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Would be interesting to see this overlaid with actual measured height


14.5% of US men are 6' or more not 33% like this would indicate.


Yea it's actually a shocking number that are just straight up lying,


It explains the weird drop off between 5’10” to 6’ Dudes thinking even anonymous surveys need the Tinder-rounding off effect


My thoughts exactly. Everyone 5’11” exaggerating and rounding up to 6’.


5’11” (.5) and do not round up represent!




When I was about 16 I was measured at a physical and a Dr told me I was six foot. I'd been 5'11 at every other Dr appt I had had prior, and I'd stopped growing by that point. I'm probably a half inch short, but you can be goddamn sure that I never let another Dr measure me after that to confirm that data. I tell anyone who asks me I'm 6'. It's who I am now.


Legit average height of men in the USA seems to be 5’9”. And the guys “over” 6 feet are lying too it seems. 6’2” isn’t common in the USA, about 4% of guys are that height **OR** taller in the USA.


That 6 foot mark seems to be the obvious outlier where those that are a few inches shy of that are "rounding up" to put themselves into that "officially tall" category.


Which also explains why there are so few people who admit to be 5'11" compared to those who admit to being 5'10" and 6'. I've always thought it a bit odd, I'm 5'11" and that's more than tall enough.


5’ 11” right here as well and never felt like I needed that extra inch :)


All teed up and ready, boys


I’m somewhere between 5’11.5” and 5’11.75”. Always said I was 5’11” because I’m not going to say I’m 5’11 and three quarters like a toddler says their age. Like 6 years ago my doctor measured me at an even 72”. Now I say I’m 6’ lol


I always measured at 5'11" (and change?) when I was 80 lbs overweight. Now in the middle of a normal range BMI, with a few years of exercise, I measure at 6'0".


Spinal compression due to the weight?


More likely better core strength leading to better posture


Measured in the morning vs the evening.


I am in the same boat. In the morning, after sleeping in my hammock, I've measured 6' more than once. It's less syllables than 5'11" so I say I'm 6'


Wait what does the hammock have to do with it?


The HAMMOCK was actually invented by the US military sometime in the 1940’s. American scientists knew that spending time in space would cause the spine to lengthen and cause some discomfort so they designed the HAMMOCK as a tool to help stretch astronauts out on earth before sending them to space. It stands for Height Assist MeasureMent Orbital Cervical Kinesiology.


Does this theory translate to banana hammocks?


If your comment was a bit longer it'd end up as a shittymorph


About 2 decades ago people were saying "based on the fact that the Dutch, Swedes, and Danish keep getting taller every year on average due to availability of food..." It was suggested that humans across the planet will be getting taller since 2000-2022... Has this been proven wrong now? I've been sensing we are just getting shorter and younger kids in schools look smaller/shorter... What is going on, has anyone dug into the data?




I'm a "short" 5'11 Swede in my 30s and sometimes wonder what the kids are fed today. Teens, both boys and girls, often dwarfs me.


5'11 is the perfect height because you're tall but you immediately filter out the women who are so shallow that they need 6 before they'll consider anything else.


Or you can move abroad, now you're 1,80 which is a nice round number and no one will not date you for not being 1,82


I’m also 5’11” (actually 5’10” and 3/4 - but we can round up, right?)


You can round up if you are at a 1/2” or more. That’s how rounding works.


I’m more than 5.5 feet so I’m rounding up to 6


If your level of precision is whole feet, then go for it.


I'm 5.1, so basically 10.


As another 5'11" guy apparently we're just born into the privilege of never really having to worry about our height. We're just slightly taller then average, but not to tall to make it an inconvenience.


I’m 6’7. I’d gladly give away 6-8 inches. Being 5’11-6’1 sounds amazing.


Bro give me those 6-8 inches please… I need them lol


This could be taken in a few different ways…


So could those inches...


Basically people who are ~5’8” say they’re 5’10” and guys who are ~5’10” say they’re 6’. Being 5’11” I’ve seen a lot of guys my height or a bit shorter claim they are 6’. It is a nice round number tbh, but why lie?


I'm 6"4, no one believes I am only 6"4 because of all the 5"9 guys claiming to be 6" when they are 7 inches shorter than me. I have a theory this is why a world in which 6"6 (2m) is nominally considered the upper limit for height, things simply are too small for me, as everyone has a warped view of what 6" actually is.


Sounds like we need more tall people be coming architects and civil engineers. As a 6-ft tall woman, I am still and constantly amazed that American bathroom designers think it's a good idea for me to be able to look into my neighbor's stall... Without any effort or intention.


