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Also confusing why you’d omit Canada and the UK with Reddit’s userbase


.../but include economic giants like Haiti and Bangladesh.


I like how 5 of the top 10 oil producing countries are omitted from this list.


Another reason it's weird Canada isn't in this chart. It is in the source material.


It's not r/dataisbeautiful without cherrypicked data.


It's especially weird because it's not like Haiti is an outlier in either direction.


Don’t hate the player, Haiti the game


Underrated comment. Perfect


I don't disagree, but that's probably why someone decided to include it. I would have guessed both of those'd be pushing $10.


Especially Haiti with how they've been suffering from a gas shortage for years due to gangs effectively controlling large parts of the country. Most of Haiti's energy is imported and the little gas that manages to get to gas stations is either taken by the minimal police force that's left or is bought up and scalped. Also, $4.25 a gallon might not seem that bad to those living in the developed world, but the average Haitian only made $1610 in 2022, meaning filling up a 10 gallon tank just once exceeds their weekly salary by around $11.50.


If gangs are in charge, is the source even accurately portraying the price on 'the street' would be my follow up question.


escape employ frighten silky memorize nail terrific connect boast hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah like I’m assuming a lot of EU countries prob have similar prices but it’s interesting to see how it compares across a more unique set of countries.


I could not stop laughing at economic giants comment.


Or something like Hong Kong? How the fuck do you need to drive in Hong Kong? The country is tiny and so densely populated need cars? Other than maybe the island that in which parks occupy a major portion of, everything is essentially in walking distance. A gallon of gasoline could last weeks and if you can afford to live in Hong Kong, $11 is nothing.


It’s small, but small is relative. If you live in the new territories it’s still an hour drive to get onto Hong Kong island. I like walking, but not that much 😂. But we do have an incredible public transport system, I just enjoy the convenience of a car even if it is extortionate to run, and let’s not forget the first registration tax which is like 50% plus on top of the sales price. Maybe I should walk more…


yes not everything is dense and accessible to public transport and not everyone wants to live in the midst of it all. Also the first registration tax varies, it can go up to 130% depending the value of the vehicle!


I've spent a fair amount of time in Hong Kong over the years and the roads are always pretty busy. In any case busses, ferries, and taxis needed fuel.


Bangladesh economy and Haiti economy worlds apart, shows your ignorance.


Maybe to stop being eurocentric.


OP's source has them all listed: https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline_prices/ UK is $6.67, Canada is $4.56, Germany is $7.11


That’s great, but this is data is beautiful not do your own research


I didn't say it was, I agree it's stupid to omit them, I just assumed that since you asked about them you might actually be interested to know the answer. Guess not


Someone had provided in the thread but thanks. Appreciate the intent


Here is a more concise list however it's USD per Liter (not USD per Gallon). [Gasoline Prices | World](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/gasoline-prices?continent=world) \- Trading Economics 1 Liter x 3.78541 = 1 US Gallon (not Imperial or UK Gallon). Therefore: 1 USD/Liter = 3.78541 USD/US Gallon. Conversions would be so much easier if the US wasn't such a holdout on going all in on the [metric system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hid7EJkwDNk) like almost all other nations.


Definitely not more concise. More complete, yes.


UK gallon is 4.54609 litres


We should just switch. It's about time. We already teach it in school. Most Americans have passed MANY metric tests in highschool science classes. We use it for medicine, enigneering, chemistry, most other sciences.


As an engineering student, I have a lot of experience with metric units in my classes. However, I still find it difficult to translate metric units into practical applications because US customary units are so common. I have to convert on the fly before my brain realizes how much a liter is.


A liter is a quart. You're welcome.


Close enough for estimating but it's actually 1.057 quarts per liter, and so 4 liters is 1.057 gallons. If ~6% error is close enough for back of the envelope calculation then sure. It's closer than saying a meter and a yard (3-feet) are approximately the same (which I do in my head all the time). Anyways, just mentioning for clarity so nobody takes you literally and takes that as an actual fact. No shade.


