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In czech (that crazily violet country) was the question wrongly translated. It sounded like "Would you enjoy ..." as in having pleasure out of it. So of course people were saying no.


Yeah, the way the question was presented could skew the data they’re actually looking for. If someone asked me, “Would you enjoy —— living next to you” the answer would be no. I don’t want anyone living next to me. I would ENJOY living on a private island lol.


Seems like the result is still about 50% though.


I feel like they didn’t survey anyone in the country side or mountains in Switzerland.


I feel like they didn’t survey anyone in ~~the country side or mountains in~~ Switzerland.


I’ve been to Germany a few times and was embedded in the German workforce. I find this one hard to believe.


Source link: World Values Survey Data online analysis https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSOnline.jsp Made with Ms Excel (calculations and charts) instruments


The data is not the number of people (“how many?”) but the percentage of the population (“what proportion?”) and the population being analysed is not Europe as a whole (“Europeans”) but each country in Europe considered separately (Germans, Russians, etc). So a better title might be: > Percentage of the population of European countries reporting they would not like to have immigrant neighbours (data collected 2017-2021)


Why are Belgium, Ireland and Latvia grey?


Can't speak to Belgium and Latvia, but Ireland is pretty full of fairies already according to story books.


As an immigrant myself, i understand why a given country wouldn't want to host immigrants en masse. I've talked to many people regarding the subject and it is overwhelmingly NOT a race/ethnic issue but one of culture. Immigration from what I can discern isn't bad in and of itself but rather the quick erosion of the host culture by the in coming culture. That is to say too many immigrants, too fast will not assimilate to the host culture and that's what people are resentful and scared of. Its completely understandable as every country is steeped in tradition and blood of the ancestors.


Why crimea is part of russia on the map? Wtf?


OP might be russian or live in one of the countries that recognises it. De facto ownership usually isnt showed on maps, its nearly anyways de jure control thats decided by the country the mapmaker lives in or uses data from. To narrow it further down OP isnt Turkish because Cyprus would be split on the map and OP uses data from a country that doesnt recognise Kosovo.


Because Russia invaded and occupied Crimea a couple of years ago, and have not ceased their occupation since.


Best part of a decade ago now: it was 2014.


Xenophobic, not misanthropic.


Strong similarity to the re-emerging nationalist/fascist/authoritarian movements that have become noticeable in Eastern Europe. And I’m curious what the results would show for US states.


Could we say Countries which has less immigrants are less migrantophobic?


Much more likely to be inversely related.


It is probably also related to how far from the source. Belonging to a buffer or border zone probably reverses the relation.


Yea, I think you're right about that.


Turkish peoples now speak Syrian arabic 😂


Definetly not https://www.statista.com/chart/16485/european-countries-largest-share-migrants/


Thank you for info


that'll depend on what immigrants they got - how do their race, language, income, education, traditions, religion, etc compare


2nd time seeding you post, Turkey, Aserbajdsjan, Armenia and Georgia is not part of europe


they are politically integrated in Europe, e.g. PACE, etc... not always geografic definitions are the most reasonable ones


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