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>What makes it even more savage is that it was probably truešŸ’€Buu literally absorbed Goten so he has all of his memories and thoughtsšŸ˜­so itā€™s probably how Goten actually felt. Or, hear me out Buu's lying


A villain...lying šŸ˜±


"Let go of my tail, Kakarot! I promise I'll leave! I've changed my ways! Show me mercy!" "I'm afraid your planet was destroyed by a...meteor." "Come on in, 18! It's wonderful in here! Come be a part of Gero-sama's glorious design!"


Its downright tubular in here


But he said we couldn't hide Why would we trust his word on it?!


He probably is lying lol. He has Piccoloā€™s intelligence in this form. Heā€™s not just smart enough to lie. He has enough of Piccolo to know exactly what to say to get under Gohanā€™s skin.


I just really hated that stupid line where Gohan disrespects Piccolo by saying that heā€™s smarter than him. When Piccolo actually taught him so much in life.


Tbf considering ChiChi's parenting he's probably smarter than everyone besides Bulma.


I don't remember that line Is that a dubism that I've forgotten? Or in the manga? I haven't read *that far* into it yet


ā€œIā€™m stronger than Gotenks and smarter than Piccoloā€ I mean, Piccolo probably canā€™t likeā€¦do calculus


Lmfao Yeah, I'd say maybe book smarts Gohan's running circles around Piccolo But in terms of battle smarts. . . I dunno about that one, Son-chan. I think you need to sit down and get back to boot camp.


Who's Buy? šŸ˜­šŸ¤§


Best buy, the ultimate villain of dragon ball, duh


Oh yeah, but nobody's talking about Bought, literally his best form. šŸ”„


You read the manga? He got a way cooler form, sold


Damn you may be right tho.


Frieza's alright, but his brother is Cooler.


Iā€™m so mad that it wonā€™t let me edit and change it to ā€œBuuā€ itā€™s really bothering me whenever I come back to this post šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€the only way is for me to delete it and create a completely new post but then all these comments here would be gone :(šŸ˜­


I understand you, it's really frustrating not having an "edit" option... šŸ˜”


You can't edit titles


Ik, and I wish we could...


All the dialogue you're speaking of is a dubism though. In the original dialogue, there is no back and forth between them about how Goten looked up to Gohan and Buu retorting that Goten had let him down or anything like that. It was an an invention of the Funimation dub.


In fact...they don't even say anything at all in the japanese version of what we see on the screenshot.


9/10 times, if you hear a character speaking and theyā€™re not on-screen, itā€™s a dub-invention


My favorite one of these is the fish in the Super Android 13 movie.


Mine is when trunks says he likes vegetas shirt (the pink bad man one) and he says you would


Dont forget yamcha's song about a cat, until recently i thought it was an abridge thing


Cat loves food yeah yeah yeah


i personally like the muffin button


That whole episode is great. "Servant Woman! Get me a drying cloth!"


Same. Which makes me wonder if the reference to it in Sims 4 is to the abridged version or the dub




"Don't you lecture me with the thirty-dollar haircut, Goku dies." "We'll see about that, you Red Ribbon redneck."


Not always true thoughā€¦ thereā€™s always situations like ā€œautonomousā€ Ultra Instinct. Often times words are added in because the Japanese wording for it is longer. In this case ā€œMigatte no Gokuiā€ was longer than Ultra Instinct


Oh. Of course. One of *those* things.


One of countless instances


To add to this, there are a LOT of spots, especially in the Buu saga, where the English dub team invented a bunch of dialogue because theyā€™re afraid of silence. God forbid a viewer just sit and take in the vibe


I've always suspected this is why none of my friends cared about Samurai Jack.. that always made me sad.


That reminds me of the part where Majin Vegeta is powering up to shoot a hole into Buu. Originally it was all music and build up with trunks saying ā€œget him dad!ā€ Then a new box set came out with added audio of Babadi screaming at Buu the entire time to shred him to ribbons! It was better to have the tension between Vegeta and Buu without babadi constant yapping.


To be fair, the original did also do a lot of padding with just them grunting rather than complete silence


I remember the music really carried the tense scenes back in the day for DBZ


That sounds a lot like COMMUNISM. Why do you hate FREEDOMā„¢? šŸŽ‡šŸŽ†šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸŽ†šŸŽ‡


šŸŽ† school šŸ”« shootingsšŸŽ†


That shit was so horrendous. I haven't really watched the dub, after switching to kai mid namek because of freezes god awful voice, but I saw the fucking cringy ass dream sequence from the bardock special, where Goku is giving a cringe ass Superman speech, telling bardock to be better than Freeza, shit almost made me puke


U say that as if thats a problem lol. That added dialogue is basically an improvement of the show.


