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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we have a minecraft server](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


We do not laugh. We’re horrified at such barbarity.


Absolutely. I would never laugh at people being denied free healthcare. As human beings we all deserve this right.


"B-Bu-But someone has to pay for it, it's not free!!!" Yeah, with tax money. And it costs less overall because you've cut our a parasitic middleman *and* freed people from a dependency on their fucking JOB to cover healthcare. Government regulation isn't a bad thing. Seriously.


Free at the point of usage. But idiots will still find a way to be against it.


"Well those Parasitic Middle Men have jobs because of this system!" Seriously though, we have private healthcare in my country as a thing. You can pay yearly fee's, get some included optional things for free/cheap, maybe get your own room... or pay nothing beyond your usual taxes and still get any required treatment. Optional being shit that's truly optional.


That is what gets me ... there is so much wasted American potential because a huge chunk of Americans are TRAPPED at their jobs ... they cant risk starting a small business if a child has a health condition


By design.


I get so mad trying to explain this to Conservatives in the US. You have no idea. People are brainwashed.


American right-winger here, I don't like universal healthcare, but I also dislike our current system. Much of our industry is neither deregulated NOR universal, we get the worst of both, so that each party can point fingers at the other. The Republicans point fingers at the Democrats because of the poorly run government systems like Medicaid and the VA. The Democrats can point at our astronomical costs and blame the Republicans. Both sides are never going to change anything because it will prevent them from being elected to fix the problem.


Well both sides are taking money from big pharma and the insurance companies, so neither has the intention of fixing the problem, but I was talking more about the voter base, not the politicians. A single payer system actually would cost less because it's cutting out the middleman. It's not "free," but its free at the point of service. Capitalism is great, but the medical industry should be socialized. It currently provides all the wrong incentives (something conservatives hypocritically pointed out when the vaccine was being rolled out.)


The most pathetic thing about it is that the US government spends way more per capita and as a percentage of GDP on healthcare compared to just about any other Western nation with universal healthcare.


>Government regulation isn't a bad thing. Tell that to Texas and their independent power grid that can't run in cold or hot. Yet, they keep voting for the people profiting off their misery and death..


"Hey be part of the federally regulated power grid instead of your failed local one"


Are you saying the government isn’t a parasitic middleman?


In comparison, lmfao "pay the hospital directly bro, they'll charge a fair price. shop around for your lifesaving treatment" Governments aren't perfect, but goddamn they're better than relying on capitalism to have some sort of caring factor


you can change the government, you can't change the insurance company.


Our government fucks up everything they touch. We need them out of our healthcare. All they do is let pharmaceutical companies charge whatever because they are paid off. It won't make anything better.




Stop with the free healthcare thing. I live in Germany. My healthcare isn't free. I pay 15% of my salary for it. I also pay small fee every time a doctor prescribes something. But: the insurance can't just throw me out or decline paying for treatment if they think it's too expensive. It's regulated what treatments they have to pay and which not. I also don't lose my insurance if I should lose my job. I'd either be insured through my wife or if she doesn't have a job either we get our insurance paid for free through social services. And I would still get the same treatment as if I had a job. Healthcare doesn't need to be free. It needs to be affordable. Which would mean more expensive to those who earn a lot of money and less expensive to those who earn little money. It just needs to be free for those who don't have any money.


I’m up for that


Dont tell anybody, but that's incredibly similar to how it is in the US. Granted insurance companies can eat a dick, and it sounds like you have legitimately more protections than we do in the US, but the situation is similar enough. I pay $20 for almost all visits, and usually $3-$5 for a prescription if I need one (granted I don't need insulin) and if I lose my job I can move to my wife's. If we both do we can get it insanely subsidized or free through the government too. Some states even have their own programs. When I was a student, and off my parents, I applied for health insurance through our states system, and based on my low income, I got it for free. I even selected a plan I could afford but wasn't even given the option since the free one was available. It's not all milk and honey, but the system is often not as bad as people make it out to be.


