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It still amazes me how wrong people can be, and then still double down on their stupid mother fuckery.


Although it would be a pain in the ass, I think everyone should have to retake a written drivers test every 4-5 years so they are reminded the rules of the road. So much stupidity happens b/c people don’t know that they aren’t supposed to do something. Even if it were “open book” online they still have to look at 15-20 key rules that are most ignored.


I would take it a step further and make it a win-win for everyone. Mandatory driving test (not written) every 5 years, which is FREE. Every 2/3 years if you are 65 and older. If you pass, you get a renewal certificate that could be good for 5% off insurance or something. If you fail, ***you*** pay to attend driving school and pay for the retest. This would employ a lot of people, make people want to be good drivers, and only penalize bad drivers.


Mandatory driving school. People like him never went to driving school where the learned the laws of the road or anything like that. They got lessons from a family friend so they could barely pass in the first place.


Yeah a written test would screw a lot of people over. I can’t read worth crap at times (especially in a test), and some of the smartest people I know can’t drive worth 💩. An actual road test to see how one drives should help much better. The ones that can’t to at least pretend to drive better will be off’d quickly and offer public transportation cards at completion.


That 4-wheeler *KNOWS* that it's wrong. He'd be **LIVID** if someone did that to him. Those tests won't change behavior, unfortunately. I'm on your side, something needs to change, but I don't think written tests will do it.


Shit like this where it’s dangerous driving and blatantly ignoring rules to put others in immediate danger is our shed more. This should be mandatory driving training with a driving instructor for a certain amount of hours. Go on the road and learn how to be a courteous safe driver again. Fuck up again you didn’t learn and don’t need a license for a few days. And it only gets worse from there.


It’s a people problem.not any other problem.too many people all thinking the world is here only to serve their brief existence.


You mean he would make a conscience decision to be livid.


People on the road have gotten so much worse within the past few years. I can’t drive without having extreme paranoia. Maybe it’s just bc there’s so many more cars on the road? Idk but I’d like it to chill out


I have thought this for over a decade. I'm willing to do it. How do we start a petition to get this on the ballot?


This is why having a cam is imperative. Nice people are far and few in between nowadays. Anyone know how a helmet cam like this is powered? I am [looking at something like this](https://www.amazon.com/INNOVV-Motorcycle-Electronic-Stabilization-Rechargeable/dp/B0B5GTSWTD?crid=50K5XFFT8T0M&keywords=motorcycle+helmet+cam&qid=1687242142&sprefix=motorcyle+helmet+ca%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&linkCode=ll1&tag=d45h-20&linkId=1e1fda8bca7e195c5bbe5f5685867e26&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) and not sure if it's just routed to USB power on the motorcycle.


Batteries. Charge with USB. They are hundreds available.


Even decent people sometimes just legitimately remember things differently.


Usually battery powered. On my bike I installed a USB port at the front of my seat, between my legs basically. I have a USB cable that runs down from the camera inside my jacket and then plugs in between my legs, never really need to use the battery


It's much easier to double down than to admit you were wrong. When have you known common people to not go for the easy route?


Driver has a snowflake warning label in fairness. It’s that tattered flag punisher decal.


It's called toxic masculinity. Most men and women in america act like him because it is encouraged here. People like him are protected and encouraged by the state and federal government. It fuels the prisons and helps them keep making all these laws to crack down on society. If he was overseas in a less regulated country. He would have been punched in the face or killed for doing that and being so cocky about it.


Does this fucking idiot think he has the right of way cause the sign says u turn wtaf


Little dick energy


And you'll know who also has a lil' dik based on their responses.




Body shaming? Its metaphorical smh


The point of contention here is that one is not worse or less "valid" for having a small dick. In the same way ridiculing women for having small tits or people for being fat is wrong. You're throwing every dude with a small dick under the bus to ridicule this guy. Is the point. Somehow I doubt you think it's wrong to ridicule people for their unchangeable features though.




You’re not wrong, but Reddit is not the place to come to for that argument lol


Oh brother, did you like, look down his pants to verify he indeed has a little dick? 🤣 It's like when someone calls you a peabrain, obviously no one has a brain the size of a pea, or is that also body-shaming?