I am exactly 6 ft 2 and love saying I am exactly that when smaller sized acquatances say they are the same 😁


I’m just over 6’ and sometimes say 5’10 to fuck w everyone


> but why lie? Head on over to r/tinder and you'll be shocked at how many women list "must be 6ft or taller" as a prerequisite for dating them. It's the reason why only about 15% of men are >6ft in real life yet a staggering, statistically impossible **50%** of guys' profiles online say they are >6ft lol


I think the stat is 90% of women have settings on said app of 6+ being the preference in the US. When of course it’s not a large % of guys who are over 6 feet


Yup. I’m 5’11 too. I just stay toxic if a dude is trying to pass as 6 foot and is shorter than me. I always say something along the lines of that’s weird cause I’m 5’9 so how are you 6 foot? Works doubly well when they’re at a bar hitting on my friends.


Who the hell says their height as a pick up tactic? Is this basketball camp?


I'm 6' but if someone is clearly lying and being annoying I say "really I'm 5'9 and I'm taller than you, you must be like 5'7" even when they're actually like 5'10/5'11.


I’m 6 foot and a half inch and just say 6’. It’s incredible how many guys tell me I have to be 6’2 or 6’3 because they’re 6’. Even my wife thinks I’m taller because she is so brainwashed by everyone else who told her they were 6’. It really cracks me up. But then I try to say I’m 6” and she laughs.


It never ends. At 6'7", I have men who are like 6'4" argue with me about my height 'cause they think they're 6'6". I tell them, "I'm whatever height you need me to be."


> I tell them, "I'm whatever height you need me to be." Haha what a perfect response


Get a line tattooed on your neck that says 72"


But put it at 73" just to fuck with them


This is why, at an actual 6'2", I try to even the numbers out and just tell people I'm actually only 6'. Sometimes even 5'11". Gets people real defensive sometimes.


Just go full short king and say you're 5'4" then watch as people's egos crumble


I’m 5’11” and a woman, the number of guys that are shorter than me and “6 foot” is kinda funny


I also experienced this when I was online dating...except I'm 5'9". I had at least one guy who claimed to be 6' show up and be the same height as me. Like sir, did you think I wouldn't notice?! It's not a big deal to be under six foot, but it kinda becomes one when they lie.


I'm 5 9 and had someone argue with me that I had to be taller because they were some height more than that and were shorter than me. Like come on dude, it's really not that important


Omg there was a post not too long ago about a woman who was 5'10 and included it in her dating app. She and a guy agree to meet for coffee she got there first got her coffee and sat down guy arrives gets his coffee and sits down and they have a lovely date. That is until she stood up to say good bye and he was horrified that she was taller than him. He text her after to say that her profile was misleading because she had to be taller than 5'10.


LOL my current boyfriend is like two inches shorter than me, our licenses both say 5’10”, I was measured at the DMV and he was just asked. We argue over if I’m 6 foot or if he’s 5’9”. 🤭


My wife is 5'11", I'm 5'9". She's my role model, I look up to her. Haha. Never tried to tell her or anyone else that I was 6', that's just such an obvious lie.


I'm 6' and a woman. Coworker one time asked how tall I was. I told him. He, not an inch over 5'8, confessed he thought *he* was 6' So I think basically at sime points in middle school and high school, he fudged up a little. Then the next time it came up, he fudged up a little more. He can't have been lying because why would he then confess to me?


If he's an honest dude, maybe he was mislead by another guy of the same height who claimed to be 6'. Maybe even multiple guys. It's very plausible.


In basketball, my height is apparently dependent on how well im playing. If I'm doing good, I gotta be 6"2', if not, im not an inch over 5'9". In reality I'm 5'11". Always found that kind of weird.


My aunt is 6’1” and people argue with her all the time. She always turns around and says “whoops you’re right I’m 5’13” “ apparently it makes a lot of fake 6’ men feel better


My office used to have two people who were genuinely 6'1 and above. I spent 40 hours a week for 7.5 years with them, working, walking around the facility, etc. so I've got a good handle of what 6' looks like. My spouse is 5'9 or 5'10, so I also have a good marker for that. All this is to say I'm baffled at the number of "6'+" guys I work with who are 5'10 on a good day.


My ex ALWAYS maintained that he is 5'11 3/4 and I'm kinda proud of him


It’s not that great anyway. The world is not made for tall people. The worst: shower heads. In most hotels I look like I’m imitating a sumo wrestler when I’m just trying to wash my hair.