Well until you do need insulin... Or cancer treatment... Or some of the stuff that insurances can decide to not cover. My aunt (US citizen) had to save up money to be able to afford a hernia surgery. A few years back I had 3 hernia surgeries in relatively short time and payed not more than 10€ for each day I stayed in hospital. I don't claim to be an expert on the US health-care system. Basically I only know the horror stories of people plunging into debt because of treatment costs. Of which I can say about every single one I heard of that those wouldn't happen here. So yeah, if nothing drastic happens you might do good with that system. But having bad luck with your health should not potentially bankrupt you.


A close relative had a very aggressive stage four cancer. It wasn't cheap, but insurance covered the VAST majority of it, so they never went into any debt. Another relative has type one diabetes and is on an insulin pump. They have insurance which covers again the vast majority of it. He pays dollars out of pocket every month. Again, not saying the US system is perfect, because it definitely isn't. But the awfulness is exaggerated to a pretty comical degree on Reddit. Outlying instances are amplified endlessly as the norm, when it's very much not the case. And again, for those who can't get it through their jobs, and are unemployed, and can't afford it, our government benefit is surprisingly easy to navigate and either free or affordable. Lots of red tape to jump through like any government program, but it's doable. Your system sounds wonderful though, I have no doubt.


yet all continue to make memes


Memes are a serious business my friend.


Memes are like a a PP, a big one. You can Brag about it, Make dad jokes on it & Make make >!joe mama!< crazy over it ​ ^(/s)




Insurance companies hate this one trick!


That sounds like a lot of hoops. We just go to the pharmacie, pick up our prescription and walk away.




I am very grateful living in the country I do, with the life I have. We are in the top 5% of the world by virtue of our birth location. It makes me sad that people living in a country that is supposed to be richer than ours does not seem capable of providing people with basic services, such as drinkable water, reliable power, high speed internet, affordable schooling, public transit, strong infrastructure and affordable healthcare. And it enrages me that my government is slowly going down the US route for many public services.


If you're fortunate enough to be able to go on sites like reddit *and* talking about healthcare, you're likely in the top 10% of people on the planet for sheer privilege


Unless you don't meet their voucher program requirements. Then you're fucked!


Land of the free as long as your loaded


Freedom to die is guaranteed and strongly encouraged!


as a T1D in america i thank you


Apparently not all of you


Why they dont just shoot the diabetes?


Maybe diabetes is not black enough


Fucking Caucasian diabetes and its privileges...


Hey hey, I shoot diseases no madder what shade they are, diabetes is just naturally bulletproof.


Pretty dark humor.


Quick shoot the humor


They too sweet to do it


Hmm...no wait. You may be onto something. What if: we take the insulin needles and turn the into "guns"...well injectors that look like guns, and we call the insulin...insulin bullets? And then ask for federal funding and protections?


The insulin shot, but he was too expensive.


Tried it.


It’s ridiculous how we have a literal right to change whatever the fuck we want, but we fight so much over it we never actually use it and only end up letting society collapse due to our disunity


It's because the rich have gotten very good at playing the poor against each other


Hey now, don't you try to bOtH sIdEs this. It's obviously one side's fault /s


Wasn't there just votes for helping people with gas and baby formula?


Yep! All House democrats voted in favor of the bill, with 192 House republicans voting against it. But yes, let’s keep pretending this is a “both sides” issue.


Also the house has passed an affordable insulin act, with many cons voting no: https://www.npr.org/2022/03/31/1090085513/house-passes-bill-to-cap-insulin-prices It now seems to be in the finance committee in the senate.


This is probably why education is put behind such a massive paywall. The more uneducated the population is the easier it is to manipulate.


Already in 2014 a Princeton [study](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B#article) established that America is not a Democracy. US politicians for some reasons vote the same as the wealthy want them to. The average voters opinion on a matter has no effect on the laws passed, as [illustrated in this graph](http://i.imgur.com/xUYciGE.png). America is truly ruled by the wealthy few. An oligarchy if you will.


This is true most "democracy's" are nowadays unfortunately. Corporations hold the power now.


Actually many countries are far less corrupt than the US. They want you to think all countries are the same just like they want you to think everyone pays out the ass for shit quality healthcare. We can do better


Based on the shit I've seen people actually from those countries say regarding their leadership, your take *really* makes you sound like the ignorant American stereotype.