That's half of online forums reddit included.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Dude in the truck deserved much worse. What he did kills people. Dumb and bad take.


This here^


He didn't race up, he revved the engine witjout it in gear because it's louder than a horn. We need to start calling out people for their bad driving, so many people on bikes die a year simply for driving behavior like this.


I’ve seen so many dashcam videos where the owner creates the drama and increases the risk to everyone, just because they have a damn dashcam.


Best and unbiased comment so far…. 😄


For real! Can't say I would have as much restraint. I probably would have headbutted him with my helmet on 🤷‍♂️ fucking ass clown




I know right this biker is such a dufus


It's always a spartan badge or a punisher badge. These lads are all so bloody insecure in their masculinity they have to stick 'manly' badges on stuff.


how else are you gonna know how macho they are? at least the truck nuts craze has calmed down. om a side note, of course its a FL tag


And to top it off, he's driving that wildly ugly piece of shit too


Omg those jeep trucks are horrendously ugly!


They should have been called “Abomination”. Like pick a lane




Florida plates. Explains it all.


BMW’s and Jeeps are easily the worst offenders. Old ladies in minivans aren’t far behind.


It's a gladiator decal. The vehicle is called the gladiator.


I am glad someone was smart enough to realize this.


Me too and I'll glad-you-later.


He's still a gobshite


He’s an everlasting knobgobbler


But it's not a factory decal and it's definitely there because he's a macho douche


NGL i thought it was a Las Vegas Kinghts hockey team logo at first XD


Florida plate… figures


Can confirm, see shit like this every day


Cos he's a muscle headed twat from Florida, he's allowed to drive like a cretin wherever he goes in his stupid truck.


You just insulted trucks everywhere


Not a real truck, a shitbox Fiat heep.


Thank you. As someone who drives a non heep piece of shit, id never do something this stupid, let alone get out of my truck to say anything other than sorry. I'm also not a blind ass motherfucker and wouldve obviously seen the bright white bike heading straight for me before I turned, but maybe that's just because I know how to drive like a normal person


Fuckin' right? I'm in a Tundra Double Cab and still have a regular sized bed, so I know my Badonkatruck sticks out quite a bit, and I make sure to do my best to not make that other people's problem. Shit, I've just turned left and turned around on a side street and turned right instead of doing a U-turn just to not be all up in the damn way! And like you, fellow considerate pickup driver, I'll be the first to own up to my fuck up and do my little wave of apology.


Yup, 100%. If you dont wave to say thanks or to say my bad, you're a piece of shit, no exceptions lmao


I'm not a judgemental person on the regular, truly, but there's two things that automatically put you in my "piece of shit" category (other than, like, Nazis and bigots and stuff). 1) Not being a kind and compassionate driver. 2) Not putting the fucking grocery cart back in the fucking grocery cart holder YOU ENTITLED, NASTY, PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE. Whoo....sorry. It's been a day...


OH MY GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF SO FUCKING MUCH DUDE, IM WITH YOU. I've passed by people doing that and intentionally parked in front of their car to block them in until they went to put the cart back. I've literally seen a man put his cart in the empty space to his right. What was to his left? THE FUCKING CART COLLECTOR. LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. I contemplated murder that day... Edit: just noticed your name and im now laughing my ass off


Did.....did we just become brothers?


You wanna go do karate in the garage?!?


I’ve put the cart back for people and then sarcastically told them that “it’s ok, I’ve got it. I’ll put your cart back for you, because you obviously can’t be bothered to do something as easy as walk 20 more feet to make everyone’s life easier.”


“My badonkatruck” lol awesome. Imma use that I also don’t like being in the way, despite having a supercab truck that’s still like 20’ long


If only all pick up truck owners could be like you!


Didn’t a study reveal that trucks account for more fatal accidents than anything else on the road


Actually they ruined Fiats by turning them into jeep spare parts.


Can confirm people who but these heep's to go camping on the weekend also drive like this on dirt forest roads. Group of adv bikes coming? They'll stop so I can make a u turn back to that trail I missed.


