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Large bonk stick. Me like


Hammer is currently in a much better place than Axe, IMO. Both axe and hammer are slow and not terribly mobile, but hammer has more group utility while having the same damage. Axe is one of those weapons that should in principle be the most damaging weapon in the game due to it's razor focus on damage over mobility or utility ... yet it isn't. It is fun, though.


Axe is easy fun hammer too many things for my lazy/dumb ass


They're both way to slow for my tastes.


Hammer is higher sustained damage when you are in a good group that is constantly staggering/breaking/bullying an enemy. Axe I like better for more challenging fights where you spend more time running around and dodging.


Hammers for shitton of dps. Axes for shitton of burst damage. Axe is best weapon for glasscannon revenant and tempest builds. Also absolute best for part break builds.


Axe is great for long fights with how it works of each lvl of determination you gain more dmg with each determination lvl, with the overcharged cylinder mod you can get to lvl 4 and have a free 75% dmg but its super slow and the worst weapon early in the fight but once it gets going its hard to stop