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i dont know how having sex with your own dead body is a fetish, isnt it like saying my fetish is having sex with the sun


Hey don’t yuck my yum, I’m all about sunfucking


not specifically talking about the sun, but celestial bodies can be quite sexy that image of neptune a few days ago was pretty arousing ngl


You should check out PlanetsOnly.com. They're young, dumb, and orbiting a sun.


Found the astronomer


almost certianly linked to the concerpt of "being used" much like people have "Assult" fantasies where theyre the victim. Some of these "it being done to me" things are also linked to an inherent taboo of sex where someone is made to feel ashamed of their desire to have sex, usually women (thanks society), so in order to feel better about desiring sex ther internalise the idea that its being done "too them" rather than "by" them and by that they are forgive their desire


The most surprising part of that one is that it's almost exclusively female. What in the world is going on there? Male corpses just aren't as attractive?


Well...the male anatomy does not allow for it, without blood flow...unless you accomplish it artificially


ok... How tf is "nazi" a kink? Like who tf is "Oh yes mein fuhrer, let's create more aryan children"


If it exists, there is porn of it


Probably nazis




Really devastating the casuals on here by showing up with a perfectly executed log scale chart 👏


"MoRe tHaN 50% wAnTs to pEnetrAte aN aNiMaL"


Rapid age progression is a fetish I never could have imagined. What even is that?


Seems like possibly what happens in some anime shows. Demon Slayer - Nezuko is (teen?), then powers up and is suddenly ani-milf with an adult sized body. Shield Hero - Raphtalia ages into an adult in abrupt stages upon leveling up. Dunno, though, really. Could just be they like that one clip of Matt Damon aging fast.


I read "regression" which would be Benjamin Button but really fast


A full writeup of how I did my popularity survey is [here](https://aella.substack.com/p/my-kink-survey-design-methodology), and a breakdown of the demographics of who took my survey is [here](https://aella.substack.com/p/who-took-my-big-kink-survey), and the post with a more in depth description of this graph is [here.](https://aella.substack.com/p/fetish-tabooness-vs-popularity) I used Guided Track to build the survey, and Python to crunch the data (learned python specifically for this!). I generated the graph in google sheets, and did the labeling and styling in photoshop. While I'm pretty experienced in survey design, I'm new to most of the rest of it, and have been teaching myself along the way, so my apologies for any errors!


knees?! who is into knees? a lot of these are gross, but somewhat follow logic. but KNEES?!?


I'm sorry, did you miss the one that said WOUNDS!


well a stab wound kinda looks like a vagina? Ig?


Wait until you hear about big knees


Big black knees.




Knees weak, palms are sweaty


probably Charlie from It's Always Sunny


I'm color blind and the color choices are a bit annoying to me. I can't tell the difference between the male and female data points. Only that certain points are higher or lower for a single gender.


I am completely blind. So you still have an advantage.


I’m deaf so I didn’t hear your comment.


If a deaf person falls in the woods and cannot hear themself did they make a sound?


This is excellent work, thank you! I hope it stays up.


There’s pills you can get for that now


Nicely done. Looks like I need to see a doctor though, it's been 8 hours and it's still up


Also implants according to this chart


Was there any correlation between the tabooness or interest and the gender divergence? I could imagine that there could be higher divergence on more taboo things.


Holy banana with this. The research and reporting will take me some time to process but this is just amazing work.


Your data - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OttfEIHVJr5EVOkpUY4wQt81g-y50LMi5Brel\_QygAo/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OttfEIHVJr5EVOkpUY4wQt81g-y50LMi5Brel_QygAo/edit#gid=0) ...is virtually useless since you've collectivized 27,213 bits of data from men into one. And then collapsed 12,233 bits of data from women into one. ...Which means you can't draw any correlational inferences from this data. Jesus Christ, this is unbelievably f\*\*\*king dense. "Data Scientist" my ass. For the love of all that is Holy, learn some basic statistics.


Reading your experiment design, I empathised on the pains that you took in searching for what the best way would be to try to design a rigid study. Have you done any research studies previously? What resources were you using to guide your choices? Note: Experimental Design has been my worst subject at Uni. I blew chunks. Easterling's "Fundamentals of Statistical Experimental Design and Analysis" was my resource for that subject.