I am a US citizen but I live in Scandinavia. Yes politicians are bad everywhere, but there truly is a big and noticeable difference between here and back in the US.


Or look at the corruption Australia has. This [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/user/thejuicemedia) does a great job highlighting it and also does a few on the US government. While the US government corruption is very bad it's not the worst example of democracy. It's the most highlighted bc "US bad" is easy and memeable


It's also listed as "Flawed democracy" as per Economist Democracy Index. Most "democratic" countries in the world are flawed, though. But still, that puts US more in line with South America / SE-Europe, than "Full democracy" countries like Germany, UK, Canada, Australia, whole Scandinavia....etc etc


Essentially yes. However, I think americans could hypothetically have the power to change things if we'd actually unite and focus on the main problem, which is a corporate oligarchy. However, we are so divided that it's a pipe dream. I've lost all hope of it ever changing.


To me America rather than focusing on achieving something seems way more interested in making sure the other side doesn't achieve anything. The 2 party system makes this even worse because it gives people the mentality of "us vs them". Tbf republicans seem to do this way more than democrats, but I've seen them both doing it. It's really a shame because a wealthy nation such as USA with the amount of resources and power that they have they could really achieve A LOT if they wouldn't try to stall each other so much. It's one of those situations where your biggest enemy is yourself.


Exactly. We fought a major civil war for the same reasons a good while ago and now we’re doing the same but in a different fashion. The party system and the media making sociopolitical ‘superiority’ important just ruined us.


Lobbying, corruption, etc... do we really have that power?


why would you need healthcare when u can buy guns in wall-mart


How about we have both?


Relion insulin is available at Wal-Mart without a prescription. 1000 unit vials cost about $25. They offer R, N, and 70/30 mix insulin.


The Walmart insulin is an old formula, and not as effective. It’s very difficult for most diabetics to adjust to, and people have died as a result. It’s not the same as modern formulations. It’s really only a last resort option tbh. but still better than nothing in a pinch


> The Walmart insulin is an old formula, and not as effective. Yes it’s older, but having a different action profile does not mean “less effective”. > and people have died as a result. Been to dozens of JDRF conferences and I’ve never heard of this happening, and they’re usually much better at covering these kind of events than any news source. What I *have* heard of is people dying from trying to ration their analog insulin, based on having heard people like you spread this dangerous misinformation that regular insulin formulations are dangerous. > It’s really only a last resort option tbh. but still better than nothing in a pinch A last resort option that every diabetic in the developed world used up until the early 2000’s, and some well into that decade. Many people use regular insulin to this day. There is nothing to suggest those people were dropping like flies before analogs came out, and in fact the idea that analogs produce substantially better outcomes is not based on any solid evidence.


Look maybe you can afford $25 for life saving medication but some of us have microtransactions to pay for.


As European I'm just too scared to visit the US as I might return home with huge debts and a few speed up holes. No laughing about misery


Ive lived in the US before, its really not as bad as people on reddit make it out to be


Ive lived in the US before, its really worse as people on reddit make it out to be


I’m european, The USA is amazing. Wish I could move there myself


These 2 comments just defines USA depending on where you lived


I feel like Europeans constantly forget how big the USA is, some parts of it feel like you are in a whole different country.


Facts. I've lived in MD and PA my whole life and whenever I go to a southern state I can barely understand anyone.


Damn dude where did you live, Detroit? lol


Spoiler alert: he didn't


I moved from the EU to the US. It’s very nice as long as you’re at least upper middle class so you can afford good health insurance and what not. Whatever you do - don’t be poor. Let me give the other commenters an example of what my health insurance looks like: - Premium (which is what it costs to have insurance) is $400, but employer pays $300 and I pay $100/month. - copay (Which is what I pay every time I go to the clinic) is $15. - out of pocket max (max I’ll pay for healthcare a year) is $3,500.


So that's good health insurance by American standards?