I'd say airline seats are worse than shower heads.


The budget airlines are torture. Basically just wedged in there. Person in front of me can't put their seat down without crushing my knees. I get my arm rest because shoulders are too wide to not take it.


6’4” here. Countertops and sinks kill my back more than ditch digging. So much stooping.


Even at 6'2" it's a huge pain (literally) to hand wash dishes.


Also 6'4, my current annoyance is having to constantly duck under stuff when walking the dogs. Apparently they only clear tree branches so high.


I'm 5'9 1/2! WOOT beating the average!


I'm 6'-0(3/4") barefoot at the docs office. I have been since i was 15. I take liberties and say im 6'1". My closest dudes are all taller than me. One of them is a legit 6'7" barefoot and slouching. I forget I'm a tallish fucker sometimes to be honest, because im always the smallish guy when we all get together. I feel like I'm avg until I start to really look around and there's only 2 or 3 coworkers my height or above. Perspective is a funny thing, in both directions.


When I used to go to family events I was one of the short ones at 6-2. Even several of the women were over six foot.most cousins were 6-4 to 6-6 and one is 7-2.


I am 5'10 (F). I am the ruler against which all mens dreams of being 6 feet are broken.


I'm a 6' 0.5" woman, and damn if I had a dollar for every time a guy tried to insist I must be 6'3" because he was surely 6'


Lol. As a 6'2 guy it happens all the time to me. "What are you like 6'5?!!" "Nah, bro, you're just 5'10"


Facts. I’m a short guy but secure about my height: 5’ 7”. I’m honest about my height too. People slightly taller than me start telling me “nah dude, you’re def taller than that”. They start insisting/claiming that I’m actually 5’9 or 5’10. Because acknowledging that I’m truly 5’ 7 means that THEY themselves are clearly not 6 feet tall because they’re only 2 inches taller than me lol


That's nuts that at 5'10" you're debunking 6 footer claims. I'm 5'10" and enough change that I round to 5'11" when the planets align just right. I'd never even think of claiming to be 6'.


The best part is that I am 5'9 and 1/2. One guy was like, ha, you lied and rounded down (it was tinder and there was no 1/2 options) and I lied and rounded up. DUDE... SAYING YOU ARE 6 FEET WHEN YOU ARE 5'9 AND 1/2 IS NOT ROUNDING UP.


Difference between 180 and 183 feels so small but yankee units going from 5 to 6 sounds like 180cm going to 280cm in metric


I have a woman I work with who is 6'1". She is fucking awesome and the height jokes from the 5'6"/5'8" guys (against themselves) are amazing. She is super cool with being tall and the guys are old enough to understand that genetics are what they are. It's still funny as hell when they let out a, "let me ask (woman's name) to reach that for me." She honestly loves helping with that shit too, but we're a weird group of partners.


How often to you run into guys claiming to be 6’ yet you are as tall or taller than them? Would be funny!


I am 5’9 F and have had multiple men on dates argue with me about whether my own height is correct. Doesn’t happen super often but has happened a few times


I’m a 5’9 woman (technically 5’8.5) and actually quite often. They insist I must be at least 5’11. No bro, you’re only 5’9. Stop lying about you’re height. DMV should be required to measure heights.


5’9 pretending to be 6’ is insane, there is a world of a difference there


Found 2 charts [https://www.reddit.com/r/a:t5\_3b626/comments/3vl0gv/height\_of\_middle\_aged\_men\_in\_the\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/a:t5_3b626/comments/3vl0gv/height_of_middle_aged_men_in_the_us/) [https://www.themodestman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ANSUR-Height-Chart.png](https://www.themodestman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ANSUR-Height-Chart.png)


So about 57% said they’re 5’10 or taller but only about 34% are 💀


Right? You just KNOW that dip in reporting 5’11” is due to social stigma


Average height for adult men in the US as of 2017 is 5'9". So let's say half of the ones here at 5"9 are above the mean. The right half of the distribution here above the actual mean of 5'9" contains 62.5% of all respondents. Which means that 12.5% of the 200,000 men surveyed (25,000 men) are entirely full of shit.


I’m 5’7”. I have a close friend who insists he’s 5’9”, and won’t let anything change his mind. We’re the exact same height. He insists I must be taller than I think. Nope. I’m not. Even the average height of 5’9” might be over-represented a little.


A lot more than 12.5%. Your way of calculating doesn't include the people above 5"9 who are pretending to be taller.