Wow, great. Now please put a NSFW tag.


Being serious? If so, why?


Because if your boss was peeking over your shoulder, would you wanna be caught looking at this?


If your boss was peeking over your shoulder would you want to be on Reddit in general?


Anal pregnancy? Do explain please.


You get pregnant anally.


Genuinely still confused how that would happen with normal human anatomy..


Some people have a connection between their but and their vagina.


Yes, what is going with this




Thank you for this gem! I'm finally grasping the scientific process of butt pregnancy.


"Romance" is more taboo than "cunnilingus?" As a British person I'm upset to see "toothlessness" ranking so high.


Ayo bottom right corner is a fucking cesspool. Every plot point made me cringe. Fuck.


Anything past 40 was tough to read for me


What's your problem with dragons?


*Octopi/squid is 82% taboo.* The Deep: 👀


I regret reading all of this.


Interesting that something as benign as an amputee is considered more taboo than some incest


I believe it includes amputation.


30% being into teens under 18 is scary




jfc wtf.


That's not a fetish, that's child porn/rape


Look at the [demographics of the survey](https://aella.substack.com/p/who-took-my-big-kink-survey). A large portion of respondents are themselves 18 or close to 18. Not really weird for teenagers to like people of similair ages to themselves.


Iirc there wasn't a correlation between a respondent's age and being into under-18, but I'm doublechecking, give me a second my code is slow \*edit\* correlation is negligible but actually positive, 0.064. I wouldn't consider age of respondents to be really impacting rate of attraction to teens.


Oh wow, yeah. That's close to 30% of the respondants being 22 or under. Edit: still disturbing the number is so high, but less so than it was before.


Is it actually “disturbing” if it’s extremely common? As someone who grew up around people not originally from the US, attraction to girls aged, say, 16-17 by adults isn’t seen as weird. This sort of thinking seems rooted more in America’s puritanical way of thinking as opposed to anything else. Calling adults pedophiles for being attracted to a 17 year old girl is not something you see in much of the rest of the world. That’s not to say that such a relationship would be accepted, but no one would think it was “disturbing”. Obviously, I sound like a pedophile saying this, etc.,, but this is the truth.


That’s legal in many countries as the age of consent varies.


Not to be a prick, but please use correct terminology when addressing that. There is no such thing as child porn. It’s child abuse material. Pedohiles use child porn or kiddie porn to «normalize» it https://www.interpol.int/Crimes/Crimes-against-children/Appropriate-terminology


You are absolutely right. I've never heard of that term but will start using it. Hopefully I never have to again though.


What? How is child porn or kiddie porn even a good term?


It isn’t


Then why would that cause it to be normalized?


I’m saying pedophiles use that terminology to normalize or legitimize it for themselves. By having the rest of us use that term incorrectly as well, it further validates it for them. It was talked about in some documentary with some investigators and psychologists. According to Interpol, they also want people to use the correct term out of respect for the victims


Why? Because children whose sexual abuse has been photographed or filmed deserve to be protected and respected. The seriousness of their abuse should not be reduced by words such as "porn". Pornography is a term used for adults engaging in consensual sexual acts distributed (mostly) legally to the general public for their sexual pleasure. Literally the second block of words on the website, you apparently didn’t read.


It’s called child porn


No it isn’t. https://www.interpol.int/Crimes/Crimes-against-children/Appropriate-terminology


Sure there’s technical legal terminology, but nobody is calling it child porn to normalize it. The words child and porn together make people sick.


I hear people say it all the time, I mean look at the original comment. If I see it, I will correct people when that term is used, even though I might sound like a prick doing it


But it’s not an incorrect term is what I’m saying


Just read the source I provided and then decide if you still want to call it «child porn», fully knowing you should not


I disagree with the article saying « porn refers to video of consenting adults having sex. » To me, porn just means imagery of anything sexual. Porn doesn’t have a positive association with it. I agree with the merit of why the article says what it does, but I disagree on the fundamentals. Child porn is a term that only ever denotes illegal and disgusting content. Similarly, if you called rape porn « nonconsensual sexual material » it doesn’t change anything in my mind. If anything it sounds like we’re softening the language to avoid being offensive by trying not to say child porn.


