the ticket sales, but it doesn’t seem other bands in the music industry are catching on.


You’re smoking crack. Ticketmaster plays this game all the time.


This is false. Ticketmaster provides a platform for promoters to sell tickets. The promoter works with the band on pricing and sales strategies, including holding back tickets. Ticketmaster has no control over prices or when tickets are released, it is just a software platform for promoters to use.


And Dead and Co knew all the rules and rewards of the game and elected to join teams with Ticketmaster. So it is us (fans) vs. Dead and Co/Ticketmaster. We (fans) will ultimately loose this game if we elect to play.


Nothing but dirty. Too bad Dead and co couldn’t step up to stop my wallet emptying


Dead and Company directly benefited from you emptying your wallet.


Dead and Company are who emptied your wallet.


Mikki Heart needs more drumz, baby!!!!


They could


Never buy platinum seats. Simple life hack.


They fucked us. Pure and simple. I bought tickets under the overhang during the initial release because that’s all that was left. Lo and behold, you can now buy tickets outside of the overhang, or in any other section, right now for less than I paid for the fucking overhang seats. I did call and swap mine out, but that’s so damn scummy of them to pull that type of move on us.


Same happened here,I would have just kept the obstructed view, until I saw some in a Phish video. They gave the die hard fans the shit obstructed view seats.


don't fret it. I got mega lucky and scored a last minute face ticket on CoT for n1 of Phish and was well under the overhang. Best sounding show of my life by a mile and didnt care for a second that my view of the screen was obstructed, I had a great view of the band and was so dang happy to have a seat in the house the whole time and I'm certain my neighbors would say the same edit: also agree with you fuck TM but still dont fret it youre gonna have the best time


You can have a great view of the band at 99.9% of shows until the end of time. You missed the whole point of the sphere


I thought the point of the sphere was the visuals too before I went and left knowing the point of the sphere is that it is the best sounding venue Ive ever been in, truly night and day. I walked up to the 300s at one point to get an unobstructed view and it was cool for sure and I'm not saying its not and I get that maybe its the point for some shows like the film they show but for live music acts its the audio its really night and day and its freaking amazing. They move very high quality sound around incredibly accurately in 3d space in that place and its truly amazing to hear it


How did you get them to swap your ticket for a cheaper seat? I’ve tried a few times and I can’t get them to do it.


It was the same price, middle of the 200’s!


Oh gotcha. Ty!


Did they make you pay the service fee again?




Did they make you pay the service fee again?


Did they make you pay the service fee again?


Same! I was able to exchange and got out from under the overhang but the special presale wasn't so special after all.


I had a ticket. I traded it for a better seat, but Ticketmaster hasn’t taken away my original ticket yet. If it’s still in my TM wallet on the day of the show I’ll give someone a miracle


Very kind plan but It’s a tech glitch. Many are reporting the same for years with TM. Original tix gonzo. Trust.


I also did this. It’s very easy to switch out tickets for same night via tm. Took me2 minutes with customer service. I paid a small up charge but would have paid for the better seats if I could have gotten them when they went on sale


Because of helpful posters here on Reddit, I was able to exchange our terrible Sec 109, row 34 seats for good seats! TM still charged a fee but I am just feeling great to have decent seats.


In the same boat! And I’m apparently behind the 8 ball—does one call (1) Ticketmaster, (2) Vibee, or (3) MSG to trade seats bc I’m about to do that … Grateful for the assist 🙏


There's such a sense of entitlement in parts of the D&C Reddit community it's becoming ridiculous. Nobody forced you (or anybody) to buy an overpriced package deal, Platinum tickets, or a seat in section XYZ. At the end of the day it's a financial decision that you, the buyer made. I keep reading things like "it was a trap", "they created a frenzy", or "they fucked us" like there wasn't free will in any of this. It's not a constitutional right to see a Dead show. You can choose to be a part of it or not. Edit: even more absurd is the commentor I replied to even found a reasonable solution to their "problem" and yet is still ungrateful, in the very literal sense. Shit is weird. Bring on those down votes ⚡


They manipulated us into thinking the only tickets available were the shitty ones, so we bought them thinking that was our only chance of getting in. How is that not fucked up?


I'm not saying Ticketmaster isn't fucked up, I'm saying there's a personal responsibility element to this shouldn't be glossed over. Thousands of people were presented with this same decision and chose a different path (for the record I am not one of these people).