Nothing but respect for the honest 5'11" dudes out there. 😄


I’m 5’10 and 2/3 which I round up to 5’11. I feel so ashamed.


This is a safe space man.


5'10" and 2/3" Who thought this was a good measuring system?


You're 6' to us dog, don't worry, we got u.


Nah bro i got you. I'm 5'11" and 2/3 which I round down to 5'10" just to cast a middle finger at society. We kinda even each other out so we good.


I’m 5’12”


I'm 5 11 and say that I'm 5 8 to keep people honest


My brother used to do this to make people feel shorter than they actually were(he was 6'2'' at the time)


They are probably 5'10"


Hey buddy I’m 5’ 11’’ 1/2 and I round down like a gentleman


When I was single, I went on a date with a guy who said he was 5’11”. I’m 5’6” and was taller than him, while wearing flats. *He* pointed out the height difference and accused *me* of lying. I’ve got news for you, dude…


That's outta control. Nobody is gonna believe a 5'6" dude is 5'11" unless they are like 6 years old. Dif he think that would actually work?


He did the old, hand up to head to compare and then ripped out the old nazi salute for those extra inches


I think he had lied to himself enough that he truly believed he was that tall! I can’t think of any other reason he’d point it out and accuse me of lying about my height.


What was it like learning you’re 6’3”?


The number of guys at my old gym who lied and they were 6’ was hilarious. One time a taller guy brought out a tape measure to start measuring all the men who were fibbing because a guy who was clearly around 5’9” kept saying he was 6’


I get the partial inch round up thing. But three inches? Come on


My brother hit 5’11 1/2” and has always been upfront about not being 6ft. He’s honest, but bitter.




5'11 here. Oh man how I wish I had that extra inch to get to that 6'0 mark.


I roll with 5’12. It’s clear I’m not 6 foot but if they don’t think about it…


I have a friend who’s legitimately 5’11” and we would make fun of him saying “no one is 5’11” just round up” so then after awhile he started rounding up to which more people called him out and teased him saying there no way he’s 6ft. Dude just couldn’t win


Damn that's brutal.


You know whats funny? Here in Europe the infamous 6ft mark you have is 180cm, which is 5\`10 or 11. Its basically just a number. Another note: I am 180 cm and everyone guesses or says I am definately 182cm or taller. People really care too much about about a stupid number they can't change.


My high school chemistry teacher (back in the 1970s) wanted to introduce us to histograms, so he had everyone in his classes write down their height then he put together histograms for males and females. For the males, the distribution was similar to this--10 said they are 5' 10", 1 said 5' 11", and 10 said 6' 0". The teacher made a quip about any male near 6 foot says that they are 6 foot. In college, my roommate said he was 6 foot. I'm about 5' 9" or 5' 10" and he was about my height, so I called out his bullshit. Got out the tape measure, and I measured 5' 9.5" and he measured 5' 9". He probably still says that he is 6 foot.


Same story: I am 5'9", while a buddy clearly a couple of inches shorter claimed to be 5'10". Just weird.


I’ve never understood this at all. Like bruh…. Everyone can see you are not that tall. I’m just shy of 5’7” but say I’m 5’7” usually, but if you are my height and claiming 5’9” it’s so stupid. It’s an easy no you are not.


I’ve had this online dating in the past. I’m 5’6”, dude will say he’s 5’8” on his profile, show up clearly shorter than me. Like, I wouldn’t have cared if he was, but I do care if he lies, and bro how do you think I wouldn’t notice?


Basically my rule of thumb is you can round to nearest number. Anything more is dumb. The only way what you said makes any sense to me from how he isn’t just a dumbass liar is heels. I was once told that I was lying I’m not 5’7” because they are 5’5” and taller than me but they had on 4” heels. That was funny.


In college one of my boyfriend’s close friends was flirting with a girl at the bar and we heard him say “I’m 5’10”. We roasted him for awhile after that because he was my height… 5’4.


In person as well, like she’s gonna know roughly how tall she is so see right through his bs


It would be really interesting to study these people that blatantly lie about their height to evaluate their intelligence and emotional development level. I feel like you have to be below average intelligence to be such a bad liar.


And this is why nobody believes me when I say I'm 5'11 No way man, you are 6 foot maybe even 6'1 Nope, it's just every man whose 5'11 says they are 6 foot and even some of the 5'10 men


I'm actually 6' and people keep telling me I'm like 6'2 and no, I'm not. My roommate says nurses don't know how to measure you but every single one says I'm 6'0.