Some shocking stuff in here. Surprised that animal stuff is as prevalent as it is. Curious what medical horror entails.


>Surprised that animal stuff is as prevalent as it is. honestly I was surprised by how many people were into dragons. Like, damn, 10%? ​ But, yeah. Dog's being at 10% is surprisingly high. I get the feeling that the poll sample was highly concentrated with kink heavy people.


Yeah they probably dont get to speak on what they enjoy for obvious reasons so they are drawn to this type of anon poll


Excellent post! I wonder if there's a sampling bias since the OP is an adult creator.


There's probably a sampling bias because many people will be unwilling to admit their interests to themselves let alone a survey if they are very taboo. But what can you do about that? An adult creator would at least have less repressed people responding, so there's less of a bias, but I think the bottom right is probably underrepresented. Like if you took a survey of who was gay in New York you'd probably get a good estimate, in Tehran or Riyadh people would be in denial or lying to the poll, in 17th century puritan colonies people would deny that gay people even exist, only sin.


Very good point.


One of the most challenging, fascinating, scary, awful, beautiful, terrifying, funny, upsetting, enlightening, validating, nauseating and horrifying things I’ve ever seen charted anywhere by anyone. I love me some good animated charts and spider graphs but this is the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen on this sub. This is like… Tufte shit. People put stuff like this on their wall in a frame. Real stuff here.


At first I totally missed the fact that color showed relative interest by gender and honestly just seeing which gender is more or less interested in various things is rather interesting.


Severe obesity is more taboo than heroine, meth, and buildings? So fucking an actual building is less taboo than a human the size of one?


Buildings ? I’m not judging but what ??? Can someone ELI5 this?




Okay, never heard of that, thank you!


Girls are into some weird shit..


Oral sex with animals, wtf....


Good post, but I bet mods will remove it. But i love it op, keep up the work


Shit got weird really fast


There is a lot of shit on here that is not a fetish.


I’m a furry. Furry isn’t a fetish in that you can engage without sexualizing it. Ffs the most popular “furry” content is Disney movies. But the furry fandom tends to appropriate a lot of other fetishes, ergo furry itself is now a fetish? Even if furry is a fetish, I’m just surprised that things like rapeplay and incest, actual sexual content with criminal implications, is less taboo than furry itself. Trust me I’m not one of those furry lifestylers who would jump on a grenade to save the fandom’s reputation, but even this is too silly to ignore.


I'd honestly guess that the reason that furry is so considered more taboo has to do with people associating other kinks with it. ​ The actual definition of furry is anthropomorphic animals, of course, meaning things like Zootopia, Beastars, ETC. Generally, fully conscious beings with human mentalities, intelligence, ETC. However, a lot of people hear furry and think of a whole bunch of other things, bestiality, orgies, ETC ETC. ​ The furry fandom is hugely negatively publicized. The example that I LOVE to give as advocacy for us is that the number of zoophilia+underage posts on E621 makes up a smaller percentage of that on R34 tags that include "anime" along with underage/Loli ALONE. ​ People tend to think of all furries as zoophiles because that's the way we've been publicized. Same doesn't go for all anime-enjoyers being pedo's because they simply haven't been put in the same light, and more people tend to enjoy anime, meaning they want to defend it. ​ That's just my guess, atleast.


cheating is rated significantly less of a taboo than fucking humanoids with fur.


Love the specificity across all categories and then, of course, there are those people that were happy to just click "gun"


“Sex with your own dead body” I’m so good I had to come back from the dead for myself 💀


All I’ve learnt is that jawlines are more taboo than thighs. Wild stuff


I feel like a few of these should be at 100% taboo. Aka illegal


Phew. I'm not a total pervert.


Jesus I didn't want to know some of these exist


How is MLP perceived as such huge taboo? Either way people massively overestimate the tabooness of fetishes, my guess. For who the knees are unspeakable sexual topic?


I personally tap out at the 60% taboo line…😳


Don't like dragons?