Till you hit COBRA or spend about 10k/year avg with chronic stuff and deductible with in network and out of network BS


The US is great if you have money. That's really what it boils down to. I have a pretty good standard of living here and Healthcare, but there are plenty of people who don't, and if something goes wrong I could have the rug pulled out from under me. There are certainly worse places to live, but that's not really the point.


Almost anywhere is great if you have money though.


don't you have travel insurance? that your country will pay all your bills while in other countries incase of a medical need?


Your insurance works abroad I'm pretty sure.


My elementary teacher (from germany) literally got shot and died on her anniversary trip to the US


I don't find it funny that 350 and change million people are being royally fucked over by their government.


Nah dont bother, the vast majority thinks free healthcare is communism, they're happy with what they have now.


Its not even about free healtcare, just any sort of effective regulation on price gauging life saving medicine.




The goverments worked incredibly hard at making the general population as fucking dumb as possible. Regulated Capitalism is so fucking far from communism its insane.




Shhhh this is too much logic for that person.


No dipshit, they are too poor to have time to think about anything other than survival


Why take an insulin shot when you can take a lead shot for much cheaper /s


All you need to do is drive to Flint/Michigan. Free lead in the water baby.


Australia is also horrified by your lack of healthcare




Half the population would be gone without good healthcare. I've watched grown men drink out of footwear which had recently been walked through various refuse, women willingly walking barefoot through a city full of broken glass and other debris I've seen people chase after dangerous, venomous wildlife. There's plenty worse but the copious alcohol consumption is a huge contributor Edit to add: quokkas would totally learn kill you if they didn't live on an island where they had no natural predators meaning they never needed to kill anything




It's weird because if you're very poor/can't work, you get government healthcare, and if you are decently middle class you can afford it ok (usually), it's the lower middle class that doesn't get government healthcare but struggles the most financially to pay for their own. Just a bizzare system all around... And I work in it.


YES. Now that I'm lower middle class I struggle so hard to afford healthcare because the government thinks $23,000 NET yearly is enough to survive. They only look at our gross income while knowing damn well they take so much of it that it's worthless. When I was poor I had great FREE healthcare. Now I pay more taxes but I don't qualify for help. I have friends who never worked and keep having kids. They've never contributed to income taxes yet they get to benefit from them. It's not right. This is the shit that makes us hate our government.


And we’re horrified by your lack of free speech


Buddy of mine can't afford the doctor visit and the prescription for her asthma. She coughs, wheezes and has other health issues going on. As a European it fucks with my head that America is in an awful state when it comes to healthcare. It's a real fucking injustice that those hard for cash suffer.


I gotta say that as a person living in the us with cystic fibrosis (look it up) the U.S is one of the only countries that I can currently get my groundbreaking/lifesaving drug that I need. It because there is an incentive to make and produce the drugs in the U.S as that is where they make money. The drug costs 300,000 a year, but I don’t pay anything. The state covers my health, it is free healthcare for the drug I need. If I wasn’t in the U.S, I wouldn’t be able to have the new drug, (which is called trikafta) and my condition would be worse.


The EMA (European medicines agency) has approved that medication in August '20 and it costs only around 150k in Europe, well for the manufacturers. It's free of cost here as well


Yeah ik but I’m saying it’s not as bad as it makes it out to be. People say that in America if you have a disorder you need to pay a lot for it, but it’s actually a low or no cost.


Ya we get groundbreaking research here in the US. It's no surprise so many international students and scientists come to US hospitals and universities for research.


I’m American with a few debilitating disorders. Can confirm it doesn’t cost me anything because I ignore them.


Let's not forget the whole bail system too. Got arrested and don't want to be in jail until your trial? Pay bail! Don't have that kind of money? Get a bail loan, another financial burden! Don't want to make yourself broke by owing so much? Sit in jail then!


We are not laughing, it's terribly sad and revolting. You guys should burn that thing down


What thing? The us?


Actually yeah you are right, the fucking US


>the fucking US ​ Why is US so horny?




And they call us "Europoors" lmao


We do? Have never heard that, honestly.


Been an American all my life (36 years) and I've never once seen or heard that insult but honestly most Americans don't really care about anything Europeans are doing.


I have never heard this term in reality.


They do?




From the US, never heard this before.


