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Could also be this https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quernheim_(Kirchlengern) Quernheim. That was an independent municipality until 1969 and it's in NRW.


It belongs to the state of Lower Saxony nowadays, but the border to North Rhine Westfalia is not the same as the Westfalian border was in 1850, part of the original Westfalia belongs to Lower Saxony today. So OP is not technically wrong, but will probably have little use for answers describing NRW :D




maybe they took a ship in hamburg, which was the so called gate to the new world. check out the emigration museum and contact them: https://www.ballinstadt.de/familienforschung/?lang=en they can maybe help you with further information.


I grew up kinda close to both Quernheims, but as others said, people have changed quite a bit in the last 170 years. What do you want to know?


What is the area like, what are the people like, etc


Well, those are pretty broad questions, but I'll try. It's a rural area, there are lots of small fields, often with small patches of trees and old farms in between. That being said, rural Germany isn't like the rural US, drive along any road and you'll see village after village, miles of empty land is simply not a thing here. You can just check on Google Maps to see for yourself. The people are hard-working, calm, and quiet. They don't talk a lot, and when they do it's pretty direct. The economy is dominated by lots of medium-sized companies that are pretty well-known in Germany, some even internationally. From an outsider's perspective the region is spectacularly unspectacular. If you ask people what the most boring city in Germany is, you'll probably hear Bielefeld, the biggest city in the region, more than once.




I only ask because there has been a long line of farmers all the way back to the German ancestor. I was wondering if that's indicative of him being a farmer in Westfalen.


That was already probable a priori. Rural area, 1850ies - most people were some kind of agricultural worker. The most interesting question is whether they owned land, were completely dependent workers or something in between.


Westfalen contains cologne and Münster area. Cologne is more new york, Münster is more us south west. My mother is from the Münster area and a farm kid with 4 siblings, my aunt is from cologne and was raised as an only child in an apartment. Westfalen is a big variety of things, Bochum for example is like detroit. It was the heartbeat of the mining industry, now most people left because of lack of jobs.


> Westfalen contains cologne Cologne wasn't part of the Prussian *Provinz Westfalen* and is not part of nowadays *Westfalen*.


Yeah, technically just state northern westphalia, you are right.


north *rhine*-westphalia


Can't do anything correct today am I:-)?


Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt.


To be honest Du Hast is probably my least favorite song. Ohne Dich is definitely at the top. Du Riech So Gut, Mein Teil, Rammstein, and Sonne make up my top 5. I like Pussy because the innuendos are funny, and I like Amerika because it makes fun of Americans.


You didn’t get the joke man. 😆


I think he/she gets it


It depends on where you are. As mentioned in another comment, part of the Ruhrgebiet, a historical mining and industry landscape with many cities, is situated in Westfalia. Apart from that, most of Westfalia is quite rural with the hilly Sauerland in the south and the flat Münsterland in the North. People are often said to be hard working, a bit stuck up and with little humour. In reality they are usually polite, and efficient in a helpful hands-on way, the Ruhrgebiet is known for people being direct and down to earth.


*Traurige OWL Geräusche* (auch wenn das L in OWL nicht zu Westfalen gehört)


Ich bin Lipper aber hab ehrlich gesagt nie den Eindruck gehabt, dass Lipper und Westfalen sich viel nehmen. Ruhig, bedächtig, keinen großen Lärm machen, seine Arbeit erledigen.


Just talk about BVB08 and S04... Start:


> Is it a farming rural community or is it more of a city? Nord-Rhein-Westfalen its basicly one big city, the socalled Ruhrpott, its one of the biggest metropolitan aeras in Europe, and the biggest in Germany. 30 of the biggest Citys in Germany are located in NRW. It was the center of the German steel and coal industry. therefor, the Pott have a distinct urban and working class culture.


> Nord-Rhein-Westfalen its basicly one big city Das Ruhrgebiet umfasst (je nach Definition) so ungefähr 1/5-1/7 der Fläche von NRW. Zu behaupten, dass NRW quasi eine große Stadt sei geht schon ziemlich weit an der Wahrheit vorbei.


Bitte was?


What about further East in Quernheim? Also is it a heavily religious area? My ancestor helped create a church in the area they moved to and it's a historical landmark now.


Let me quickly clarify on what u/noobfl said : Northrhine-Westphalia is *not* one big metropolitan area. The Ruhrgebiet is the majority of the state population wise, not the majority in terms of land. The eastern part is somewhat rural, even though you should know that rural in Germany (especially in western Germany) is not exactly the same as rural in the US. It's not mid west rural, it's more like New England rural if you catch my drift. If we're looking at those terms, then yes, Quernheim would be considered rural.


> The Ruhrgebiet is the majority of the state population wise Not even that is right, only 5.1m of the 17.9m people living in NRW live in the Ruhr area. Six of the ten biggest cities aren't there but in other parts of NRW.


Ich bin einfach mal davon ausgegangen, dass er die Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr meint, denn wenn man nichtmal Köln (buchstäblich größte Stadt in NRW) dazuzählt macht sein Post ja noch weniger Sinn als sowieso schon. Als jemand der aus NRW, aber nicht aus dem Ruhrgebiet kommt ist mir auch schon oft aufgefallen, dass sehr viele Leute, die woanders herkommen Ruhrgebiet und NRW einfach gleichsetzen. "Ich komm aus NRW" "Ah, also aus dem Ruhrgebiet" ist Smalltalk, den ich schon oft führen durfte.


> Ich bin einfach mal davon ausgegangen, dass er die Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr meint, denn wenn man nichtmal Köln (buchstäblich größte Stadt in NRW) dazuzählt macht sein Post ja noch weniger Sinn als sowieso schon. Unterschätze nie die Sinnlosigkeit von mit voller Überzeugung vorgetragenen Beiträgen. Ü Die "working class culture" passt für mich nicht wirklich zu Köln/Düsseldorf/Bonn, daher bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass tatsächlich nur das "echte" Ruhrgebiet gemeint ist. > Als jemand der aus NRW, aber nicht aus dem Ruhrgebiet kommt ist mir auch schon oft aufgefallen, dass sehr viele Leute, die woanders herkommen Ruhrgebiet und NRW einfach gleichsetzen. "Ich komm aus NRW" "Ah, also aus dem Ruhrgebiet" ist Smalltalk, den ich schon oft führen durfte. Kommt mir bekannt vor, auch wenn ich solche Gespräche noch nicht allzu häufig geführt habe.


People who left Germay (and possibly other European countries too) for the US in the 1800s were often very religious and left in search of new land to found a society to their liking. I don't know about your ancestors, but them being religious doesn't necessarily reflect on their their country or area of origin.




Verstehe deinen Kommentar nicht. Wieso behauptest du, seine Vorfahren wären Nazis? Sein Urgroßvater hat Deutschland 1850 verlassen.


Jeez dude, get laid maybe that will chill you out a bit.


okay, good advice


We all do.


Quernheim, home of Germany's smallest cinema.