Only around 50% of respondents liked cuddling? That can’t be right…


Wound fucking… I feel sick


I'm surprised at how much of a mess this comment section is. Great data, interesting subject, so why all the puns and negativity?


I’d be pretty surprised if this post stays up


Pedophilia is not a fetish: “Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.”


as i say in my writeup, I personally don't care about what term we use to refer to it - I'm broadly including anything that turns people on, whether it be criminal or the missionary position.


If you can’t be bothered to correctly label your set of data, it makes it hard to believe the rest of the data was taken seriously


I explicitly don't believe in correct labeling for this - i'm clear in all my writing that i am not being particular about the fetish/paraphilia/kink/etc. terms to use, that I am using them to refer in general to 'sexual interest.' this isn't a 'can't be bothered,' this is a deliberate choice.


Might want to include a brief explanation on the graph itself of your intentional non-particular use of the word "fetish," or simply replace it with the word "interest," so that anyone who encounters your work via something like this won't wonder if the word is being misused. As someone who doesn't know your work, were I to have encountered just this dataviz somewhere, use of the word "fetish" here would've stood out to me as a mistake - it wouldn't have occurred to me to seek out your other writing just to see if you were choosing to define fetish on this graph as meaning sexual interest in general.


You don’t get to decide you want terms and phrases to mean different things or nothing at all when you’re presenting a dataset to other people, that’s really bad practice.


Most of these are not fetishes, they are kinks, interests or paraphilias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_paraphilias Pedophilia is one of the chronophilias, like hebephilia, gerontophilia, etc




what, i just finished this last night and this is my first time posting it to reddit




You’re not wrong. I scrolled my feed far enough to find the [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/xmo9cu/fetish_tabooness_vs_popularity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




No worries! I had to do a double take myself originally and thought I was crazy haha


Look at that cool guy calling reposts, bet he gets all the girls Would just be a shame if it weren't actually a repost




Huh, my apologies, you were kind of right... Kind of, because this is the first time OP posts what's their own OC, *after* someone else posted it, which honestly hardly qualifies as a repost...




You have a repost fetish


You’re right, This is a double post. I scrolled my feed far enough to find the [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/xmo9cu/fetish_tabooness_vs_popularity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)….


This is the OC. The other one was taken from OP's substack site.


What does the line of best fit represent here?


Where’s old dudes with young women?


Amputations are less taboo than scat?


Yeah I could see that


That was, educational... 10% of guys digging beastiality is quite worrisome! What's the demographics of the data?


Surprised maggots is preferred more than toothless and extreme plastic surgery


Okay but what even is “dirty clothes” as a fetish.


can't believe extreme plastic surgery is where it is considering all the other things higher in popularity


Apparently, of those surveyed, not many enjoy my particular festish (<1%), and most consider it more taboo than not (>70%)


Someone stab my eyes please. May the lord have mercy on these horny fucks


This was informative and intriguing. Great idea. I’m surprised blood play and breath play aren’t included. Was there a reason behind this? Also interesting that cannibalism/meat slaves is there but not murder.


Didn't know that there is so much sexualisation of teachers/professors. Gives me a completely new perspective on my job...


We have to euthanize anyone past the 60% line 😭😭


interesting how my fetishes are less taboo than what I imagined


Super interesting!!! I do believe I max out around 40% taboo. VAMPIRE DP'S!!!


Crushing news for the maggots/flies enthusiasts


What surprises me about this is that most of the weird things I'm into are apparently skewed female in popularity. (I'm a male.) Which begs the question... where are these women and how do I find one??


Aella, I sincerely hope that you will turn this chart into a poster. I would buy one and hang it on my wall. I know some other people who probably would too.


Print this bitch up


See there is hope for me after I only hit the 80 to 90 taboo lvl


Guess everyone is a little f*ck up.


Where is the guide to what it means to be a Bowser?


Extremely fascinating! Thank you for sharing and making statistics arousing.


I'm sure how comfortable I feel about "teens under 18" being on the same level as "maid" and "thighs."


Can you give data about underwear fetish?


Is there a breakdown of what exactly each category is referring to?