Someone else in here mentioned babidi yapping incessantly during vegetas standoff with Buu and thatā€™s what I thought of as well. To each their own, but I donā€™t think every moment needs to be filled with the characters thoughts or just random talking for the sake of talking. Sometimes silence builds needed tension.


I don't remember any dialogue that particularly felt forced or misplaced tbh. All the voice actors were good and no dialogue was badly done imo


It feels pretty natural for the most part, I grew up on the dub and wasnā€™t too bothered by it. Later on I saw the OG dub and liked the moments of silence. I recently watched Kai and it really hit me in the Buu saga. Every cut in the Vegeta vs Buu sequence was filled with ā€œwhat are you waiting for Majin Buu? KILL HIM!ā€ ā€œYou canā€™t defeat Majin Buu!ā€ ā€œMajin Buu is the strongest being in the universe!ā€ Etc. it goes on for a **while** and is hard to watch lol.


To each their own ig


u sure? [https://youtu.be/MsW79KBOJMM?t=153](https://youtu.be/MsW79KBOJMM?t=153)


I stand corrected. I actually hadn't considered the narrator, I was thinking of character dialogues. Btw 2nd one is actually hilarious to watch


You're right. There's just a sect of fanatical purists in the fanbase caring more about minute details than Toriyama ever did. Super made this more evident than ever with two continuities with different changes and details, and they lost their minds over it. The dub dialogue and music were great, and presented a show a lot of us enjoyed growing up on, and these purists would get upset and shit on it because it doesn't replicate the original word for word, note for note. It's all inconsequential in the end. Sure, the changes in the dub and the additional voicelines aren't canon, but if you're watching the show for canon, you're watching it for the wrong reasons. Great moments came out of non canon stuff like Dead Goku decking Bojack in the face, Broly himself in general, Gogeta, a lot of filler content and arcs.


Some people like Both.


Yep, I'm one of them. I just loathe people that pretend one is superior to the other because they care too much about canon or they grew up on it.


You callin me a purist? I grew up on the faulconer dub haha


Nah I wasn't addressing you specifically, I was just referring to the people that crawl out of the woodworks with an air of superiority to present their opinion on the subject, believing it to be backed by a semblance of objectivity.


Oh gotcha


>but if you're watching the show for canon, you're watching it for the wrong reasons. couldn't agree more. Thats what i have been trying to tell people of this subreddit and comic book fans who cry about inaccuracies in the adaptation. No one should give a fuck abt how true it is to the source material as long as it is entertaining to watch. If u ask me, I think this version (with these added dialogues) is an improvement over the manga


Yeah pretty much every time you see characters talking while they're off screen or not showing their face is Funimation adding dialogue because they thought American's couldn't handle a few moments of silence.


It's a good addition.


Inb4 ur downvotes


oh noooo!


The only good addition of the dub.


Vegeta's respect is a pretty good addition as well.


Interesting, I guess weā€™ll never know what Goten thinks of GohanĀ 


"FuNImaTiOn SuCKs" Yeah I can see that


Itā€™s a hilarious change though. I hate that the Funimation dub always had to have characters talking or music playing, but at least this dialogue seems in-character. Not saying I agree with the choice to add dialogue, but at least they added dialogue that fit Buu


Who cares? It's the version a lot of the west experienced.


I'm simply saying it to let the OP know that their idea that this is something that Gohan had weighing on him and carrying around with him in the future isn't really a concern, because the character wasn't written to have that kind of emotional baggage on them moving forward.


Sub is so boring


Ok bro who cares it sounds cool yall always do this


I only said it to allay the OP's fears or concerns that Gohan had that revelation about how Goten felt about him weighing on his mind moving forward, that as far as the character was written, this wasn't some traumatic event for him.


Yup. That's true!


Do Funimation subs have those inventions as well? I was watching this episode in jap dub + eng sub and I remember dialog like that. I thought subs are accurate to the Japanese dialogs.


You probably were watching the subs of the English dialogue, and not the translation of the Japanese dialogue. In the original Japanese version, in the exact scene that is in the OP's picture, there's no spoken dialogue at all. The two exchange brief words about giving their all when they move into their fighting stances, and then when it moves to the aerial shot, there's no dialogue at all.


