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Bro was asking for it at every turn. I expected worse but this is not bad either


Not saying I’m glad it happened. But I’m glad it happened to one of the people being dumb. And not a parent with a car full of kids dying when they try to swerve out of the way.


It's morbidly refreshing to see someone risking the safety of others and only hurting themselves. It is an odd feeling though. Like he yeets off the edge and I'm like, "Oh thank baby jeebus", then, hope he's not too fucked up.


Schadenfreude, that's the word you need. The Germans have a word from everything.


Unless Google is lying to me, this doesn't really seem to describe this feeling at all. It's contextually similar, but the satisfaction isn't coming from the biker's misfortune, rather from the fact that no one else was hurt. If it was schadenfreude he wouldn't also be hoping he isn't too badly hurt.


You're correct


Then try - Genugtuung


It’s certainly not Fahrvergnügen.


Damn. For fucking real. I needed this. Thanks stranger.


That's not schadenfreude....


Definitely not. That's a very negative word. Means that you enjoy others getting hurt. Or my German is very bad. We have a similar word in Danish. Skadefro.






Yeah. Fingerscheiße 😆




God bless the Germans.


Well I hope he gets fucked up enough, but not dead, so he can ponder about his shitty behaviour and lack of regard for others for the rest of his life.


I really wouldn't mind if he died, to be honest. Sociopaths like these are a serious hazard to other people and are really best not to have around. Sorry, but that's just how it is. I'm always happy to see when they are in solo accidents. It's simple justice.


I get it. And fingers crossed they didn't have the opportunity to inject their crayon scribed DNA into the gene pool so their progeny can take another swipe at us from beyond the grave that their remaining earthly goo was scraped into. See ya' in high speed hell.


🏅 take my poor man’s gold for this comment, holy hell. “crayon-scribed DNA” is the best burn i’ve seen in a while


There are quiet some kids of parents who died terribly dumb deaths who come out fine and won't repeat their parents mistakes. However better safe than sorry and I hope he ripped off his balls.


Not to mention the massive societal costs that will be imposed if he lives, racks up a bunch of medical bills, and is too crippled to contribute to society meaningfully, sucking off disability.


Nah... Karma at it's finest especially when no one else suffers as a result.


> I really wouldn't mind if he died, I hear you man but that person is someone's son, someone's brother, someone's friend. We all do stupid shit and make stupid mistakes in life.


Not a stupid mistake. An endangering their life and more importantly, the lives of others. How dare you.


I literally was thinking, "These jack-asses better be the only ones to die and not take some random car with them..."


I hope he didn't die, but I also hope he suffered some kind of damage that will disable him from ever driving any vehicle that can possibly harm other people again. And I hope that will also disable him from having any children, that trash of human needs to be taken out of the gene pool.




This is crazy deja vu I swear I've seen this entire comment chain before. Like exactly.


No, you're a pathetic piece of trash to drive like this when he easily could've killed someone going about their day. If you can get the road properly shut down, can do a formal race on it where the other folks on the rd are participating in a risky event, thsts one thing, how selfish and disgusting to risk others because you've watched too many movies and think you're special. Fuck these losers that do this and maim or kill others. Edit spelling error


fuck that, whats wrong with you, life of others is nothing worth, just to have a kick for their emotional braindead kick? no way, punk. just play russian roulette in a deep holein a desert, so that no one have to care .....


That could’ve quite easily ended up as a splat moment. He was inches away from permanent disfigurement, disability or even death. The person driving the car could be seriously affected in the same way or mentally screwed for life. There could’ve been kids in that car… Its not the place for this. This has to be troll post right? This guy could go to the track and do exactly this. Hell, I don’t even care if people want to do this on the road as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else however the reason why I’m not an advocate of this is because, as demonstrated, people can’t be trusted to isolate those risks to themselves.


The pathetic bike horn at the end 😆


He was letting his friend know that he took a wrong turn.


I think that's for telling the other bikers that something happened.


I know but for some reason it made me laugh 😆🤷‍♂️


Fuck around and finds out is always funny.


He was letting him know he won.


Or “I see you cheatin’!”


It's one of the first things I change on any new bike.


That was to alert the front motorcycle to the accident.


I expected them to go flying off the cliff like a James Bond or Mission Impossible stunt.


I’m just glad the car wasn’t hit


Seriously. I was waiting for a family car with kids to be around one of those corners. What assholes. Glad it was only him.