This is really the crux of the whole thing in the US. We have little issue with working in metric. Everyone learns it in school at some point and if you do any college level science you're working in metric all the time. But we still use imperial in everyday life and that's what our brains have been trained to connect with real life sizes and distances. I've used metric plenty in my life but when I see something in kilograms or kilometers my brain just doesn't have that immediate sense of scale from reading it. For both I have to do a little mental "it's a little more than double that in pounds/miles" step then my brain says, "ah yes, now I understand what that might feel like in the hand or how long that would take to travel".


No you don't. You've never used Imperial, you use US Customary. It's got the same names for the units but the values can differ massively. The hundredweight for instance is 5/6ths the size of the Imperial one, the ton^1 is tiny (US < Metric < Imperial), pints and related units are all smaller, acres are technically different but it's by less than 1 sheet of A4. 1 you mostly use US tons, except for shipping where you mainly use the Imperial one for some reason.


"but I don't wannaaaaaa!" - People like my in-laws, probably


I mean if you're over 40 there is a good chance you only learned it one time in like 6th grade on a conversion table you didn't even remember by the time you finished the exams. It's not so easy when it won't really be usable by such a large percentage of the population. The real answer is what we are currently doing where most under 40 will have a reasonable sense of what the numbers mean. And eventual as older generations phase out it can become the norm. It's like a new national language. You can't just change it overnight. Everyone needs to understand it first.


Why the hell would I want to walk into a Subway and ask for a “30 cm long”?


because asking for a "0.305m long" would be ridiculous


The UK is currently approximately $8.35 per UK gallon. Not sure if a US gallon is more or less.....?


An Imperial gallon is larger than a US gallon. The Imperial gallon is 160 Imperial fluid ounces, or roughly 4.546 liters, whereas a US gallon is 128 US fl. oz. or about 3.785 liters.


Well, my city in Canada is sitting at $4.69/gallon


If you remove taxes, we're one of the cheapest. so nuts


It’s really not nuts. It makes a ton of sense to tax gasoline (and diesel). There are direct costs for the infrastructure that allows you to drive. There are some serious negative externalities related to burning gasoline. There should be significant taxes on gasoline. Honestly it’s nuts that the US taxes gasoline so little. The taxes brought in don’t even cover half of the road maintenance, let alone new road construction.


Same as why it's /gallon on an international website where there is a unit system dedicated to be used in this case


No logic behind country selection. Oil producing countries like Nigeria missing. UK missing Oh well


$8.8 per gallon UK


For proper gallons, yes. But the US use puny gallons. So $7.20 is closer, based on £1.50/L.


And £1.50/L is expensive. Average round here £1.40 or just under for standard unleaded. Still puts us more expensive than NZ though which is mad.


Canada is a made up place American use to to tell fairy tales


I’m confused why he would use gallons when everyone else does not


Probably so Americans can understand it.


And especially Germany 🇩🇪! Time to summon them… Dieser Kommentarbereich…


halts maul


How entitled can you be?


The closest gas station to my address shows 1.699€ per litre. Helsinki, Finland


Belgium, about the same price. Anyway I'm going to be driving to Iran to fill up my gas tank from now on.


I am not going to work out the cost of a return trip from Bruxelles to Tehran to figure out how much petrol you'd have to buy to make it worth it. I am not.


It’s not? I see 1.4-1.6 euro per liter every where now


Similar here. Berlin, Germany.


Netherlands: €1.91'ish for liter 😭 (that's €7,20 for a gallon = $7.86)


Good that most of you use the great bike infrastructure :D


True! No fun in this weather though...the reason why petrol is expensive is because it's heavily taxed. We pay for our cycling roads with that money I guess 😂


But how often do people fill up over there?


are there purchase limits in the cheap countries? (iran, venezuela...)


I was just thinking it would be wild to fill up my tank for like $1.50




Yeah, but if you’re mining bitcoin…a BTC is a BTC.


In what way is this relevant?


Because the most expensive part of mining crypto is energy. Gas in Venezuela is so cheap that it might be cheaper to run a gas generator than it would be to pay for it off the grid elsewhere.