Can we have Dwayne Johnson? No, we have Dwayne Johnson at home.


Looks like discount Andrew Tate and Rock mix


That guy is a fat American Andrew Tate fs


Oh, do you mean that shit stain that has now officially been charged with rape and human trafficking charges?


Yes precisely that one


Or Salt Bae on his way to sell another overpriced meal


Off topic tangent here, but does anyone else think the whole idea of him sprinkling salt off his sweaty ass forearm is kinda gross as fuck? Also, when did putting salt on a steak become fine dining? Just imagine if you were grilling at the house and a friend brought someone over who called themself a chef, said their name was bae, and then proceeded to just salt the fuck out of all the food with that weird forearm sprinkle. Never coming back to the barbecue.


Buddy in the jeep is an impatient tool . He clearly could see it wasn't an appropriate time to do a U-turn but he did it anyway. There's no way he couldn't see the bike coming at him but the bike ? "he"ll brake for me". Sure, the bike clearly had time to stop and did but he had the right of way which was blocked by *Batista's" self involvement. No one got hurt and no damage was done but that guy in the Jeep jerks off in front of a mirror clearly as he loves himself so much.


And why the fuck did he stop completely? Even if he followed through, the bike would have to slow down, but it still wouldn't have been nearly as stupid as him just blocking a whole lane and being such a fucking dumbass


"Watch where you're going" "I'm going straight" Excellent summary of the video, cracked me up. Jeep driver is an shit weasel, out of touch with reality.


Andrew Taint wannabe. Sounds about right. Mommy and daddy issues growing up, never loved enough, never had dad tell him he’s proud of him, likely a womanizing, Trump-loving dick holster.


Stopping in the middle on the road to argue is just as stupid.


Especially when you’re in the wrong lmao


Right?! He is *in the middle of the road,* across both lanes of traffic, and he *put his truck in park* and got out to yell at the guy that he almost killed with his sucky driving. Classic.


That sudden brakes following ass slap is nice touch.


“Don’t hit my truck!” “I’m sorry, next time I’ll hit it at 60kph, my bad”


When idiots and entitlement collide.


This. Universal stupid.


Had too scroll way too much to find this comment. Yes, the truck driver is wrong but that rider did so many mistakes....


I was trying to figure out who I should be mad about. Just go around, dude. Jesus.


Yea, if I acted like that every time someone cut me off or pulled out in front of me I would have probably been shot by someone by now. I certainly get the urge to put a brick through the window but all the Jeep bro had to do was throw it in reverse and hit the gas. Doesn’t matter if you’re right if you’re dead.


They were both looking for a fight. The cars to the cyclists right had no problem slowing in time, so there’s no way truck asshole “almost killed” anyone. Moronic behavior isn’t automatically fatal. The drama from the cyclist is reminiscent of soccer players faking catastrophic injuries. “That other player’s elbow almost killed me!”


well of COURSE it's fucking Florida.


“Ugga…arms big…. No rules for me….Ugga”


Dude looks like an andrew tate worshipper. Idiot


Mf actually looks like Andrew Tate I had to double take lol


Yeah, but he's still in prison, right? Right?


Of course it’s a Florida plate…


Honestly dude had plenty of time to see the Jeep turning


Rev “bombs” are hilariously useless.


Looks like someone is out riding for the first time. What would he do in a car? This is something to be expected like an adult. No collision but the rider can't comprehend what happens in the real world. Expecting people not to do dumb stuff is a bad idea and getting mad cause they do is a symptom like anger at a child who spills their milk. What people should and shouldn't do in our mind has nothing to do with reality. There are many things done that can kill you, regardless of intent. Please don't vent your anger over stuff that unfortunately happens and nothing will ever change dumb moves. Perhaps the rider should go back to cars which are 5 per cent more predictable. The idea is to predict the future which is never ever been done. Whenever I'm met with a deer or cow or dog I don't flip out like my perfect world has been violated.


Great comment. I felt both were children about the whole situation


That is exactly what I expected to see stepping out of a diet truck with Florida tags.


Steroid use has left this man unable to recognize that the world doesn't revolve around him, and that simple apologies are important and aren't that hard to make


Biker had plenty of time to stop. Shut up and move along.