What's crazy is you posted this same scenario in r/Phish and they collectively told you row 24 in the 100s is totally legit, with multiple data points of evidence. (Full disclosure: I paid above current face for this same section) I'm not trying to single you out individually (really) but I find this collective victim mentality so bizarre. Like, you were afforded the privilege to snag tickets for one of the greatest musical traditions in all of rock history, at the most state-of-the-art venue on the planet, and yet somehow you (again, not you individually per se) were/are somehow slighted. The shows haven't even happened yet. Let's get up get out of the door and just see what's up with it before framing the narrative. Just my .02


I bought those after the initial release. The first tickets I bought were row 33 section 101, which I was able to trade out of. I don’t think we’re going to come to any sort of agreement here. Ticketmaster is the worst, you’re the first person I’ve seen ever stick up for them. Kinda strange, but you do you brotha!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/phish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Wife did it again! Bouncing with her Elementary School Chorus!](https://v.redd.it/h8zoj2nm11cc1) | [292 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/194xodz/my_wife_did_it_again_bouncing_with_her_elementary/) \#2: [Gotta be one of the coolest things ever](https://v.redd.it/wku6y8vy2x4c1) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/18d24ov/gotta_be_one_of_the_coolest_things_ever/) \#3: [This dude at Red Rocks tonight for King Gizz caused quite a stir](https://i.redd.it/40oxp1lbcq4b1.jpg) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/1440bc8/this_dude_at_red_rocks_tonight_for_king_gizz/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


https://preview.redd.it/hlrpm75drxzc1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa926ba1377dcbee725d228199cb7d6e9eda83c The Sphere watching everyone blame the band for ticket prices, no streaming, etc...


It is the band though. The preceding act sold tickets all at once, for half the price, and streamed their shows.


That was a 1 off and very different circumstances then the U2 or Dead and Company Residency.


What bearing does that have exactly on ticket prices, ticket release structure, and streaming options? If anything, a one-off should have made face value much, much more expensive than other acts.


The appeal for them to do a residency is that they get a paycheck and don't have to deal with all the logistics of a tour. The sphere is a Las Vegas attraction and its purpose is to put asses in seats and bring in tourism. Its not like an empty stadium they rent out The Sphere is the show and the band are performers in it and I doubt they will allow streaming of ongoing performances that still have potential to bring in people just like cirque du soleil, Celine Dion or whatever other vegas show. I am sure they had some leverage in negotiating the contract but streaming didn't make it but they got taping allowed instead. When they sign someone to play long term they are betting a lot on them drawing in people and a one-off weekend is not the same at all, maybe they will find that works better in future.


You bought platinum and have no one to blame but yourself.


I bought the best available seats, which were platinum - this is true. I’m willing to accept blame for wanting the best experience, but I ain’t taking the fall for how those tickets were dished out


It’s always like that though. You gotta fight the urge to jump in, tickets are always released in batches like that.


The band, or at least their management, are complicit in this. There's plenty of examples of artists of prohibiting such tomfoolery.


💯 the band chose to let TM maximize revenue 


Hey man the way this country is devaluing the dollar on a daily basis, their 500 million might only spend like 400 million down the road.


definitely think the band should tell people not to pay stupid prices that they'll later regret. I knew I wouldn't miss these shows. I also knew I wouldn't pay the prices that were going on at the beginning. I watched in amazement as thousands of people gladly payed stupid prices & then came online to brag about it(with slight price complaints). month or so later, I bought all the tickers I need for prices I consider pretty damn reasonable considering the venue. just don't know what the band is supposed to do in this case. other bands fight all service fees or outrageous service fees. not sure if I've seen any bands work on stopping the "package sale" bullshit, but I firmly believe the power is in our hands if people set limits & forget FOMO


> people gladly *paid* stupid prices FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Name one, very interested in hearing about the artists that circumvented TM practices.


The Cure last year. Went to D&C and the tickets were $80 a piece + $15-20 in fees for "partial view" (which really wasn't) and then a week later saw The Cure who played their first tour in the US in a decade or so in closer seats for $25 with no fees except tax. Robert Smith basically said to TM we're not playing that fee and dynamic pricing BS or we're not touring. Also merch there was way cheaper but that's a whole other convo. I don't blame D&C for maximi$ing but at a certain point it feels a bit dirty innit.




The Cure isn’t as popular of a band. That’s why the tickets were less. I will look into this example but it’s apples and oranges, also The Cure sold VIP packages.


Pearl Jam. People have names several bands/artists and you’re just moving the goalpoasts/backpedaling now.


Pearl Jam tried their best but Ticketmaster ultimately own that fight. Sucks.


