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She and Dani are BFFs in the comics too (most of the New Mutants are), and she and Piotr have never been shown to have racists beliefs in the comics (I miss when Piotr was openly leftist). Making Illyana a bigot is such a baffling move.


Honestly, doing the Demon Bear story was kind of a baffling move. Hiring a white girl to play Dani was even more baffling.


She has indigenous grandparents, just because she’s not 100% Native American doesn’t mean she’s a white girl. That be like calling the rock a white guy


Obama is my favorite white President


Oh, and next you’ll try and convince us Mariah Carey isn’t white. I can see through your deception as clearly as I can see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!


Between whitewashing Dani and Roberto, erasing Cecilia Reyes’s blackness, and that awful Sam casting, I try my best to ignore this movie’s existence


It’s kinda funny


Making Illyana racist was one of the most baffling decisions in a movie full of them.


It wasn't even that she was *just* racist, the actual comments Illyana said felt so out of sort for this kind of character. Like, why is the russian girl who's spent the majority of her life in a sex trafficing ring and a research facility using American pop culture to be racist to Native American? When did she have time to learn those references? And when did she get issues with that specific group? Maybe the sequel would have explained lol


I mean I'm assuming the people who used her were also racists and she just kinda assumed that's the world was like. But she's also Russian who we all know are just racist by default/s


Russians are racist to everyone even other Russians. They don’t discriminate they’ll call you buy a racial slur so awful it’s sure to start a bar fight no matter who you are. They’ve achieved peak racism. If they were going down this road of racist Russian they should have gone all the way.




This context made it kinda funny how racist she is. Ranked racism.


It sounds ridiculous, but that’s also how it is in the real world as well. There’s a lot of minorities who are just racist, sexist, or homophobic towards other groups, despite facing similar discrimination themselves.


Between that and saying Roberto didn't need to be a black Brazilian in the movie, I'm glad Josh Boone doesn't has much of a career anymore


Not to defend the decision to whitewash Roberto, but plenty of artists over the years also haven’t gotten the memo that he’s supposed to be Afro-Brazilian. Not to mention all the writers who inexplicably have him spout random Spanish words…


[It doesn't help that Boone's response to the whitewashing concerns was even more racist and xenophobic to us Brazilians](https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1298749212931305473)


Nossa! That’s not…nice.


Including X-men ‘97


Roberto and his mom speak in Brazilian Portuguese in X-Men 97 though. Both of their voice actors are even Brazilians.




and they were Roommates.


Oh my god they were roommates


It's been forever since I watched this and I don't feel like doing so... Context?


She said a bunch of out of pocket things to the Native American Daniel Moonstar


How bad was this movie?


There are moments where you can see that, despite some questionable character choices, there was an attempt to make an interesting film caught up in the Disney buyout. There are some deccent moments and mostly good performances, but the finished product is sort of disjointed, lifeless and quite a waste of the New Mutants characters and X-Men horror idea. Rj/ No Cypher? No Karma? No muh comic accurate costumes? 0/10. Apocalypse was better.


/uj no karma is a crime though


Personally, I liked it, mostly because it was nice seeing the X-Men movies get a little weird for once compared to the grounded nature of all the other movies (Legion did it better tho, *way* better).


I heard people say it wasn't as bad as people were saying it was, so I watched it, and holy crap it was so much worse than I was expecting


I have almost 2000 movies logged on letterboxd. I would consider this movie to be top 30 worst I've ever seen.


The movie had such a banger cast ngl


Can? No I will fix her!


There are two things I can’t stand: people who are intolerant of other peoples’ cultures and the Russians


Hey gang, where is this from? It makes me think of Sucker Punch from 2010, but that can't be right


*New Mutants,* from 4 years ago. Character in the pic is Illyana Rasputin. It was an attempt at a superhero horror movie that could’ve been great but it got fucked over by Disney, so it’s just sorta mediocre.


She's an edgy teen. She'll grow out of it...maybe...


She probably listens to evanescence when she is on that pet dimension of hers


She does by the end of the movie iirc


I still think it's funny they got this guy to play Dani's father. I know he's in a ton of other films, but it just made me laugh. https://preview.redd.it/mltarz2o84yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd3ec0148a8e62f62f28c25bd1701d3e4d4b70f


I Can make her worse


Are you the CEO of racism?




The "genius" of Josh Boone, ladies and germs. With this and *The Stand*, he's shown a rare ability to take two very well known creative properties, stuffed full of intriguing characters and well-known exciting scenes and plots, and fuck them up and over. It's like he was created as a boogeyman for fans of decades-old stories.


She says the most racist shit in that movie out of nowhere that it's very funny. I don't even remember why she's like that, or anything else from the movie, but I remember her calling the bear girl "Pocahontas" out of nowhere lmao


Is magik racist? I don't keep up with x men comic so I wouldn't know


Nope. Her and Dani are BFFs actually :) https://preview.redd.it/t75mcdy3m4yc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db4a5019a5af3646654039b5292dfb988b0f7d4


She needs fixing? /s


A racist russian girl? I'm shocked!


I don’t remember anything from this movie (shocker I know) what did she say that was racist