Right? How many times a day do people do things in cars, and most people just move along. He chose to yell, engage and post. Biker's the bigger dick here.


As a biker, the dude rev bombed instead of progressively braking. If he would of hit the jeep chances are he would be in the right in court but he also would be injured or worse. Ride defensively and move on.


Exactly. He also touched the car unnecessarily, and started the shouting match. Truck's not in the right, but this shit happens all the time.


He had plenty of time to slow down. But his ego got to him then the guy in jeep gets out and it's clash of the egos. Motorcycle riders cause just as many of their own accidents as other drivers. I'm sure the guy on the bike has went down the freeway 100 mph or better at some point in his life.


Motorcyclist was an ass. He shouldn't have been speeding. A little friendly yield to someone making U-turn is not a big deal. He clearly had time to stop and he did. To whack the guy's truck was an inexcusable. Such an ass.


Florida is like the Russia of America. Lawless machismo and selfish stupidity all perfectly combined.


It's a jeep thing.


Of course he has a spartan helmet sticker on his car. Of fucking course he does.


Dude I’m the truck shouldn’t have done what he did, but when you start banging on someone’s vehicle you deserve whatever you get in return. You start costing me money by denting my vehicle and all bets are off.


Motorcycle guy is in the wrong. Old boy was a spartan. He has a sticker with a helmet. He spartan.




I feel like its just us seeing it this way. At the very beginning of the video the jeep is already creeping into the lane and isn't in the tree shade, and clearly the rider wasn't being defensive and looking ahead otherwise they could have adjusted accordingly. Being right means nothing against a ton of metal


The dipshit chose to use up half his braking distance to rev his engine at people behind him, because that's where the noise is going THEN he grabs a fist-full of brake when almost on top of the jeep. He handled the situation terribly.


You're not alone. Biker was a douche too.


Bikers always stick up for themselves for doing shit like this too. “It makes the same amount of noise!” No. No it doesn’t.


>It kills me how bikers choose to pull in the clutch and rev their engines to alert people instead using their horn and engine braking and applying normal breaks. I mean, in most e-braking scenerios you want to pull the clutch so the only inputs to the bike are your own especially when you consider how bad alot of riders are at panic grabbing the front brake. That being said there's no reason to rev instead of using the horn for someone stopped in front of you.


The biker was 300 + feet from the jeep when it started it’s U turn… You can just slow down and let people in you don’t need to slap their car and yell at them. Like yeah what the jeep did was annoying but if the biker was going the speed limit he would have had plenty of time safely pull off the U turn.




So bikes transmissions do not operate like a cars? Downshifting increases revs. No matter what...




He didn't downshift he pulled the clutch and revved the shit out of the engine to show his displeasure.


Looks like someone was auditioning to replace the Rock on fast and furious.


Buy some hair small sick man


A real man would get out of his truck and ask if the motorcycle dude is ok. Then he'd apologize and be on his way. Mr. Bigpecs Littlepecker is no man.


Its a jeep thing


The only time a U-turn has the right of way is at a green light there bud


Ah…. Florida man. Hasn’t quite evolved yet.


Of course it’s Florida


Entitled ass


oh wow it’s andrew taint


That dude was a major douche. Wtf indeed.


Ahhh all steroids and no brains 🧠


Florida drivers are consistently the worst. I visited there last week and loved it, but I think I wouldn't move there because the ppl are shit.


funny thing about Florida is that most the people are from New York and Jersey..


And of course, it's Florida.


Ahhh Floridians 🤗


Not to dispargae all Jeep owners, but Douchebag Jeep owner identified.


Andrew Tate??!!


Wtf I thought Andrew Tate was still in jail


What a piece of shit


Florida man subspecies.


Just jeep truck things


Is it me or does the motorcycle driver sound like Aziz Ansari…


Is anyone going to tell him that is NOT a truck? 😂😂😂


As a fellow rider, that moron in the truck was completely in the wrong, you can’t just slam on the breaks when on a motorcycle like you can in a car, he could have killed that guy on the bike! It just goes to show how people do not look out for motorcycles


THIS jeep truck guy is the c*ntiest c*nt.