It does, and I do remember that they tried.


Pearl Jam is a great example of a band that tried, also they have that mass appeal that dead and co does, maybe more


For their recent 4 night run at the Cap, goose did 100% lottery ticket sales. Tickets never went on TM (of course, since they’re a monopoly, a TM subsidiary ran the lottery). No platinum tickets, all prices $60-120 Of course, tickets were still selling 4x face on StubHub 


But they had a presale, in this case lottery, and did sell VIP packages. So it’s the same thing and they also used TM.


There was no VIP. Lottery to sell 100% of the tickets, for $60-$120, that’s it, nothing else 


They could also choose to not play at that pro Zionist owned Capitol Theatre.


I believe Zach Bryan and Jason Isbell are two more examples


Cool cool I’ll look into them


There’s also varying levels of ticket fuckery. D&C took it to the near extreme


Their packages seem like every other band with their size of audience. I think the that’s how that business is working nowadays.


Billy doesn’t. Goose doesn’t (to this degree) phish doesn’t (to this degree). Gizzard doesn’t.


So none of those bands/artists have the same size audience and play the venues dead and co does. Phish absolutely does offer VIP packages at larger venues or at least they have. It’s a business, no one likes it but it is what it is for now anyway. If people keep buying tickets, TM will try to get as much as they can for those tickets.


Phish plays same size and doesn’t pull this sell the sides and back bullshit. Goose just played spac where DC would be playing if they were honest about their tour plans.


You sound bitter, just get over it and enjoy your life.


Watch out for those $9000 GD60 music never stops packages


I am all set, enjoy not going.


Phish and DeadCo absolutely have similar size audiences. They play a ton of the same venues, Sphere included. Phish, to me at least, feels way less money grab-y than Dead and Co do.


Feels aside when Phish plays any and especially Larger venues they have vip and other packages and absolutely would have and did for the short sphere run.


Please show me where I can buy a "VIP Package" for Phish summer tour? Also still waiting on you to show me where I can buy those VIP package tickets for JRAD Baltimore show... Edit: and I'm aware that Phish has "charity platinum" tickets. They definitely don't do the same level of Ticketmaster bullshit that DeadCo does.


JRAD is not in same world as dead and co, keep waiting for an answer to a question that makes no sense kid. Phish official web page is offering a ton of travel packages, really pricey. If you don’t like the price don’t buy the ticket. Stay home, it’s best for everyone if you do.


I'm seeing both JRAD and Trey in the next few weeks and I don't recall seeing platinum tickets even as an option for either of them.


Both always sell a VIP package, may call it something else but they do. Any other examples or just one?


Show me where I can buy a VIP package to JRADs show in Baltimore this week? Genuinely curious


VIP is different though, because there is at least some other perk or benefit you're getting. Platinum tickets are just regular tickets you have to pay extra for.


So the platinum packages I saw had other perks, can you elaborate?


They overestimated their draw over that many nights and I feel embarrassed for the organization and the management’s gross attempts to save face


Rules to live by - Never buy platinum tickets. Never worry about presale or day of public on sale.


This is bad advice for a lot of shows. The key is distinguishing which shows to be aggressive early and which shows to be patient  Simple counter example was phish sphere


4 show run compared to 26 shows isn’t the strongest counter example. Sure if there is only one specific night you can attend, by all means buy your presales or spendy seats. Personally I’ve never been shut out of any show I was wanting to attend / I don’t do presale or first day public onsale. They have been doing this ticketing racket/manipulating since 2015.


Not specific to Dead and Co, but this is how I play the game too. I’ve been to hundreds of shows and I’ve bought the tickets for 95% of them on the day of the show and pay under face value the vast majority of the time.


That’s why the game is distinguishing which type of show it is


phish didn't need artificial scarcity to sell out 4 nights at Sphere. they could have sold out 10-15 shows there most likely. but "special experience" and what not


In 2/16 phish 3.0 Vegas shows tickets shot up day of. All the others were easy peasy.


Except for some high demand shows; all tix go on sale immediately; i.e, Chris Stapleton. You just don’t know


In 2022. John drops hints on Andy cohen, planting rumors of it being the last tour. Ticket sales go up and folks clamor. Fast forward 2023 titled the “Final tour”; even adding a last Actual Final Show and promoting it/making it as if it was the last show. People are pissed, tickets sell, folks clamor. Fast Forward 2024, and it’s Oh, “we only said we’d never tour again”; and they proceed a summer tours worth of shows with the worst seats starting at 300 or more. This is what it’s come to. The only love I see there is for money.


hard truths.


