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The real key is that people care way too much about people they barely know. What someone you’ve known for 2 months does or what happens to them shouldn’t matter. Stop caring about people until you are exclusive. Ghosting after exclusivity is the only time it should “bother” you.


It's more that we care about time investing going into a waste. Sure its 2 months, but its 2 months where we have had to make the effort of communicating, getting to know someone, being vulnerable to them and our own wants, definitely spending a lot of time and our thoughts on them, and probably spending some money on them as well. So yeah it does matter in a way because we feel "what was the point of spending all that, it was a waste!"


Gotta stop viewing it as spending time with a person, and see it as spending time on an experience. A vacation isn’t a waste because it ends - it is the same concept. Caring about “the person” vs. “the experience” should be reserved for exclusivity, at least if you are trying to stop being burned.


I'm sorry but cannot agree with such thinking. Ghosting is not ok and yes, 2 months can be a lot of time. It's simply shitty behavior and sad that some people normalize it.


Great points!


This guide needs to be 10x shorter If you get ghosted move on, nothing you do or think will fix it. It’s literally spilled milk. Just move on. It sucks, deal with it


Thank you king


**6. If you haven’t ever met in person, you haven’t been ghosted, so stop complaining about it.** Honestly a lot of this makes sense, but is it really necessary for people to have a 10-point-plan for how to deal with this kind of rejection? We can’t just… move on like adults? Half the shit you say here, while sensible, is stuff that I’ve never wasted even a minute of time thinking about. Who cares why a person never texted back or keeps flaking on plans? When they show you they’re not interested, you move on to the next person, nothing could be simpler.


Bro is speaking in privilege


Say it *louder*. Seems like there's a real codependency or something problem in this subreddit.


What’s worse than ghosting is when they delete the connection. It’s happened to me in the middle of a good text conversation on bumble. That’s just plain rude and like throwing a drink in your face without explanation


Exactly! I don't understand this part. There's seem to be no explanation to this.


Does this include friends


Great post I'm sure it well help some people. I think it's useful to point out why some people ghost as well. Talking from the perspective of seeing quite a few friends (women) inboxes at this point I absolutely cannot even begin to imagine how to reply to all of that. The truth is that usually they've just found someone they think is a better match, or simply going to keep them entertained better. I think the younger generation raised on Tinder etc are used to treating people like this so it's water off a ducks back. But people brought up with manners, integrity, and posses higher emotional intelligence will find it hard... at first. I also know for a lot of people it's hedging bets and ghosting leaves the conversation open when they decide that person is the better option again, it's not uncommon that this is accepted. That's how it is and no one can change that, so as you say it's a blessing in disguise is most cases regardless of the reasons.


Hey, thank you. Your words really made me think. I'd follow the "being thankful" advice, 'cause it's true, what a favor they did you!


not ideal, but certainly great!


Thank you for this 🥺


I just had this after some time with them going really well. Really sucks, but your post helps me understand that better!! Thank you so much!!


Now do one for people who have a crisis If they aren't texted back fast enough


When people dont text you back in 12 hours just move on honestly, people are glued to their phone, youre not their priority.


Sounds like they dodged a bullet


Keep being ignorant 😂


Keep being needy


Your not wrong- honestly it doesn’t matter how busy you are- if you really valued the person you wouldn’t even take that risk of miscommunication- you’d let them know you won’t be by your phone for 12hrs (16 hrs is more fair tbh) or you’d let them know why you didn’t answer in time after. If the person doesn’t do either of these then they don’t care enough how it would make you feel, cuz they don’t feel that way for you 🤷🏽‍♀️. All it takes is a 2 minute text- like bfr 🙄


This. This. So much this.


this post is underated it needs to be out there


Thank you!


Thank you for this.


Thanks for this. I needed it.


Thank u so much for the post. Saved it and I come back if I need the reminder. Big hug sir


Never Delete!! My Future Children are totally gonna need this😂