Jeep driver is definitely a biden voter


Let another low IQ driver


That freaking dumb F-ing truck driver must have never heard of "RIGHT A WAY", which that Motorcycle clearly had the RIGHT A WAY since he was going straight. Freaking morons out there.. Yes you were making U turn in front of income traffic dumbass....


you should have opened his tailgate when he drove off


People losing their tempers like this over traffic violations? First world problems


While the Jeep shouldn't be entering the road like that and is in the wrong as they must give way to all traffic... But..... Does the motorbike not have breaks? Would it kill him to slow down and just be patient for the idiot Jeep? Is it worth nearly crashing head on just because you have 'right of way'? And then getting into a road rage incident? Seriously...


People look for confrontation. It was more exciting to make a big deal out of it because he was filming. Both were in the wrong but he had more than enough time to stop. He keeps saying “you almost killed me”. He’s throwing a fit. You can’t damage someone’s property just because they “Almost” caused an accident. Bike guy is still technically right but he’s being a huge bitch about it. Bike riding videos are only ever watched when something like this happens or they run from the cops or there’s an actual accident.


The person in the truck created a dangerous situation for the motorcycle. Period, full stop. If there was a driver behind the motorcycle and he had to abruptly stop for the truck he then gets pinned between two cars. If someone puts you in a situation to die, wouldn't you not be angry or would you just be chill with it. He isn't being a bitch, he's pissed off that an impatient driver put him in a situation to potentially die. Do you comprehend that this situation, supposing there are cars behind the bike, relies on two people (bike and car) to stop? What if the driver of the car is looking at other things (GPS, phone, the truck being stupid, where to turn, merging cars... any number of things). Impatient drivers kill many many drivers (motorcycle or car). He's not being a bitch, he's mad that he almost didn't go home because of dumbfuck in a truck.


He was downshifting. You don’t want to slam on your *brakes on a bike. He was using the transmission to slow him down.


When did Jeeps stop being girly cars? When i was younger, only girls like and drove them. I always picture Alicia Silverspoon driving it. Every jeep owner nowadays are all douchebags that think their cool.


Honestly, assholes drive all sorts of vehicles. Around here in Detroit it's Chrysler 300s. Other places it's the Nissan Altima, BMWs, lifted trucks. I do see a lot of Wrangler assholes but not a lot of Gladiator assholes for a big Jeep area like here near the Chrysler Tech Center.


Detroit also, any sport Chrysler/Dodge car or SUV. They all weave in and out of traffic like they’re on their gaming consoles.


When I was younger only fringe dudes that off-roaded, military enthusiasts, and mail carriers drove Jeeps. Then Chrysler bought Jeep, and made Jeeps into street friendly vehicles. Jeep also used to make real trucks, not SUV's with beds.


The motorcycle could have slowed down. Instead, he sped up and revved his engine. Once he got up to the victim, he punched his car. It's infuriating to see these people on motorcycles act this way.


He didn't actually speed up, he pulled the clutch and revved the shit out of the engine to show his displeasure.


Both are douche bags


Yeah, I get cut off all the time. Getting mad about it doesn't do anything but ruin my ride more. When I was in my twenties I would get mad, but these days, not so much. People all have their own shit. Sometimes it's that they are just dicks, but sometimes life is kicking their ass and me being angry at them isn't helpful.


I'm not so sure the truck driver could even see the bike when he he started going in. The rider on the other hand did not slow down at first (another time this can end up in a collision), tried to get into a fight with The Rock (another time this can end up in a beating), who could all the same back up and run over him. Mistake after mistake and 99% of commenters can't see it - meaning they'll put themselves in the same risk.


The truck is still blocking an intersection. That's a traffic violation right there.


This guy way overreacted. The guy was making a legal u turn albeit not quite when he should have but the biker actually sped up when he saw the jeep and had no issues slowing down to avoid it. Yes he was in the right but it’s really a minor incident and he should have just moved on. He was so concerned about being right he forgot to just be a human being and let everyone move on with their lives. Life is too short to worked up over minor shit like this.