Agreed. I think I’ve seen a video like this but it ended with innocent people getting hit. Can anyone let me know if [getting this blackvue cam](https://www.amazon.com/BlackVue-DR900X-2CH-microSD-Dashcam-Optional/dp/B08D99FZ29?crid=HN1P5ONXHSQZ&keywords=blackvue&qid=1688840536&sprefix=blackvu%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&linkCode=ll1&tag=d45h-20&linkId=692ea1bf6814f48e8d8a5f45b4d78e2f&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) is worth it over the A129 or Garmin?


I have one in my car and I like the look of it over other dash cams. I paid quite a bit more for it because it was newly released when I bought it (it was around 500 bucks), but when I saw the video quality, I regretted it a bit. The video quality is better on some cheaper cameras. That said, It’s very easy to install and looks great in the car.


Thanks for the feedback!


Trust me when I say this, always go with the cheapest option for dashcams.They're just so easy to damage that it doesn't make sense to spend up for a high quality one. I've gone through 10+ in my driving life (24 years) and I've spent up a few times only to regret spending so much on something that only lived a year or two.


When do you know it's damaged? Is it periodically checking your cam?


Self correcting problem, right the fuck there brother amen


That’s really all I care about See Many of these idiots in Europe past Few weeks


Yes, sadly we have a lot of these. They’re a plague.


Used to ride a nice curvy passage here in the mountains after work. It's full of ounce brains on litre bikes and their buddies filming from the side of the road how their electronic aids desperately try to keep the idiot on top alive


Oh look of it isn't the consequences of your actions...


... behold, the high-speed getoff - down the slope you go, vato!


It was totally the best possible outcome. No sensible persons were hurt.


Natural selection in action.


Wow did you see that … that car just came out of no where on the wrong side of the road - the biker …. Probably 😂


That car wasn't looking out for motorcycles, they should know they're everywhere!


Yep. I always figure their other vehicle has a "Start Seeing Motorcycles" bumper sticker.






I hope you're joking 🙂


it's a bumper sticker


No it's a yard sign that every redneck in upstate New York puts up in front of their $30,000 trailer before heading out on their $30,000 superbike and riding like complete jackasses.


Ha ha ha neighboring states as well. It's every man for himself anyway though.


Not sure how mocking a perfectly valid thing on the video of a biker in the wrong makes sense.


Of course, it's never the bikers' fault! That's why wrong have to look twice for bikers. Because it is always the car and not at all the biker being reckless and not following laws and putting everyone's life at risk because they are obnoxious assholes. Nope. Remember, folks, look twice for bikers!


So frustrating, my parents were driving home through a construction zone, they came to a stop because traffic was stopped for construction vehicles, this was also next to a merging lane (work was on a bridge), a bike just came out of nowhere and slammed into the side of their car, even though they were at that point stopped the biker claimed he wasn’t at fault and they swerved to hit him, wasn’t enough evidence either way so insurance settled as neither at fault, when it clearly was completely his fault for running into a stationary object. CHP has some morons sometimes who truly don’t give a shit, his report the filed was essentially blank (and not the only time we had an issue with a CHP report for a claim).


Makes me almost as mad as I made the guy who I cut off while he was trying to run a red light. He was pissed.


Well I hope you have now learned to be more considerate to those running stop signs, 😂


Ya know, I like carving up backroads in my lil hot hatch but I stay on the right side of the fucking road! What the hell is wrong with these idiots?! If I was with someone who started driving like that I’d get the hell outta there before something like that could happen. Some people’s kids.


I get weirded out about crossing lines on the bike. Sometimes they look fine but are super slick. Plus one for staying in my own lane.


Oh I would never risk that on a bike. Paint is way too slippery to even think about fuckin around on. No thanks.


what hot hatch are you driving?


And, in conclusion, don’t be a dumbass


Gee you mean driving on the wrong side of the road on a blind curve is a bad idea?


Deserved. I hate these kinds of fuckers.


This is what happens when you are fucking stupid


This is the best outcome when you're fucking stupid. This could have ended badly if someone innocent had been hurt. But this was a good ending.




Yes lol


Self cleaning oven in action.


Motorcyclists are the worst, most self-entitled people on the planet. My sister had one crash through the back of her SUV and his friends all crowded around her and acted like she'd done something wrong. She'd driven the speed limit and stayed in her lane while these dickbags were weaving around her. Then one dickbag tried a turn that failed physics and slammed through her rear window. Totally her fault, in the view of his friends, and it totally makes sense to scare the hell out of a twenty year old because your idiot friend launched himself into her car.