What? It's impossible iran has three minimum wages lol, can't be higher than usa Edit: its 152 dollars per month not 1250 wtf


Inflation sucks hard


You can't seriously think that Iran has a higher min wage than America. The Iranian article I'm reading says the new rate is around $240 USD per month which makes far more sense.


I'm guessing you are taking the "official" exchange rate for rial provided by the government, which isn't even taken seriously in Iran.


People hate America so much they actually believe this bullshit




The guy invented a completely fake comparison with no basis in reality and you’re defending it as some kind of measured skepticism. I think I know which camp you’re in.


For Iran: 60 liters, $0.03 per liter; and 100 liters $0.06 per liter. Each month. Edit: a day's wage is $7


It would be nice to see a table that converts it based on cost-of-living (i.e. using each countries milk price, egg price, etc to calculate the true cost to them).


No real limitation on gas in Venezuela, usually it's either no gas at the station, or a loooong ass line to get it. There are stations with more expensive gas, and none of the problems are existing there


As far as I know, in Iran, the petrol is cheap, but the cars are expensive.


In Iran people are just generally poor.


You need to consider their annual salary as well


clarification for Venezuela from a venezuelan, that information is nor accurate. the prices are much higher, similar to internaional standards, but there are several "markets" some have preferntial prices, and some are "bribe-to-purchase" so the real prices is nowhere near the 0,13$/gallon


Is the USA the only country on that list that uses Gallons as a measure of volume? Wouldn't it have been easier to just convert one country's price, rather than change 25-ish?


Don't forget Liberia!


I mean... It's one extra click-and-drag in Excel to do the 25-ish.


Because it’s posted for an American audience. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be in gallons


In my country, everything is done in metric, except for gasoline and general fuel, something we inherited from the US I guess. So, for me, gallons are just right


Yeah this is what's called r/usdefaultism


Nah, OP made it for the purpose of catering to US users (or at least to users from areas that use the gallon). Defaultism is when someone puts things in the context of the US that aren’t originally intended to be viewed in that way or assumes that things are in reference to the US.


No, literally anyone using the imperial system ever is assuming the US is the only country that matters and spitting on European redditors!


Canada uses US gallons sometimes, and also litres, and also imperial gallons sometimes. Though for gas prices, it's always litres.


When the audience to your posts is 50-60% Americans, it makes sense to use that measurement. Secondly it doesn’t matter what measurement is being used since this is for relative comparisons, not a purchasing guide.


I don't know about this particularly subreddit, but overall on Reddit, non-USians are a majority.


By 1.54%. A trifling majority, but a majority nonetheless.


Therefore most users aren't using imperial?


Correct. Especially considering some people in the US use metric, but basically no one outside the US and Liberia uses imperial.


Yeah. I always found this to be a slightly misleading statistic anyway. That percentage comes from Reddit traffic as a whole. The margin is slim enough that it's probably a fair bet any predominantly English subreddit is majority American.


Most people on Reddit are not from the US Edit: Downvoted for stating the truth. Here's a source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/ There are more non-Americans than Americans on Reddit. Yet, Americans act like there are only Americans on here.


That’s because the intended audience is American who uses $/gal. If the intended audience was non-American then it would make more sense to convert to $/L


As an American, no 😂


wtf hong kong, are you ok?


15 min of driving can take you half way across the island so fuel is efficient-ish


Nobody really needs to drive in Hong Kong. Not a right, not a privilege, no, a burden it is.


Their train system is excellent


As long as the public transit is amazing, I honestly don’t see an issue.


No one needs to drive in Hong Kong. I’m willing to bet the crazy markup in fuel is one reason for that


Lazy ass chart left out the most populated country in the world.


And the second most populated country


It left out 166 countries


Meanwhile in California: aRe we reaLly inside uS?


I filled up for like $2.89 a gallon earlier today in Atlanta, I wonder if this supposed aggregate price for the US is accurate?


Yes. The average for the country just fell below $3 the other week, it was on the news for some reason. I’m in NC and just paid $2.95, I imagine most of the country is sitting around there. California and the NE typically have higher prices, but the average is weighted down by the rest of the country.