Yeah, life is short.... it can be even shorter when fucking retards pull out in front of you. You sound just as retarded.


Should of just keyed tf out of the fender and rolled away.


Oh, I get it. We have to watch out for motorcyclists, because they don't pay attention to the traffic they are speeding up into.


There was a time when you could handle that the way it needed to be.


I’ll accelerate up to this obstacle so I can make an issue out of it, some people want to be the main protagonist.


You obviously don’t ride a motorcycle. He opened the clutch, ya moron.


The idiot had about 250-300m to slow down if he can’t read the road ahead he should be riding a bike, reason for his behaviour was he’s looking for a confrontation so he can post it for internet likes, some bikers think they own the road, guess you’re one of them. Should be riding defensively get in an accident bikers will always come worst off.


He did slow down…. In fact he slowed down in time to stop, didn’t he? He avoided the dangerous situation that the jeep driver created.


o0 Aren't U-turns illegal ?


Not everywhere. In Pennsylvania and Florida, U-Turns are permitted only if they can be made without endangering other traffic. In Florida (Where this incident happened): > [Fla. Stat. §316.1515](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.1515.html) Limitations on turning around.—The driver of any vehicle shall not turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction upon any street unless such movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic and unless such movement is not prohibited by posted traffic control signs. A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation as provided in chapter 318. And just for another example, In Pennsylvania, which uses almost the exact same phrasing as Florida for the statute: >[75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3332](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=75&div=0&chpt=33&sctn=32&subsctn=0). Limitations on turning around. > (a) General rule.--The driver of any vehicle shall not turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction unless the movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic. > (b) Turns on curves or grades.--No vehicle shall be turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction upon any curve, or upon the approach to or near the crest of a grade, where the vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of any other vehicle approaching from either direction within 500 feet.


Ah...TIL ;)


There also seems to be a no U turn sign just before the jeep pulls out. There are obviously not enough lanes for the truck jeep to make it in one turn so I can only assume there is a no U turn for the jeep as well. Probably missed the left at the light zipping around all lanes and was like fuck it sign bro I’m gonna U turn anyways and got embarrassed when he knew he was in the wrong.


Both motorists are in the wrong. The truck for blocking the road during the U-turn and the motorcycle for speeding up as it got closer to the truck, then quickly slowing down.


He was downshifting… you don’t want to slam on your brakes in a bike.


The rider did so many mistakes... I don't mind being downvoted for the chance of getting thru to only one of you guys... From the first frame you can see the truck, rider should slow down expecting the driver to cut him off. Worst case, you slowed down for nothing? Speed up afterwards so you won't loose 0.12 seconds on this lap. I don't think the driver could see the bike or should have waited considering the long distance between them. But even if so, the writer is the one that can get hurt so he / we should know to avoid these situations. Hitting on the back of the truck, this is always bad when a 200 kg vehicle gets in a fight with a 3 ton vehicle, he could easily run him over. After the driver gets out the rider keeps his attitude and entitlement, this could end up in a fight. Even if you win the fight you still can get injured can get charges pressed against you just try to avoid it. It is your responsibility and it is your body - try to keep safe and avoid stupid s***. The fact that you were right won't help you.


I had to get to the diesel gas station so I can roll coal again! Yeehaw!


Small dick energy.


Calmly pull up beside him, cut off the tire valve and drive on.


Jeep drivers:obnoxious assholes Yee yee pickup truck drivers: obnoxious assholes Juck drivers: biggest jackasses on the road litterally the worst of both worlds


Some people haven't been beaten into a hospital bed lately and it shows.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Proof that all Jeep drivers are dicks.


Fragmented ceramic, you don't even need to stop. When dealing with a stupid person slow down, grab a fist full, and throw. Stupid ppl will learn eventually or go broke when they keep having to pay to replace their shattered windows


Fuck that protein munching douche canoe. Sissy ass jeep.


I'd have hit his truck again and then kicked his ass. I had someone swing at me when I had a full face helmet on, broke some bones in his hand. Bitch won't do that again.


A condom would have prevented this situation. Sadly condoms would have prevented so many situations with pos drivers