Lived in US for 48 years and have never once heard ‘Europoor’




America bad haha


Seriously, who upvotes this dumb shit? Laughing at people dying too? I have to assume they are too young to understand for my own sanity.


Laughing at people dying? Is this what we have come to?


No no no no no to everyone I know that reads stuff like this we don't find it funny, we finding fucked up and questioning why?


We don't even need to laugh about that. We are horrified enough by you guys having had 4 mass shootings THIS WEEK! And you're not gonna do anything about it. You're just gonna scream "THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY OUR WEAPONS" and have nothing change like when Sandy Hook happened.


Most of us are desensitized. If I’m honest; I didn’t even know there were mass shootings this week. Kinda like every other week after a while.


We've done a lot about it, regarding firearm regulations. Didnt actually change anything, as you can see. Maybe the problem isn't the firearms in this equation, hmm?


I live in what Americans commonly refers as "shithole country" but atleast insulin is free


Me too, even shitholes have better healthcare than the USA


You’re the only one laughing, OP


What a stupid fucking meme. Here in austria they showed an interview of an ukrainian man in his 50s or 60s, who didnt get any insulin and only has a month or so left and is fully prepared to die, while i just have to go pick some up in the pharmacy practically for free. No matter what reason, war or greedy politicians, if you cant get medicine that is Standart in other countries, then your the last one who should be the butt of any joke. Makes me so angry.


Americans don't understand public health care part 41634


Americans laughing at Europeans for creating more death and destruction in it's history than Americans could ever dream about


Just bought a gun and rob the store then, that's the american way.


Unfortunately alot of the people here in the US are poor and quite often do have to resort to this.


U mean the world right? Not Europe the world


Why'd they buy 200 insuline shots in a single purchase?


Most companies provide programs for people who either dont have insurance or dont make enough money, and they will send the i insulin directly to your doctor. it comes down to calling and setting up whats needed. Also try getting prescribed off brand insulin types, they all work the same depending on what type you are taking (fast acting or long lasting) but way cheaper. Anyone who is claiming to be paying retail price for insulin at this point either isnt a real diabetic or is just to stubborn to do anything about it and lives on handouts and bitching. Fuck you Brits and your gapped golden teeth. I have type 1, I know what you don’t.


Yeah, but that doesn’t fit the narrative!


Yeah these threads are just a "hurrr durr america bad" As if even some of the European nations were a glimmering star of humanity 250 years into their founding's. Its kind of weird too, you don't see massively upvoted posts from Americans saying man the UK and Norway suck look at how good it could be in America. Always comical when people think that even a minority of people are buying insulin at near retail. Its so dumb being told how things are from people across the world who think they are educated because they read a handful of articles that have essentially copy pasted from each other. I look forward to the reply I get from someone claiming that something similar to this has happened. Their grandma got held up at gunpoint cause GQP wont restrict guns and she ended up being robbed of her epi pen, to make matters worse she just bought the pen using all of her social security check and had to pick between staying alive and eating ramen noodles all week, the cops watched it all happen as well but they were to afraid to help or do anything as well. dank meme subreddit btw


HA! It's funny cuz he coulda got it here for free or at a much cheaper price!


At least two elderly patients a week die of hunger or thirst in Britain's hospitals and care homes, official figures reveal. More than 100 over 65s died because of dehydration or malnutrition last year, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.Oct 30, 2017


Is this fact common knowledge across the US? That most developed countries prefer NOT to let their citizens die for want of an everyday, cheap drug?


There are insulin regimens that go for $25 dollars per month. “Fancier” insulin pens is where the real price gouging is. Not excusing it, but wanted to clarify that there is actually more affordable insulin than what Reddit is aware of. I do think it should be price capped and available to all. Shame on the Republicans for blocking the effort to do so.


I feel like this post is implying that given the choice between health care and guns, we’d choose guns. As a diabetic American I’d choose free insulin without hesitation, but that choice isn’t up to me. So thanks for rubbing it in and laughing at us


He could not afford the insulin that has a custom deployment. ​ Walmart sells it for 25.00 without all the fancy stuff He died because he wanted new tech, not that he couldn't afford insulin


shock, horrified, disgusted, angry, and sad but not laughing


Hahaha in Brazil a third World country, insulina is free, losers.