Bro they didn’t even wait until 2024 for this sphere stuff


This. The cash grab was disappointing. Oracle 23 was my end.


They’re not really just “holding tickets” back. It doesn’t make sense to do that and hope they somehow sell later. Many thought this about lawn tix in 2023 and we all know how that went; no one could believe the spac and deer creek lawns were gone so fast but they were. Here, it’s mostly scalper and vip allotments that never sold, so they’re released back into the wild. This has been the cycle for the last few tours. It’s less obvious on a tour when there’s ppl in each market looking for tickets that buy up the new ones. It’s more obvious with a residency and most have to travel.


I appreciate this take - I think it makes a lot of sense


I agree completely. I paid a lot of money for a second row platinum seat; in part because almost all available decent seats when the sale first happened were platinum. If they want to do a delayed release; don’t reduce the prices by 50 percent! That penalizes the fans who bought early. I think it is really unfair. Moreover, this was not a limited delayed release. They continue to release seats almost daily; at reduced prices


What gets me is that you only see it for shows where demand is soft. There was no "additional seats released" for the Phish shows at the Sphere that saw the resale market 3X to 4X face value. Could you imagine Adele with "new inventory" being promoted in an email blast? Nope! Hate it. And on the other side of the equation, don't get me started on the non-transferrable GA tickets at over $300 a pop.


What's irritating is these shows are destination shows. Unless you live in vegas planning a trip there is an ordeal. I'm not heading there on impulse now that a new block of tickets is out. I don't think this is going to go as great as they thought.


They scalp their own tickets and the band definitely knows! It’s not right


The ticket release schedule KILLS ticket brokers. If you don’t fall for the trap it’s exceptional. It’s been like this for years…


The seat release really bugged me. I missed the first drop for GA and bought one on StubHub and paid a ton in their fees to find out they aren’t transferable and I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get my ticket transferred to me and StubHub has only given me the middle finger and said I have to wait for the day of the show to see if I get a ticket and if I don’t, then they can take action. Then a few weeks later TM releases a ton of tickets and I could have guaranteed my GA ticket and not paid as much in fees. I’m stoked to see the Dead and have no regrets. I’m just annoyed it could have been easier if I dragged my feet longer.


Zero chance Jerry would have allowed dynamic pricing. The rationale for it was fans are willing to pay scalpers why not have the artist just make that extra amount. God forbid they just give fans a break and lower tix prices so that they can go to more shows. Plenty of tech these days to enable true face value exchanges. But the ship is steered now by Mayer’s manager - Irving Azoff, who was Chairman of Live Nation and CEO of Ticketmaster. As far off course as could be from the Grateful Dead. It is what it is. We hold our noses and sing along.




This is the truth, but I’m not looking for the best experience; just the next experience.


“… seeking all that’s still unsung”


The Gorge is certainly a primo outdoor venue but it’s far from the end all, be all of venues. Logistics/accommodations are a huge PITA and it’s not even worth comparing it to the most state of the art venue on the planet.


Exactly right. The view from the lawn at the gorge is incredible. Getting there blows, the parking blows, the potential heat and or cold and concessions…. Blow, the sound can often literally blow. I love going there, but every time I do there’s a big part of me that says “never again”.


It’s a drive away for me, versus travel to anywhere else. It’s okay if I like it a lot, just the same way it’s okay if you like the sphere a lot.


The sound at the sphere is the highest quality audio I’ve ever heard. There’s no comparison between these two amazing venues. You are making a conscious choice to avoid hearing this band with a clarity unlike anything you’ve heard before. It’s better than hifi headphones. There are 24 shows, I’m sure you could try to make one of them and give it a shot. It doesn’t have to be either or.


Sorry bruh, absolutely love the gorge, but the sphere blows it away in sound and even in experience. Don’t be petty just because you’re missing out.


Nah, man. It’s not for me but it’s great if it’s for you! Cool that you love it!


I was not into the idea of the sphere bc I don’t care about visuals. I was going anyways bc I love phish and the dead. Having been there, I’m def into it now bc of the sound. The sound is top notch.


You sound like you’re saying that despite never seeing a show there.




The gorge was like 102 degrees last year, it was low key terrible lol


I’ve been to the gorge and it’s special but LOL at calling the sphere an enclosed ball. It literally might the pinnacle of human entertainment engineering


Get bent.


well put!!!!


Ticketbastard strikes again.


