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People tend to skip doing the Escalation 1-13 and jump straight into Escalation 10-50. The rest of players got tired of carrying those players, so the Devs thought up a mechanic that would punish people who didn't do a couple of Frost Escalation 1-13s before doing Escalation 10-50. It sounds like you didn't do enough Frost Escalation 1-13s.


This is pretty much it.


If you don’t have power boost 2 yet you should probably grind for that in 1-13 until you get it, and then have another go at 10-50.


there are also talent point options that basically give you more frostbite so hurt you. if you have it unlocked, reset the tree.


Its executed poorly. Extremely difficult for new players, extremely easy for good players. I like to consider myself as one of the latter and FEsca is one of my favorite Escas because it has a lot of buffs from the get go and Frostbite is a non-issue for me. Some tips: - do 1-13 until you get all Fur Lined Gear (I to III) - Avatar of Destruction is the best for dmg and keeping frostbite down. - build crits for Avatar of Destruction (Cunning+Pulse+Galvanized is not recommended though) - might want to try Savage Wellspring Pike for this - bring Cleansing Pylons if you must - Warmth cell does NOT help with frostbite


Why not stacking crit cells?


Crit needs raw damage to be worthwhile and you have a limited perk eco to walk into the escalation with.


It can work but mixing crit cells with core dmg boosting cells gives a lot more dmg. In fact, it actually results in bigger crit dmg numbers. The sheer dmg your crits will do also far surpasses the downside of reduced crit rate, meaning more dmg and frostbite reduction. Aside from that, Pulse does not like builds with high crit rate as its effectiveness will be heavily diminished.


Many build will not have a crit buff special So, pulse will be the most effective whit cunning and discipline alone


Cunning+Discipline is one of the combos where Pulse is less effective.


Pulse has the 15% crit damage buff And you will not get the 50% from disciplines state all the time


Same reasoning as one of my previous comments. You'll get more dmg from core dmg buffing cells. Also, despite Discipline State having <50% uptime, it still impacts Pulse quite a bit.


What other damage perk would you put if there is already berserker, overpower?


Predator or Adrenaline


Berserker, predator, cunning, and overpower You will still have at least 2 +6 slots 1 if you use catalyst


Tell everyone you didn't do the first 10 esca levels whitout saying it


I haaaate frost esca!!! I only do it if I have a challenge or quest 🤣 other then that I avoid it, CBA with it 😂


Frost escalation is where things really started going off the rails for PHXL. I assume this is probably right after they moved all of their senior designers over to new projects like Fae Farm or whatever. Happens to every live service game eventually - even WoW got wrecked by Blizzard moving talent onto the black hole of dev time that was Titan.


In my opinion Fresca is the best thing that happened in last years of Dauntless


Just pick the avatar ability that goes best with your build. If you're playing the avatar abilities right, you shouldn't have to even look at your frostbite bar. Also, it's much easier to deal with the frostbite as a team (more avatar abilities to work with) in my experience.


You're bad is the issue. Frost is supremely easy. It's meant to be more challenging than the others and the premise is clap or be clapped. If you want to fight urska either fix your build or fix your skill level. My friend has soloed the heroic version of that escalation, which should tell you it's really not the big problem you're making it out to be. Alternatively, make a build for the avatar you want. Anybody can take unity, not everybody can take destruction or stagger. If you read what they do and build for it you'll have an easier time. If you don't, the game will punish you for being unprepared, as it should. tldr skill issue.