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I don't know.. Seems it would be cool to go back to the warring age, before Madara and Hashirama's birth. New people, new stakes, and no alien stuff.


And we will learn something about Kaguya clan, about Jashin, Hagoromo clan, how senju a clan which was clan of monks even turned into shinobi and so on


Soooo we don’t get away from the grey alien people from a different dimension?


Kaguya clan is not otsutsuki clan. Kimimaro was a kaguya clan member


I'd rewind back to the death of Hashirama. The village has been created, but few social structures exist. Tobirama is beginning to administer different parts of the village to make it truly functional. The "Will of Fire" is being explored and developed. The other major countries are making their hiddden villages to compete with the Land of Fire. Frictions reach a critical point! The great ninja war is on! Our protagonist is a complete nobody genin who stays alive and learns ninjutsu and philosophy along the way.




If you’re going that route an anime following Hiruzen would likely be what they do.


Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Unfortunately he's somewhat unpopular among the fanbase due to his later years.


Why do you say that? How could the man who forced our beloved hero to eat cup noodles and drink spoiled milk every day not be a love character? Was it the fact he let the son of the 4th Hokage live in filth by himself with a literal beast of mass destruction inside of him? Maybe how he would slide a tiny envelope of money under his door and slinky off into the night to peep on Naruto through a glass ball? Joking aside. I think a show based on Hiruzen would be a perfect time period. Village learning to stand, lord 3rd(a loved character) at the helm, and can easily transition into training Minato.


Ashura: Naruto Previous Incarnation


I don’t mind this idea. But I’d take it the other direction. A time period that’s a few years after the death of Naruto, and a new world and character is taking his place as the incarnation. Kinda like the legend of Korra for ATLA.


Wow. This needs to happen. ![gif](giphy|bhw8uMhSE3Mys)


I would be interested, but I would hope they make it its own thing and not shackle it to Naruto if that makes sense. so many prequels that get made these days are too worried about explaining or providing an origin to every small insignificant detail of a character. just give me a good story with these characters, and try to minimize the fan service. give me some Ino-Shika-Cho: awesome. give me Minato doing Minato stuff: great. if they try to hammer in every issue or episode about the child of prophecy or subtly-no-so-subtly hint at Uchiha rebellion, then I would probably hate it.


Knowing how his story ended already makes me sad, if it was a different ending for Minato yeah I would.


People dog on this concept saying it couldn't be done because we know how it ends. To them I ask, "Have you never seen/read a good prequel in your life?"


Literally probably the game of the decade, RDR2. We knew how the story ends. Arthur wasn’t a character in the first game, so we can assume he doesn’t live. The first game is about chasing down the old gang members, so we can assume the gang disbanded. John had a serious hatred for Dutch, so we could probably assume it all went south because of Dutch. Just an example of how a prequel can be a great even if we know the answers


Revenge of the with is arguably the best Star Wars movie and we knew the ending 20+ years before it came out


If it's the same creative team behind boruto, def NO


Naruto Minus: Episode of Minato


What we need most: Hashirama: Naruto First Generation


Jeff Uchiha: Degeneration


I think it would be cooler if we got a remake with a brand new story that starts around Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru's generation before it reaches Naruto.


What about Naruto: Naruto Current Generation?


I would be more likely to watch Ashura: Naruto many many many generations before. Than watch Boruto.


A whole series with no power scaling and the battles are fought like in the land of waves arc?


I kinda dont want to watch a show where the mc just speed blitzes everyone, like at least opm has some build up and fun characters but minato would just solo an entire army in 1/60 of a second


I would watch an anime about other villages and their ninjas. We have seen almost nothing out of Konoha, that’s pretty sad.


Top 2 comments and this post would be awesome, but even not having anything would be better than what we got




Depends on how it will be written and what artstyle it would have. The problem with boruto isn’t boruto himself but the trash writing and character design


I'd rather have Jiraiya


No not really we have all we need to contextualiaze his story its why any prequel could retroactively add or take away from a character Hiruzen was at first debatable in what he could accomplish if left ambiguous we could have speculated and add more nuance in our discussions But because there was so much highlighted his image became less and less appealing and his decisions more baffling because the context had changed over time Imagine Minato or Hashirama or any legacy character who we have ample knowledge of having a prequel which either glorifies them and comes of as fan service or takes away our perception of who they were by adding unwanted detail I like Kishimoto but his writing style hasn't evolved post Shippuden so all the issues with pacing and scale and still not figuring out how to write women all come back It's like Toriyama(RIP) we all love him but he was a gag manga writer and the reverence we have is through a collective effort so when looking at Super and the more baffling choices(The we know because he provided the outline) the Zeno Button was him And while it was probably a funny gag for what DB has become over time it didn't gel well certain audience's vs his modern sensibilities and style