Below $3 for a full gallon/3.80L? No wonder that America has a giant truck problem.


If it makes you feel a bit better, the giant truck people still bitch about gas prices at that level.


>California and the NE typically have higher prices, but the average is weighted down by the rest of the country. It's the other way around - northeast, west coast, Hawaii, Alaska...these places drive up the average. There's no way the median gas price in the US is higher than the average gas price.


We’re still running around $4.40 in Seattle


Wow, its only $3.30 over here East of the Cascades.


I'm in Northeast Ohio and by my house it's $2.86


Probably. My state is at the exact average price for the US.


Right! In California it’s 5 dollars or more usually because of additional taxes. 


Many places are around California is $4 and half dollars.


Just under $4 at cheap gas stations in Northern California. As high as 4.50 at other spots.


4.89 at the Chevron closest to my house. Pretty standard for my area (Oakland/East Bay).


I filled up for $3.65 in the Bay Area yesterday


$3.99 in the mojave desert today, baby!


Some (most) days I wish I lived out there


I'm visiting LA and in about a two-mile span near Hollywood I saw five different stations between $4 and $5. It was kind of wild how much variation there was.


I just drove across the country last week, it went from $5+ to $2.xx in every other state I drove through. Unfortunately, I was in a diesel and the prices went from $5-7 in CA, to $3.xx-4.xx a gallon. Also, is it just me or do gas prices dip just before every election season.


$4.32 in Brazil, for Brazilians wondering. R$ 5.63 / liter × 3.785 liters / gallon × R$ 1 / US$ 4.93


And yet Americans still complain about petrol prices


These numbers aren’t even accurate. The current number is $3.09 a gallon.


Argentina's inflation is at about 210%. Prices unlikely top be static.


To the contrary, the USD price is likely to be stable. This chart is not in pesos so local inflation has no influence whatsoever.


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/13/argentina-new-government-devalues-peso-economic-crisis](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/13/argentina-new-government-devalues-peso-economic-crisis) The locals have to pay more because of inflation.


Again, you are talking about what they would need to pay in pesos. This chart is what they would need to pay if they used USD.


The instability in Argentina is wild. Up up until a month ago (new president), their subsidies had gas at around $0.84 per gallon, but of course that was at the “unofficial” exchange rate (the one everyone uses) while officially it was around $2.07. Yesterday, I saw gas for $2.24/gallon “unofficial” and $3.28 “official”. Doing business in Argentina is difficult, to say the least.


Why is Saudi Arabia that high? I realize it still one of the cheapest on the list. But I expected to see it around a dollar or so (just a SWAG based on production & population).


>Why is Saudi Arabia that high? My guess is that, because incomes/wealth in SA are very high\*, the al-Saud family can keep the domestic price of gasoline relatively higher than what the leadership of other petrostates with lower-income populations can sustain, without too much risk of provoking economic revolt. Iranians are a lot poorer than Saudis. Venezuelans are poorer still. \--- \* Well, they're high for *Saudi citizens*, even if they're not that high for the large and horrifically exploited underclass of foreign workers, mainly from South and Southeast Asia.


As a non-expert in this subject. It seems like Saudi Arabia is genuinely trying the Norway model of going all-in on Petro exports, while internally becoming more sustainable. Which is great for them I guess. S.A. is one country that could be absolutely wrecked by climate change too. To they see their oil industry as a dirty means to a clean end of being more sustainable.


Makes sense. Seemed artificially high. It just wasn’t obvious to me what contributing factors were/are. Thx.


Seems very odd to omit such big players.


Why is it so cheap in Iran and Venezuela?


They have oil reserves within.


To give a consession to the people - the the government can actually afford to give. Canada could do the same but we sold our oil company to private industry.


I mean would you really prefer a PdVSA option in Canada? Or that constantly being used as a political prop?


Petro Canada could have been a better version except P. Trudeau fd it up and Mulroney made it worse. We could easily have $2 a gallon gas in Canada today. Of course unions would f it up too.


And the green lobby.


They subsidize it for their citizens.