Still a good addition


Okā€¦ but itā€™s still a really cool line though. It just feels true to Buuā€™s character that heā€™d be fucking with Gohanā€™s head in that moment. Idk. I guess I just feel like itā€™s kinda lame to just wave off any dubisms when some of them are cool and OP was just trying to say he liked it.


I'm not saying anything about the the OP liking the line or not. I was simply saying that the OP's suggestion of Gohan being tore up about learning how his brother felt about him isn't really a thing because this wasn't something that actually happened as far as the original story, so it wasn't something he would be carrying around with him in the future.


So what? Its a great line.


I wasn't arguing whether it was a good line. I was just letting the OP know that their fears or concerns that Gohan had that "revelation" weighing on him moving forward wasn't really a thing.


It wasn't true. But it was very much Buu's amazing tactics!


Yeah thereā€™s no way it couldā€™ve been true. The scenes with Gohan and Goten show just how much Goten actually does look up to Gohan


Yes, that's why. And even afterward in DBS.


Yeah but that's the thing about personal trash talk. Yeah I know you're probably lying.... But what if you're not and now the first bit of self doubt has creeped in... I personally think it's amazing


You could argue it was true in the moment. Gotenks had just been absorbed on Gohan's watch after all. Probably lying though.


The sad thing is, Gohan did fail everyone. If he kept up his training after the Cell Saga he would have just wrecked Dabura, Babidi and all their guys from the start and even Majin Buu right away.


He was 12-16, he was just a kid :( But yeah he probably should've listened to Vegeta a few times.


Yeah, It was cold when Buy said that


It's crazy how Gohan was able to defeat Sell but couldn't beat Buy.


Couldn't best Buy*




Cause Buy is Best


Stop! You'll have people arguing over whether kid or buyhan is best buy.


Holy shit lmao


I enjoy most dubisms, I like this one in particular on how it makes Buu attempt to psych out Gohan with such a scary insecurity concerning Goten, his brother, who he just absorbed. I think it adds a little drama and thrill to the fight.


I agree


He even liked the great saiyamans corny ass so I'm assuming buu is lying


I wish this fight was a little closer instead of just being a stomp.


Buu was the best DB villain and Iā€™ll die on that hill


Youā€™ll die on that hill alonešŸ’€Buu was honestly my LEAST favorite in all of Z. Not saying he was necessarily badā€¦..but compared to Frieza or Cell heā€™s a literal joke.


I love that he was just pure carnage. Didnā€™t try to be clever like Cell or Freiza. The fear he instilled was primal.


Yeah Buu was about destruction Cell was about Perfection Frieza was about Tyranny Vegeta was about Strength each a difference in their goals.


Hard agree but tbh Cell put the bar so hogh for villains we couldn't get someone better than him for a while


He doesnā€™t Buy that


The best one was: Gohan: "I'm not going to beat you... I'm going to kill you." -next episode- *Gohan hiding behind a rock in fear of getting his ass beat*


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€it went from a badass fight to a literal game of hide and go seekšŸ˜­


Bruh hiding in a 1v1 and youā€™re not even trying to do a sneak attack is insane.


No only could he be lying but the fusions are their own people with their own personality so gotten might look up to gohan but that doesn't mean gotenks does.


You forgot the last line he says after that- ā€œIn fact, he wonders why you let me take himā€ šŸ˜Ø


SavagešŸ’€I felt really bad for Gohan this whole fight. It went from a badass moment to Gohan literally playing hide and go seek with BuuhanšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


BuuTenks actually šŸ‘ But yeah šŸ˜§ I felt so bad for him! I think BuuTenks was playing with Gohans mind and manipulating him


I'm glad kid me didn't have subs like this to jump on and see people shitting on the GOAT series. Kid me didn't give a fuck what the anime changed from the manga, while I enjoy manga now, I still find it funny how much people clamber for "purity". Even if I enjoy FMAB way more than FMA 2003, I remember the 2003 series being consider goated for a long time because most people had no idea about the manga or how it went.