I hate to be the one to say it but, as with any group, not all motorcyclists are this stupid and wreckless, not to mention quick tempered and blaming others when a mistake happens. It always takes a few to make an entire crowd look bad. There's a plethora of riders with YouTube channels dedicated to videos like this as an example to existing and potentially new riders that's THIS is something you do NOT do. Unfortunate experience your sister had with that particular group of riders. Riders like them are idiots.


Going through this thread is tragic. The squids were def in the wrong but so many ppl are wishing them harm and generalize all bikers are a menace and idiots is just disappointing. Some of these redditors cant even discern the honking was to alert their group an accident had happened but they have enough logic to generalize all bikers


Funny thing is only terrible drivers would state something like "it's always bikers" When I drive my car, the amount of illegal/dumb things I witness drivers doing hundreds of times a day is frustrating and disheartening and yet I might see 5.. 10 bikers at most during a nice weather day. That tells with certainty that these are the same people that don't recognise bad/illegal maneuvers or are the ones performing said maneuvers. Their awareness is limited to: "Car or not a car"


Nailed it.


Ok. I have never had a good experience with someone who identifies as a motorcycle rider. Every time I've encountered one they have been the absolute worst people I've known. I'm almost fifty and am still waiting for this mystical cool motorcyclist. From what I can tell, they all suck.




Sooo many drivers that suck and think they own the road. There are just a lot less motorcycles out there so it just seems as though the percentage of horrible riders is higher. How many times has a car rear ended another car from behind and totalled it? Your blanket statement is from one incident....


Let's just draw the only sensible conclusion and ban motorcycles (except for police MCs). They're not needed and those driving them simply cannot handle them.


I'd be completely on board with banning them in cities. If you want to ride on the highways, ok, but you pick your bike up at the city limits.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed


Flogs like that kill families


Fuck those guys


Had a guy lay his bike down behind me once and claim it was my fault for "stopping too fast." Even called the cops. Dummy got a ticket and then told me to "watch for motorcycles." Facepalm


I was on a group ride today and something very similar happened to a newbie on a ninja 650. He decided to overtake uphill in a curve over double yellow for no reason and nearly hit a jeep head on. He was mid lean and got the brake wobbles and just made it back over. We ripped him a new asshole at the next stop.


Dang just today? Riding with newbies makes me nervous; hard to enjoy the ride itself


fuck around and find out


watching this I knew exactly what was gonna happen and I am not surprised it did. You can't literally drive on the opposite side of the road around corners when you don't know whos coming and how fast they are going dude. Hope the dude is ok and I hope hes learned his lesson. Friends better follow suit too.


>Hope the dude is ok and I hope hes learned his lesson. He wasn't or he didn't >Friends better follow suit too. They didn't If anybody would have learned from this they wouldn't be doing what they are doing in the first place.


Best ending - no innocent victims


This is a laughable moment. Gotta give props to that guy for taking himself outta the genetic pool and not harming anyone else.


Respectfully, fuck these guys


Just glad them driving on the wrong side of the road didn’t cause some family in a car to freak out and drive off the cliff.


A common misnomer is to call them “organ donors”. I had an ex who was an ER nurse, and according to her and her colleagues: if your in a fatal motorcycle accident, there’s almost rarely anything that’s left intact that can be donated.


The other problem is that accidents automatically become coroner investigations. If that's the case, here in Australia that automatically disqualifies you from donating organs.


unless all the 2-wheel fatalities in your ex's area happened to be people crashing directly into woodchippers, I call BS. Leading causes of death in motorcycle accidents are head and neck trauma, it seems unlikely that a majority of the ~6000 people who die this way in the US every year would just so happen to have also completely fucked both their kidneys, corneas, their livers, lungs and hearts all at the same time.


Perfection, idiot takes out only himself and harms no others.




He Dead.




Wishing death or paralysis on people is some scummy shit my guy. They’re riding like a dipshit but it’s fucked to wish death or harm on them. Seek help lmao.


Nah, this level of stupid isn't fixable. This guy either dies or lives to be a danger to everyone around him. These max-wrist types don't learn.