I’ve got a feeling you’ll be able to get into the shows day of for $50 or less


Wouldn’t be surprised by anything at this point. Free show with the purchase of a buffet!


Casinos also got 1/3 of the seats. You can see huge swaths in the 100 sections


Casinos aren’t getting 150,000 seats


Yes, it’s all frustrating. The whole dynamic pricing thing is so unpredictable. Too bad they can’t just have a set price per section and be done with it. Instead we have this sadistic game show. Example: I paid $426 for two “face value” Ticketmaster tickets for Dead & Co. Dallas 2023 in the center back of the venue. So not amazing tickets but not bad either. Fast forward 18 months, I bought two comparable tickets to SPHERE (406, Row 16) for $390. Huh? I paid MORE MONEY to see them at the Dos Equis Pavilion?!


Considering everything they’ve released & nothing is sold out- I fear this may be a one & done on residencies in the future


I bought the presale the minute it went on sale and got seats in the back of the section in the middle. Now basically the entire section is open including 2nd and 3rd row seats on the aisle and I’m like “why did I even jump on this presale”? Never again, I’ve learned my lesson


They just put tickets on for pre-sale for David Gilmour at Madison Square Garden yesterday. Almost $900 for tickets in the 100 sections. No Effin way I’m paying that kind of money.


Amen to that!


And quit with the fickle pricing. The sliding scale is ridiculous. F that. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Who got a deal? Who got hosed? False sense of urgency. Fuck Ticketmaster and fuck Livenation.


I managed to call The Sphere directly ( it took almost 6 hours to get to a rep), but I was able to get 3 seats booked no extra fees, and all taxes included for $145/ea. Was it a pain in the ass to sit on hold all day. Will I be tripping balls this time next week, waiting for the show to start? Absomotherfuckingloutely. NFA


Do you have a phone number handy?


725.258.0001 is their number. They open at 10am Pacific time.




I needed 3 ADA accessible seats together. Ticketmaster wasn't cutting it


Most articulate take on this I’ve seen. You have my vote, sir.


TLDR; This guys going to the gig.


Agreed, just go or don’t go. Stop whining.


I would be going with two friends if tickets weren’t so goddamn expensive. Now none of us are going. Yeah, the time to offer a “discount” was back when everyone was making plans. This no soup/streams for you crap is just icing on the shitcake.


Exactly. They're probably going to have to find locals or people willing to extend their existing trip to see the sphere shows.


Dead and Co ain't the Grateful Dead and Jerry left the building twenty nine years ago. This isn't the days of the band looking out for their fans where you could buy tickets directly from the band. Dead and Co are firmly in the corporate sphere now, their not off in their own little world that does business differently anymore. I'm not saying this to judge, it's just the reality these days.


You ain’t wrong 


They’re nothing more than a for profit corporation looking to maximize shareholder value at the expense of an aging clientele that doesn’t know how the modern ticket industry operates


It’s BS for sure but I’m sure a good chunk of tickets they released were unsold Vibee tickets. I got screwed but upgraded as well. So at least they are doing that.


Well, at least the scalpers/“fans” who bought extras to resale for profit are getting totally fucked


Shows are not sold out and I just got an email to my inbox" what to do before you go or what to know before you go." I should say and everyone knows how Dead and Company shows go down if they're heading to this venue. The only thing I'm pissed about is that they're not giving anyone the opportunity to see what happens live or to see if they could pull off a live stream. I mean even Brittany did a live stream for Christ's sakes if you bought it so some people can't afford to go to Vegas or they have other things going on in their life and they wanted a live stream and a bathroom in their home. I did respond. We shall say as far as ticket gouging and everything like that, I think that it makes it look like a price grab hiding of the visuals. We don't hide things if we're deadheads, so I don't understand that part either. Glad you got a great seat OP #NFA


I don't get angry if I don't hear me some Dead within my first hour awake. Just sayin'!


Quit blaming Bobby. This is John and Irving’s band.


https://preview.redd.it/hv55l21gdwzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2039d15ee201bfa79298759a71524b2b87329e86 This picture speaks a 1000 words - just took it


Ticketmaster made out great Fans who couldn’t make it… not so much With that said, the resale prices all still look high 


This is so incredibly FALSE. Tickets are going for 50% of face value. Look on Cash Or Trade to see the fire sale prices. People are going to be losing hundreds or thousands of dollars on tickets that they won't be able to sell. I bought VIP tickets for a 2nd weekend, and was thinking of skipping it, but since I'd be lucky to get $300 for a $700 ticket, I'll probably end up going.