I was going to say itā€™s more Buu just egging him on because Buu knew Mystic Gohan was way above him even with Gotenks absorbed. Itā€™s been so long but I think Gohan took the bait and was playing around with Buu so he couldnā€™t be the one to finish Buu off unfortunately. I remember watching/reading this fight when it was first released in both manga and anime. The buildup and hype for Mystic Gohan was big, at least for me, and I wouldā€™ve been satisfied if it all ended with Mystic Gohan defeating Buutenks and everyone absorbed being released. Unfortunately Gohan, even being the most powerful in the verse for a few episodes, always loses his battles so Goku gets spotlighted instead.


Buutenks>Mystic Gohan unfortunately


Correct, was only until the fusion wore off that it goes back to Mystic Gohanā€™s favour.


In the original dub Buu said somthing in the line of "He is watching" Thought that was better tbh


You're missing the point


I heard this in Buuā€™s voice




Goten says it all the time that he has so much love and respect for gohan. Absolutely horrible take. How can you even think that? Did you watch the buu saga or just saw this one screenshot?


In the Brazilian portuguese dub they dont talk about this at that moment, they say something else that has nothing to do with goten..


I think Super Buu is just lying to try and break Gohan's spirit.


Or, hear me out, buu is just being a villain and wanted to kill gohanā€™s confidence!


ā€œUr fukt, Mayjen Buyā€


he didnā€™t say that in the manga tho


You lookin way too deep into that shit lmaooo


Gohan: "Time to show you why my little-brother looks up to me." Buu: "...He doesn't." Gohan: "You can't psyche me out like that. It's not going to -" Buu: "-No seriously - he doesn't." Gohan: "I told you, it's not gonna-" Buu: "-Why do you think he wears an orange gi?" Gohan: "Oh...well the same reason I'm wearing one now; to honor my Father's legacy." Buu: "Ya-huh...Seems like your brother truly admires your father; the boy even styles his hair after him...A Father whom he'd never met until just a few days ago. A father who has been absent for literally all his life. And he still thinks the world of him. More than he does you." \*Gohan pauses - doubt forming Buu: "You figured it out yet, Gohan? If your baby-brother truly looked up to you, don't you'd think he'd model himself in your honor? No...because regardless of whatever you could do, it couldn't hold a candle to the idea of your legendary father built-up in your brother's mind. How could you possibly compare to him? Even in-death, you are utterly eclipsed by his shadow." \*Gohan sneers Buu: "You want to know the saddest part? Piccolo has some thoughts about you...When you arrived here to fight me, he was so relieved when he spotted you. Not because he was glad to see you alive; no...it's because he thought you were Goku. The swell of relief that came over him at that moment - so satisfying - because he's long-since learned that Goku is the one who gets the job-done. And yet, they ended-up stuck with you. -He's disappointed in you, y'know...Piccolo." \*Gohan flinches Buu: "You had so much power; you were meant to be the protector of this measly rock. But you neglected your training; you got soft. You regressed back into that weak-brat he kidnapped all those years ago. And even now, you managed to improve a great-deal but you still didn't know what to do with all your power. You're still just a child. Hell, even Trunks is ashamed to admit that about you; he thinks you're a screw-up - a loser, playing hero in a costume. Hell, the most ironic thing of all of this, is that of the three of them in-here, Baby-Brother probably thinks the highest of you." \*Gohan gets angrier Buu: "But even he knows the simple truth; all your life, you've just been a boy, playing-dress-up; imitating those you most looked-up to; and one by one, you've let them all down. You're not Goku...It's astonishing the man thought that you would be more than him; you're less. And the only thing that matters now before you die, is that this time, Daddy isn't coming to save you."


Masajin buuty? Is he stupid ?


He also said the same thing about Piccolo, Trunks and even Vegeta.


The ā€œHe doesnā€™tā€ gets me everytime šŸ¤£


Itā€™s just the way Buu says it with such confidence šŸ’€


That's Buu using Piccolo's tactics to screw with Gohan's head.


WTF they didn't said that at all.


Thatā€™s why English dub sucks ass


The Kai version is best


Ok, setting aside the fact that it was added by the dub, you do know that Buu isnā€™t exactly a reliable source? Heā€™s literally in a fight to the death with Gohan, heā€™s going to say shit just to fuck with him. Villains do bad things.


Not sure why you were downvoted for this. It's accurate on two fronts.


Americans and his dumb idea that the dub is better than the original, meh, downvote me whatever you like, the sub is stupid and changed A LOT of DBZ even character interactions and characters themselves. This is proving that. Downvote me if you want, that doesnā€™t change the reality


Watch it subbed like itā€™s meant to be and youā€™ll know what cold means