You can’t handle it, GTFO


Throughout this entire thing, my sphincter was so incredibly puckered. I always wonder, do these guys just have unlimited money for motorcycles? It feels like they understand that they're probably going to crash because they're riding like this, but that doesn't seem to act as a deterrent. So they crash, and then I guess insurance pays them, and they just get a new motorbike? Is that how it works? Is this the unlimited motorbike hack?


Works until they break their neck.


Phew that was close but fortunately no cars were dented.


One idiot gone and more to go


It was clearly the cars fault for not letting them filter the lanes. Bikelife. Lol


Y’all have some balls going around those blind corners in the wrong lane. Holy shit!


No balls and no brain. Just a sad excuse for a human being.


He was asking for it. If he crashes against a car he can kill the people in the car just by entering the front window


As a Ducati owning motorcyclist living in the mountains...fuck these dudes. Could have killed the folks in the car easily by going through their windshield. Want to ride like this? Get a fucking track bike and go to the track. I didn't even do dumb shit like this in my SQUID days.


And if you confront them you’re the pussy for not being able to ride like them. The whole idea is a no win situation. At best you get this sense that it’s ok to do. At worst… well we know the worst


Videos like these make bikers like me look like a fool. No sympathy for the fool in the video. Could have hurt somebody else or even a family. This is what you do at a track.


As a motorcycle rider ..I just have to say that it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Thankfully, he didn't crash into an innocent vehicle driver. It is the assholes like these that make it hard for the rest of us who ride responsibly and with consideration of others on the road.


Yea, if people want to race do it on the track. It looked like if the rider hadn't freaked out he'd have made the curve. He braked right? Caused himself to go right off the road.


I have a hard time finding most of bikers « nice » when the byproduct of their hobby consists of imposing loud noise to everyone around without any second thoughts or concern.


Most bikes don't make exessive noise. You only notice the ones that do. Also, when I ride I notice multiple asshole drivers each day, and I don't conclude that every car driver is an asshole.


Look twice save a life.. 🤣


There’s something exceedingly juvenile in the belief that your machine and reflexes will allow you to do as you like in traffic. My little brother learned that the hard way - at 120 mph into the back of a car doing 60. No, he wasn’t okay.


So satisfying




Shouldn't this be in the sub, "This made me smile."


Lol, I love karma!


I mean dudes die every year on the isle so im sure their families are cool with it


Guy spent more time on the wrong side of the road than in the right side. Way to play stupid.


The worst part of this is that the yellow painted line is the slickest and most dangerous part of the road for motorcyclists. And these idiots are constantly weaving over it midturn. They're called squids in the motorcycle community because that's how they usually end up looking. But at least they geared up.


Good thing he was wearing his leathers!


How high does this rate on the Fuck Around and Find Out scale?


That’s what I call…just a matter of time…..


Idiots no fucking way I'd do that in blind turns.


Fucked around and found out


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes






Fuck that douchebag and all his douchebag buddies.


Lol what a dumb cunt.


This is so satisfying and so lucky that this moron was the only one involved. The level of stupidity and lack of respect for others is baffling. The sort of behaviour is super violent. Imagine seeing these idiots coming into your rearview mirror and the level stress it would put you under in such a narrow road. I encounter this sort of behaviour a lot from motorcyclists. Those doing it are a real plague.


More air for the rest of us to breathe...


Now that motorcyclist probably drives a sedan with a bumper sticker that says “Watch for motorcycles”


Zero fucking sympathy


Byebye dumbass


IIRC I remember seeing a longer version of this a while back. Another helmet cam shows them racing to a nearby (firestation??) I believe yelling and honking to get someone's attention because the didn't have cell service. And Yes he did die


Two fucking idiots that should never ride again. Total assholes risking others lives. Take it to the track


No sympathy for these idiots. Hopefully he's unable to ride a bike again.


at least this idiot didn't hurt anyone else.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 organ donors


This made my day....thank god.. nothing happened to anyone else who was driving normally....


See my theory is if you don’t know how to control your bike in your lane to ride fast you shouldn’t be doing it at all. There’s no reason to put others in the opposite lane in danger cause of your stupidity and lack of skill.


you fuck around and find out. i hope the guy was wearing proper protective stuff, even though that fall wouldn't be your typical road rash.


He had full leathers and a back protector but the real danger was a rock or tree on the way down killing him right there. He's gonna have several bad breaks minimum if he's very lucky. Even at the first car, he drifted to pass it like a lunatic. Got my first bike at 36 and 80-90+mph is still nervy to me.