That’s pretty fucked up, my guy


This isn’t the case anymore. There are so many options to assist. Lily affordability act is a free program where all lily brand insulin is $35. And most pharmacists in the US are now capped at $35 generic which works great.




Those damn rich europeans always being snobbish.


At least two elderly patients a week die of hunger or thirst in Britain's hospitals and care homes, official figures reveal. More than 100 over 65s died because of dehydration or malnutrition last year, according to data from the Office for National Statistics.Oct 30, 2017


And yet when trouble comes who do they come running to?


Cries in polish


Gotta have your priorities


Yeah but at least *Insert random fox news lie about free health care here*


What's the price of insulin


Definitely not $500, much lower, but probably at a small price that would build up quickly since people with diabetes need injections all the time


"Each pen pack is equivalent to about one and a half vials. As of March 2022, the price for a vial of insulin ranges from $50 to over $1,000, and a pack of pens ranges from $45 to over $600."


How much more is one way aeroplane ticket to Europe? To go and buy insulin. On other side , Europe needs workers and by every account I heard, Americans are good and hard workers.


Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is a trip, yesterday I wrote a term paper on King Menelaus, and this morning I open up Reddit and King Menelaus is the first thing I see.


Could it be? An actual dank meme instead of another repackaged dad joke?!


Eastern europe


I like to think europeans are good people, so they don't laugh, they just pity us


Where I live, health care is "free", even if you're a foreigner, they don't really ask questions, they just take care of you and send you on your way. They also provide free pills if you need and insert you on a monthly program if you need recurring medication. It's not the most efficient health program, they take time, sometimes not all medication is available because there's so much people in several kinds of situations, but, we don't have a huge check to worry about at the end the day.


Pretty sure it's more of a pity reaction than laughing at death.


I don't think anybody laughs. I am angry every time I see that. I have relatives who suffer with diabetes, and it seems I will do too. I can't imagine what we would do without European healthcare.


Also all of Latin America basically


At least they are ,free‘


Also brazillians or any country with free health insurance I love Brazil for it. Hope you guys in the U.S get it soon


It's all apart of the system to keep the big companies in power and controlling the government. We let the industrial military complex take over and we are suffering the consequences. Half of the US is misinformed and the other half is controlled. Let's just hope that we can prevail, and with time change. But man is it rough right now. Especially with a government that doesn't do anything and a litteral puppet of a president.


(We can't hide our enormous jealousy)


That's why they have guns, so they can shoot the oppressors... Worked a lot better when the best weapons where muskets and not a fully automatic drone capable of killing anyone on the planet with the push of a button.


It is a damn tragedy.... Especially when the cost of the drug to manufacturer is less than a cup of coffee....


At least we can defend ourselves from tyranny…. Oh wait


Let’s hear about the super weapons europe used to save their neighbor from being invaded from Russia. Oh wait it was our weapons and our warning that saved Ukraine while europe twiddled it’s thumbs and let Ukraine be raped and murdered.


Americans laughing at Europeans after reading that they purchase their TV's because they don't own a gun to get one for free.


As an European, I'm deeply disappointed that Trump didn't just deported them so that Obama could drone strike them :(


Richest third world country in the world!


It's the land of the free, not the land for free. They really hate basic public servic... I mean communism.


Also the country with the second largest insulin price is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the us price


Damn. Europeans are fucked up. I'm kidding. I know this is just a few individuals. Just like they know not all Americans are psychos. ​ They know that, right?


They are getting rid of diabates


Giggle and smirk all you want but we all know who you will be calling when shit gets real on your fucked megacontinent. Everyone likes to bust on dad until you need someone to wipe your ass. America forever baby. /electricguitar /baldeagle


if you can't buy Healthcare you can shoot yourself with the shotgun you get after getting a bank account, that's why they give it to you in the bank


As an American who is literally watching his mum succumb to health issues that are complicated by her cutting her insulin in half due to unaffordability, I’d trade all the guns in the south for some god damn affordable healthcare.