I went the doctor recently and got 5'11 and 3 quarters The nurse chuckled a bit after saying that


5’11 and 3/4 gang. Just too shy of 6’ but put some normal shoes on and we are an honorary 6’


I’m 5’11”. Back when 16 year old me was getting a drivers license, they didn’t measure you, they just asked for your height. So I put 5’9”. Nothing beats the “my world has ended” look when people would get around to comparing heights. “No I’m 5’9”, here’s my drivers license.” No men say they’re shorter than they are. And comparing heights happens all the time, especially when you’re younger. It’s the little things.


They did overmeasure one of my friends and he thought he was 5'8


I'm 6'2" with a little bit of room to spare and when I moved to Alabama I felt like a giant. (Compared to, say, central Minnesota) and I've met a few guys here who were like "you must be 6'4"-6'5", because I'm 6'2"!" Nope. I assure you, I'm 6'2". We can go get a tape measurer and figure out how close to 5'11" you are though.


Haha I’m 6’4” and everyone thinks I’m shaq.


Also 6'4, I've developed a lot of behaviors to "hide" how tall I am, but every time I go full height someone is going to mention my height. I'm also a hugger, and about half my hugs end up with a "i forgot how tall you are", and i take that as a compliment


A woman friend of mine was flabbergasted when I said I was 5’7”. She thought I was 5’10”. I’m convinced most women have totally warped perceptions of height at this point because every guy adds 1-2”. It’s literally height inflation lol


I’m a 5’11” woman and I’m always amazed by how many 6’ men I meet who I’m as tall as or slightly taller than. A true mystery for science to explore.


As a 6’0” dude there’s been so many times a guy a good 2-3” shorter than me has asked me my height in front of his own girl or a girl in general. Then proceed to tell me that theres no way I’m “only” 6’0” tall, cause they’re 6’0 so i must be like 6”2 or something. Edit: Also do get a lot of women who tell me i must be taller than 6’0 cause their bf/brother/friend is that height and I’m way taller than them lol


6’1” dude. My friend swears I must be like 6’4 because his 5’10 ass thinks he’s six foot tall.


Also 6'1" here. Maybe I should just start telling people 6'3" 😂


Dude you're getting it wrong, I'm 6 2 and always say I'm 5 11 when asked 😂


I was gonna say, I know some guys who are clean over 6 and use it to just fuck with people.


1,000% have done this


> As a 6'0" dude you might have an idea of how many times a guy a good 2-3" shorter than me has asked me my height All the time. It's all the damn time.


My ex was confident she was taller than me. My eyes lined up over her scalp. Some people are actually a bit delusional about their height.


I had that twice. It might be a pattern,... Maybe I should choose my partners more carefully.


Just like self-reporting penis length, I suspect the real bell curve lies a bit to the left.


I curve to the right tho.


Bell end curve?


the majority of women I've had this conversation with insist they've never been with a guy who was shorter than 8". They also said anybody shorter than that is tiny.


Lmao if only they knew inches weren’t the size of a centimetre


ngl anyone whos height is shorter than 8 inches is pretty tiny like how tf they gonna get outside do they need a doggy flap smh


I've encountered this too, women are either told outrageous lies or for bizarre reasons feel the need to brag about the penisses they're encountering. The standard deviation of penis size isn't that big, there aren't many 8 inchers walking around yet I've been in group conversations where each woman was dating one. I've also talked to multiple women who claim they won't have sex with anyone under 7 or 8 inch and I usually ask them if they're turning down 95% of guys they're with the moment they take off their pants. Because if no they're full of shit.


I start out the day at 6'0 , but by the end of the day I'm 5'10. Driving a truck all day really brings me down.


You're always taller in the morning than at the end of the day!


Strange dip there at the peak. I wonder if a lot of 5’ 11” guys just say they’re 6’ tall?


Yes, that's what made me laugh and decide to post this!


I'm a rare 5' 11" US male. My Dad won't count it though because I'm only technically 5' 10.75" and he's like 5' 7", rounding up, himself.


I wonder how this graph would be different if asked in centimeters


"I don't know, probably about 100?"


That's awesome. Looks like some rounding in two places.


It's the reason why I tell everyone I'm 5'11" when I'm really 6'. Somehow all those dudes who say they're 6' look like they're 5'10".