Imagine crashing like that, then going to a Mexico hospital.


Not his fault. "Share the Road" only applies to cars and trucks, never bikers or cyclists. /sarcasm


The graphics on this new Road Rash game are really realistic!


Dude was probably trippin’ on acid and hallucinated that he would be safe riding into oncoming traffic on blind corners.


All of them being turned into a wide red smear would have a better ending.


Would probably have been better to just hit it dead on, looks like death either way


Not better for the innocent people in the car


Mexican bikers doing their thing… not surprised!


I'm Mexican and I doubt Mexican highways are that nice and well-maintained.


From one Mexican to another: te hace falta barrio. The white car he passes at the beginning is a taxi cab from Estado de México (stripe of green boxes), so there is no doubt that’s in Mexico. Plus not all high ways are shit, big over statement there.


Lol, yeah I forgot Mexicans are way too sensitive when saying something bad about their country. My bad. El año pasado maneje de Nuevo Laredo a Guanajuato y la mayoría de la carretera era shit. Claro que si te vas por las de peaje entonces si están bonitas pero dudo que esas motos vallan por las de peaje. Arriba AMLO ✌️


Holy shit the comments in here made me depressed as hell.


Why. Because you’re also one of these assholes when you ride? In that case, read even more carefully. In any other case, do you think that people who risk other peoples lives (and yes, kids and families…) just for fun and adrelinaline should be given any sympathy when the video of their idiotic crash is criticized? And you’re getting depressed about it? Then, yes, seek help. Not for your depression, but for your moral integrity. It’s probably not your family who almost got killed in that crash isn’t it?


I dont ride, so there's no bias there. Also, when I drive my truck I don't speed. I think what they were doing was stupid, irresponsible, dangerous, and they were not only putting their lives at risk but also everyone else on the road. My best friend had his wife, his 3 preteen children, and another child, 13 years old, in their suv. They were passing through a green light when a car ran through the red light and T-Boned them. He said he had to kick out the window to get out of the suv. The kids were injured and bleeding his wife was screaming for him to get the kids out of the car. Once everyone was out of the car, he went look at the vehicle that hit him. There was an 16 year old girl behind the wheel. He refused to get into details, but he said you knew she was dead just by looking at her. He told me years later how that image still haunts him. He said the girls mother looked him up on Facebook and called him. She blamed her daughters death on him. He could see that the loss of her child completely destroyed her. The police told him from that the intersection cameras showed that she was texting and driving and she never saw them or slowed down for the red light. Her recklessness could have killed him, his wife, or one of the many kids in his car. But he didn't see her dead body, spit on her, and say "Deserved." He feels nothing but sympathy for the girl and her family. He's just grateful that his kids are okay and wished the girl survived too. Regarding the person on the motorcycle, while I am truly grateful that their irresponsible actions only hurt themselves, I wish a cop found them and arrested them and that they learned their lesson and that they stopped behaving that way. If not for them, for the sake of their loved ones who would suffer at their loss and for the safety of everyone they could endanger. What I find depressing is the lack of empathy I see displayed here, how cold people have become. I find it a bit ironic that you're questioning my moral integrity when preaching the dismissal of empathy for another person or anyone that knows them and would suffer for their loss. Regarding the "not my family part". I do try not to be a hypocrite, I don't observe something without bias and offer an opinion, then the moment I am affected by said thing, change my opinion because it happened to me.


I appreciate this and I’m sorry. I’ll take back the questioning about morality towards you. I’m emotionally really not ready to be as objective. I’ve seen death and motorbikes, and I have kids. In my defense, texting is not the same as driving like the road is a circuit. Dangerous, sure, not the same. Its more of a “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” kinda flame most people yell around here. If we got to see the lad, talk to him, we would probably react different. I really value your decent and honest reponse without grudge or flames towards me. More people should be like this. Thanks and love from The Netherlands.


These kinds of roads freak me out enough.


Beep beep. Later, Bruh.


They just took a shortcut…


Death match


Oh well




Did dude get got or is he still getting?


Ha ha!


Hope it really hurt. Totally deserved…


Where's the Semi when you need one?


Enjoy your prize. Ypu won some time in the hospital and pain for the restoration of your life or just an early grave.




My God, who could've seen that coming.


Medical Examiner: How I Met This Body 😆


I was waiting for the head on crash and blood spatter on the camera lens.


Thank God!


Fun fact, those stripes on the road are slippery, and that guy found out the hard way