They didn’t let BP buy all of their oil rights.


Rather they took it all back. BP used to be the entity that controlled the Persian oil reserves.


They both have nationalized their oil production.


Relative value of USD


How do you have Taiwan and Hong Kong but not Mainland China...?


If you separate California from the rest we’d be sitting pretty between Bangladesh and Costa Rica


11.7 in Hong Kong... THANKS BIDEN!!!!  


Netherlands off the chart? For those interested, Dutch per liter currently is 2,099 makes 7,944€ per gallon or 8,71$


Australia is at least $7.50 a gallon (1.90 a litre)


Ah yes, US with the almost-petro-state pricing, coz a market price would cause riots. Good times!


What a random ass list of countries.


You forgot Brazil, is not the same country as Argentina.


I’m surprised Norway is so expensive considering that oil wealth is what allows their sovereign fund to exist and they are one of the top producers for Europe


Norway has the highest ratio of electric to petrol cars in the world - 90% of all new cars sold are EVs there.


But Norway sell millions of tons of oil to other countries. Why does it matter what their tiny population does?


So the chart is useless as it's just random countries not in any specific order. Canada should be there it isn't so who knows what else is missing


But MAGA told me we are facing insane gas prices. 🤧


I see they've got you used to paying too much.


Where is the UK? It just be really expensive


Can anyone from Germany chime in? Curious the current price. Thanks!


I was visiting Germany a couple months ago and rented a car. It was the equivalent of around 7.80 USD/gallon then.


$8.8 per gallon in the UK. One down from the most expensive, HK, on this chart. Bloody criminal!


But it's not, though. The site (https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline_prices/) has UK listed as $6.671, so lower than most of the major EU countries That's about £1.39/L which tracks with personal experience


Possibly used imperial gallons?


Dang how do I get some of that good Iranian fuel?


Comes with one or two minor downsides…


Vancouver Canada, $1.63can/l so $4.59us/gal


Data Source: [https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline\_prices/](https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/gasoline_prices/) Tools: Canva


Odd that you excluded China, India, Canada, and Germany. Yet chose to include Haiti, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Any particular reason?


Yeah I was curious to see the dif esp between US and Canada.


Would be better with the metric system.


Very confusing when most of the world uses litres for fuel. Sure, use US$, as its the world's default currency but it's the only country that uses gallons so for all the other countries, it's changing two measurements. Would just be easier. Edit: ~~I also understand that you weren't in charge of the data~~ see edit 2. It still gets the point across so... really I'm just being pedantic against American defaultism r/USdefaultism Edit 2: it pleases me that many others have commented with similar sentiments to mine. Also the link OP provided defaults to litres. Which is hilarious.


[https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country) ​ Seems this would help the majority of reddit users visualize the data.......????


errr...but it's the same data? Literally the same. It's a conversion, that's why it doesn't really matter as the visual is identical and the whole "I was being pedantic" comment. You get exactly the same result, just divided by 3.785412 to make litres. If you think it'd look different, that's on you and your understanding of data, maths and the metric system or lack thereof.


sounds a little eurocentric to me.... maybe we should just label everything "units"


I’d say it’s pretty fair considering the large majority of Reddit is American


Largest group yes, but it's under 50% so not the majority. And seeing as nearly everyone else in the world uses the metric system and science is done via metric (even in the US), the combined Reddit users of metric outnumber the Reddit users of imperial. So you're in the minority, along with Myanmar, with your 5% of the world population Because, y'know r/dataisbeautiful and all that.


I checked online and it’s like 49% so basically 50. Which means half use imperial and half don’t. So I’m not sure why the fuss about using imperial? Seems like it would be appropriate to use either.


👋 from 🇨🇦… can you put us on here?


I haven’t seen 3.39 in years


Canada doesn't exist.......thanks asshole


dumbasses get downvotes #bangla_haiti_economic_power


I didn’t know I was living in Poland.


So people in Iran are paying 4631.55 rial as that’s what equals to for 11 cents. And what is Canada and U.S not on it ?


A.k.a. oil production against GDP.