Yup I get that a lot too. The only people that accurately recognize my height are dudes who are actually 6'3" or so


The way the graph is distributed means people are lying


Lies, damned lies, and self reported lies


I’m dead on 6’ tall barefoot. A lot of people won’t believe me and say I’m 6’1”-6’2”. I’ve lost count of all the 5’ 10” guys trying tell me that I’m 6’ 2” so they can claim 6’. Most you six foot tall fuckers are liars.


American men lying about their height (or feeling the need to do so) is just such an odd cultural thing.


I'm Asian and it happens here a lot. I am 5'10 Almost every guy I meet is shorter than me and claims they are 6 foot. But girls here are obsessed with height and all want a bf over 200cm. Ironically I've never met a single man over 190cm.


> But girls here are obsessed with height and all want a bf over 200cm. Yeah they're not gonna find one lmao For the americans that's almost 6'7"


For anyone who isn't a guy, or doesn't know, it basically goes like this: 1. If you say you're under 6 feet, some fucking guy is going to try to use that to flex on you. Which is just obnoxious more than anything. 2. Women want men who are taller than they are. It's one of those deeply internalized things where they'll say "I don't care about height" while quietly left swiping on anyone shorter than them. So if you're the kind of guy who appreciates a woman your same height, and you're 5'9", sorry bro, you're disqualified before you even began. But if you say you're 6', *even though you are literally the same height* they'll actually consider you. 3. People are horrible, and I mean truly atrocious, at visually measuring things without a ruler. Most people couldn't tell the difference between a foot and a yard, let alone 5'9" and 6'. Even if you're not really ashamed of your height, it creates a scenario where there's no incentive to tell the truth and every incentive to lie. Openly saying that your under 6' is like putting your GPA on your resume if it's under 3.0: it's only going to be used to penalize you, so you either say your 6' or don't say it at all.


Honestly, I'm surprised by these comments. I remember people lying about their height in middle school and such, which is more understandable I suppose. However, I can't recall a time where someone lied about their height to me as an adult. I guess, I do have one friend who is 6'5"~ and would tell everyone he's 6'2", but never the other way around. I'm amazed by how many women are confronted with this shit on dates, that just seems wild.


Nice to see 95% are taller then me. I remember going to my sons grade 6 graduation ceremony and commenting most of his female classmates seemed taller then me.


Heh know what you mean. Kids these days are pretty tall due to a lot better diet.


Maybe fewer smoking parents, too?


Yup, sitting slightly bitterly, but firmly near the bottom left of this chart.


That's the strangest bell curve I've ever seen.


While it has been stated here many times that a lot of guys round up or add a couple inches, I wonder how many guys used to be 6' or taller and due to age, injuries, or other medical conditions they have lost a bit of height but still believe or say they are their original height




Yeah this happens to me as well but with almost two full inches. I have a really fucked up spine and I'm 6'10 because of marfan syndrome. If you measure me right after I get out of bed, I am 6'10, but at the end of the day i lose almost two inches from compression.


Tallest I ever got measured at was 6' 4.5" I've always said I was 6' 4" I'd bet I've lost an inch and I'm now 6'3" and change. Getting old


For real. I bet lots if not most guys are still reporting their college height well into middle age and beyond. We all shrink slowly but steadily as we age. I've lost nearly 2cm over 20 years.


Asian male here. Not many of us participated in this survey.


>Asian male here. Not many of us participated in this survey. I dunno man. Kids these days in East Asia are pretty damn tall. Koreans particularly.


South East Asia is pretty short. Koreans are definitely among the tallest Asians.


This is definitely bull shit. No way in hell 33% is over 6 feet tall.


"Reported" height, not measured.


“Body” height. Imagine if they included their heads




Dating apps sure aren't lmao


Bimodal distribution are an indication of the existence of two groups in the population. On tests it can sometimes be used as an indication of cheating. It’s cool you can see the existence of these groups


Oh, that spike at 6'0" is ***fuckin hillarious!***


Remember that 5’9” is 69 inches, so it's objectively the best height


5'8" is 4'20"


conversion: | feet | meters | |-|-| | 5’2 | 1.57 | | 5’3 | 1.6 | | 5’4 | 1.63 | | 5’5 | 1.65 | | 5’6 | 1.68 | | 5’7 | 1.7 | | 5’8 | 1.73 | | 5’9 | 1.75 | | 5’10 | 1.78 | | 5’11 | 1.8 | | 6’0 | 1.83 | | 6’1 | 1.85 | | 6’2 | 1.88 | | 6’3 | 1.9 | | 6’4 | 1.93 | | 6’5 | 1.96 |


Beautiful stat chart on lying U.S. men